Does the next MK game have to be a Fighter?
posted06/13/2007 02:34 PM (UTC)by
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02/21/2004 05:24 PM (UTC)
Ok we already heard that MK8 (whatever its called) will be a fighter and from what I understand it's gonna be a few years (2 years perhaps...could be wrong, haven't been keeping up with the news) before it comes out. But what are the odds of another non-fighter MK game coming out before or shortly after MK8?

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks met and possibly exceeded many people's expectations and no doubt made Midway a pretty penny while at it. Where as games such as *bleh* Mortal Kombat: Special Forces was a waste of time and money (happy to hear Midway actually didn't make this one but gave someone else the rights). MK: Sub-Zero was somewhere in between the two extremes. Now I'm not asking for a MK: SM2, but another action game or an action/rpg based in the classic MK realm would be very welcomed especially since they seem hell bent on killing off all the classic characters. Since the time between MK1 and MK2 has already been filled in (non-canon like) with MK:SM why not a game for the time between MK2-MK3 or MK3-MK4? I would love to see how Shinnok killed off all the other Earthrealm gods or how Sindel got resurrected on Earth enabling Shao Khan's illegal attempt to take over Earthrealm. (They could even use the old system (PS2 or Xbox) like Tomb Raider is if having to create a all new system to work with PS3, Xbox360, Wii would prove difficult. Not what I would recommend but an option.)

Now I know there has been other threads asking for a MK:SM2 or a MK RPG, I just want to know what are the chances of Midway creating other non-fighter MK games and if so what kind and who would the games concentrate on? Would it be a pair like MK: SM or a single character like in MK: Sub-Zero? If an RPG will you get to play as all the chosen warriors on a team? Will we only get to see the 'good guys' point of view or perhaps a game from the ' villians' side of things?

Any opinions or info would be appreciated. I just ask that any info be backed by actual data (ie referring to a magazine article mentioning info) and that a reason is given for one's opinion even if its just one line.
06/07/2007 07:13 AM (UTC)
Hey,well done thread.About another MK beat em up like MK:SM or a MK rpg,count me in,MK:SM was a really cool game,good engine and loads of fun taking aside the fact of the total dissection and butchery of the MK2 storyline,for a MK rpg it could be great if done correctly,more of an action rpg styled game.

concerning info,i remember an interview from a time ago where a Midway developer mentioned the idea of a Scorpion game in the style of MKM: Sub Zero telling the story of Scorpion,it was a while ago so who knows if this game can come true or what is the status of this kind of games for the future.
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06/07/2007 11:52 AM (UTC)
Somewhere around Nov. '08 "Mk8" is expected for release. Tid-bits start to come about the1st quarter of '08. This according to newslestters we've gotten in the last couple this forum actually now that I give it thought.

Well wow, um....there's alot of categories to thumb through outside of the "Fighter" genre. Rpg, Fps, or MmOs are kind of obvious ones, while genres like "Puzzles", "Beat 'em up"//melee, or "Mazes" are tried to be incorporated in every venture outside of the fight genre.

How about a Mortal Kombat that is of the "Survival Horror" & "RpG" genres combined, that also is heavy on these genres:
1. Action
2. Stategy
3.FpS or ThirdPersonShooter options.
4. Melee/Fighting
5. Puzzles
6. Simulators(alternate modes of transportation or assault)

Chances of a game like this actually coming about? About as slim as an essential MkTeam member reading and considering these posts as good ideas to run with. But, interesting no less I think.

To continue, I'd like to be able to choose from either a limited "Official roster(maybe 10 favs, half new characters, half old characters), or take a Created character through such an experience. Almost the same way we did with Jinko, and be able to "grow-up" with the character from current age and appearance. Moreso the feeling that you actually developed that character, or took that character though his/her trials and tribulations than anything. "Share Hardships and Learn" as you play...

I want to be able to intimately build whatever character I choose so that even if he/she is an "Official" character, they are still unique to me. Because that's the route I took them and am comfortable with. With that said, this should be a game that is considered "non-cannon" just like MkSm story-wise. Alternately Known As: "Just a fun game with huge re-play value."

At the same time, I don't think our new systems are limited for being able to save a created character made in one game on "memory" of some fasion(given the same system per consecutive games bought within the same franchise........think of how similar MkDa, MkD, and MkA were.), and re-constituting that created character on the new-er game. Tweeks expected.

That'd be a neat perk that would superceed just taking your created character online. Imagine how much better you could make a character you've already created on a previous game.....How much more re-fined you could tune them ect...

Simply put though, make the KaK systematics compatible between games. "KaK 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3"

Go with Shang Tsung and Quan Chi...

I absolutley LOVE Co-op games, it's one of the reasons my cousin and I will rent any random game....and if it's Mk, we just say "fuck it" and buy it for that reason alone. So I would love to have the Co-op available...I need it if it isn't the traditional Mk game we're talking about. I still play "Contra" for that reason. lol

Moving on to "Who's point of veiw?"

I think it should be left up to the player unless that character is already famous for an alignment. Like Quan Chi wouldn't ultimately choose to align with the forces of good....he'd be an evil sorcerer. Although that is all left up to how you display his choices, and how they are left to be interpreted by the player. "The Why", in other words. Great opportunity to screw with peoples minds about "why invade//harm//take over EarthRealm" right?
Good game material I'd say.


I also thing that we need some realitistic interpretations of each ahcaracter too. Like Any-body miltary should compare to these "other games" that are out now. No more Jax and Sonya personalities. They need to be realized in order to have an impact. Too, anybody with an element needs to be updated to exceed our expectations again. Because they are not doing so the way they used to. Time for Mk to re-boot and re-juvenate.

Incomplete....continue later
06/07/2007 01:08 PM (UTC)
06/07/2007 05:04 PM (UTC)
well from what i have read. MK:SM has been on the drawing board along time since when John Tobias was there along with another game based around baraaka. I remember reading something on WIkipedia so i guess if they release another SM type game it will be baraaka based story
06/08/2007 06:24 AM (UTC)
True, but I think the real reason why it took so long was that Midway was hesitant (sp?) on creating an non-fighter MK game due to what happened with MK: Special Forces and they wanted to concentrate on the new engine (at the time) for MK:DA. After all MK started out as a fighter and is still primarily a fighter series.

I just hope they understand they almost have a goldmine on their hands due to the storyline of the earlier games leaving so many open doors and unanswered questions of some of the characters.
06/08/2007 03:36 PM (UTC)
If Mortal Kombat is going to live on to the next generation, in that case, the next game should be a fighter as that what the series was intended to be...though I wouldn't mind seeing another spin-off of MK after MK8.
06/09/2007 06:15 AM (UTC)
MK should continue as a fighter. Thats what it is.
06/09/2007 08:53 AM (UTC)
Huh...Yes Midway will no doubt continue Mortal Kombat in it's fighter tradition and no one is arguing that. Just wanted to know what people thought of the possibilty of MK spreading out into other genre (sp?). MK:SM was a good game...not the best but a fun game that surprised a lot of people.

Thanks for the correction on the possible release date, '08 isn't so bad but I wouldn't mind a filler game but then Midway is busy with creating a whole new system. What about after MK8 comes out? Do you want another fighter in a year after or an action/adventure or possible RPG based loosely on the 'classic' Mortal Kombat? Especially since, Midway has told us they are going to start with an almost clean slate with the next MK fighter. (By 'almost' I have no idea what they could really mean and not going to even going to try to guess.)
06/09/2007 01:42 PM (UTC)
Well, of course the next mk should be a fighter!
06/09/2007 03:46 PM (UTC)
Personally, I would prefer if Midway's undivided attention was soley on MK8. But if it doesn't interfere with the development with MK8, I wouldn't mind seeing another adventure game.

There are plenty of stories it could be built on. Personally, I would like to see a game based on Shao Kahn, maybe explaining his rise to power. Or a Kitana/Mileena/Jade game that takes place when they were all still loyal to Kahn, maybe about how Kitana learned the truth about her past.

However, I do feel that if they make a new adventure game they should either make it clear it's non-canon OR make damn sure it fits with the established story. Because this is where Shaolin Monks failed miserably. SOME of it MIGHT be canon. I know they claimed the hired a comic book writer to do the story and make sure it fit....unfortunately said writer, by his own admition, knew almost nothing about the MK story.
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06/10/2007 12:41 AM (UTC)
LadyRaiden Wrote:
Thanks for the correction on the possible release date, '08 isn't so bad but I wouldn't mind a filler game but then Midway is busy with creating a whole new system. What about after MK8 comes out? Do you want another fighter in a year after or an action/adventure or possible RPG based loosely on the 'classic' Mortal Kombat? Especially since, Midway has told us they are going to start with an almost clean slate with the next MK fighter. (By 'almost' I have no idea what they could really mean and not going to even going to try to guess.)


To answer your question(s) there, I would never rush the main "fighters" like that. Uooh noo. Maybe every 2-3yrs get another fighter.

In-between that time? Explore...Experiment. Yet ever so slightly as to improve//contribute to the next fighter that would come out, and make money in the process(easier said than done of course). I would attemt the inevitable:
The Equillibrium for Mortal Kombats' other games.

Action/Adventure/Fantasy("realism" a key component here too)
RpG(pick your "official rostered" character...and....role play that characters story out....or..develop your own through the same process)
Fighter(gotta have it)
Puzzle("clever" is the key)
Strategy(mix in and out with the puzzles....make A.I. work for you.)
Personalization//Customization(gotta have it now days, people like that kind of control)
Story-Teller("Mortal Kombat" overall or about each individual character)
Massively Multiplayer Online Game(MMOG)(gotta have it now days)

Rating: Mature(M)
06/10/2007 04:08 AM (UTC)
Yes, it does. After that, an MMORPG would be sweet. Think about it, You kreate a kharacter,choose your alliance, start in one of the 6 realms (each have different characters to learn off of, so that say if you learn off of scorpion, you learn his spear move, but only after an objective is met. better move= harder task) can move between realms eventually. You can learn off of only characters from your alliance though, for a total of 6. you can do battle with mk characters and actual people. game structured similary to WoW (what better?). have different talents depending on race (ex. human, shokan, demon) and class (ex. sorceror, ninja), you can have different proffesions, each giving benefits (assassin= access to real world weapons, high pay, easily caught and fined if in orderrealm), and that is my idea. expand on it. i dont feel like typing more. maybe later.sleep
Yeah lets just rip the soul right out of the game itself.
06/11/2007 02:07 AM (UTC)
i agree with frozenscorpion.wowwowwowwow
06/13/2007 02:34 PM (UTC)
I would love to see an RPG MK game like Elder Scrolls Oblivion. You can create your own character (way better than MKA), build them up, join factions, etc. An MK adventure game means a good game. MKM was the best, because it fit the MK story. MKSM was good because of gameplay, but terrible at story. But, it was still good.

But, right now, I want Midway and the MK team to focus all of their attention to MK8. I want it to be a awesome game.
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