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-sig by MINION

03/24/2015 07:56 PM (UTC)
Imma need them Sonya variations though.
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03/24/2015 08:04 PM (UTC)
Its not going to be Fujin. I'm not being negative (Because I would LOVE for him to be in the game) but I'm being realistic. Hoping or expecting a Fujin reveal just isn't realistic. Other than a brief glimpse of him at the beginning of story mode and in the comics there hasn't been any sign of him. No levels that have to do with him, no achievements, and no DLC skins that hint at him like there was for Liu Kang... AND they have just revealed all of the DLC planned so far... that they aren't even close to having completed yet...

There are 6 characters that may show up and they are Goro, Jacqui, Erron Black, Kenshi, Shinnok, and Liu Kang... all of which are either already confirmed, or enough evidence has been revealed that they would just be confirming a rumor, not making a huuuuge reveal. I think we'd be lucky to see more than 1 of these characters on Friday.

If I'm wrong though, I will happily eat my words and apologize! I'm still with you guys hoping that Fujin makes the next round of DLC though. Him and Smoke.
03/24/2015 08:18 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Its not going to be Fujin. I'm not being negative (Because I would LOVE for him to be in the game) but I'm being realistic. Hoping or expecting a Fujin reveal just isn't realistic. Other than a brief glimpse of him at the beginning of story mode and in the comics there hasn't been any sign of him. No levels that have to do with him, no achievements, and no DLC skins that hint at him like there was for Liu Kang... AND they have just revealed all of the DLC planned so far... that they aren't even close to having completed yet...

There are 6 characters that may show up and they are Goro, Jacqui, Erron Black, Kenshi, Shinnok, and Liu Kang... all of which are either already confirmed, or enough evidence has been revealed that they would just be confirming a rumor, not making a huuuuge reveal. I think we'd be lucky to see more than 1 of these characters on Friday.

If I'm wrong though, I will happily eat my words and apologize! I'm still with you guys hoping that Fujin makes the next round of DLC though. Him and Smoke.

I really haven't given up hope on Fujin and the likes just yet. I think this is as good of a time as any to show they haven't completely screwed everything up. At this point I think it'd make sense if NRS dropped an MK4 bomb, or even gave us a hint at it during the kombat kast.

Now that I know Tanya is DLC, I believe Reiko will be the boss and Fujin will be a playable character. I love Shinnok, but him being the only playable MK4 face does not make sense.
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03/24/2015 08:35 PM (UTC)
The_Cold_Kombatant Wrote:
Am I the only one who can do without Goro gameplay? I'd rather see variation gameplay from any of the other characters we haven't seen yet.

I agree. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to play as Goro, but his fighting style is quite predictable. It'll be cool and fun, I'm sure, but we know what to expect from the hulking once-boss Shokan. It'll be much more exciting to discover any of the characters announced but not yet shown off.

oracle Wrote:
Imma need them Sonya variations though.

grin! A Kitana fan with a positive connotation to a "Sonya" sentence! Let's be friends!
03/24/2015 08:48 PM (UTC)
Calling Goro..They said the last kombat kast they would show him "very soon"..2nd char I have no clue..
Sonya since 92
About Me

Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

03/25/2015 12:02 AM (UTC)
Sweet, hoping for 2 characters being shown off and some 16bit play.
03/25/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
I hope its something on Goro, the Hype on him has died rapidly! We need to get hype again!
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03/25/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)
Tyler from the Kast tweeted this:

Tyler:Watch me get brutality beaten by @DKirtzic For the 10th time during Fridays kombat kast.

I responded with

james peak:cool sounds good hope to see erron black, jaquline briggs, goro sonya gameplay.

His responce is confusing:......

Tylerlandsdown: We are showing gameplay of couch and spoon only. Two kombatants who like to wrassle.

03/25/2015 04:10 AM (UTC)
Damn I want to see some Shinnok gameplay and his variations.

About Me

This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

03/25/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
GOD DAMN IT! They keep putting the kombat kast on days I can't make it to my school's reliable computers! >_<

Last week school was closed for spring break and the week before it was on a Friday which my school closes at 3 on those days. Now it's on a Friday again.

My tablet won't play the kombat kast properly and my computer has a virus. It kept freezing at all the good parts.

My butt hurts. -_-
03/25/2015 04:31 AM (UTC)
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Tyler from the Kast tweeted this:

Tyler:Watch me get brutality beaten by @DKirtzic For the 10th time during Fridays kombat kast.

I responded with

james peak:cool sounds good hope to see erron black, jaquline briggs, goro sonya gameplay.

His responce is confusing:......

Tylerlandsdown: We are showing gameplay of couch and spoon only. Two kombatants who like to wrassle.

Link? He never said that... He's on my Twitter...

But neways I def think anybody waiting for more character reveals is a real long shot! Don't get your hopes all that's all I'm gonna say... Cuz if you don't see anything this week then next week you will be thinking the same thing
03/25/2015 04:47 AM (UTC)
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Tyler from the Kast tweeted this:

Tyler:Watch me get brutality beaten by @DKirtzic For the 10th time during Fridays kombat kast.

I responded with

james peak:cool sounds good hope to see erron black, jaquline briggs, goro sonya gameplay.

His responce is confusing:......

Tylerlandsdown: We are showing gameplay of couch and spoon only. Two kombatants who like to wrassle.

That's a fake account
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03/25/2015 05:29 AM (UTC)

Someone said Boon might be teasing Erron Black for Friday because of the background of the "Friday" image...

...That's reaching, right?... That wouldn't be logical...
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03/25/2015 05:43 AM (UTC)
Damn it. Your right. I follow the real tyler. I mistook it for the same account cause he indicated @mk10news and Derek account. My bad guys
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:

Someone said Boon might be teasing Erron Black for Friday because of the background of the "Friday" image...

...That's reaching, right?... That wouldn't be logical...

Not at all. That's the kind of shit that Boon would pull.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/25/2015 05:59 AM (UTC)
A Stage Fatality / Brutality / Animality and confirm that the Select Screen has _______ number of spaces!
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03/25/2015 06:00 AM (UTC)
Aight... I don't usually do this, but I reserve the right to act royally pissed if they just up and devote gameplay to Erron Black over 2 already-announced, still-waiting-for-variations-and-info characters; one of which deserves some goddamned respect after 23 years of being a mainstay! Pre-rant over.
About Me

"Sonya Blade, this is Grandmaster Sektor of the Tekunin Clan. Our consciousness is no longer bound to flesh."

Sonic 2 Meets Mortal Kombat?!

03/25/2015 06:13 AM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Its not going to be Fujin. I'm not being negative (Because I would LOVE for him to be in the game) but I'm being realistic. Hoping or expecting a Fujin reveal just isn't realistic. Other than a brief glimpse of him at the beginning of story mode and in the comics there hasn't been any sign of him. No levels that have to do with him, no achievements, and no DLC skins that hint at him like there was for Liu Kang... AND they have just revealed all of the DLC planned so far... that they aren't even close to having completed yet...

There are 6 characters that may show up and they are Goro, Jacqui, Erron Black, Kenshi, Shinnok, and Liu Kang... all of which are either already confirmed, or enough evidence has been revealed that they would just be confirming a rumor, not making a huuuuge reveal. I think we'd be lucky to see more than 1 of these characters on Friday.

If I'm wrong though, I will happily eat my words and apologize! I'm still with you guys hoping that Fujin makes the next round of DLC though. Him and Smoke.

My thoughts exactly on this upcoming stream. I'm guessing Goro because of the heavy demand fans have been voicing ever since his initial reveal. Possibly a new arena too.
03/25/2015 06:17 AM (UTC)
ProTremor Wrote:
Calling Goro..They said the last kombat kast they would show him "very soon"..2nd char I have no clue..

They say that every stream though
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/25/2015 07:47 AM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
Aight... I don't usually do this, but I reserve the right to act royally pissed if they just up and devote gameplay to Erron Black over 2 already-announced, still-waiting-for-variations-and-info characters; one of which deserves some goddamned respect after 23 years of being a mainstay!

Pre-rant over.

Well I DO usually do this so here I go- I think a currently new debuting unannounced character who may sink or swim depending on if he manages to get enough attention from fans deserves as much devotion and gameplay footage, if not more than one who has been a "mainstay" for 23 years and will likely be a mainstay for another 23. I think being a mainstay for 23 years despite being a dead end character is more than enough "respect".

Post-rant, over.
Being in the trailer I've already seen what Sonya can do. Next please.

Show off Erron, Kenshi and Jacqui instead.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/25/2015 07:53 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Being in the trailer I've already seen what Sonya can do. Next please.

Show off Erron, Kenshi and Jacqui instead.

Exactly. The newbies are the ones who need the spotlight here. They are after all, "The Next Generation". But that's right, fuck that bullshit when it comes to Sonya. She and Jax NEED the spotlight more *eye roll* Dey knee dare' RESPECT hunni!
Um no it's just we've yet to see gameplay of Erron despite being one of the more anticipated new characters

Kenshi's only been leaked by the app and even then I want to know if that 2nd boot is really his.

I want them to try and sell us on Jacqui because as of now she's the least...wanted I guess is a good term? Takeda is a lameass with a cool moveset, and Kung Jin is pretty dull for an Arrow Guy.

I'd rather have any of that than Sonya and Jax.

Of course I'd love to see an actual surprise but it's not looking likely.
About Me

03/25/2015 02:09 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Yes, you DO usually do this: nitpick everything I or anyone dare say, which you don't personally like. If you were anything relevant, or built on what's been said with something productive and encouraging discussion, that would be fine; but no, you're a caricature of some kind of late-night cartoon who thinks his anonymity is a free pass to be an insipid little asshole to myself and many other constructive users of this forum who are leagues above you.

It's funny because I don't know who you are, I never paid any attention to you, much less felt any stimulation to address you, yet you are constantly popping up to reply to something I said with needless hostility. If that's not the definition of begging for attention, I don't know what is.

First, I write a long, positive post outlining reasons why people who aren't happy with the roster might still look forward particularly to the story of this new game; how in spite of the characters, and maybe even through them, they may come to find something to like and enjoy throughout the lifetime of the game. Here comes this unknown of a user quoting me, and pointing out that I'm just saying that because my "character, her husband, her daughter, her niece, and her best friend are in the game", so fuck whatever point I'm trying to make.

Secondly, I write a long, positive post expressing my excitement at Sonya's reveal after months and months of speculation. Everyone enjoys it, some give me props. Then here comes this unknown of a user "congratulating" the fans, even if "some of them are being really show off-y".

Thirdly, I ask willing fans of Jason to take a moment to give me some background on the character, to guide me toward understanding his popularity given my ignorance toward the character. More than a couple of users with some merit kindly enough do this for me, recommend particular movies and breakdown videos; yet here comes this one unknown of a user to tell me, ever so intelligently, that if I'm not a fan than I have no business asking this, dismissing the point completely. I was getting ready to tell you some truths that time, but SubMan got around to you first, swiftly quoting all your crap and saying, plainly and beautifully, "You're a moron". Why kick a dead horse, I decided, laughing.

Yes, we get it, Anha: until just now, you weren't getting anything you wanted in this game, and I was getting everything! I get my character, with story relevance to boot, her husband, her daughter, her niece, her best friend, and her dog, while your character gets tasered in a page of a comic book and becomes wet barbecue (followed, I may add, by 2 pages of your crying and getting made fun of, rightfully so). Your bitterness is palpable and you do a horrible job of hiding it. How sad you must feel in your actual life.

Feel free to quote this as well, to defend yourself, to try and attack me again with all that acumen and intellect of yours; or dismiss this completely and go on about your life. It won't matter to me, because this has been the last time I grace your posts with my attention. You may now go back to being a fly buzzing occasionally, being annoying for just the time it takes me to scroll past your posts. That's exactly what I'm going back to doing, after months (years?) of doing so. It's quite an easy-to-acquire skill when there's more than a few of your type running around and sullying the forums with your "perspective".

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:*eye roll* Dey knee dare' RESPECT hunni!

How you think anyone here or in the world will ever dignify you when this is your schtick, is hilarious in itself. Tragically so.

SubMan and everyone else who's called you out is right. You're vapid and a moron. Your character is disregarded as a joke and you are a joke to be disregarded.

Enjoy the rest of your very respectable stay.
03/25/2015 02:13 PM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Yes, you DO usually do this: nitpick everything I or anyone dare say, which you don't personally like. If you were anything relevant, or built on what's been said with something productive and encouraging discussion, that would be fine; but no, you're a caricature of some kind of late-night cartoon who thinks his anonymity is a free pass to be an insipid little asshole to myself and many other constructive users of this forum who are leagues above you.

It's funny because I don't know who you are, I never paid any attention to you, much less felt any stimulation to address you, yet you are constantly popping up to reply to something I said with needless hostility. If that's not the definition of begging for attention, I don't know what is.

First, I write a long, positive post outlining reasons why people who aren't happy with the roster might still look forward particularly to the story of this new game; how in spite of the characters, and maybe even through them, they may come to find something to like and enjoy throughout the lifetime of the game. Here comes this unknown of a user quoting me, and pointing out that I'm just saying that because my "character, her husband, her daughter, her niece, and her best friend are in the game", so fuck whatever point I'm trying to make.

Secondly, I write a long, positive post expressing my excitement at Sonya's reveal after months and months of speculation. Everyone enjoys it, some give me props. Then here comes this unknown of a user "congratulating" the fans, even if "some of them are being really show off-y".

Thirdly, I ask willing fans of Jason to take a moment to give me some background on the character, to guide me toward understanding his popularity given my ignorance toward the character. More than a couple of users with some merit kindly enough do this for me, recommend particular movies and breakdown videos; yet here comes this one unknown of a user to tell me, ever so intelligently, that if I'm not a fan than I have no business asking this, dismissing the point completely. I was getting ready to tell you some truths that time, but SubMan got around to you first, swiftly quoting all your crap and saying, plainly and beautifully, "You're a moron". Why kick a dead horse, I decided, laughing.

Yes, we get it, Anha: until just now, you weren't getting anything you wanted in this game, and I was getting everything! I get my character, with story relevance to boot, her husband, her daughter, her niece, her best friend, and her dog, while your character gets tasered in a page of a comic book and becomes wet barbecue (followed, I may add, by 2 pages of your crying and getting made fun of, rightfully so). Your bitterness is palpable and you do a horrible job of hiding it. How sad you must feel in your actual life.

Feel free to quote this as well, to defend yourself, to try and attack me again with all that acumen and intellect of yours; or dismiss this completely and go on about your life. It won't matter to me, because this has been the last time I grace your posts with my attention. You may now go back to being a fly buzzing occasionally, being annoying for just the time it takes me to scroll past your posts. That's exactly what I'm going back to doing, after months (years?) of doing so. It's quite an easy-to-acquire skill when there's more than a few of your type running around and sullying the forums with your "perspective".

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:*eye roll* Dey knee dare' RESPECT hunni!

How you think anyone here or in the world will ever dignify you when this is your schtick, is hilarious in itself. Tragically so.

SubMan and everyone else who's called you out is right. You're vapid and a moron. Your character is disregarded as a joke and you are a joke to be disregarded.

Enjoy the rest of your very respectable stay.

Stop trying to act like a victim. It was a reply to a comment. This is a forum after all.
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