Ermacs voice and look
posted02/07/2015 11:24 PM (UTC)by
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08/15/2007 06:39 PM (UTC)
Hey everyone. Not sure if this was discussed but I wanted to point out Ermac seems to have a different voice actor this time around. I really like the new voice and he doesn't sound like a mindless drone like he did in MK9 but I did like his voice in that game too. He's super wicked and I'm glad we get to see more of his face too. He kinda reminds me of Thanos in terms of design from Guardians of the Galaxy.
01/30/2015 02:52 PM (UTC)
He's amazing! But the old-school-ninja-slaves keep hating on everything non-ninja.

I just hope they keep this look and don't turn him into the boring red ninja again.

This wizard-like royal look fits him like a golden glove, what? make that an platium shoe.
01/30/2015 03:00 PM (UTC)
I like that they went the DA route with him and are moving him away from his nonsensical Scorpion clone/ninja roots.(If only Reptile had been given the same treatment)

Though one thing I was a puzzled by at first was their choice to show his face because back in the Deception concept art, one of the artists said the team voted against showing his face because they wanted to keep a sense of mystery to the character.
So I always figured this was the philosophy they stuck with when ever designing him.
But I swallowed that pill rather easily and am now 100% fine with this decision.

His voice did have me taken a back a bit too. Instead of his ominous legion like voice that he had in the two games he had been in since his Trilogy days, he has this very aggressive Christian Bale voice.

I don't hate it, it's just...well new..Again kind of challenging my perception of the character. I'm sure I'll get used to it.
01/30/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
I like how his voice has this fresh off the boat European accent now. His appearance caught me off guard, but I got used to it very quickly and I love the way he looks now. His floating stance is magnificent, and the first fighting style with the souls flying around him are really cool. Ironically, I was thinking a while back, how cool would it be if Ermac has souls flying around him like Raiden has electricity flowing around? and bam, this happens.

That X-ray is so damn crazy, I LOVE IT! Definitely will be playing as him for my top picks.
01/30/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
He's amazing! But the old-school-ninja-slaves keep hating on everything non-ninja.

I'm glad they took him in different route with his design. All I have to say is, if the ones that like the pallette swap, they can play UMK3/MKT.

Onaga Wrote:
I like that they went the DA route with him and are moving him away from his nonsensical Scorpion clone/ninja roots.

Ermac wasn't in DA, just saying.
01/30/2015 05:08 PM (UTC)
His voice is excellent. His look.. well... I grow with it except one Thing.. his face! It reminds me at Quan Chi. Don't like it. His x-ray is boring as hell. He has the power to slam you against everything and he... headbutt and kicks you two times? Wow, how impressive.. not!
01/30/2015 05:14 PM (UTC)
I'm an Ermac fan and I liked just about everything I saw especially the costume based on his MK9 alternate, I have been hoping that would be his costume since I first saw the alt in MK9 lol

There are only two things im a little "eh" about.

1. Face. It doesn't really bother me or anything, but I think he looks better with his face covered.

2. Dude looks like a twig lol not saying I want him to be ripped or anything it just will take some getting used to I guess.

Yeah so no complaints that really matter, just some small nitpicky shit that doesn't really matter lol still love him though, I think he will be one of my mains.
01/30/2015 05:31 PM (UTC)
I see the logic of keeping reptile ninja/assassin-like, and changing Ermac. It comes down to the individual characters and not an across-the-board rule of Change the Ninjas.

Judging from actual gameplay, Ermac was never an assassin, but an enforcer. His tk is a distance tool and spacing tool, giving him a mystic/caster property. Reptile however has always been and should remain very hands-on. Hes a vicious, close-quarters scrapper, and most certainly an assassin, albiet a messy one.

I really like the evolution of Ermac. In the seen costume he doesnt have anything resembling a ninja mask, with most if his lower face visible. It works for him. Gameplay looks godlike.
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01/30/2015 05:36 PM (UTC)
Ermac looks like shit. Hide his face atleast!
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01/30/2015 05:46 PM (UTC)
I really like ermac's Mummy wrap look. He's definitely moved away from the ninja look which I love. I see him as a more dominant shang tsung type character now.
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01/30/2015 05:58 PM (UTC)
I think he looks like Ronin from Guardians of the GALAXY
01/30/2015 06:01 PM (UTC)
The lack of face mask is the only thing bothering me. I still love the bandages its just that I miss the sense of mystery as previously stated. And his build doesn't really bother me. I mean the way Ermac fights is mostly telekinetic so I would expect him to be physically imposing.
01/30/2015 06:32 PM (UTC)
Definitely a new take on him this time around. I'm torn on his design but he sounds great.


- The levetates around, that's pretty awesome and fits him well.
- Souls floating all around him? Even better!
- His gameplay looks very aggressive, and fluid.
- Probably one of the best Fatalitys so far, very creative.


- His design. I don't think I like them showing his face this time around, take away from his mystery a bit in my opinion. But at the same time, it does kind of fit him, and separates him from the ninja look. Other than that he looks great, can't wait to see his at.. or main costume???


- X-ray, I am not really a fan of this one. It's kind of silly how he just floats around and sling shots himself at the opponent. It's MK so whatever, but his MK9 X-ray was superior.

Obviously the pros out weigh cons, so I'm excited to try him out.
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01/30/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
I'd say the de-ninjafication of Ermac is complete and I could not be happier. He looks great. I like the ninjas, but I haven't really considered him one since trilogy. He's grown in to something else and I dig that.

Anyone think we should have a new red ninja from a new clan of assassins like the Lin Kuei? Or maybe a red Lin Kuei or Shirai Ryu ninja (since neither of the clans seem to be completely color coded as evinced by Smoke, Sektor, Cyrax and Tremor). Do you consider Sektor to be the red ninja or does he not count since he's automated?

Or does Ermac just hold that spot even though he's kinda sorta vacated it already in favor of this more mystical look and style? Can there be more then one? I guess technically there were when human Sektor and Ermac were around...
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Ermac's winpose though

01/30/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
Anyone else love his ending ( when he wins without doing his fatality )
He floats in the air, screams some chant, souls flying around him. He just looked so powerful and badass. I love him.
01/30/2015 11:49 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I'd say the de-ninjafication of Ermac is complete and I could not be happier. He looks great. I like the ninjas, but I haven't really considered him one since trilogy. He's grown in to something else and I dig that.

Anyone think we should have a new red ninja from a new clan of assassins like the Lin Kuei? Or maybe a red Lin Kuei or Shirai Ryu ninja (since neither of the clans seem to be completely color coded as evinced by Smoke, Sektor, Cyrax and Tremor). Do you consider Sektor to be the red ninja or does he not count since he's automated?

Or does Ermac just hold that spot even though he's kinda sorta vacated it already in favor of this more mystical look and style? Can there be more then one? I guess technically there were when human Sektor and Ermac were around...

Sektor is a red Ninja.
01/31/2015 01:04 AM (UTC)
Ermac is ass. Just when I thought he couldnt get any worse. Already hated the "we are many gimmick" and now he becomes basically a witch with no hand to hand skills And makes him IMO the worse trilogy character. Even sheeva is better IMO now.
01/31/2015 01:22 AM (UTC)
while I was never a fan of his alt in MK9, and I'm still iffy about the hood here, but I LOVE that most of his face, including his mouth, is showing. He looks so fucking cool. When he says "WE WIELD THE MIGHT OF THOUSANDS!" it looked so cool.

I love how the teleslam is quick and simple, I love how with the telepush, he just puts up his hand slightly, I love his X-Ray, his fatality is VERY creative and disgusting.

His winpose was WAY more awesome than his MK9 one. Emitting souls everywhere while screaming in victory

If his second fatality is indeed ripping guts and bones out of their mouth, I would be very satisfied. For once Ermac would have great fatalities.
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01/31/2015 01:51 AM (UTC)
I think the polarizing opinions on Ermac are to be expected, he took big step into a an even more unique character, I do believe these changes fit his theme perfectly. The voice was a surprise though, I just expected something more inhuman.

For the classic fans, I'm sure his alt costume will have something more reminiscent of his older days, so don't worry too much about it.
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01/31/2015 01:53 AM (UTC)
I love all of Ermac's quotes it's amazing.wink
01/31/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
I think it' strange that people are demanding Ermac to be a ninja again.

Let it be known that it's mostly the Youtube and Facebook crowd that's demanding this.
01/31/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
For the classic fans, I'm sure his alt costume will have something more reminiscent of his older days, so don't worry too much about it.

Actually, I'm convinced that we're seeing his alt right here. They can't really tease that ridiculously detailed fan art and then revert back to an MK9 look for his main.
01/31/2015 02:05 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
For the classic fans, I'm sure his alt costume will have something more reminiscent of his older days, so don't worry too much about it.

Actually, I'm convinced that we're seeing his alt right here. They can't really tease that ridiculously detailed fan art and then revert back to an MK9 look for his main.

Who's "they"? NRS never teased anything. Bernard Benetau put that up on his own site of his own accord and always just called it fan art; while it was likely MKX concept art, just the fact that he put it up in public strongly suggests it's not going in the game.
01/31/2015 02:34 AM (UTC)
I just personaly don't really like his mask-type thing. I like how you could really see his face and he was sort of mysterious. Is this just me, or does anyone else dislike it?
01/31/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)
Just you. Design rocks.
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