Does the Predator deconfirm the Cyborgs?
posted03/20/2015 08:16 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
It's something plenty of people seem to think, and I disagree.

Yes, the cyborgs' design was partially inspired by the Predator, they can cloak (at least Sektor could in MKA's konquest mode) and self-destruct, plus Cyrax has a net. But let's look at the differences.

Sektor uses missiles and a flamethrower. The only time a Predator ever fired a missile was in P2, and I doubt it'd be part of it's moveset. Even if it was, it wasn't quite like Sektor's missiles. Plus Sektor has his teleport punch.

Cyrax's net doesn't hurt people like the Predator's does. Beyond the net, Cyrax has two buzzsaws, one coming out of his chest, and one on his wrist, which is different from the Predator's wristblades. His grenades are unlike anything the Predators have ever used so far (only taking the movies into consideration), and finally, there's his teleport move where he disassembles himself then puts himself back together.

So why would the Predator's presence deconfirm either Cyborgs? Reptile's in the game and can still turn invisible (and so could Smoke in MK9). This is almost like Cassie and her parents all over again.
03/20/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
I think Predator will play more like Fulgore than the Cyborgs imo, with the blades and all. I expect NRS to be pretty unique with him, and really his inclusion doesn't disconfirm shit.
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03/20/2015 03:37 PM (UTC)
>Cyrax Bombs assist in TYL
>Takeda stealing Sektor's dual pulse blades

If anything, that's what really deconfirms the cyborgs.
03/20/2015 03:37 PM (UTC)
If anything I think we will get a Cyborg DLC now just to have the pleasure of putting any of them against Predator.
03/20/2015 03:38 PM (UTC)
At least one of the Cyborgs will make it as DLC, they are too popular to leave, Cyrax was an EVO winner and one of the most played according to the Oficial States.

They could make them different, the proff is Kung Jin/Lao, Johnny and Cassie, Takeda, Kenshi and Scorpion.
03/20/2015 03:43 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
It's something plenty of people seem to think, and I disagree.

Yes, the cyborgs' design was partially inspired by the Predator, they can cloak (at least Sektor could in MKA's konquest mode) and self-destruct, plus Cyrax has a net. But let's look at the differences.

Sektor uses missiles and a flamethrower. The only time a Predator ever fired a missile was in P2, and I doubt it'd be part of it's moveset. Even if it was, it wasn't quite like Sektor's missiles. Plus Sektor has his teleport punch.

Cyrax's net doesn't hurt people like the Predator's does. Beyond the net, Cyrax has two buzzsaws, one coming out of his chest, and one on his wrist, which is different from the Predator's wristblades. His grenades are unlike anything the Predators have ever used so far (only taking the movies into consideration), and finally, there's his teleport move where he disassembles himself then puts himself back together.

So why would the Predator's presence deconfirm either Cyborgs? Reptile's in the game and can still turn invisible (and so could Smoke in MK9). This is almost like Cassie and her parents all over again.

I think the real problem is the cyborgs are already being split between other characters.
03/20/2015 03:51 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
>Cyrax Bombs assist in TYL
>Takeda stealing Sektor's dual pulse blades

If anything, that's what really deconfirms the cyborgs.

Well, Sektor hasn't used those blades since Armageddon so is that really relevant?
03/20/2015 04:08 PM (UTC)
Seeing how the Cyborgs no longer look like the Predator I would say no.

What deconfirms them is everyone else getting Sketors moves. And there has not even been a whisper of Cyrax when it comes to Sub-Zero's story or the White Lotus or Special Forces.
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03/20/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Well, Sektor hasn't used those blades since Armageddon so is that really relevant?

Let's pretend for second that Sektor is confirmed for MKX.

Do you honestly think they wouldn't give him a pulse blades variation?
03/20/2015 04:15 PM (UTC)
No, but in combination with the modifiers, yes.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/20/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
I still think we'll get one or the other.

I didn't realize Cyrax was a tournament winner either. Wtf was I doing wrong?
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03/20/2015 04:26 PM (UTC)
Here's the thing about the Cyborgs.... they're awful. I like Cyrax from a gameplay standpoint but conceptually and narratively they were a step in the wrong direction.
03/20/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Well, Sektor hasn't used those blades since Armageddon so is that really relevant?

Let's pretend for second that Sektor is confirmed for MKX.

Do you honestly think they wouldn't give him a pulse blades variation?

It's not out of the question for them to come up with different variations.

Missle variation, teleport variation, flamethrower variation

Who knows? I'm just saying I feel like they abandoned the pulse blade idea with his MK9 appearance.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/20/2015 04:32 PM (UTC)
Don't think the Predator's inclusion affects their chances. I just hope that they both show up playable at some point.
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03/20/2015 04:32 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
teleport variation

>implying he wouldn't have teleports in every variation

Out of all the bullshit in Armageddon, the pulse blades were one of the few things that actually fit pretty organically. I really doubt they'd abandon them, m8. They're practically begging to be made into a variation.
03/20/2015 04:45 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
redman Wrote:
teleport variation

>implying he wouldn't have teleports in every variation

Out of all the bullshit in Armageddon, the pulse blades were one of the few things that actually fit pretty organically. I really doubt they'd abandon them, m8. They're practically begging to be made into a variation.

No, I'm not implying that. I'm implying that they would be able to come up with something creative like they have for all the characters. Raiden has something like what I was thinking of with his displacer variation, he can teleport all over the screen.

While they could work, I really don't think Takeda having them deconfirms him by any means.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/20/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
Speaking of Raiden, I was surprised he didn't get a staff variation until I saw Kung Jin. But even then, there's plenty of ways to manipulate staff skills.

Left to Bo Rai Cho? One can only hope.
03/20/2015 05:19 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Speaking of Raiden, I was surprised he didn't get a staff variation until I saw Kung Jin. But even then, there's plenty of ways to manipulate staff skills.

Left to Bo Rai Cho? One can only hope.

During TKT's review of the first chapter, I believe they said that my boy Fujin is using a staff. One could only hope.. sad
03/20/2015 05:20 PM (UTC)
Shouldn't Jacquelin didn't deconfirm Jackson and Cassie didn't deconfirm Johnny or Sonya .
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/20/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Speaking of Raiden, I was surprised he didn't get a staff variation until I saw Kung Jin. But even then, there's plenty of ways to manipulate staff skills.

Left to Bo Rai Cho? One can only hope.

It's really a bummer that they didn't do a staff variation for Raiden. I feel like his staff is way too iconic to his character to leave out. Hopefully he at least carries it around in the story mode.
03/20/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
>Cyrax Bombs assist in TYL
>Takeda stealing Sektor's dual pulse blades

If anything, that's what really deconfirms the cyborgs.

Well, Sektor hasn't used those blades since Armageddon so is that really relevant?

Just going to chime in and say they are Plasma blades not Pulse blades. I know they are used the same way but they aren't Pulse blades.
03/20/2015 05:36 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
redman Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
>Cyrax Bombs assist in TYL
>Takeda stealing Sektor's dual pulse blades

If anything, that's what really deconfirms the cyborgs.

Well, Sektor hasn't used those blades since Armageddon so is that really relevant?

Just going to chime in and say they are Plasma blades not Pulse blades. I know they are used the same way but they aren't Pulse blades.

Oh, okay. Yeah I didn't really remember what they were called and I just assumed they were called Pulse Blades because he called them that lol.
03/20/2015 05:45 PM (UTC)
No, because they aren't that similar anymore hell the weren't even that similar to begin with, there were some tiny nods to the Predator but still farfrom a copy. You could still have Sektor and/or Cyrax in a game next to the Predator without them seeming too similar, IMO.
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03/20/2015 06:05 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Just going to chime in and say they are Plasma blades not Pulse blades. I know they are used the same way but they aren't Pulse blades.

redman Wrote:
Raiden has something like what I was thinking of with his displacer variation, he can teleport all over the screen.

Yeah, because it makes sense for a God of Thunder to be able to do that.

Sektor I'm not sure about. He always struck me as more of a heavy-weapon model, anyway.

redman Wrote:
come up with some creative

redman Wrote:
come up

That's what I'm saying - why bother racking your brain trying to "come up" with something where there's already a variation right there, practically begging to be used?

It's also worth noting that he had the pulse blade as far back as MKGold and even MK:TE on the GBA. I completely forgot about that.

redman Wrote:
While they could work, I really don't think Takeda having them deconfirms him by any means.

Hey, you know what?

I hope I'm wrong about this, and he's actually playable. I need the epic "taking back the Lin Kuei" showdown between him and Subs. They owe us at least this much after not showing us a goddamn thing about the Cyber Initiative in MK9.
03/20/2015 06:15 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Here's the thing about the Cyborgs.... they're awful. I like Cyrax from a gameplay standpoint but conceptually and narratively they were a step in the wrong direction.

How so? They're no more silly or over the top than Kano, or Shao Kahn or Goro.

If anything they do more to embellish on Earthrealm a little more in the MK universe.

Yeah it makes no sense for a ninja clan to turn their assassins into clunky torpedo shooting cyborgs but...when has MK ever featured practical characters? MK is silly and over the top and they fit right in.
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