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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

02/20/2015 11:00 AM (UTC)
Loving these fatalities! Sonya's "beat down would be awesome to see! Tremor's wall close sounds cringe inducing! I feel like a lot of these would be hard to watch if executed properly ha!

And nobody had been dismembered yet. Good stuff.

Stage Fatality:

I difinitely want to see the ORIGINAL bell tower fatality where the victim falls through six floors onto a bed of spikes return.

Also they need to do one where the victim falls over 100ft from a building or something to thier death. The end results in MKX should be disgusting. Especially compared to the Sky Temple death trap in MKD. That one was too cartoonish.
02/20/2015 11:08 AM (UTC)
I think a remake of MK2 Scorpion's throat slice. No dismemberment, just a quick slash and the blood is the star of the show. Leave the whole chopping into two part. Just a clean, quick cut to the neck. It would be simple, but if done cinematically right it would be fun, and very appropriate.

Anything where the victim burns without exploding like they drank of tank of gas 10 seconds before. A good burn effect could be really cool

Acid fatalities without the unnecessary dismemberment. In MKDA and forth Reptile's acid fatalities always involved decapitation or something afterwards. Unnecessary. MK4 Reptiles acid shower (without the random flying?) was pretty cool. No need to eat or split the skull after. (Why wouldn't he just eat the skull from the get go!? anyways...)

Pit 2 - The fall and the camera did all the work. The blood effect was just the cherry on top. I think the best proof that you don't need body pieces flying around, just cool cinematic effects. This is probably my all time favorite because it really gave u a sense of vertigo as the fall was happening and how far it was... the victim didn't have to burst into pieces for you to feel it was lethal.

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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

02/20/2015 11:48 AM (UTC)
Shang tsungs soul steal

no need for dismemberment here. i loved the mk2 version where the soul was ripped from the body causing the life and souless body to quickly decay and decompose..
i would love to see shang in MKX and with a soul steal fatality.
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02/20/2015 01:05 PM (UTC)
With his wrists, Jax penetrates through his opponent's chest puncturing their lungs. While the victim gasps for air, Jax does a cross arm motion, snapping & pulling out his opponent's arm bones through the holes he just made. Jax then positions the arm bones in an overhanded motion, proceeding to shove the arm bones wrist first into the victim's eye sockets, knocking the eyes out through the rear. The victim falls over, landing on his/her side.

I call it, Hand-eye coordination.

02/20/2015 02:48 PM (UTC)
Provably out but Kabal could catch his foe with a hooksword and dash for a while with the opponent being dragged on the ground screaming. As Kabal stops, he lifts his horribly disfigured opponent and then slams them back to the ground to be certain they're dead.
02/20/2015 06:03 PM (UTC)
Every MK vs DC fatality
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

02/20/2015 07:51 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Every MK vs DC fatality

Fair enough.
02/20/2015 08:53 PM (UTC)

Sektor puts his flamethrower in the victim's mouth and activates it. Then fire comes out from the victim's ears and eyes. The eyes explode in the process.
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I will rock you.

02/21/2015 12:20 AM (UTC)
Sub Zero : Ice Shurikens - He throws ice shurikens all over the body.
02/21/2015 02:57 AM (UTC)
Kenshi/Takeda: He will send his sword flying through the opponent's throat causing an ugly gagging sound and then CRACK! their broken spine is pulled out and the sword goes back in to "replace" it, as the opponent falls on their back, with the katana's blade coming out of their stomach.
02/21/2015 06:47 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero: Sprays ice under the enemy, then yanks his hand up as if conjuring something, and the person is violently impaled on a small bed of ice spikes, some higher than others, thus showing the mangled corpse.
02/21/2015 06:59 AM (UTC)
Mileena has sex with her opponent. Opponent then goes to doctor and finds out they got a some crazy Outworld std. 18 months later the opponent dies with noticeably severe weight loss.

02/21/2015 09:17 AM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:

For people who play MK it should be ok, but just in case, I'll warn you, it's quite strong:

minute 1:11


I've always wanted a fatality like that.

I've also always wanted to see someone choking someone else to death with the hands. To show the despair, there doesn't have to be blood to have a fatality that's cruel and troubling.

I also think it would be cool for sub-zero to slowly grow ice from his finger and penetrate trough the opponent's eye until it comes out on the back of the head. But I think there should be something more to it, while I like that it kinda seems like little.

To be honest... I don't wanna see a fatality like this in the game. Pls no. Way to brutal. Because it's a slow and realistic death and not "splatter-over-the-top"-fatality.

Oh ehm... we already have at least two fatalities without dismembering in the game.. Kano's one :) And Ermac's second i think (the one with the intestines through the mouth). Oh and Kotal's Heart rip... funny the more I think about it the more I find :D
02/21/2015 09:26 AM (UTC)
Kyzon Wrote:
D'Vorah: She stabs you with one of her stinger things in the heart, and proceeds to suck it out through your chest, then she spits the blood in your face and you fall over.

This is a fatality I really appreciate. It's creativ and I love it.
02/21/2015 10:21 AM (UTC)
Mileena: she takes out her sais, stabs the victim in his belly, cuts open his guts and starts eating the whole bunch while the victim is still alive a bit
02/21/2015 02:32 PM (UTC)
Baraka's MK ll fatality where he simple puts the victim on his swords as they slowly descends onto them.

Baraka MK signature move where he kneels down and just goes nuts with his swords. This could be his fatality where the opponent's body simply shreds in different places but nothing falls off. So he ends up with deep gashes and cuts all over his body, blood pouring out and some tearing starting to take place.

Ermac fatality like the one they've shown us only he keeps twisting the opponent, breaking bones and then just release him from the spirits and he falls onto the ground. While in the air and or on the ground, you see bones sticking out but no guts or limbs falling off. Simple but very nasty.

Kabal uses his two hookswords, places them in the chest area and he starts to bash the body onto the ground, first low then a bit higher and for the final one he jumps up with the victim and them smashes them face down. The result should be a broken disfigured face, broken bones and with the final blow, the neck snaps and brings the neckbone / spinal cord partly out of the body (maybe impale the back of the head if that's possible haha)

Raiden calls on the thunder, clouds form and he sends down 2-3 lightning bolts that go right through different parts of the body. This leaves some holes, which Raiden in the end connects together with his own shot of electricity and leaves several parts of the body burnt.

Sub-Zero sends a breeze of air that goes in through the victims ears, mouth and nostrils. You see the victim freeze up, as the air starts to form ice after Sub-Zero does some kind of move to off-set this freezing which leads to the victim choking, gasping for air while bleading out of the ears and nose.

I will come up with more later maybe, but NRS is probably going to milk this technology in which they can show organs. Also history has shown while they can be creative, they are mostly about the more blood, the more torn off limbs, the better. I thought MK9 in particular had some of the redundant, non-creative, overly bloody, limb tearing of the whole franchise.

Sometimes simplicity is the best way to go. For example that Raiden fatality with the eye's popping out would've been just fine if it was him using his electricity to cause burn marks and force out the eyes and or other organ parts. The head popping off and him blasting it killed that fatality for me.

About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

02/23/2015 05:52 PM (UTC)
Cassie Cage: summons a helicopter full of soldiers that proceed to air the opponent out leaving them a leaky bloody mess. OR..A jet that drops a barrage of missiles on the opponent. Body parts everywhere.

Which makes me think...

Faction Kills: what if that faction kill where that helicopter burns Kano's face off was a Special Forces faction kill? How would let's say Lin Kuei faction kills be? Would you be ambushed by a bunch of ninjas or something? Just a thought.
02/23/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero. knocks opponent to their knees and slams his hands on both sides of their head slow freezes their head while they scream and writhe in pain and try to pry his hands from their head.

Scorpion: Toasty. Though the idea I have the pay off and brutality of this fatality would actually be more on Scorpion then the opponent. Scorpion would take his mask off and rip and tear away his flesh with his fingers instead of taking his face off as if it was a mask. His skull would then be enveloped in flame and he would go on to burn the victim as if he were a flame thrower. As they screamed in pain, he would give them a hard "this is sparta kick" and they would fly into burning disintegrating smoldering pieces.

Reptile: An acid puke down the throat fatality that ends how it should, with the opponents stomach burning open and guts spilling out.

Raiden: Lighting bolt impalement. Raises one hand up to the sky and channels a constant stream of lighting through himself and then goes onto lunge his other hand out which leads to the to the lighting going through him to his finger tips and then said constant stream of lighting instantaneously goes through the opponent and leaves a nice smoldering hole in their chest for them to clutch while they slowly falls to their knees and die.

Mileena: thumbs opponents eyes out leaving them screaming in pain which irritates her so she bights their throat out and watches in amusement as they clutch their ripped throat and choke on their own blood.

Sektor: stands behind opponent slams hands into their chest and digs his fingers into their flesh, holds them up and rips their chest open.

Sindel: Banshee shreek fatality. You know scream and the skin rips away.

And that's all I got time for.

EDIT: Okay one more

Drahmin: Grabs and then rips off a piece of his flesh and shoves it into the opponents mouth. The opponent stumbles back coughing, and clutching their stomach and wincing in pain and we then see maggots start to eat away and wriggle out of their stomach.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

02/23/2015 06:25 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Sub-Zero. knocks opponent to their knees and slams his hands on both sides of their head slow freezes their head while they scream and writhe in pain and try to pry his hands from their head.

Scorpion: Toasty. Though the idea I have the pay off and brutality of this fatality would actually be more on Scorpion then the opponent. Scorpion would take his mask off and rip and tear away his flesh with his fingers instead of taking his face off as if it was a mask. His skull would then be enveloped in flame and he would go on to burn the victim as if he were a flame thrower. As they screamed in pain, he would give them a hard "this is sparta kick" and they would fly into burning disintegrating smoldering pieces.

Reptile: An acid puke down the throat fatality that ends how it should, with the opponents stomach burning open and guts spilling out.

Raiden: Lighting bolt impalement. Raises one hand up to the sky and channels a constant stream of lighting through himself and then goes onto lunge his other hand out and constant stream of lighting through the opponent and leaves a nice smoldering hole in their chest for them to clutch while they slowly falls to their knees and die.

Mileena: thumbs opponents eyes out leaving them screaming in pain which irritates her so she bights their throat out and watches in amusement as they clutch their ripped throat and choke on their own blood.

Sektor: stands behind opponent slams hands into their chest and digs his fingers into their flesh, holds them up and rips their chest open.

Sindel: Banshee shreek fatality. You know scream and the skin rips away.

And that's all I got time for.

Great Fatalities

Love the toasty one. The simplest changes can make something old very new and fresh all over again. Well done.
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