Enough with the noob nonesense already
posted02/29/2008 05:08 AM (UTC)by
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04/28/2003 02:49 AM (UTC)
Think about it? wouldn't it be great if there was a MK bikini contest between mileena, jade, kitana and sheeva tongue dead or alive had it, why not MK?

or how about a MK rpg game? that is what MK needs with all it's characters and their stories...

MK8 should be an FPS game...

there was a motor kombat, why not football combat, hockey combat even! hockey players check each other and throw down their gloves to fight, there are fights in MK too! wow what a fucking coincidence..

or one of those: my uncles best friends, sons cousins grandmas aunt who works for midway bullshit... no ones going to believe those, no one ever has, no one ever will! so quit it children.

Here are my ideas on how MK8 SHOULD BE on quote, blablablabla.... Heaven forbid if some of you noobies became developers on the MK team.

Appologies to the regulars on my behalf, but I felt there needed to be a rant because apparently the front page of the future MK forum topics is flooded with people who are newly joined to this site and think that some light bulb from midway is actually going to consider their ideas.

So until some light is shed on this dark era of non MK news, there shouldn't be any rediculous "idea" threads to help improve our next installment(s) on MK. The news is right around the corner, and faithful fans such as myself are holding on to the very least bit of patience we have left until we hara kiri ourselves in front of midway headquarters (joke).

sigh sad
edited title.
01/10/2008 05:55 PM (UTC)
THANK YOU! At least someone had the courage enough to say something. I was, but the way I was going to put it wouldn't turn so good for me in the end. Thank you for saying this. grin CHEERS!
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/10/2008 06:26 PM (UTC)
As long as theres a mud wrestling game for hotties like Mavado,Rain,Cham,scorpion ect, i'm goodglasses
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
01/10/2008 11:43 PM (UTC)
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/11/2008 12:47 AM (UTC)
Forreal, I bet midway would do something for the male characters, as I said, they do whore them out as much as the females when it comes to costumes and ect.
About Me

Im banned from mko

01/11/2008 12:21 PM (UTC)
DOA has it because No blood in DOA games, and MK has blood, so that tells you right there lol.

We need someone to step up.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/11/2008 09:32 PM (UTC)
respectfully bows to ShaolinChuan.

thank you
01/11/2008 10:35 PM (UTC)
Did you ever stop to think that people post on message boards because they're FUN, and not everyone thinks the same way. If you're sick of "noobs", then don't read their threads. It's that simple.
01/12/2008 12:09 AM (UTC)
KillerInstinct3 Wrote:
Did you ever stop to think that people post on message boards because they're FUN, and not everyone thinks the same way. If you're sick of "noobs", then don't read their threads. It's that simple.

Especially when they make fake news topics and get em closed down. Way to go there.

I didn't say I was sick of noobs, but the way they represent themselves on here. Whatever, there's no point in me arguing cuz it's never going to stop.
01/14/2008 12:33 AM (UTC)

Claps...ahhh the preach that I make all the time for the ignorant MK haters, (especially MKA) that worry about trivial bs instead of actual gameplay and important shit...I have nothing against new ideas but I hate Midway/MK ripping from ignorant noobs or fans in general...that bothers me.

But I totally agree, I say at this point you're either an MK fan or you're not...enough said!

So I totally agree with you.

Like I said in the other thread, as far as MK8 is concerned you're find the same negative nancies on here that hate the previous MK's hate MK8, the loyal MK fans will love it and the general fighting fans which can go either way...glasses
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/14/2008 02:55 AM (UTC)
"I didn't say I was sick of noobs, but the way they represent themselves on here."

01/15/2008 01:20 PM (UTC)
I agree completely with KillerInstinct3.

It's fun and entertaining to see people's ideas for future games. And its cool knowing that other people think of cool things that could possibly happen in future games.

The world is based on people with ideas, and if people didn't have ideas, there'd be no progress. These threads are just a way to see what other people think of these ideas and what ideas other people have.

It's up to the users what they wanna make threads about. And if other users don't like it, Then it's as simple as not opening those threads.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/15/2008 09:38 PM (UTC)
"It's up to the users what they wanna make threads about. And if other users don't like it, Then it's as simple as not opening those threads."

That's very true, but when somebody makes a thread called "FINALLY SOME NEWS!!!!!!" and then jerks everybody around, that's the noob shit he was referring to. hell, try calling the cops and telling them HEY, I GOT SOME NEWS ON THAT MURDER, and then hang up the phone and see what happens. it pisses people off and naturally you receive a negative reaction. i agree about the ideas thing yeah, idea's make the world go round. but when you just start throwing out crazy shit that you know will never happen, that's noob shit. it's all a matter of how people decide to carry themselves. you carry yourself like an asshole or a troublemaker, then people will act accordingly. that's life. the same rules apply on the internet, the only difference is the internet carries anonymity, thus a bunch of assholes who will suffer no real consequence other than a banning, grow a set and cause trouble.

anyway, like i said, everyone's entitled to their opinions and such. but when you go out and try to start trouble, usually you get it, and that's the issue.
01/15/2008 10:06 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
"It's up to the users what they wanna make threads about. And if other users don't like it, Then it's as simple as not opening those threads."

That's very true, but when somebody makes a thread called "FINALLY SOME NEWS!!!!!!" and then jerks everybody around, that's the noob shit he was referring to. hell, try calling the cops and telling them HEY, I GOT SOME NEWS ON THAT MURDER, and then hang up the phone and see what happens. it pisses people off and naturally you receive a negative reaction. i agree about the ideas thing yeah, idea's make the world go round. but when you just start throwing out crazy shit that you know will never happen, that's noob shit. it's all a matter of how people decide to carry themselves. you carry yourself like an asshole or a troublemaker, then people will act accordingly. that's life. the same rules apply on the internet, the only difference is the internet carries anonymity, thus a bunch of assholes who will suffer no real consequence other than a banning, grow a set and cause trouble.

anyway, like i said, everyone's entitled to their opinions and such. but when you go out and try to start trouble, usually you get it, and that's the issue.

"A" fucking men.
01/16/2008 02:43 AM (UTC)
Oh yeah, i get it now.

Those fake news things r gay. They get everybody's hopes up or brings their hopes down dramatically. Usually the second one.

And yeah they shouldn't be posting shit just to see how people react. Because they already know how they will.

But idea threads are awesome

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OptimusGrime Wrote:Li Mei needs to be series mainstay. She betrayed goddamned planets because she wanted to fuck a dragon. Best character in anything ever.

01/30/2008 10:23 AM (UTC)
"It's fun and entertaining to see people's ideas for future games. "

They exist to provide lulz for the masses, that's all.
02/03/2008 06:59 PM (UTC)
I agree I'm kinda new to the site but I h8 when I look in the threads and see Mortal Kombat 8 PS3 or Xbox and I'm kinda in between the two so I thought I might make up my mind with my favourite game only being on one but of course just a noob
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02/06/2008 10:25 PM (UTC)
where do u think the mk team go tthe feedback knowing that fans were freaking out about khameleon not in mka?

the mk team obveously looks on the forums from time to time.

i know noobs are crap, making stuff up like they got sources. it is bs, but ideas themselves, and discussion of thos idead are what these very forums exist for, without discussion of out ideas, whats the point of even coming on mko other than the news and fan submission?

all ideas to me are valid and equel,

false info is retarted and needs to be stopped, but ideas will remain as eveything we post has something to do with our ideas.

to say that our ideas arent answered by the mk team is false.

people started ranting about the wake up attacks, so they put them in magically after we ranted on this very forum, crappy, but they put them in.

the khameleon incident.

people wanted a next gen MKT, thats what was used in our MK7 threads. and we got it, every character.

the mk team does listen, i think they arent top notch developers, but they do read from time to time i garuntee.

while we are on the subject, is another "fight night" planned with the mk staff?
02/06/2008 11:02 PM (UTC)
Yeah, honestly if I were Midway I'd pay attention to the fans with logical posts....no offense to ignorant noobs on here but the threads with "7 fatalities per character, 5 costumes....trivial, trivial, trivial useless stuff seriously...

To me that's a bonus, the #1 concern has to be gameplay, second online play, thirdly everything else...characters, storyline etc all the other bs after that that can make a game better if anything and not worse since you have the important stuff out of the way.

I know some people might have a beef with Midway but if you read some of the reasons why it's just comical on here really....

Midway's not perfect, but no game developers are....you'll always find someone to find something good and something wrong with any game no matter what the game is. Tekken, SF, MK, Halo or GTA....hell I know Mario haters even and he's one of the vid games industries most flagship characters period lol....
About Me

Im banned from mko

02/29/2008 02:23 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Yeah, honestly if I were Midway I'd pay attention to the fans with logical posts....no offense to ignorant noobs on here but the threads with "7 fatalities per character, 5 costumes....trivial, trivial, trivial useless stuff seriously...

To me that's a bonus, the #1 concern has to be gameplay, second online play, thirdly everything else...characters, storyline etc all the other bs after that that can make a game better if anything and not worse since you have the important stuff out of the way.

I know some people might have a beef with Midway but if you read some of the reasons why it's just comical on here really....

Midway's not perfect, but no game developers are....you'll always find someone to find something good and something wrong with any game no matter what the game is. Tekken, SF, MK, Halo or GTA....hell I know Mario haters even and he's one of the vid games industries most flagship characters period lol....

I have found a few Call of Duty 4 glitches, and some Gears of War glitches.people over on the online forums think Tekken does not have any type of glitches, like its the perfect game. Im sure I can find about 7 glitches on Tekken, or any tekken game.
02/29/2008 03:00 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Yeah, honestly if I were Midway I'd pay attention to the fans with logical posts....no offense to ignorant noobs on here but the threads with "7 fatalities per character, 5 costumes....trivial, trivial, trivial useless stuff seriously...

To me that's a bonus, the #1 concern has to be gameplay, second online play, thirdly everything else...characters, storyline etc all the other bs after that that can make a game better if anything and not worse since you have the important stuff out of the way.

I know some people might have a beef with Midway but if you read some of the reasons why it's just comical on here really....

Midway's not perfect, but no game developers are....you'll always find someone to find something good and something wrong with any game no matter what the game is. Tekken, SF, MK, Halo or GTA....hell I know Mario haters even and he's one of the vid games industries most flagship characters period lol....


Why do people want MORE things in Mk when we've already seen that happen and started to be a big failure as time passed by?

Yeah, lets have five fatalities per character -

Plus side:
More ways to kill your opponent after each match... that's the only thing

Minus side:
They get boring every time you put in the combination,

you'll have lame fatalities for characters who are the most popular,

you'll have fatalites that were performed by other characters to a new character that doesn't deserve that fatality (Scorpion with the head rip)

What's the point on having clothes? Honestly, I could care less if there was an alternate costume. It's just another excuse on why Midway created another MK game with lack of creativity.

I think that was Armageddon's biggest failure. Creativitiy

You have Midway spending most of their time on little things than the acutal game. With my opinion I'm stating the fact that Arageddon has to be in the list with Mythologies and Special Forces, as I was bored with the game within three days seeing how I beat the game in a day becasue the first day I got hte game, my brother and I did noting but play the game in versus.

Midway should really turn Konquest into a game itself rather than a secondary game in Mortal Kombat itself... becuase then Midway lacks spending time on the actual Mk game.

02/29/2008 05:08 AM (UTC)
In the short time ive been here I can already understand your frustration. I would say make a thread for fatality idea's and all the other threads that get repeated over and over again, but i think we all know no one would post in them.

Personally i'm of the mindset that if i have an idea that is interesting and hasnt been posted repeatedly, then i'll post it. But until that time it makes no sence to create a new thread about the something that already has two or three. But i really think most people could careless. A good cause but i think the amount of respectless noobs here out weighs the vets, a shame really.
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