Everyone else is tired off cheap fatalities, so lets make our own.
posted07/23/2006 07:56 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/25/2006 08:45 AM (UTC)
I'll start it off...

Havik"Insanity"- Havik tears off his own head, drops it and his body begins to run around then falls down. Even stranger, Haviks torn-off head begins to laugh. The opponent stares at Havik's laughing head, puzzled. Then Havik's body gets up behind the opponent and snaps their neck before they could even figure out what was going on. Havik puts his head back on his body and laughs.grin
07/12/2006 01:07 PM (UTC)
Dude, what is so cheap about current fatalitites. There is not one that you think you can make better. Name one fatality that is 'cheap'. And didn't you have a thread like this before, but it got closed, or something? However, I am willing to check up on this thread to see what everyone comes up with, because I am open to MK changes.
07/12/2006 01:23 PM (UTC)
RaisnCain Wrote:
Dude, what is so cheap about current fatalitites. There is not one that you think you can make better. Name one fatality that is 'cheap'. And didn't you have a thread like this before, but it got closed, or something? However, I am willing to check up on this thread to see what everyone comes up with, because I am open to MK changes.

There have been some awful, awful fatalities in Mortal Kombat. Ones that should never have seen the light of day (Neck stretch anyone?) but there have been some great ones too (Leg Split, Leg Freeze) so I don't see the harm in offering up suggestions. The more ideas tossed around the better the fatalities can be.


Sonya runs over to her opponent, vaults up on to their shoulders in a handstand and snaps their neck (MK4), as she starts to come down she swivels, flips and tears the head from the body. The body flies off a few feet away where as Sonya still has the head in her hands. She drops it onto her kicking foot and sends it clearing out of the arena. She then winks and blows a kiss to camera.
07/12/2006 02:22 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
RaisnCain Wrote:
Dude, what is so cheap about current fatalitites. There is not one that you think you can make better. Name one fatality that is 'cheap'. And didn't you have a thread like this before, but it got closed, or something? However, I am willing to check up on this thread to see what everyone comes up with, because I am open to MK changes.

There have been some awful, awful fatalities in Mortal Kombat. Ones that should never have seen the light of day (Neck stretch anyone?) but there have been some great ones too (Leg Split, Leg Freeze) so I don't see the harm in offering up suggestions. The more ideas tossed around the better the fatalities can be.


Sonya runs over to her opponent, vaults up on to their shoulders in a handstand and snaps their neck (MK4), as she starts to come down she swivels, flips and tears the head from the body. The body flies off a few feet away where as Sonya still has the head in her hands. She drops it onto her kicking foot and sends it clearing out of the arena. She then winks and blows a kiss to camera.

Yeah, but only a few have been awful, and like I said I am open for new ones as well, but it was just the subject line that got me.
Reptile "Savage"-Reptile tackles his opponenent to the ground and cthrashes them with his claws. After the opponent is visciously scarred, Reptile gets up and lashes out his long tounge, rapping it around the opponent. Reptile slams the opponent around until they are a bloody pulp. Reptile hurls the opponent across the arena with his tounge and lets out a war cry.

Baraka"Chop Storm"-Baraka gets on one knee and begins to chop-chop like crazy. Baraka kicks thre copped up opponent and their body parts fly into the air. Baraka goes into his winning pose as the body parts rain down.


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The things you own...end up owning you.

07/13/2006 12:32 AM (UTC)
Johnny Cage:
He makes a powerful kick against his enemy’s head. The camera zooms in on the head and changes to x-ray view. We see in slow-motion how the nasal bone is pushed violently into the brain.

Liu Kang:
He brings his enemy down on the ground (using whatever move) and with one mighty stomp he breaks through his enemy’s back. After twisting his foot a little bit around, Liu pulls it out of the back and we see a big hole in the back (some innards could be ripped out as Liu pulls his foot out of the enemy).

He takes the spear into his hand and rams it through his enemy’s lower jaw. He jumps away and with one powerful tug he tears the jaw out of the enemy’s head.

He rams his fist into the enemy’s mouth. The camera zooms into his enemy’s body and we can see how the innards are slowly frozen (mainly the heart, which beats slower and slower). With the camera out of the body again, Sub-Zero gives a mighty punch into the stomach (I picture it a little bit like the “Dim-Mak” from the movie “Bloodsport”) and thousands of ice-shards burst from the inside out of the body.

She does a leg-scissor on her enemy...it’s hard to explain, suffice it to say that her enemy’s legs are both bent over the knee-joints (if only I’d be good in drawing stuff).

She flies and throws her hairs (or several hair-strains) at the enemy, which penetrates everywhere through the enemy’s body (we see the hair-strains “crawl” beneath the flesh and how they grab and twist the bones and veins). She then flies away very fast and rips out bones, veins, etc.

She does a fan lift. At a certain point she throws her fans right under the enemy’s feet (who is falling down now). The fans hit each foot and continue rotating very fast, then the enemy is straight pulled down to the ground (from the gravity the fans create). Eventually, the enemy is cut apart into three pieces.

He violently rips out his enemy’s ribcage and throws it to the ground. We see the heart still beating inside of it and yes, Jax stomps on it.

As she jumps on her enemy’s back, she pushes her sai through her enemy’s eyes. She now sits on her enemy’s shoulders and pulls heavily the sai in her direction. She finally rips the sai out of the enemy’s head and jumps off the back. Her enemy’s head is split now into three parts...the left and the right part slowly fold to the side and the brain partly falls out (she could also rip the whole head off, which would be more realistic).

I got a lot more ideas in my mind...maybe I post some another time.
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07/13/2006 01:19 AM (UTC)
MortalKombatRedemption Wrote:
I'll start it off...

Havik"Insanity"- Havik tears off his own head, drops it and his body begins to run around then falls down. Even stranger, Haviks torn-off head begins to laugh. The opponent stares at Havik's laughing head, puzzled. Then Havik's body gets up behind the opponent and snaps their neck before they could even figure out what was going on. Havik puts his head back on his body and laughs.grin

Thats a Good Fatality And If I see it Im a laugh!!gringrin
07/13/2006 03:10 PM (UTC)
me to .but i spy something bigerfurious
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
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07/13/2006 05:04 PM (UTC)
thegodofevilman Wrote:
me to .
but i spy something bigerfurious

Then post it instead of making one-liners already.
Quick idea for Sub-Zero. He lifts his opponent's head, opens their mouth, blasts his ice beam inside of them, and they explode, leaving an ice silhouette of their corpse.
07/14/2006 02:10 AM (UTC)
I love thinking up fatalities for Sub Zero.

Sub Zero freezes the standing oponent from the knees down. Then he kicks the victim's chest, snapping the legs apart at the knees. As the opponent lies on the ground writhing in pain, Sub walks over and freezes their head to the ground. Finally, as the body continues to try to break free, Sub stomps on the frozen head, shattering it to pieces.
07/14/2006 01:57 PM (UTC)

Arctic Shard

Sub-Zero waves his arms and forms a large ice sickle from his freezing particles and shoots it at the midsection of his opponent, blasting right through his opponents organs.

Liu Kang

Spinning Dragon Kick

Liu Kang's right leg catchs on fire and jumps in the air and gives his opponent a huge fiery spinning back kick, taking off the head of his opponent in a flamming state.


Chaos Bowling

Havik takes off his head and throws it like a bowling ball at his opponents legs, flipping them up in the air and landing on their head with a broken neck, while Havik's head rolls back up onto his body.



Rain lifts his hands above his head and brings them down with such force with thunderstorms on his opponent, leaving his opponent wet and black from the rain and the lightening.


Wrath of the resistance

Darrius places his opponent in a pile driver position, and jumps way in the air and comes down on his opponents head, as it explodes from the force of the impact.


Deceptive Beauty

Mileena flips up her veil and jumps onto the standing opponent and begins to eat the head of her opponent with her Tarkatan teeth and then bites into the skinless skull and rips her opponents brains out. She then jumps off and her opponent falls to the ground.

Kung Lao

Hat Fury

Kung Lao takes hat off of his head and begins to chop his opponent in a fury of strikes all over the body of his opponent, and when he stops his opponent falls into slices.



Scorpion flips his mask off and his skull begins to flame as he spits fire onto his spear as he shoots it at the midsection of his opponent. His opponent catches on fire as he rips his opponents organs and rib cage and spinal cord out.


Respect the Hooks

Mavado throws both of his hooks to the hips of his opponent, bringing them toward him where they meet his steel shoe through their organs, and thrusting his foot out and kicks his opponent away while his hooks rip the upper body off. Mavado then brings his hooks back.
07/17/2006 01:53 AM (UTC)
i got a few ideas:

sub-zero: he starts off by freezing the celling..he then hits a wall hard..huge iceciles fall down and inpail the oppent.

liu-kang: two words: brain eating!

raydin: the lighting god takes out a big metal spike, and inpails the oppent to the ground (note: the guy is still alive at this point.) ..then summons a bunch of lighting bolt. raydin then takes the spike out and throws it to the ground in distain.

scropion: sropion ties his oppent up with his spear, hangs then from the wall then slices them up with his sword.

Sub-Zero"Frozen Fury"-Sub-Zero gets behind the opponent and kicks them in the back of the knee, forcing them on their knees. Sub-Zero grabs the opponent's head and just their head freezes. Sub-Zero slams the frozen head face first in the ground and the head shatters.

Quan Chi"Demon Torture"-Quan Chi raises both hands and a portal opens in the ground. A bunch of demons creep out of the portal and circle around the opponent.The opponent is engulfed by the horde of demons. There are chomping noises and screaming heard.

07/20/2006 02:06 AM (UTC)
Here is more:


Savage Shokan

Goro grabs his opponents arms and rips them out with his bottom two arms and with his top two arms he gives a massive ear slap that makes his opponents head explode.

Noob Saibot

Partners in Darkness

Noob turns into a musty shadow and enters his opponents body, his opponent staggers and then Noob controls his opponents body to kill themselves, and afterward after the opponent is dead, Noob emerges from the dead body of his opponent.

Quan Chi

Fear the Amulet

Quan Chi takes the amulet off of his belt and throws it like a throwing star at his opponents head. Quan Chi then uses his power to release only a fraction of its power and his opponents body explodes and their soul goes directly to Quan Chi and then Quan Chi holds his hand in the air as the amulet comes down from the air after the explosion propelled the amulet in the air.
Scorpion: he trows his enemy in the air with is spear, takes is sword and hacks his enemy into pieces.

Sub-zero: Puts his enemy into ice and does a icy upercut.

Jonny cage: takes of his sunglasses and uses them to take ut the eyes of the enemie.

Raiden: transforms himself into one big thunderbolt en elecrocute his enemy

Kung lao: trows his hat, the enemy ducks , laught en de hat returns and chopps of the head from behind.
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07/23/2006 07:56 PM (UTC)
Scorpion's Fatality
"Demon Spear"

Scorpion opens his hand to reveal a living spear. He spins and throws the Spear into the enemies face. The Spear latches on and worms through the oppounent, entering through the mouth and exiting through the chest and reentering through the stomach. Scorpion pulls the Spear back into his hand taking the heart with him.

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