Fatalities without dismemberment challenge thread
posted02/23/2015 06:25 PM (UTC)by
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

Member Since
03/23/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
Ok so there's a lot of talk about how MKX fatalities for the most part envolve dismemberment and because there's only so many ways to dismember a body, the fatalities are becoming repetitive.

Well let's see just how hard it is to come up with Fatalities WITHOUT dismembering the body. Yes. I'm challenging everybody (including myself) to be creative and see what we can come up with.

They CAN
-be older fatalities from past games reimagined to fit MKX
-involve the use of magic/powers and charcter specific weapons (e.g. If the fighter wields a sword they may use it to stab the opponent but NO slicing and dicing)
-be as over the top as you'd like it as long as it fits the character
-involve the breaking of bones and bones poking through the skin.
-be for ANY MK character old or new, confirmed or deconfirmed.

- involve dismembering the body in any way. No ripping heads off, torsos, arms, legs etc and again NO SLICING AND DICING.
-be ideas similar to fatalities already shown for MKX.
-be illogical. Has to make sense to character etc. ect. ect.

I'll go first.

Liu Kang:

If he's in, I'd love to actually see his MK1 fatality return. Only the uppercut following the cartwheel would send his opponent RIDICULOUSLY high so that when they landed, they died. The camera would zoom in on the battered body.

Or maybe they'd land on their head causing their brains to splatter or their neck to snap and then you can see the bone poking out from their neck.

Have fun.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/14/2015 05:57 AM (UTC)
Sadly most of the ideas I could come up with that don't involve dismemberment or powers would just qualify as X-Ray attacks nowadays. That is a huge drawback of those moves. I wish I could contribute to this thread better but I'm stumped at the moment.
02/14/2015 06:01 AM (UTC)
Liu kang's mksm fatality where it snap every limb and finally the neck snap
02/14/2015 06:31 AM (UTC)
heres one, I think it would look painful as, if done right, slow impalement into the section behind the clavicle

Arthur Zonatto
02/14/2015 07:08 AM (UTC)
Well, I'm pretty sure Lord Shinnok will be in the game, and playable, so, I can Imagine one of his fatalities being a remake of his Head Pop Fatality from MK4, but instead of actually popping the victim's head, have the broken bones' sound really last a good while, and then the victim's head would be swolen from the compressed blood. In MKX, it'd probably explode then, but since I'm following the rules, I'd have the blood spewing and dripping from their eyes, mouth, nose and ears.

...That was kinda sick, sorry?
02/14/2015 07:31 AM (UTC)
I have one for Kano:

He walks behind the opponent and grabs their forehead from behind and say "lets get a smile on that face" then with his other hand he gives the "ear to ear" with one of his knives (original MK movie style) only not on the neck but originating from the victims mouth. We see the victims face disfigured and they start screaming, jaw hanging, as there is nothing to hold it any more. Kano then grunts "oh, shut up" and snaps their neck.

Aftermath: we see the victim lying on the floor on their belly with their cut up face looking at the camera (body still twitching) in the background Kano cleans his knife.

A lot less gory than the ones currently in but I think its quite unsettling. Less is more?
02/14/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
What about skinning? I'm assuming no holes in the body or organs being removed either.

I have one for Sub-Zero.

1: Sticks a Kori Blade in his foe, slowly freezing them on the inside.
2: Opponent starts screaming then gets slowly frosty looking and stops screaming as if they're becoming a White Walker.
3: Icicles pop out of their mouth and ears and the opponent drops dead.
02/14/2015 04:10 PM (UTC)
So as long as there is no cutting or ripping its ok?

Kotal Kahn - He does some sort of chant while the opponent is dazed and summons a huge ray from the sun that comes down and incinerates the opponent, leaving a smoldering skeleton and some ashes. I know he already has a similar special (or grab?) but this would be different, it would be a much larger and more magnificent ray of light. Its like a modern take on Nightwolf's Energy Channel fatality from MK3.
About Me

02/14/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero forms a large wall. He then shoves his hands inside of it. Suddenly, a barrage of Icicles from the wall head toward the victim's direction, impaling every part of the victim's body from the ground up until the last shard goes right through their nose, killing them instantly. They fall backwards, yet the icicles do not shatter upon impact & in fact, their corpse is suspended by the icicles touching the ground.
02/14/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
Ermac - This one is really simple, he lifts them up with his TK, and he rips/pulls the blood, organs, intestines and bones out from the inside, pretty much the opponent would blow up like if somebody put a grenade in their stomach.

Mileena - Jumps into the air with he sais out, and as she lands on the dazed opponent she stabs them with her sais, now laying on the ground and being straddled my Mileena, she removes her mask and leans in and shreds the opponent's neck, tearing out their throat.

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02/14/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)
D'Vorah pulls out a stinger, that is completely laced with corrosive & toxic venom, jabs the opponent with it. They reel back. At that very moment, their skin starts having disgusting visible ulcers & slowly turn black. The victim starts throwing up, while feeling a very painful burning sensation. Finally, they explode into bits & pieces.

I'm basically re-imagining Sheeva's Scorpion sting animality.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
(Not Scorpion's for all you purists out there who bitch about Scorpion becoming a penguin for his animality)
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/14/2015 05:12 PM (UTC)
UMK3 Sub-Zero (Bi Han) Ice Spike Fatality.

Sonya's or Kitana's Kiss of Death.

Reptile's UMK3/MK4 Full Body Acid Soak Fatality....AND Face Chew!

I can't find my idea I posted in an old thread for a Fujin fatality, so I'll do my best to recall -

Fujin summons a huge tornado, sucking the opponent into the vortex. Fujin then takes out his crossbow and fires multiple bolts into the tornado. The bolts make their way towards the opponent as they are slowly riddled with them.

Ending like this, but with more arrows -

Noob - Noob summons a shadow portal on the ground MK9 style, then moves it upward. As it rises along the opponents body, it tears the skin. Leaving the opponent skinless once it reaches the top.
02/14/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi uses his ability to hold his sword behind his enemy and force it through their spine. He kicks them over on their back and he does his sky teleport and bashes in his enemie's skull
02/14/2015 05:18 PM (UTC)
Gave me an idea lol

Fujin - He raises his hand, causing an extremely powerful stream of wind to go towards the opponent which cut and slice the opponent all over, they eventually fall and try to crawl forward and get up and as they lift their head to try and get up again he sends another sharp gust which slashes the throat, they grab their neck with their hand to try and stop the bleeding, but they just fall to the ground as blood pours out while making some awesome gurgle sounds.
02/14/2015 05:36 PM (UTC)
Bo' Rai Cho opens his jug and starts forcing it inside the opponent's mouth until he can't swallow it and can't breathe, then throws a lighted match inside him making the alcohon burn him from the inside. Agony screams, carbonized corpse, Bo' Rai Cho looking at the scene while drinking a bit himself, you get the idea.
02/14/2015 05:45 PM (UTC)

For people who play MK it should be ok, but just in case, I'll warn you, it's quite strong:

minute 1:11


I've always wanted a fatality like that.

I've also always wanted to see someone choking someone else to death with the hands. To show the despair, there doesn't have to be blood to have a fatality that's cruel and troubling.

I also think it would be cool for sub-zero to slowly grow ice from his finger and penetrate trough the opponent's eye until it comes out on the back of the head. But I think there should be something more to it, while I like that it kinda seems like little.

02/14/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)

Throws a shriuken and it lodges itself into the opponents forehead tilting it back. Reiko walks in and grabs their throat and snaps the trachea. Simple and to the point.

Alt: He does the same, but instead of snapping the trachea, he tears it out...throws it to the ground and crushes it with his foot.
02/14/2015 08:21 PM (UTC)
Spiked: Tremor summons sand from the floor and starts covering the enemies feet preventing the opponent from escaping. Tremor then thrusts his arms forward then very suddenly several thin stalagmites quickly surface from the ground penetrating through the enemies body from all sides head to toe killing him instantly. As the stalagmites slowly retract back into the ground the body is covered with holes with blood squirting out of them then the body collapses. FATALITY
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

02/20/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
Wow. All of these are really good and some are just downright sick and disturbing lol. Appreciated that Tremor was mentioned too.

Sub-Zero- takes both hands and thrusts them into the torso grabbing onto the ribs, then proceeds to freeze the opponents entire insides. Finally he takes a step back and with a strong kick sends them across the room shattering every part of their now icy bones and organs.

This IS pretty difficult. Now I see why they have to actually act these out. Pretty challenging to describe on paper. Which probably explains why I just had to find this thread on the bottom of the second page lol

Anyway, I'll continue to post more as I dream them up. Nice job so far guys.

Note: seems like its pretty easy to come up with Sub-Zero fatalities as there are a lot of them including mine. His UMK3 spike fatality was awesome btw! Would love to see it again!

Also why not throw in some stage fatality ideas while we're at it. That could be fun, right?

Oh one more thing, holes in the body, organs being removed and skinning are all allowed.

Raiden grabs the opponent and flies in the middle of a storm cloud in the sky and summons electricity around him and the opponent...

Finally returning to the ground with a burnt crisp corpse in his hands
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

02/20/2015 03:51 AM (UTC)
^ooooooo nice one! I like that a lot
About Me

02/20/2015 05:55 AM (UTC)
Hey, I thought up a couple for Sonya in another thread!

1. Beatdown: Sonya grabs the back of her victim's throat with her left hand, and delivers a disgustingly brutal punch to the face (they'd add a really gruesome sound effect and camera angle/zoom on impact). Her victim falls, bleeding from the nose and mouth, and the camera zooms into their face; she proceeds to kneel over them and deliver another punch, then another, then another... Sonya essentially doesn't stop, adding to the damage of the face, which you can plainly see up-close. Eventually the victim's face would be morbidly fucked up (bones sticking out, eye popping out of its socket, caved-in), right in YOUR face, so you can behold all the glory.

2. Kiss of Death: Sonya lightly touches her hands to the sides of her victim's face, and leans in for a kiss. Just before her lips touch theirs, she exhales a cloud of the Chi mist into their mouth.

The victim falls on their back, and starts having a seizure, contorting, groaning, and finally screaming out in pain. Pinkish/purplish veins throb out from within flesh; Blood starts rushing out of their eyes, nose, and mouth, a mixture of blackened red and deep pink. Gashes open up all over their skin, releasing the pink poison and blood in a gaseous mixture. The screaming eventually stops and they expire, their face frozen in horror, their body unnervingly contorted on the floor.
02/20/2015 06:42 AM (UTC)
Tremor: He summons 2 tall rocks on both sides of the opponent, he then begins to make them move slowly towards each other with the victim still between them. The victim holds his hands out 1 on each rock, trying desperately to push them back but as the rocks get closer his/her bones begin to break and even stab through the skin until the rocks completely crush them leaving nothing but a pile of blood and guts.
About Me

Skype: Kyzonxin 3DS: 3866-8042-6393 ha ha ha haaaaaa jack my swaggggggggggg

02/20/2015 09:01 AM (UTC)
D'Vorah: She stabs you with one of her stinger things in the heart, and proceeds to suck it out through your chest, then she spits the blood in your face and you fall over.
02/20/2015 10:21 AM (UTC)
Reptile: A little bit of his MK9 fatality. He grabs the opponent by the neck, holds them up off the ground, slashes open the stomach and sticks his hand inside of them, then releases acid inside the victims body which melts through the stomach, causing the internal organs to melt through the center of the body. Reptile then holds the dead body towards the screen, victoriously.

Ermac: He uses telekinesis to rip the entire skeleton out of the person's body, which then falls into a limp mass of skin. He then smashes the skeleton on the ground.

Tremor: Calls up two boulders from the ground, squishes the opponent between them, then slowly pulls the boulders apart as we witness the mushy remains of the kombatant inside.

Mileena: She growls and jumps at the opponent, stabbing the opponent's eyes with her pointer and middle fingers, and then yanks them out, tosses them on the ground, and steps on them.
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