Excited about the Red Dragons vs Black Dragon Dragons fight in the MKX prequel comic
posted03/09/2015 04:56 PM (UTC)by
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07/04/2014 12:09 PM (UTC)
Is anyone else excited about finally seeing these clans clash?

I always thought it was a good thing to be a Red Dragon member in the MK universe. Like, if you died, Daegon could just have his dragon open a portal to Hell and bring you back, as he can walk the Netherealm unharmed due to being a demigod. At least Shinnok could send them back. It gives them some sort of immortality. In real life, would you serve the devil if he would resurrect your ass every time you got killed? grin

And what do you think is the actual difference between the Red Dragon and the Brotherhood of the Shadow? The line is very thin between the 2. The Red Dragon gets its name from Caro and its members directly serve Daegon. But Shinnok's plan for the last thousands of years was to ensure that Daegon won Armageddon, gained full godhood and then released him from Hell. So, the Red Dragon actually works for Shinnok's release, which is basically the Brotherhood's job as well. It's just that one is on Earth serving Daegon and the other is made up of demons and oni under the leadership of Quan Chi and a Noob Saibot (who may have been a title had by different individuals in several thousands years, the latest of those being Bi Han)?

Erron Black and Kano vs Daegon and Mavado- now that's going to be epic

We know that Erron Black and Kano are going to survive as they're in the story of MKX, but Daegon might just have his dragon roast their asses this time grin
03/09/2015 02:27 PM (UTC)
What is that story between Shinnok and the Red Dragon you speak of? Shinnok used Daegon during Armageddon long after the Brotherhood of Shadow failed during MK4. He didn't create it.

Also, I'm pretty sure dying in the Mortal Kombat universe doesn't just send you to the Netherrealm where you can walk out if a portal opens.

Aside from that, I'm very excited to see this fight. Mavado was one of the few I hoped to see in MKX but if we get a badass fight with Kano in the comics instead it's fine with me. I'm just glad the comic isn't forgetting Daegon. Having him kill Taven while he's still asleep would be a good way to round them out since the call will never be made to wake them up. The 25 year gap between the Netherrealm War and the MKX story is enough to slow the tear of the fabric of the realms.
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03/09/2015 04:16 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
What is that story between Shinnok and the Red Dragon you speak of? Shinnok used Daegon during Armageddon long after the Brotherhood of Shadow failed during MK4. He didn't create it.

Both the Red Dragon and the Brotherhood of the Shadow have been around for millennia (likely more than 10.000 years). Why say that they were only used during MK4 or MKA? The entire plan was set in motion thousands of years ago and Shinnok was aware of the Armageddon prophecy. He and Quan Chi created their Netherealm army in the war against Lucifer and plotted for his escape from Hell. confused

They knew the wait would be long but eventually the prophecy would come true. It was in fact Shinnok who tricked Daegon into killing Argus and Delia before Shao Kahn had conquered Edenia, so he had Daegon working for him at least 10.000 years ago, as Kitana's age gives us the rough date of Edenia's occupation.

I'm just glad the comic isn't forgetting Daegon. Having him kill Taven while he's still asleep would be a good way to round them out since the call will never be made to wake them up.

Ouch... I would hate for Taven to die.
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03/09/2015 04:56 PM (UTC)
Yeah, Taven was created to be a major new character in the MK Universe. His only downside is that he appeared in Armageddon.. A lot of People don't like him just because of that.. It would be dumb to kill him off without ever seeing him again in a game..
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