Factions are useless.
posted04/29/2015 04:43 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/01/2010 12:51 AM (UTC)
I don't really understand what NRS was thinking. All they are for is just faction kills? I am totally disappointed with factions. I thought it would give us unlocks, skins and stuff like that. It just feels like filler kontent. Instead of faction kills I would have rather have seen stage fatalities.
04/28/2015 11:13 PM (UTC)
As much as I hate to admit it, I kind of agree. We don't really get anything for winning, you get some coins, some profile card stuff, and another faction kill, which wasn't that good.

I level 50d Brotherhood, and the 3 kills I had for that were better than all of the White Lotus faction kills I have now, even the one you get when your faction wins lol

04/28/2015 11:26 PM (UTC)
That's why I thought it would be cool to have skins instead of faction kills.

Imagine Black Dragon Sonya Blade? Nice!
Imagine White Lotus Quan Chi? How will that skin look? I really think those would be cool, they obviously have no problem with none canon skins since they tricked us with the "aged" Kung Lao and "aged" Liu Kang skins.

So make this a prize not fucking faction kills, although I really like the last Brotherhood of shadow faction kill. Snap that neck bitch! xD
04/28/2015 11:35 PM (UTC)
I do like the faction kills, but the white lotus ones really suck imo, and the only other ones I have seen are the Brotherhood ones, which I actually liked. The one where the Scythe appears above and slices them is awesome, it short and sweet lol
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04/29/2015 12:20 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I do like the faction kills, but the white lotus ones really suck imo, and the only other ones I have seen are the Brotherhood ones, which I actually liked. The one where the Scythe appears above and slices them is awesome, it short and sweet lol
The White Lotus ones definitely look boring and they're the ones I'm doing next lol. I've seen Black Dragon, Special Forces, and I'm currently doing Brotherhood of Shadows and so far they definitely have the most interested ones although Black Dragon's first one is cool.
04/29/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
Wow, you guys expected way more than I did.
04/29/2015 12:26 AM (UTC)
Yeah don't look forward to Lin Kuei's. None of them have wowed me yet, Only one left to see and I'm at lvl 49 so I will see it soon. Brotherhood of shadow is where I want to be but want the achievement so I'm gonna do Black Dragon next, then Brotherhood of Shadow last so in the end I wont have to level them up twice.
04/29/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I do like the faction kills, but the white lotus ones really suck imo, and the only other ones I have seen are the Brotherhood ones, which I actually liked. The one where the Scythe appears above and slices them is awesome, it short and sweet lol
The White Lotus ones definitely look boring and they're the ones I'm doing next lol. I've seen Black Dragon, Special Forces, and I'm currently doing Brotherhood of Shadows and so far they definitely have the most interested ones although Black Dragon's first one is cool.

They are extremely underwhelming lol I cant wait to get to level 50 in WL so I can change, ill probably do LK next, then SF, then Black Dragon, and then back to Brotherhood which ill probably stay with for the rest of the time.
04/29/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
Factions do kind of suck. Faction kills are super lame and there's nothing really else to them.
04/29/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
That's why I thought it would be cool to have skins instead of faction kills.

Imagine Black Dragon Sonya Blade? Nice!
Imagine White Lotus Quan Chi? How will that skin look? I really think those would be cool, they obviously have no problem with none canon skins since they tricked us with the "aged" Kung Lao and "aged" Liu Kang skins.

So make this a prize not fucking faction kills, although I really like the last Brotherhood of shadow faction kill. Snap that neck bitch! xD

That's a brilliant idea.

I already know what Brotherhood of Shadow Sub-Zero would look like...
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04/29/2015 02:10 AM (UTC)
Worth it just for the varied menus...Love the White Lotus one!
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-sig by MINION

04/29/2015 02:20 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Worth it just for the varied menus...Love the White Lotus one!
They have the best one tbh. SF and BD are both extremely boring and truthfully kind of same-y considering who they are. It think having both of them was kind of a mistake.

But yeah, Faction stuff feels like a chore more than anything else.
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04/29/2015 02:21 AM (UTC)
It's a persistent meta game. If you want to get something more out of playing MKX, it's something extra to invest in. Some players already love to organize clans and challenge other players. Remember, it worms through multiple modes - not just invasions. Special unlocks are cool, but so is playing the game.
04/29/2015 02:45 AM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
It's a persistent meta game. If you want to get something more out of playing MKX, it's something extra to invest in. Some players already love to organize clans and challenge other players. Remember, it worms through multiple modes - not just invasions. Special unlocks are cool, but so is playing the game.

I tried doing the clan 3 vs 3 thing when I was in Black Dragon, and I literally could not get one started. It would be vs Lin Kuei and they would be full and I would be the only one on the BD team.

Now that I leveled all factions to level 50 I'll try it again with White Lotus.
04/29/2015 03:03 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:

That's a brilliant idea.

I already know what Brotherhood of Shadow Sub-Zero would look like...

I wonder why this never came to mind when I thought about Brotherhood of Shadow Subby. xD
04/29/2015 03:35 AM (UTC)
A skin unlock like that rumored unlockables list that turned out to be fake would be nice...

I don't realistically think every character would have a skin for every faction, but like, say: Max out Lin Kuei, unlock a Sub-Zero skin, Max out Brotherhood, Unlock a Quan Chi skin, Max SF, unlock a Sonya skin... etc.

I joined White Lotus before their win last week and didn't even get the 5th faction kill unlocked. Do you have to be 50 before the win? What's the deal there. Will it unlock once I hit 50?

I'm trying to powerlevel lotus to 50 before this week ends, so I can switch to Brotherhood, since it looks like they're currently positioned to win week 3.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/29/2015 03:10 PM (UTC)
I agree...other than different backgrounds in the menus and more "Kombat Kard" stuff, there's nothing at all worth the time sink. Nothing major to unlock, nothing hidden. No Koin bonuses, no skins, no characters...what's the point? More faction kills? Meh. Where's the stage fatalities? The time and effort that went into faction kills, 3 of which most of us will never see without a hack, since Brotherhood, Black Dragon and SF will -NEVER- win a faction war, could have been better invested in faction specific costumes or stage fatalities.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/29/2015 03:40 PM (UTC)
My biggest issue is that I feel like I'm barely contributing since I don't play online. So, for online pros - On average, how many war points do you guys rack up? KOTH, 1v1, ranked, ect. Any ballpark will do.

Extra skins would have been nice. But who's to say there won't be any in the future?

I just made my first faction jump this week. Was Lin Kuei for the first two weeks. Now I'm working on BoS. Their faction kills are decent enough.
04/29/2015 04:07 PM (UTC)
I was on a 40 KOTH win streak earlier and I think I got like 635 war points from it.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/29/2015 04:24 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
I was on a 40 KOTH win streak earlier and I think I got like 635 war points from it.

Interesting. I'm lucky to make my daily 1,000 quota lol, and that's by doing the War and Living Towers over and over.
It's still very early, there could still be content they're making for faction winners.
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