Does anyone else hate Tremor?
posted01/29/2015 08:31 PM (UTC)by
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01/29/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)
I'm just curious, in the most respectful way, does anyone else get irritated every time they see the name Tremor?

I'm a diehard ninja fan, but to me there's only 7. I see Tremor this and Tremor that and all I can think about is "Hey that entire character could be summed up with Jax." I don't even like typing the name "Tremor" and I think Boon kind of feels the same way. I almost want to create a counter petition.

So I ask, out of pure curiosity, only directed to fans against this character...

Is anyone else against the idea of having Tremor in a game?
01/29/2015 05:51 AM (UTC)
Can't really hate someone who has only been in 1 game and had a little role.

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01/29/2015 05:52 AM (UTC)
How can people hate a character that has barely appeared in MK, I mean, what can we hate him for, the name?. Also, don't hardcore ninja fans want as many palette swaps as possible, why stop at 7?
01/29/2015 05:53 AM (UTC)
I always welcome new MK ninjas, just as there's always new Street Fighter shotos. Im not pulling for Tremor specifically but I definitely want brand new ninjas.

01/29/2015 06:12 AM (UTC)
Why do you like the ninjas exactly? I like them because they remind me of the elemental ninjas from old kung fu movies. You have fire, ice, water, acid, smoke, darkness(i say ink lol), wind, telekinesis... An earth manipulating ninja is the only thing that's missing honestly lol.. Why isn't he a character yet?

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01/29/2015 06:41 AM (UTC)
Every time the name comes up, I've wondered what "potential" this character has that, say, Tasia, also from MKSF, doesn't. Never seen a good answer.
01/29/2015 06:49 AM (UTC)
Tremor if given the proper treatment could actually be an interesting character. He could be a former Lin Kuei who worked outside of their code and was exiled. Tremor could have gone rouge and worked underground or journeyed to Outworld to be an assassin until he was subdued and captured by the Special Forces. Since Tremor is of Earthrealm, he was returned to Earthrealm to be imprisoned in a top security detention center only to be broken out later by Kano who recruits him to he Black Dragon.

With the Red Dragon clan being active and who pose a great threat to the Black Dragon it would make sense for Kano to recruit this renegade and cut throat ninja, Tremor's style might appeal to Kano and hence the reason why he is affliliated with the mercenary thug.

It would be cool to have a ninja representing the black dragon, and Tremor's ablilities would be cool to see with him manipulating the terrain and earth. An idea that would be interesting is that Tremor can interact with the environment around him, and some special moves of his can vary depending on the background chosen to fight in. For instance, Tremor can create an avalanche in an environment with snowy mountains, or cause earthquakes to make pieces of the surrounding buildings and structures to fall on his opponents. Just a thought.
01/29/2015 06:52 AM (UTC)
Every time someone mentions that character on this forum,I always think "oh god..."

So I'm pretty sure I kinda don't like that character.
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01/29/2015 12:08 PM (UTC)
I like to play his mission on Mk9 vita bonus tower.

Not sure why. Just think it's cool he's in there I guess
01/29/2015 12:08 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Every time the name comes up, I've wondered what "potential" this character has that, say, Tasia, also from MKSF, doesn't. Never seen a good answer.

Same. At least Tasia and No Face had original designs to start off with. Tremor was always just a brown ninja design that we'd already seen 7 other characters wear. Sure he could become something unique but why him over anyone else from SF, I never got. There are other minor characters from better games that I'd love to see re-imagined first. Like Kia and Jataaka
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01/29/2015 12:18 PM (UTC)
I never hated him nor did I know much about him... HOWEVER... Every single time a new MK game is out, all these MK fans asking for Tremor to be on the game, made me hate him without knowing much about him. Sad but true.
01/29/2015 12:27 PM (UTC)
Its time for a new ninja. Tremor would have Earth based powers which i dont think have been done yet. Also, the Black Dragon is a clan in the online mode. It cant just be Kano. Who is going to return? Kobra? No. Jarek? No. Kira? Maybe, but not likely. That leaves Kabal who we last saw was a good guy. Tremor has a clean slate. We might also get some new black dragon characters.
01/29/2015 12:34 PM (UTC)
Who? Never heard of this guy. Is he a new edition to the roster introduced via the comic? Because I have never ever played or seen this character in an MK roster or acknowledged in the story. EVER!

So again. Who?
01/29/2015 12:40 PM (UTC)
He's a minor character in what is possibly MK's worst game. I hate that ninja fanboys have had a hard on for him for over 15 years now and moreso those who actually think he will be developed into a full fledge playable character some day.
01/29/2015 01:00 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:

You know there is an alternative word you can use instead of "hate", right? It's less harsh and that word is "dislike".

Anyways, I wouldn't mind if he was included. NRS can do a big deal with him and the variation system. He would probably end up as DLC, like how Skarlet did.
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01/29/2015 01:38 PM (UTC)
I don't mind Tremor. Give him an unique design that sets him apart from the other ninja's, revamp his moveset and give him a new background story and you've got a potentially good ally or villain. Also, as someone who is a huge fan of The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra franchise, there are some really cool things they can do with Tremor's earth manipulating abilities. I'd be all for it. With that said, however, if he is a part of the game, I'd rather him be DLC like Rain was for MK9.
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01/29/2015 01:58 PM (UTC)
I honestly dont know who Tremor is or what he does, in fact, if the creator's cared that much, I would know who he is.
01/29/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
Tremor is predictably overrated, but he's okay. As least he's a bit bigger than the other ninjas, which gives him some individuality. If they can combine his ninja skills with brute strenght, then, with an earth-based moveset, he might truly become interesting.

But I still prefer the Earth Elemental from MKM. They could reveal these two to be one and the same, and that somehow, the EE was weakened, and ended up in a human form. Either the EE's design or Tremor's could be the alt.

I personally don't think he needs to be connected to the Black Dragon, but since we know they're in conflict with the Lin Kuei (as revealed in Smoke's chapter in MK9), Tremor being formely Lin Kuei and defecting to the BD could be interesting. I'm not sure, though, that NRS would do much with that if they not only brought him back but made him part of the story. He'd likely be another jobber.

Even though he does have potential, I still wouldn't mind NRS trolling the fans by giving his outfit to someone else for an alt like Jax (if he returns) or Torr.

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01/29/2015 02:28 PM (UTC)
I want Tremor in the game. I do not understand the hate. This guy could be the most amazing character since Ermac became cool on Deception.wink
01/29/2015 03:07 PM (UTC)
Hope Tremor and Chamaleon are in, and Smoke and Noob Saibot are out..
01/29/2015 03:20 PM (UTC)
I really don't care for Tremor, Hydro, Frost, Khrome, and every other fake ass ninja wannabe characters.

Every time the name "Tremor" pops up, I get annoyed. And I'm sure Netherrealm does too. Just some bulky ass Scorpion looking ninja that pounds on the ground. How are you supposed to make a ninja that weighs over 300lbs look cool? He was a terrible idea in a terrible game (Special Forces).

Even if you make him a golem type character that looks like the Thing from Fantastic 4, put a mask on him and call it a day... you're still taking away the "ninja" effect.

How many ground pound moves can he have? essentially, Jax has a close range, medium and far. Tell me what else can you fucking do with earthquakes in a fighting game? Sheeva has a ground stomp in MK9 too. Bunch of characters have earthquake moves... Jarek in MK4, Dairou in MK Deception, Superman in MKvsDC (yes it was an MK game). The list goes on.
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01/29/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
Hate is a big word but I can say I don't give a fuck about Tremor and don't want any time wasted on his inclusion. MK has far more interesting characters to join the roster and even if not, I prefer new characters to be added instead
01/29/2015 03:40 PM (UTC)
Nope. Never hated this Tremor character.

I think having an Earth-elemental ninja would be pretty cool, personally.

But honestly, the kinds of topics that discuss these obscure or made up ninja characters will never die until the entire basic color palette is completed. Male and female. tongue
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01/29/2015 03:56 PM (UTC)
This is interesting. I'm not trying to say that the whole community has one voice when it comes to characters when we obviously don't, but it's strange to see who a lot of people pine for and who they don't and why.

Tons of people have been asking for underutilized 3D era characters to return, but Tremor, who's even less utilized than the Reikos and Tanyas of the MK universe is brought up (too much?) and now many bristle at the idea of his inclusion.

Is it because he's yet another ninja? Please. If a lot off ninjas was okay before, it's okay now. One more really shouldn't really be the tipping point.

To be clear, I could take him or leave him. His background has potential and an Earth ninja sounds interesting in theory, so yeah, as a hidden unlockable? Why not.

I think that's where a lot of people are at. I don't see this massive groundswell of support for him. Like any underdeveloped 3D era character, some have imagined scenarios where he'd make a good inclusion.

Why does Tanya have such a following? Why does Fujin? Why does Shinnok or Havik? People see a good design or story potential given their role or a background worth exploring or a potentially awesome move set and almost build up the character in their mind. That's about it.

If you just dislike him because others see that potential, well... That's kinda silly. It's like hating a band because they're popular. If you don't see their potential, or if you dislike any one facet a lot, that's one thing. But going as far as hating a character just because others see something you don't seems like a bit much.
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01/29/2015 04:04 PM (UTC)
Love him tbh. If they could go for a sinnister darkseid rocky skin formation for him I'd be stoked.
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