ed boons unbeleivably unexpected thing could be....
posted12/25/2007 07:48 AM (UTC)by
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10/17/2007 06:57 PM (UTC)
im sure most of you don't know what the wii balance board is

it is a new specially desined controler made by nintendo which reacts to how you shift your center of gravity
so if boon puts mk8 on thye wii
you could use this and two wii remotes to play mortal kombat like never before by playing it in first person
you'd use the 2 remotes to punch and the balance board to kick

12/10/2007 12:41 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat 8 is apparently running on the U3 engine, which seven Wiis soldered together couldn't run a still-frame screenshot of without bursting into flames.

Good luck with that.
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12/10/2007 01:34 AM (UTC)
TzarChasm Wrote:
Mortal Kombat 8 is apparently running on the U3 engine, which seven Wiis soldered together couldn't run a still-frame screenshot of without bursting into flames.

Good luck with that.

LOL dude, you deserve a case of beer...
12/10/2007 01:41 AM (UTC)
it could be that the kharacters won't be broken..
12/10/2007 02:42 AM (UTC)
Well, I typed a post here, but for some reason sentence and paragraph breaks didn't work as they were supposed to, and the quote didn't come out right. I really like how this forum doesn't allow very basic (and fully-functional) tags like "[quote=NAME]text[/Quote]" and so forth. Working this thing's so convoluted it makes me want to scream. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.
12/10/2007 03:16 AM (UTC)
100hitcombo Wrote:
im sure most of you don't know what the wii balance board is

it is a new specially desined controler made by nintendo which reacts to how you shift your center of gravity
so if boon puts mk8 on thye wii
you could use this and two wii remotes to play mortal kombat like never before by playing it in first person
you'd use the 2 remotes to punch and the balance board to kick

imo that;s boring. first person mortal kombat... then how do you do special moves? move the contoller in three different directions and press a or whatever the buttons on the controller is? no, i can't think of anything about what their "new idea" is, but it's certainly not going to have it where people are playing mk in first person veiw... fpv is too boring... (unless you're playing goldeneye n64 style, perfect dark or timesplitters... then it's different)
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12/10/2007 04:48 AM (UTC)
I dunno, every time Ed and company have some big innovation, it turns out being something that hurts the gameplay, or at least has very little to do with making the gameplay better. Let's see, the run button, weapons, 3 combat styles (which were all basically the same), konquest mode, deathtraps and air combos. You'll excuse me if I'm not jumping up in down in anticipation of the next great idea.

These weren't innovations so much as gimmicks. They were either distractions from the main fighting game or poorly executed add ons to what was otherwise an outdated and some would say broken fighting system.

I don't mean to sound like I'm hating here, but when MK 2 came out, it took what MK1 did well and expanded upon that (more fatalities, better graphics, more moves, more characters, more secrets etc), but MK3 came along and all of a sudden everything was drastically changed for the worse. Tedious dial a combos replaced the juggling combos of the past, the run button was added seemingly to make the already garbage AI impossible, and the game almost seemed to take a step back graphically. So alot of that was scrapped for MK4, then MK5 seemed to be something different altogether as well. They built on Deadly Alliance, but the results were not nearly what MK2 was to MK1. Yes, there was more of everything, but the fighting system itself, at least in my opinion, wasn't sit down and play fun, nor did it feel like a real next generation 3D fighting game.

Now they're scrapping even more than they have in the past in what almost seems like a search for MK's identity. I personally think that until MK is able to marry the past (projectiles, special moves, speedy, jumpkick sweep 2D gameplay) with the present reality of fighting games that are at the top of the heap right now (awesome graphics, flawless animation, well balanced gameplay etc) no gimmick will help this series.

I also worry because VF, SC, DOA, and Tekken have all been refining what is essentially the same fighting engine for over a DECADE now. MK is starting over from scratch and that makes me wonder how what will practically be the first game in a new series will handle versus the games that have been getting it right for years now.

I really hope that this unexpected thing has something to do with making the gameplay new and modern and great, because if it's something that further takes away from making a great fighting game (using new technology for new next gen systems, building new characters and a new story, new game modes etc) then I don't see how this can help.

I'm not going to bash an idea before I've heard it, but I really hope that the MK team makes next gen gameplay their highest priority, and leaves the gimmicks at home this time around. With so much that seemingly has to be built from the ground up, the last thing they should be worrying about is making some feature that becomes the 08 equivilant of the run button.
12/10/2007 11:52 PM (UTC)
I'm not falling for that "unbelievably unexpected" quote of his until I see what it is for myself. The MK Team disappoints us too often.

It'll probably be something that makes us go.. "Oh. That's what it was." Period.

I mean, what could possibly be so "unexpected?" The only thing I can imagine is some wierd fatality feature or some wierd type of interactive thing somewhere in the game.
12/11/2007 12:13 AM (UTC)
WE should find out in the feb issue of game informer i bet.around jan15th.here's hoping.
12/11/2007 12:14 AM (UTC)
There should be news about MK8 next month.
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12/11/2007 01:42 AM (UTC)
Programmable game-code/Kreate-A-Gameplay.
I don't know how they could pull that off, but that would be useful.

Screw MK, I want a electro-propulsion backpack, and nano-robot molecule programs, for harnessing energy and meaningful interface with my Soul-Brothers.

Only one way to get there.. extreme concentration.

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12/12/2007 05:15 AM (UTC)
Ah, we're actually predicting what it will be now? Okay, I'll go way out on a limb here:

4 player kombat

You and three friends at home or online would select a fighter and you'd all fight at the same time. No tag ins, Just 4 players on the screen attacking each other. The story mode/arcade mode would take you through one on one battles, but instead of an indurance mode, you'd have to face three enemies at the same time. The final boss would be huge, requiring you to battle three different targets (think cerberus or a three headed dragon) or the boss could simply be a normal size, but he'd have two cronies with him/her/it.

This idea might sound crazy if not for 4 things:

1) I remember seeing a sketch or two in MK:DA's krypt of how a 4 player kombat mode might work. So you know they've at least thought about it at some point

2) MK games recently have tried to appeal to a broader audience with minigames and modes that don't pertain to fighting (kart racing, an adventure mode etc), I could see them trying to turn MK into the ultimate gory party game.

3) It's not as though this would be an entirely inconceivable project. I mean, wrestling games have had 4 player modes where 4 wrestlers are in the ring at the same time duking it out for years. MK would have to figure out the logistics (ie making sure that Scorpion's spear doesn't pull an enemy directly through the other 2 fighters) but I'm sure that most obstacles to this could be bypassed.

4) It would certainly be new and very different from what other fighting games are doing right now. I mean, how many different things can you actually DO to a 1 on 1 fighting game to revolutionize it and change it forever? It's a crazy idea, but I have a feeling that if Boon really intends to make good on this "totally unexpected" statement, that it'll probably wind up being something pretty off the wall like this.

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12/12/2007 06:18 AM (UTC)
"Mortal Kombat 8 is apparently running on the U3 engine, which seven Wiis soldered together couldn't run a still-frame screenshot of without bursting into flames.

Good luck with that."

My God, I think i just pissed myself laughing.
12/12/2007 07:56 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Ah, we're actually predicting what it will be now? Okay, I'll go way out on a limb here:

4 player kombat

I agree with you on 4 player combat what i see happening is (whether or not this is the actual game or a side mode) mortal kombat meets smash bros easy to do and the characters all have enough special moves already just a hunch though
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12/12/2007 08:04 AM (UTC)
4 player huh?

It will probably be most like the VS mode in MK:SM
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12/12/2007 12:59 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

Aha! "Adaptation" You know, car companies do something like that too. They make little, weird changes to the current vehicles design that set the public up to like a final design of that car before they completely change it again. It's like screwing with our standards enough to appreciate a later version of the same car. Look at all the shit that's happened with the Chevy Cavalier or Malibu over the years. Or like, the Mitzubishi Eclipse.

Anyway, I think you're on the right train of thought with the "Party" concept. And I've been thinking for a while that the MKTeam had to be holding out, giving us little taste testers for things to come. But I still have no idea of what this could be.

I think I might prefer to be surprised here....idk.
Midway and the MK Team actually only understand reverse psychology, meaning that they will say that the gameplay will suck even though in reality, It will rock Tekken 6's Red Sox off. And KO VF5

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12/13/2007 02:11 AM (UTC)
I dunno if it would be like MK meets Smash bros, at least not as far as the arenas are concerned. I think that the arenas will still be 3D, and they wouldn't be structured like Smash Bros. It would just be four players at the same time instead of two on screen. I have no idea how that would work with the camera and the foreground/background etc, but I could see the MK team doing something along those lines. I'm thinking it would look something similar to a wrestling game in terms of the camera work (a fixed, almost pulled back angle, but the characters are big enough to not get washed out in the background.

I suppose a wrestling game conjures the wrong image, but I think that you could have matches where you can change your focus on enemies, you'd have sort of a universal block (so even when you're looking down to the foreground towards player 3, you won't get speared by player 2 Scorpion just because you didn't cycle through which character to face fast enough.

But anyways, it's just my prediction. I'm only basing my idea off of those 4 thoughts I had on the subject as to why I think it could be 4 player mode. I'm hoping that the next big thing is something really surprising, really fun, and that it's done in a great way. After that, I don't care what it is.
12/16/2007 03:13 AM (UTC)
Reptilelord Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
Ah, we're actually predicting what it will be now? Okay, I'll go way out on a limb here:

4 player kombat

I agree with you on 4 player combat what i see happening is (whether or not this is the actual game or a side mode) mortal kombat meets smash bros easy to do and the characters all have enough special moves already just a hunch though

same here maybe the'll let you kill your opponent and take his weapon
12/19/2007 07:27 PM (UTC)
I think they have a good product (obviously), and just exponentionally expand on it, not go into a different direction making it a completely different game and it not be Mortal Kombat, but just a different game w/ MK characters! IMO and in my thread MK(8) ressurgence I basically said MKDA, and MKD(the greatest MK game ever.) The games grew better from 1through MKT in 2d, in 3d MK4 and up. My Idea is to make the Konquest mode more expanded,( read it for exp.) the arcade more expanded, the krypt (except for the stupid pictures of the team, they made we want to congradulate them for MKDA and especially MKD; but as [and stating for myself I'm NOT going to, just want to have a hit list for making such a terrible game in MKA]) expanded. I even threw in an optional mini game. Sorry for partly repeating myself, but IMO from MK1 they gradually got better with the culmination of MKD, from there downhill fast. ("if you want" to see my ideas for MK8 goto future MK diss)furious
12/20/2007 10:04 PM (UTC)
i think his something really surprising will be something
can't think of what it is
12/24/2007 08:33 AM (UTC)
TzarChasm Wrote:
Mortal Kombat 8 is apparently running on the U3 engine, which seven Wiis soldered together couldn't run a still-frame screenshot of without bursting into flames.

Good luck with that.

Haha...agreed. Totawwy agweed.
Do you think they will make a Wii only version after releasing MK8?? Like an MK 8.5?

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12/25/2007 04:18 AM (UTC)
maybe its 2d
12/25/2007 07:48 AM (UTC)
titanwarrior Wrote:
it could be that the kharacters won't be broken..

Most 3D fighting games are broken in general, without 2 versions, there is no hope for most 3D fightings games to be Balanced, unless of course they actually update... but thats definitely unlikely,,

They HAVE made 2 non-broken MK games but... thats 2 out of 7 MK games that have been released...so yeah..
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