01/15/2015 06:30 AM (UTC)
Honestly, it's not as much of a surprise as anyone else. We have been playing with dead characters since the 1st game and a main antagonist is a necromancer. We have fought in their version of Hell multiple times, now it looks like their will be a whole war with it. The afterlife is used way to much in MK to just ignore characters who die.
01/15/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:
My biggest concern with this is one that I had months ago: that MK4 would be pretty much passed over. Looks like that may be the case. And that doesn't really bode well for my favorite 3D-era characters...

Totally agree and I share your worry. Even the comics take place after the events of MK4. I've been saying this for awhile but I really think MK4 may be just a foot note in the opening cinematic which would be a major bummer. If they'd release one MK4 era character it'd give me hope, but that seems less likely every day.

On topic, no I don't feel spoiled in the least since the time span of this game is so large lots of shit can happen. I feel infinitely more in the dark than spoiled by the 2nd trailer, especially since it really didn't give much story information at all. No idea who's against who and what their motivations are other than the obvious guesses.
Spaceman Wrote:
JadedReign Wrote:
My biggest concern with this is one that I had months ago: that MK4 would be pretty much passed over. Looks like that may be the case. And that doesn't really bode well for my favorite 3D-era characters...

Totally agree and I share your worry. Even the comics take place after the events of MK4. I've been saying this for awhile but I really think MK4 may be just a foot note in the opening cinematic which would be a major bummer. If they'd release one MK4 era character it'd give me hope, but that seems less likely every day.

Didn't Boon say we would get a MK4 character for sure? I can't remember where I saw it, but it was a little after the E3. Hope it's Fujin.

As for the story... I have a feeling that all the dead characters may come back to life (as Quan Chi's renevants or not), but probably most of them won't be playable.
01/15/2015 01:33 PM (UTC)
He may have just been referring to Quan Chi, unfortunately.
01/15/2015 01:39 PM (UTC)
I am glad they are back. I hope they are back at the start of the game so that we don't have to endure the cheesy parts of bringing them back. I am ready to swallow their return and move on. Just don't kill a character that u can't live without just for the shock value.
01/15/2015 05:02 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Wuh? No. It just confirms what everyone was expecting and raging about with the story of the last game. The deaths and changes were done for nothing more than for shock value.

Sad but true, Kung Lao and Kitana's reveal has really shown this was case, NRS could have perfectly left those characters alive or their fate uncertain at the end of MK9 if they were going to bring them back IMMEDIATELY after in the next game.

I knew there was something wrong with the Church's massacre scene, it felt so rushed and poorly executed, like they decided to go through with it at the last minute.

I really hope they give a good explanation as to why the other dead warriors aren't back this time except for popularity reasons.

Reasons like this is why I'm thankful for switching over to being more of a gameplay fan than story one lol. NRS writing hasn't been good since Deadly/Deception.

I seriously need to do this, caring so much about the story is sucking the joy out of this awesome looking game for me.

I'm right there with you. I thought I had it kicked but damn it there is always that voice in the back of my head going "But the potential!" and then when I get slapped with reality while seeing said potential squandered I become vocal and bitter lol.

It doesn't help that I am not super awesome at fighting games. Like pulling off huge combos and memorizing long button combinations is far beyond my capabilities :(
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