01/12/2015 11:01 PM (UTC)
Fucking guest characters!! Keep them out of my MK :/

It sucks that because of the guest character in MK9, people are going to expect one in every subsequent game as you can already tell :(

It's like Soul Calibur all over again. Boo.furious
01/12/2015 11:03 PM (UTC)
Then don't play them, or get them if they're DLC.

It's that simple.
01/12/2015 11:05 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Then don't play them, or get them if they're DLC.

It's that simple.

01/12/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Then don't play them, or get them if they're DLC.

It's that simple.

This. They have the data to prove a guest character will make a ton of money. People crying on a little message board (that I like) won't change anything. If you use logic, we will probably get Jason Vorhees.

1. Freddy sold well
2. WB owns FT13
3. WB owns NRS
4. New MK in 2015
5. New FT13 in 2015

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01/12/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
Oh man. I forgot about the new game coming out.

Jason /thread
01/12/2015 11:58 PM (UTC)
titanwarrior Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Then don't play them, or get them if they're DLC.

It's that simple.

This. They have the data to prove a guest character will make a ton of money. People crying on a little message board (that I like) won't change anything. If you use logic, we will probably get Jason Vorhees.

1. Freddy sold well
2. WB owns FT13
3. WB owns NRS
4. New MK in 2015
5. New FT13 in 2015

WB doesn't own Jason anymore. Paramount has it back http://screenrant.com/friday-13-movie-release-date-2015/
01/13/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
titanwarrior Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Then don't play them, or get them if they're DLC.

It's that simple.

This. They have the data to prove a guest character will make a ton of money. People crying on a little message board (that I like) won't change anything. If you use logic, we will probably get Jason Vorhees.

1. Freddy sold well
2. WB owns FT13
3. WB owns NRS
4. New MK in 2015
5. New FT13 in 2015

WB doesn't own Jason anymore. Paramount has it back http://screenrant.com/friday-13-movie-release-date-2015/

Thanks for posting smoke. That makes a huge difference.
01/13/2015 12:22 AM (UTC)
I'm certainly gunning for Mad Max, as everyone else should because, he will be in.

On another note, I can't wait for both, the Mad Max game and movie.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/13/2015 12:33 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
titanwarrior Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Then don't play them, or get them if they're DLC.

It's that simple.

This. They have the data to prove a guest character will make a ton of money. People crying on a little message board (that I like) won't change anything. If you use logic, we will probably get Jason Vorhees.

1. Freddy sold well
2. WB owns FT13
3. WB owns NRS
4. New MK in 2015
5. New FT13 in 2015

WB doesn't own Jason anymore. Paramount has it back http://screenrant.com/friday-13-movie-release-date-2015/

Eh...they still technically own him. They traded the rights to make new sequels to Paramount for the next 5 years(among other things) as a way to get a slice of Interstellar.
01/13/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)
Eh if its Mad Max I wont be purchasing him lol now if he is on disc ill use him to get any trophies that may require the player to use him but that's probably it.
01/13/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
Lol@tazer and mad max. My guess is Jason as well. Seems like a waste with the intros and variations though. Jason only has one style, slow lol. Plus he doesn't say anything. Although dying 87 times certainly grants him rights in the mk universe.
01/13/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
Lol@tazer and mad max. My guess is Jason as well. Seems like a waste with the intros and variations though. Jason only has one style, slow lol. Plus he doesn't say anything. Although dying 87 times certainly grants him rights in the mk universe.

I could see Jason having a faster variation. He wasn't just a slow brute in the latest flick. Plus if he does have a movie coming out later this year I fully expect the game version to play more like the newest one.
01/13/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)
You guys know this is a direct troll at you right?
01/13/2015 02:27 AM (UTC)
Yeah Jason was not always a sluggish zombie. Until he was resurrected by lightning later in the series he could and did run on occasion, they nodded to that in the latest film's intro when the girl was attempting to help out the guy who got caught in the bear trap thing, he ran right towards them.

So him running isn't a problem if they use pre-zombie or the most recent incarnation of the character.

Him jumping would still look a little strange though lol
01/13/2015 02:41 AM (UTC)
If it would be Jason, the only way I would except and buy the DLC, is if he was cyborg from Jason X.

Lol@tazer and mad max

Seriously bro? NRS has already mentioned that a guest character will be from a 2015 tie-in movie and the only one is Mad Max.

Lol now, because you won't be later when he is unveiled.
01/13/2015 02:41 AM (UTC)
Jason in space variation lol.

What do you mean it's a direct troll? @tazer Lol Beat me to it. I was laughing at your persistence, you might be right about mad max. I'm not calling you wrong.
01/13/2015 02:42 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
You guys know this is a direct troll at you right?

You'd think by now, so many fans would get a grip and realize how much bull Boon puts into his Tweets, unfortunately with the supposed "lack of news," it causes everyone to go ape shit crazy over anything this man writes.

I for one, have never taken anything that this guy has wrote seriously because there is no need to. He really hasn't even said anything that announced stuff for X other than maybe the "hint" he gave out minutes before Raiden was announced/trailer shown. And of course, I'm loosely saying "hint" because it wasn't even a hint to begin with, but it was to those who really aren't on fan forums... which exists.

But what's even funnier than people taking Boon's tweets seriously are the people that need to complain about a guest character. It was already announced that we're going to have one. The only thing that we're not getting is a console exclusive, which in my opinion, I could care less. People still overreact about guest characters, and as my previous post stated, if you don't care for the character, don't play as them. If they're DLC, don't bother wasting money for them if you're against the idea of having guest characters.

You don't need to get so upset over one character filling a character slot. They're not "wasting" their times creating a guest character when they could "take that time" to invest creating another Mortal Kombat character. Just deal that there's a guest character and cry to yourself.

Of course, this is not being directed to anyone in general, this is just what I want to write before all the "I hate guest characters" hate stuff gets flooded in here more over time. (Usually when I head to bed, more and more comments gets added to certain threads and then there's like eight pages when I wake up. Doubtful that there's going to be eight pages immediately when tomorrow comes, but one never knows)
01/13/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)

I'm starting to realize his Twitter is used to fuck with people and that's it lol. I joined this site because there is no mkx discussion going on. At least people speculate here, there's just not much to go on so I think you're right.
01/13/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)

I'm starting to realize his Twitter is used to fuck with people and that's it lol. I joined this site because there is no mkx discussion going on. At least people speculate here, there's just not much to go on so I think you're right.

I don't mind that people like to speculate things that they see. It's just whenever I see someone posting anything coming from Boon's Twitter, there are still people who really think he's giving away hints. And to be honest, he's never really said anything that gave away any kind of hint towards a character.

Like there are some blatant obvious troll posts that people just over speculate the shit out of. At times it's a bit of a pitiful scene to see people overreact to something that's not even meant to be taken seriously.

Had Boon actually answered some legit questions, I wouldn't be sitting here writing all of this because we wouldn't know what's truthful and what isn't if he actually answered stuff. But the guy has never once answered a legit question on the site without acting either like a smart ass or a jokester. This is like what, month seven or eight of pre-production and Boon still posts stuff that hardly answers any questions we're desperately trying to find the answers to.

Why keep going when we've seen time after time that he's not going to give us anything seriously?

I know I'm kinda making a big deal out of it, but... it's just I don't get why there are people (and I'm not just referring to the users on this site) who still get so overworked in trying to decode Boon's twitter. There's really nothing to decode.

This is basically the second reason why I wish Netherrealm Studios didn't keep releasing trailers for characters and such. I kinda wish they could have done like two trailers of some game play footage and that's all that would keep us holding until the release date. Of course, I don't think that many fans would actually appreciate them doing so and would drive a lot of the nuts.
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Props to MINION
01/13/2015 03:18 AM (UTC)
I for one like the lack of knowledge of the game we have so far, I like finding out stuff in the game by playing it, not knowing everything before its released, like the pre internet days.

speculating and theorizing is way more fun than just being told whats there.
01/13/2015 03:33 AM (UTC)
Jason in space variation lol.

What do you mean it's a direct troll?


Lol Beat me to it. I was laughing at your persistence, you might be right about mad max. I'm not calling you wrong.

Ok, wasn't really sure.
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I will rock you.

01/13/2015 03:34 AM (UTC)
The way NRS is going with all of the dialogue it might not be any of these it could possibly be Mad Max.wink
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01/13/2015 04:57 AM (UTC)
I'm starting to realize his Twitter is used to fuck with people and that's it

No it isn't.
01/13/2015 07:25 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Then don't play them, or get them if they're DLC.

It's that simple.

I know it is, and I won't be buying/playing any guest characters. It's just annoying that they take up a spot that could be used for another MK character.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

01/13/2015 08:51 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
Not that I'm taking these tweets seriously but if either Jason or the Pred are chosen over Spawn, I seriously might not be able to cope. Spawn is such a perfect fit for an MK game. Imagine all the possibilities with the chains and cape.

My inner fan wants AntiSpawn/Redeemer but it simply will never happen. Haha.


And hey. If they put Freddy In one of our MK games, you can probably bet your ass Jason is more then capable of being a guest character in MK:X. Not to say this will happen, but it's more then possible. Even Kratos from God of War was in MK:9. People gotta relax with Hawking Boon's every word. It wont make you feel any better abut this.
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