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Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling
Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.
Sindel - Nay, even though she's my favourite female character. Not every dead character needs to come back for this game.
Jade - Nay, same reason as above. I'm satisfied with Kitana and Mileena anyway.
Kabal - Again, nay for the same reason. But let's face it, his popularity among the tournament crowd all but ensures a place for him on the complete roster as an unlockable or
Mavado - Hell nay!
Jade - Nay, same reason as above. I'm satisfied with Kitana and Mileena anyway.
Kabal - Again, nay for the same reason. But let's face it, his popularity among the tournament crowd all but ensures a place for him on the complete roster as an unlockable or
Mavado - Hell nay!
Sindel - Nah
Jade - Nah
Kabal - Nah
Mavado - Actually...Yes. His weapons are kinda interesting and I'm curious to see what the team can do with him now. So yeah, a big yes
Jade - Nah
Kabal - Nah
Mavado - Actually...Yes. His weapons are kinda interesting and I'm curious to see what the team can do with him now. So yeah, a big yes

Sindel: Yes. I think they should give her a second chance this time. Make her good and try to atone for what she did as a baddie the last time. Also, if Ermac will still carry on his ending where he was revealed to be Jerrod, I think this will lead to interesting interactions between him, Kitana, and Sindel. That and Sindel's moveset would bring forth awesome variations.
1. Banshee: Focus on her zoning abilities with her scream projectiles and crowd control close combat with her scream being able to stun opponents.
2. Undead Maiden: Focus on her levitation. I could see her having a similar moveset or playstyle like HawkGirl from Injustice for this variation.
3. Queen B: Focus on her mid range melee combat with her hair. I could see her more of a grappler for this variation.
Jade: No. I never found her appealing. Maybe it's because she's always a tag along character. She was always following Kitana or Sindel. I think she should sit this one out so she could be fully utilized for the next one, with her own story and purpose. I could see her coming back as DLC though because she does have the moveset that could bring forth awesome variations.
Mavado: No. I didn't care for him then. Definitely still as of now.
Kabal: No. He was pretty much unforgettable to me in MK3 and MK9 didn't much do it for me. The only cool move he had was the quick stun attack but other than that he should definitely return for maybe two games later.
1. Banshee: Focus on her zoning abilities with her scream projectiles and crowd control close combat with her scream being able to stun opponents.
2. Undead Maiden: Focus on her levitation. I could see her having a similar moveset or playstyle like HawkGirl from Injustice for this variation.
3. Queen B: Focus on her mid range melee combat with her hair. I could see her more of a grappler for this variation.
Jade: No. I never found her appealing. Maybe it's because she's always a tag along character. She was always following Kitana or Sindel. I think she should sit this one out so she could be fully utilized for the next one, with her own story and purpose. I could see her coming back as DLC though because she does have the moveset that could bring forth awesome variations.
Mavado: No. I didn't care for him then. Definitely still as of now.
Kabal: No. He was pretty much unforgettable to me in MK3 and MK9 didn't much do it for me. The only cool move he had was the quick stun attack but other than that he should definitely return for maybe two games later.

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tempestfury Wrote:
Sindel: Yes. I think they should give her a second chance this time. Make her good and try to atone for what she did as a baddie the last time. Also, if Ermac will still carry on his ending where he was revealed to be Jerrod, I think this will lead to interesting interactions between him, Kitana, and Sindel. That and Sindel's moveset would bring forth awesome variations.
1. Banshee: Focus on her zoning abilities with her scream projectiles and crowd control close combat with her scream being able to stun opponents.
2. Undead Maiden: Focus on her levitation. I could see her having a similar moveset or playstyle like HawkGirl from Injustice for this variation.
3. Queen B: Focus on her mid range melee combat with her hair. I could see her more of a grappler for this variation.
I'm hearthily grateful for you to express your kind notios about the Queen Sindel and totally agree with the variation idea
There can be Banshee, Leverage, Levitation, Queen Bee and Rebirth variations which fit quite well to the MKX moveset
Sindel: Yes. I think they should give her a second chance this time. Make her good and try to atone for what she did as a baddie the last time. Also, if Ermac will still carry on his ending where he was revealed to be Jerrod, I think this will lead to interesting interactions between him, Kitana, and Sindel. That and Sindel's moveset would bring forth awesome variations.
1. Banshee: Focus on her zoning abilities with her scream projectiles and crowd control close combat with her scream being able to stun opponents.
2. Undead Maiden: Focus on her levitation. I could see her having a similar moveset or playstyle like HawkGirl from Injustice for this variation.
3. Queen B: Focus on her mid range melee combat with her hair. I could see her more of a grappler for this variation.
I'm hearthily grateful for you to express your kind notios about the Queen Sindel and totally agree with the variation idea
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Check out my MK vids on my Youtube Channel
Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88
Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)
Internet was down couple days for me sorry guys.... Right on Ermac revealed..... Im not so sure i actually like what i seen from him so far though... Not sure.... Anyways.....
1. Reiko (+24)
1. Fujin (+24)
3. Tanya (+20)
4. Havik (+15)
5. Mileena (+11)
6. Reptile (+10) *
7. Bo' Rai Cho (+7)
8. Kenshi (+3)
8. Jade (+3)
10. Asrah (+2)
10. Baraka (+2)
12. Sindel (-3)
13. Frost (-6)
13. Noob Saibot (-6)
13. Shang Tsung (-6)
16. Kabal (-7)
17. Liu Kang (-8)
18. Drahmin (-11)
19. Nightwolf (-12)
20. Jax (-15)
20. Mavado (-15)
22. Kira (-18)
23. Kintaro (-20)
23. Jarek (-20)
Today will be a solo character........ Johnny Cage!
Just an fyi.... Im wanting to stretch game out through Febuary. So not always but there will be more days with just one character at a time. Ofcourse everything is subject to change ;)
1. Reiko (+24)
1. Fujin (+24)
3. Tanya (+20)
4. Havik (+15)
5. Mileena (+11)
6. Reptile (+10) *
7. Bo' Rai Cho (+7)
8. Kenshi (+3)
8. Jade (+3)
10. Asrah (+2)
10. Baraka (+2)
12. Sindel (-3)
13. Frost (-6)
13. Noob Saibot (-6)
13. Shang Tsung (-6)
16. Kabal (-7)
17. Liu Kang (-8)
18. Drahmin (-11)
19. Nightwolf (-12)
20. Jax (-15)
20. Mavado (-15)
22. Kira (-18)
23. Kintaro (-20)
23. Jarek (-20)
Today will be a solo character........ Johnny Cage!
Just an fyi.... Im wanting to stretch game out through Febuary. So not always but there will be more days with just one character at a time. Ofcourse everything is subject to change ;)

Johnny Cage - Yay!
johnny - Nay

About Me
"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham
Johnny Cage - Nay.
Not judging anyone who enjoys him. I'm just not thrilled about him and prefer Sonya and Cassie. Limited roster space...
Not judging anyone who enjoys him. I'm just not thrilled about him and prefer Sonya and Cassie. Limited roster space...
Johnny Cage: Yay, yay, yay!

Johnny Cage- Nay. I love Johnny but he needs to sit out and gives others a chance. Sonya and Johnny are some of my favorites but we have Cassie and they can both sit out. We dont need 3 characters with similar moves when we can have two others that are completely different.

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Johnny Cage - YAY! 
Cage - I love Johnny, but I gotta say Nay, unless he's very different. Sassy Cassie is filling the role of his that I enjoy.
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I will rock you.
Johnny Cage : Well this one is easy. Hell yes. (Yay)

Johnny Cage- Nay I like Johnny but you know I think he should sit out for this one and let his daughter have some spotlight.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.
Johnny Cage - Nay. John sucks.

Johnny Cage - Nay. I think we will be okay without him.

Johnny Cage - Yay

Cage - Nay x infinity!!!!!

About Me
Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling
Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.
Johnny Cage - Yay. I'm sure NRS can differentiate him from Cassie gameplay-wise.
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