fatalities in future games
posted07/18/2006 04:22 AM (UTC)by
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07/02/2006 12:14 AM (UTC)
i would like for there to be 4 finishing moves in the future games.

Fatality 1- This fatality is used wiht the fighters special abilities.

Fatality 2 - The character uses his kombat skills to kill his oponnent, more like a brutality except with some of their abilities.

Hara Kiri - A charcter uses a fatality on themselves using their special abilties and/or fighting skills.

Weapon Fatality - Character uses his weapon to kill his opponent. Special abilities may be added.

here are the specifics

Liu Kang-
F1- Dragon, bites half of body off opponent, dies
F2- Arms glow fire, attacks opponent untill eventually they explode, dies
HK- Puts both hands on his heads and shoots fire, head goes on fire, dies.
WF- Takes out sword, chops of opponents arm, then other arm than stabs opponent, they fall to floor, he jumps on sword to injects it deeper, than jumps off and opponent is dead

Johnny Cage -
F1 - Shadow Kicks opponents chest, foot goes through chest, takes foot out, you see a hole and then opponent eventualy dies
F2 - Upper cuts head, kicks chest off, andyou see thre seperate parts of opponent, obviosly dead
HK - He puches his own head off, dies
WF - Takes ouy nunchuck, spins it around, it he spins it faster and faster that it looks like a fan, and slices of opponents arms, than beats him to death

F1 - Takes out big ass gun, guess the rest
F2 - Takes out regular pistol, soots opponent in face, opponet goes, ahhh, while covering his face, and then stryker, grabs hold of opponents legs, spins them around and throughs him into a wal or nearby solid object and opponent explodes
HK- Pistol, shoots self in head, that was easy
WF- He takes out his nightstick and and injects it into opponents head, than takes it out and head comes off with night stick, dies

any other suggestions?
07/05/2006 08:59 PM (UTC)
those are some cool ideas but id rather stick with the create your own fatality
07/05/2006 11:09 PM (UTC)
im talking abnout for the main characters, the create your own fatality should only be for created characters
07/07/2006 03:21 PM (UTC)
F1 - Classic "Toasty" fatlaity, but while opponent is burning on fire, he kicks the opponent and his kick breaks all the body parts into pieces, dies
F2- Spears his opponent, while opponent is on spear he uses it like a whip to bang them on all the solid objects untill the explode
HK - Takes out spear, throws it in the air over his head, pulls it down manually so it lands in his head than dies
WF- Takes out sword, slices up, spllits apponent in half and than round hous kicks one half to one side, and uses his other foot to kick the other half to the other side

Sub Zero -
F1- He keeps absorbing ice energy and makes a giant ice spear that injects into the opponent
F2 - freezes his opponent and than keeps attacking, and for every hit a body part falls off untill eventually
HK - Ices himself all the way, falls down and he brakes into pieces
WF- Stabs opponent in chest with kori blade, and whole body turns to ice, takes out blade, than moves far way and throws blade at body and it breaks into pieces
07/08/2006 10:19 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung
F1- Soul Steal , its classic
F2 - Morphs into various mortal kombat characters and does one attack from each and thenfinally finishes off opponent by morphing into them himself and doin a a roundhouse kick
HK - Sticks his hand in his mouth and removes his own skull, falls down dies
WF - Takes out sword and sword glows green with souls, slices oponent head of, arm off, other arm, chest, leg until eventually nothin left

07/09/2006 03:45 AM (UTC)
those are good i got a few


F1 spear asult pulls enemy to him punches him in air and cominces a volly of spear pummulings then pulls enemy to him again and sticks his hand over their face and shoots spear through enemys head.

F2 hell fire scorpio grabs enemy and jumps into the air and flips heading back down head first holding enemy in front and going though like a hell portal or something and he leaves him their and we watch the enemys flesh roast. (still ahh i dont know about that one)

F3 flaming spear scorpion pulls mask off and shoots spear and spits fire on it while its going and the flaming spear goes though enemys torso and then though both legs rasing enemy above ground and then scorpio shoots fire onto enemy again.


F1 popsicle sub-zero creats large spear like hunk of ice and throws it into the air and it lands going though the enemys head and he picks up enemy with butt end of the ice spear and starts waving him like a flag laughing.(one of my favs)
07/10/2006 05:35 AM (UTC)

F1: It starts with him freezing his opponent's legs to the ground. Then he grabs them by the throat, and then rips their upper body from their legs. Then, while he's holding their torso by their neck in the air he forms a giant ice spike behind him with his free hand. Then he turns around and slams them on it.

F2: He starts by snapping his opponents legs by kicking their knees. While they're lying on the ground, he forms a giant ball of ice above them, and slams it on top of them, with a giant explosion of ice and body parts.


F1: It's a remake of his MK3 Helicopter Fatality. He begins by pulling on his dredlocks, like you would to start a lawnmower. It takes 3 attempts, and then his hair starts spinning at an incredible speed. He puts one hand over his chest like in MK3, and then disappears off the screen. The opponent looks around, very terrified. And just when they think they're safe, they begin to run away. Then you hear a large motor sound, and then Cyrax comes down on them, with blood and guts going everywhere.

F2: He shoots out his green net, which squeezes the opponent so hard that all of their bones break. The net opens, and the crippled body lies on the ground, but they're still alive. Then he picks up their body, and shoves it inside his chest. You hear a few beeping sounds, and then you hear a muffled bang, and some smoke comes out of the sides of his chest doors. Then he shoots out the roasted bloody stumps like in his MKDA Fatality.


F1: He puts out both his arms and grabs onto his opponents torso, and yells "Gotcha!". Then he holds them above his head and rips them perfectly in half, and throws the two parts on the ground, and says "Aww yeah..."

F2: He punches right through his opponents stomach, leaving a giant hole. Then he uppercuts their head off and kicks them off the screen. "That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!"
About Me

07/10/2006 11:08 PM (UTC)
All of those are good but what I had in mind was tag team fatalities
07/11/2006 12:15 AM (UTC)
i got more

F1 - picks up opponent and bites off head in one bite and drops whats left
07/11/2006 08:55 AM (UTC)
insazu Wrote:
Shang Tsung
F1- Soul Steal , its classic
F2 - Morphs into various mortal kombat characters and does one attack from each and thenfinally finishes off opponent by morphing into them himself and doin a a roundhouse kick
HK - Sticks his hand in his mouth and removes his own skull, falls down dies
WF - Takes out sword and sword glows green with souls, slices oponent head of, arm off, other arm, chest, leg until eventually nothin left

Try not to triple post, just edit your earlier one, dude. Anyway, I think the team's gonna stick with the CAF. Imagine the work that'd have to go with creating 4 different overly-complicated (like the ones you and others have suggested) finishers for 50+ characters.
07/12/2006 01:17 AM (UTC)
ok heres something that i just thought of after i watched robot chicken.


F1 ok scorpio shoots one spear out of his and and it wraps around the enemy and then he shoots another spear and it goes the oppisite way and scorpio twists up the enemy and then he looks at the camera and says "What a twist"

lol if u watch robot chicken u know what im talkin aboutfurious
07/18/2006 04:22 AM (UTC)
well i dont think it would be that hard i mean if they take thier time to make something like armaggedon they can add a few BETTER fatalitys than the ones they got i mean i just read a few that i would like to see instead of scorpio gettin down on his knees and breaking his own kneck i would rather see him pull out his skull or shoot one of his spears up and it fall down thruough his head (is that a...whatever suicide thing?)furious
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