Does anyone else feel like the story is a bit spoiled with the reveal of Kitana and Kung Lao?
posted01/15/2015 05:02 PM (UTC)by
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01/23/2004 01:55 AM (UTC)
I'm excited to see the inclusion of Kitana and Kung Lao but now that I see them alive and in the flesh, I feel that a bit of the suspense that we've all had is thrown out the window.

Kung Lao and Kitana were clearly dead when we last saw them, and now that we have them back it sort of undoes the shock value of having them killed in the first place. Not only that, but since we have these two back, characters such as Nightwolf, Stryker, Jax, Jade, Smoke, and Sindel all have an equal chance to come back.

I will be really disappointed if we don't see what happens to the rest of the characters, and I am a bit disappointed that we have the reveal of these dead characters way before the game even releases.

I would have been glad to see the inclusion of newer characters, and maybe a reveal of a character like Kenshi, Cage, or Sonya who we know are alive at least from the end of MK9. It would have been better than on the day of release we are surprised by their inclusion. But hey, there is probably a plan as to why, or maybe there isn't.
01/15/2015 01:59 AM (UTC)
While I do agree with you that it's a bit early to reveal these characters.

I feel like this doesn't spoil much if anything from the story, The story is clearly shaping up to be bigger than just characters coming back from the dead.

If they are revealing these characters now then it must mean the story is soooo much bigger than just dead characters.

And it would come as no surprise because the game is over 25 years so the story is very big and this time around they seem to be facing a very dangerous and big threat.
01/15/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
Indeed not. It's just the start and a whole lot more to come!
01/15/2015 02:02 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Indeed not. It's just the start and a whole lot more to come!

Quan Chi said it and if Quan Chi says something I believe him!
01/15/2015 02:03 AM (UTC)
Kind of sort of, but not really. It just makes me want to see more of what goes down in this "Netherrealm War" anyways. Besides, the comics are letting it be very clear that something ELSE happens after MK9 and before all the young warriors grow to be who we see in the later parts of the game.
01/15/2015 02:07 AM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
I'm excited to see the inclusion of Kitana and Kung Lao but now that I see them alive and in the flesh, I feel that a bit of the suspense that we've all had is thrown out the window.

Kung Lao and Kitana were clearly dead when we last saw them, and now that we have them back it sort of undoes the shock value of having them killed in the first place. Not only that, but since we have these two back, characters such as Nightwolf, Stryker, Jax, Jade, Smoke, and Sindel all have an equal chance to come back.

I will be really disappointed if we don't see what happens to the rest of the characters, and I am a bit disappointed that we have the reveal of these dead characters way before the game even releases.

I would have been glad to see the inclusion of newer characters, and maybe a reveal of a character like Kenshi, Cage, or Sonya who we know are alive at least from the end of MK9. It would have been better than on the day of release we are surprised by their inclusion. But hey, there is probably a plan as to why, or maybe there isn't.

I agree somewhat. I think revealing Kung Lao and Kitana was a mistake. If there are any characters in the roster that should be a surprise, it should've been any of the dead characters from MK9. They easily could've gone with a Kenshi reveal, a Reptile reveal, any post Trilogy character, A Cage or Sonya reveal, a new character, but we got these two. Makes me wonder what characters we will end up getting as a surprise. Probably some post-Trilogy faces would be my guess because they aren't popular or mainstream enough to get a trailer to themselves but us hardcores will be pleased to see them when we pop in the game.

As for the story, I think all bets are off. We know they have the balls to kill major players off even if they don't end up staying dead. We know one of the themes of this game is war; Netherealm War, Outworld Civil War, ect. I think we're gonna get some huge surprises in the story mode so I honestly wouldn't breathe a sigh of relief if your favorites have made in it.... they may not be making it out alive. lol
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

01/15/2015 02:11 AM (UTC)
It's not really spoiling. Consider this MK:9.5 We will get MK10 in 2017
01/15/2015 02:12 AM (UTC)
25 years is a long time. A lot can happen in such a big amount of time,
01/15/2015 02:13 AM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
I'm excited to see the inclusion of Kitana and Kung Lao but now that I see them alive and in the flesh, I feel that a bit of the suspense that we've all had is thrown out the window.

Kung Lao and Kitana were clearly dead when we last saw them, and now that we have them back it sort of undoes the shock value of having them killed in the first place. Not only that, but since we have these two back, characters such as Nightwolf, Stryker, Jax, Jade, Smoke, and Sindel all have an equal chance to come back.

I will be really disappointed if we don't see what happens to the rest of the characters, and I am a bit disappointed that we have the reveal of these dead characters way before the game even releases.

I would have been glad to see the inclusion of newer characters, and maybe a reveal of a character like Kenshi, Cage, or Sonya who we know are alive at least from the end of MK9. It would have been better than on the day of release we are surprised by their inclusion. But hey, there is probably a plan as to why, or maybe there isn't.

01/15/2015 02:15 AM (UTC)
Wuh? No. It just confirms what everyone was expecting and raging about with the story of the last game. The deaths and changes were done for nothing more than for shock value.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/15/2015 02:15 AM (UTC)
We don't know anything about the story really so I wouldn't say "it's too early". At the end of the day the game is dropping in less than 4 months- It's going to get crazier from here.
01/15/2015 02:49 AM (UTC)
A bit? Yeah, I think that's fair to say. These reveals are meant to deliberately pique our curiosity. "But they should be zombies! What are they doing alive?!" and some such.

But it does pretty much give away that the major problem at the end of MK9 has been solved between titles, or at the very beginning of MKX's story mode.

My biggest concern with this is one that I had months ago: that MK4 would be pretty much passed over. Looks like that may be the case. And that doesn't really bode well for my favorite 3D-era characters...
01/15/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
I think it's the opposite actually. I think they are showing us old shit to keep the new guys under wraps. Kinda disappointed about the dead returning but that trailer at least shows they'll be fun to play. Kung Lao looks disgusting.
01/15/2015 02:58 AM (UTC)
Not really to me. The only thing their reveals spoiled is that they are coming back to life. It really hasn't given anything away other than that, I can sure speculate some things, but nothing undeniable at this point.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/15/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
Nah, not really.

I'm starting to get the impression the main roster will be larger than predicted. Leaving room for lots of other familiar (or forgotten) faces. And we still don't know most of the character's connections to each other, or their ties to the story.

There's plenty more info to come, and I'm betting a lot of it will still have that "shock value".
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01/15/2015 03:07 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Wuh? No. It just confirms what everyone was expecting and raging about with the story of the last game. The deaths and changes were done for nothing more than for shock value.

Sad but true, Kung Lao and Kitana's reveal has really shown this was case, NRS could have perfectly left those characters alive or their fate uncertain, at the end of MK9, if they were going to bring them back IMMEDIATELY after, in the next game.

I knew there was something wrong with the Church's massacre scene, it felt so rushed and poorly executed, like they decided to go through with it at the last minute.

I really hope they give a good explanation as to why the other dead warriors wont be coming back this time around except for popularity reasons.
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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

01/15/2015 03:13 AM (UTC)
I feel like MK9's story was pretty well guarded during development (at least before the leak, anyway). We knew the basic premise, but most of the major twists (Sub-Zero getting cyborged, everyone getting massacred) was kept under wraps.

Anything they're gonna show us three months outside of release is gonna be a pretty small part of the story.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/15/2015 03:16 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Wuh? No. It just confirms what everyone was expecting and raging about with the story of the last game. The deaths and changes were done for nothing more than for shock value.

Sad but true, Kung Lao and Kitana's reveal has really shown this was case, NRS could have perfectly left those characters alive or their fate uncertain at the end of MK9 if they were going to bring them back IMMEDIATELY after in the next game.

I knew there was something wrong with the Church's massacre scene, it felt so rushed and poorly executed, like they decided to go through with it at the last minute.

I really hope they give a good explanation as to why the other dead warriors aren't back this time except for popularity reasons.

Reasons like this is why I'm thankful for switching over to being more of a gameplay fan than story one lol. NRS writing hasn't been good since Deadly/Deception.
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01/15/2015 03:27 AM (UTC)
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01/15/2015 03:29 AM (UTC)
I honestly don't care. They wouldn't reveal anything too spoilerific, especially not 3 months early. It's gonna boost the speculation if anything. Now we know the MK9 death craze can be kicked to the curb.
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01/15/2015 03:42 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Wuh? No. It just confirms what everyone was expecting and raging about with the story of the last game. The deaths and changes were done for nothing more than for shock value.

Sad but true, Kung Lao and Kitana's reveal has really shown this was case, NRS could have perfectly left those characters alive or their fate uncertain at the end of MK9 if they were going to bring them back IMMEDIATELY after in the next game.

I knew there was something wrong with the Church's massacre scene, it felt so rushed and poorly executed, like they decided to go through with it at the last minute.

I really hope they give a good explanation as to why the other dead warriors aren't back this time except for popularity reasons.

Reasons like this is why I'm thankful for switching over to being more of a gameplay fan than story one lol. NRS writing hasn't been good since Deadly/Deception.

I seriously need to do this, caring so much about the story is sucking the joy out of this awesome looking game for me.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/15/2015 03:47 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Wuh? No. It just confirms what everyone was expecting and raging about with the story of the last game. The deaths and changes were done for nothing more than for shock value.

Sad but true, Kung Lao and Kitana's reveal has really shown this was case, NRS could have perfectly left those characters alive or their fate uncertain at the end of MK9 if they were going to bring them back IMMEDIATELY after in the next game.

I knew there was something wrong with the Church's massacre scene, it felt so rushed and poorly executed, like they decided to go through with it at the last minute.

I really hope they give a good explanation as to why the other dead warriors aren't back this time except for popularity reasons.

Reasons like this is why I'm thankful for switching over to being more of a gameplay fan than story one lol. NRS writing hasn't been good since Deadly/Deception.

I seriously need to do this, caring so much for the story is sucking the joy out of this awesome looking game.

Tell me about it bro, I've been there. I've been sorta over the story part of MK since Armageddon hit. Before then I was a story freak and couldn't get enough of it but as the quality of the writing began to decline I just decided to stop caring so much. The story is still interesting to me, but things like characters returning immediately from the dead(Kitana, Lao) doesn't bother me anymore. Ten years ago...yeah...I would've been bitching from the rafters LOL
01/15/2015 04:10 AM (UTC)
No. Because I knew they were gonna be back as soon as Quan Chi showed Raiden he had the souls of every freaking hero who died in the game. And because death means jack shit in just about everything these days. Obviously which of them end up playable depends on popularity and what not.
01/15/2015 05:38 AM (UTC)
There's two reasons I'm OK with it. When it comes to Kung Lao, his first appearance is being questioned. From the first second he get's on the screen Raiden asks. "Where have you been". Any one who played the last game knows what he's referring to. Kung Lao has been dead, that's where he's been lol. To me their not just throwing this guy at as us and pretending nothing happened.

I didn't freak out when Sub Zero came back from the dead for the same reason I didn't freak out today when Kitana was revealed. Who say's that's the same Kitana we all know and love? Other people have mentioned she seems a hell of a lot more brutal than past incarnations of the "Edenian Princess".

Honesty though I would have preferred Kung Lao stayed dead but I'm sure were going to get a better explanation than "TADAA EVERYONE IS BACK NOW". I'm not a fan of resurrection other than specters and wraiths (I like death with some consequences, call me old fashioned) but I'm sure it wont be THAT lame of an explanation. If I were to guess maybe Kahns death has something to do with his resurrection. Remember, Kahn is like atheist dead lol, he's kaput, totally vanished from any form of existence. Maybe the souls he took are free... or something like that lol... or maybe Kung Lao just needed a chiropractorglasses
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/15/2015 06:11 AM (UTC)
Nope, don't feel like the game has been spoiled at all. I mean I'm not terribly interested in the story outside of some mild amusement (probably will only play the story mode once) so even if it were spoiled I wouldn't be upset. I'm glad they showed these characters my only regret is that we weren't given an in-depth tour of Kitana and Kung Lao like we did for characters like Raiden, Kano, and Quan Chi.
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