01/29/2015 04:06 PM (UTC)
Unless he become a playable character, I just don't care about him...

... but if he took a roster slot, then probably I will hate him so much.
01/29/2015 04:15 PM (UTC)
I cant really hate him because he has only been in 1 game with a very minimal role, and made a cameo in the vita version of MK9KE IIRC so I have no reason to hate him.
01/29/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
This is interesting. I'm not trying to say that the whole community has one voice when it comes to characters when we obviously don't, but it's strange to see who a lot of people pine for and who they don't and why.

Tons of people have been asking for underutilized 3D era characters to return, but Tremor, who's even less utilized than the Reikos and Tanyas of the MK universe is brought up (too much?) and now many bristle at the idea of his inclusion.

Is it because he's yet another ninja? Please. If a lot off ninjas was okay before, it's okay now. One more really shouldn't really be the tipping point.

To be clear, I could take him or leave him. His background has potential and an Earth ninja sounds interesting in theory, so yeah, as a hidden unlockable? Why not.

I think that's where a lot of people are at. I don't see this massive groundswell of support for him. Like any underdeveloped 3D era character, some have imagined scenarios where he'd make a good inclusion.

Why does Tanya have such a following? Why does Fujin? Why does Shinnok or Havik? People see a good design or story potential given their role or a background worth exploring or a potentially awesome move set and almost build up the character in their mind. That's about it.

If you just dislike him because others see that potential, well... That's kinda silly. It's like hating a band because they're popular. If you don't see their potential, or if you dislike any one facet a lot, that's one thing. But going as far as hating a character just because others see something you don't seems like a bit much.

I don't hate him I just think this is all stupid. He is nothing but a throw away boss who was never meant to be mentioned again from a sub par game.

This is like demanding the giant mechanized demons from Mythologies be made into an actual character.
Shit while we're at it where is the fan outcry for Reptiles pal snake to make a come back?

This just all seems soooo stupid to me >.<
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01/29/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
"Hate" is a strong word to describe a character who hasn't made a roster appearance in any main game. I couldn't care less about him at present. I suppose his earth powers have potential, but I could say that about quite a few post-MK3 characters with more importance and fan following than Tremor. Plus, he's a Mortal Kombat ninja and that alone makes him less unique-looking to me.

However, I will hate him on principle if he makes it into MKX over Fujin. That's unlikely, but you can never know for sure what NRS is up to with their rosters until it's too late to speculate.
01/29/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
Tremor is unnecessary and over doing it. I don't see how he would fit in any clan with a serious role or mingle with anyone, even if he was connected to the Black dragon. He would be onerous to mix with because of his undeveloped background. Now don't get me wrong, I would praise the inclusion of an earth elemental, just not with a typical brown ninja look as it's just not right and could saturate other 'ninjas' spotlight due to quantity. The amount of characters that use forms of masks up to now is adequate.
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01/29/2015 04:48 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

Is it because he's yet another ninja? Please. If a lot off ninjas was okay before, it's okay now.

Thing is, it wasn't.

Do you remember the late 90's, after UMK3, Trilogy and 4 came out? You had magazines like Gamepro and shit with satirical articles going "Hey look, it's Brickor, the brick ninja" and "Radon, the radioactive ninja". MK was a joke then; a fighting game series with average gameplay in comparison, zero balancing, and what seemed like a cast composed halfway of pallette-swaps. There's a reason "pallette-swaps" carries a negative stigma with it; it reeks of lack of creativity. Copy-paste copy-paste. Seven male ninjas, three cyber-ninjas, four lady assassins (Up to anyone if they want to count Reiko and Tanya in MK4 or not, but they got the same brand from a lot of folks, too, even if they weren't masked)

We live in different times now, and the MK team in all its incarnations have gone out of their way to differentiate the old clones as much as possible through gameplay and visuals, while trying to keep enough traces of the old aesthetic to keep people happy. I applaud them for it, but every time people say "Reptile should look fully human again" or "Tremor should be a character", I wince because I find the reasoning really, really shallow.

I'd accept Tremor if he was given a redesign that eschewed any trace of the ninja aesthetic. But if you did that, I guarantee you 95% of the people who want him in would start shitting all over him. There's no point to his inclusion.

Would take Tasia or No-Face first, any day of the week.
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01/29/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)
Nope, you are the only one bro. Tremor is kool and will be revealed today grin
01/29/2015 05:21 PM (UTC)
I don't hate Tremor. But the way some fans go on about him when he appeared in only 2 games is a bit much. We have ninjas in every color of the rainbow and yet people seem to want more. I just don't get that.
01/29/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
rainbowrabbit Wrote:
I don't hate Tremor. But the way some fans go on about him when he appeared in only 2 games is a bit much. We have ninjas in every color of the rainbow and yet people seem to want more. I just don't get that.

If I saw I want 'Tremor' in the game... It's mainly me saying how awesome a Earth-power based character could be.
I did like his original backstory of Lin Kuei turned Black Dragon, but it's not amazing or anything.

IF he is ever an actual playable character, they absolutely can not carry any of the old school ninja look with him. That crap should stay in the 90s where it belongs.
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01/29/2015 05:53 PM (UTC)
I don't get the hate either.. there seems to be 3 main reason people hate him:

1) He was in a shtty game

2) He was just meant to be a background secondary character

3) He was just a ninja pallet swap character

Well to these arguments I say this: Ermac started out as nothing more than a rumor. Error Macro. He didn't even really exist as a character... Rain started out as nothing more than a name and a purple color. He didn't really exist as a character... Khameleon/Chameleon started off as the ultimate pallet swaps.. they took the color and moves from the other ninjas and didn't offer up anything unique of their own...

All of these characters now have people who love them. All it took was the Mortal Kombat team to spend time on each one and give them a decent story, good moves, and a unique look. You can't really call ninjas pallet swaps any more because they aren't. While a ninja esque garb is the only thing they have in common, they all have different personalities, stories, and over all looks.

So with Tremor... I don't understand how there could be so much hate for some one starting out with the same kind of underdog circumstances as Ermac and Rain.. With a little effort NRS could turn him into a pretty awesome character with unique abilities we haven't seen in a MK Fighting game yet. I for one would like to see what NRS is capable of doing with Tremor!
01/29/2015 06:01 PM (UTC)
Tremor is simply useless. For as long as he's been around--nearly fifteen whole years--if NRS really gave a shit about him he'd have had more notable appearances than just the worst MK title in history (Special Forces). They even added the equally pointless Skarlet as a DLC for MK9 instead of him.

We don't need another moldy oldie for a new character, let alone another ninja. "We gotta have an Earth manipulator!" is not much of a valid reason either. An already existing character can be repackaged as that instead.
There are 64 other characters to play with, plus the MKX newbies, so let's be happy with what we've got.
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01/29/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
Wait wait... you use Dairou as a sig and give people crap for wanting Tremor? Im pretty sure more people would be open to seeing Tremor than Dairou in another MK game.

I'm not anti Dairou or anything but my point in saying that is that Peoples opinions of characters are completely subjective. Which is how one person can hate aspects of a character and another person can love those aspects of a character..

With that in mind Tremor deserves just as much as any other character that has only appeared in one game, to be given a second chance.

People don't like his outfit? Don't put him in a ninja custume..

People think he was in a shitty game? Put him in a better game.

A Lin Quei trained fighter with earth elemental powers who defected to the Black Dragon sounds pretty interesting to me.
01/29/2015 06:20 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Wait wait... you use Dairou as a sig and give people crap for wanting Tremor?

Whatever point you were trying to get across just became invalidated with this utterly moronic and nonsensical response. Pity.
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01/29/2015 07:16 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
How can people hate a character that has barely appeared in MK, I mean, what can we hate him for, the name?. Also, don't hardcore ninja fans want as many palette swaps as possible, why stop at 7?
01/29/2015 08:14 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Wait wait... you use Dairou as a sig and give people crap for wanting Tremor? Im pretty sure more people would be open to seeing Tremor than Dairou in another MK game.

I'm not anti Dairou or anything but my point in saying that is that Peoples opinions of characters are completely subjective. Which is how one person can hate aspects of a character and another person can love those aspects of a character..

With that in mind Tremor deserves just as much as any other character that has only appeared in one game, to be given a second chance.

People don't like his outfit? Don't put him in a ninja custume..

People think he was in a shitty game? Put him in a better game.

A Lin Quei trained fighter with earth elemental powers who defected to the Black Dragon sounds pretty interesting to me.

Tremor has only been in MK in a albeit limited way, unlike Dairou. It's not the same, plus Tremor is still kind of inconsistent in comparison. (Just a reminder, Tremor has been in more than one game. He was in MK2011 and MKSF and if you're referring to Dairou he was in MKD, MKU and MKA.)

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01/29/2015 08:25 PM (UTC)
Tremor was in Mk2011?
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01/29/2015 08:27 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Tremor was in Mk2011?

The PS Vita version only and he is only in the challenge tower.
01/29/2015 08:31 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Tremor was in Mk2011?

In the challenge tower I think.
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