Dynamic Online Towers?
posted03/13/2015 08:36 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/31/2010 04:01 AM (UTC)
You guys know what I'm talking about, they mentioned it a long time ago now. I believe it was said that there will be 3 different towers which change periodically, one of them refreshing every hour. However they didn't specify exactly what these will be like. I'm curious.

I wonder how similar these will be to the challenge tower in MK9. What else could they do with it? They did quite a lot in the old challenge tower (having 300 somewhat unique challenges), and personally I am struggling to see how much difference there could be. What are your ideas for unique, dynamic, MK towers?

All I can think of so far is stuff that has to do with variations. Fight with the perks of all 3, fight with only the base moves, etc.

Other than that, they might have challenged where you have to perform certain brutalities, that could be interesting.
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