do you want character overhauls?
posted10/21/2011 07:22 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
what i am refering to is characters that return look and play compleatly different from there previous installments. a good example would be the soul calibur series. some things remain the same where other drastically change for better or worse.

i think overhauls would be a fresh because changing the specials,attires,finishers and etc gives creators and fans to have more freedom and such. feel free to give your thoughts and opinions on the subject. here are a few of my ideas. bring a classic attire and a one thats totally diffferent. have one attire with a moveset and another attire that has another moveset. kind of like how older wwe games had 2 different undertakers with different moves and different looks.

scorpion attire 1 - would be an updated version of his mortal kombat 2011.

scorpions moves - would be an updated version of his mortal kombat 2011 with a few added specials and a new fatality/babality.

scorpion new look - scorpion has swords strapped to his back. he has ninja stars along the right side of his pants. scorp has kunai's along the left side of his pants. the ninja spectra has a bomb/bombs on the back of his pants. black pants that are ripped/torned/chared. right foot is skeltal. left foot is normal. left hand is skeltal. right hand is normal. he wears his traditonal mask found in mk2011 but during the fight it transitions back and fourth between his mask and the flaming skull.

scorpion moves - spear spin,spear trip, kunai throw,smoke bomb,flaming sword slash,ninja star flurry, fire breath, headbutt, and skeltal summon.

fatality - scorpion commands his babies to come fouth from out of there hive. scorpions crawl out of the woodwork to bite,sting,claw,pinch,slice the opponnet to death.

xray scorpion performs a flip kick on the fighter sending them in the air. cuts to jaw getting shattered. scorpion hurls his spear grabing the fighter pulling them into the ground. cuts to ribs breaking. walks over and stabs the fighter with his swords in the shoulders. cuts to punture. then kicks them in the nuts flipping them over.

babality - scorpion juggles his kunai. it falls scaring him. which causes his flaming skull to be revealed

hope you enjoyed. give feedback. also post what you think about the subject.
10/21/2011 07:22 PM (UTC)
I'd prefer if everyone stayed pretty much the same in the next installment. Voice, appearance, and gameplay wise*. For the most part, this is really the best these characters have ever been.

*Of course, there are exceptions. I would like Kung Lao to get his "Clint Eastwood-esque," steely presence back (he was a bit of a jealous Ellis in this one lol; kinda whiney too tongue). Another example is Johnny Cage, he needs to grow as a character (and in maturity level lol) in the next game; he can't just be a carbon copy of his MK9 self (I'd love for him to be the champion type character: more serious, but still hilarious grin).
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