Do you think the new online mode will be something like Konquest Mode ?
posted09/15/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
I sure do and I hope so! I really miss konquest mode! It was awesome, unique! I want it back! Like I said in hundred threads so far I want MK:DA konquest mode's deep story, MK Deception's vast realms and MK:A or MK:SM gameplay.

So do you think online mode will be something like konquest mode grin
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09/13/2014 05:50 AM (UTC)
I sure hope so. That would be awesome! What if you can create your own character and explore the realms of the MK universe?? I would love that, although I think that part is far fetched and sounds like a whole other game all together.

I love the idea of having MKDA's deep story, MKD's open world/realms and MKA/MKSM gameplay! Brilliant! I really miss MKDA's elaborate story telling. You learned so much information about the character that you were about to train with and it was very intriguing. Also that style forced you to learn every character to some extent which was also nice.

I spent hours playing MKD's konquest mode. It was just so much fun to finally explore these realms that we always read about.

Shaolin Monks is Shaolin Monks. Classic. Besides Scorpion and Sub- Zero just being skins for Liu and Lao (moved and sounded like them during cut scenes) in the story mode, the game was incredible and just left us MK fans wanting more.

So yeah, I'm all for this.
09/13/2014 06:39 AM (UTC)
So kind of like a DC Universe Online mode but with MK Characters?
09/13/2014 07:27 AM (UTC)
immortalkombat Wrote:
So kind of like a DC Universe Online mode but with MK Characters?

I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

09/13/2014 08:30 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:Do you think the new online mode will be something like Konquest Mode ?

And how would this work?
09/13/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Asesino Wrote:Do you think the new online mode will be something like Konquest Mode ?

And how would this work?

It would be just like GTA Online but MK style. It would be awesome to be able to go through all the realms n.find secrets n.battles n keep adding stuff to it. That would really bring the replay value up.on this game. To find random player's n challenge them n even wager with koins n the higher u rank u unlock more stuff for single player too
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/13/2014 06:45 PM (UTC)
I don't think it should return for this game. If they decided to put out an action game or RPG dedicated to the Mk universe as its OWN game, I would be second or third in line for it.
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09/13/2014 07:22 PM (UTC)
I'd love it, but I doubt it sadly.
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09/13/2014 07:44 PM (UTC)
Nice idea, yet impossible. Let's just go for the more "possible" things and pray for a decent online server...
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09/13/2014 08:01 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
I sure do and I hope so! I really miss konquest mode! It was awesome, unique! I want it back! Like I said in hundred threads so far I want MK:DA konquest mode's deep story, MK Deception's vast realms and MK:A or MK:SM gameplay.

So do you think online mode will be something like konquest mode grin

That would be epic and I'm sure they'll be able to rock Konquest even better than they did back in the mid 2000s. I dislike the boring "fight based" story modes where all you do is fight and get very little story or interactive moments. Big part of why I disliked MK9's story mode.
09/13/2014 09:36 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Asesino Wrote:Do you think the new online mode will be something like Konquest Mode ?

And how would this work?

It would be just like GTA Online but MK style. It would be awesome to be able to go through all the realms n.find secrets n.battles n keep adding stuff to it. That would really bring the replay value up.on this game. To find random player's n challenge them n even wager with koins n the higher u rank u unlock more stuff for single player too
09/13/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
I hope not, I like my fighting games to be actual fighting games and not low budget ghetto RPGs with voice actors they picked up off the side of the road on the drive to work that day.

It never ceases to baffle me that the vast majority of MKO, who have followed MK (a fighting game) over years and years if not decades, straight up do not learn how to play the core game further than unlocking pretty costumes and 30 second endings and seem to dislike fighters as a whole. Its like finding a cave filled with enough treasure to fund world peace 10 times over and you guys just fill your pockets and peace out and spend it on a taco and then wine about when the next treasure filled cave will be discovered. Kinda like that.
09/13/2014 09:56 PM (UTC)
Tacos ARE delicious.
09/13/2014 11:00 PM (UTC)
Do I think it will be like Konquest? No

Do I want it to be like Konquest? Hell yeah!

I loved Konquest. Hope it makes a return.
09/13/2014 11:03 PM (UTC)
Most MKO users seem to be pretty casual gamers. More interested in lore and whatnot. The more fighting-game-focused MK players tenf to gravitate to TYM.

I wouldn't mind a Konquest type thing, but I'd prefer that in a separate game.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/13/2014 11:12 PM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
I hope not, I like my fighting games to be actual fighting games and not low budget ghetto RPGs with voice actors they picked up off the side of the road on the drive to work that day.

It never ceases to baffle me that the vast majority of MKO, who have followed MK (a fighting game) over years and years if not decades, straight up do not learn how to play the core game further than unlocking pretty costumes and 30 second endings and seem to dislike fighters as a whole. Its like finding a cave filled with enough treasure to fund world peace 10 times over and you guys just fill your pockets and peace out and spend it on a taco and then wine about when the next treasure filled cave will be discovered. Kinda like that.

I absolutely used to fall under that category. Played the games on easy, cruised through mashing specials and winging uppercuts. I guess that changed with MK9 honestly. I grew along with NRS in a weird way. I started hitting training mode up with a vengeance, trying to learn as much as possible. Started lurking on TYM and learning some advanced stuff.

All in all, I'm still not a great player, but I'm way better off than I used to be, and I'm pretty proud of that fact.
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09/14/2014 02:58 AM (UTC)
Konquest is overrated, it wasn't good imo.

I would rather they spend the time on the fighting engine and modes that relate to that. The story mode is a better way to tell the story in a game like this...

I don't care for half cooked adventure side mode in my fighting games...A proper separate adventure game ala Shaolin Monks would be preferable but unfortunatly, I don't think the team that worked on that exists anymore.
09/14/2014 03:22 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Asesino Wrote:Do you think the new online mode will be something like Konquest Mode ?

And how would this work?

It would be just like GTA Online but MK style. It would be awesome to be able to go through all the realms n.find secrets n.battles n keep adding stuff to it. That would really bring the replay value up.on this game. To find random player's n challenge them n even wager with koins n the higher u rank u unlock more stuff for single player too
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

09/14/2014 06:13 AM (UTC)
I really hope that it is a Cell phone game similar to Injustice. I still play the hell out of it.
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09/15/2014 03:27 PM (UTC)
To the haters of konquest :D WTF are you hatin on konquest, but support story mode ? Story mode is fucking shit! They too loose time and effort to do it you know ?

I want the konquest mode in every MK game, cuz it's related to the story, but it's separate game. Let them make separete adventure games only but return the konquest.

09/15/2014 05:28 PM (UTC)
Konquest Mode is a half-assed adventure game mode in a fighting game. Story Mode is telling the story of a fighting game by being a fighting game!

I would rather have a new MK adventure game with the focus on the adventure part than have Konquest Mode.
09/15/2014 05:58 PM (UTC)
Having a Konquest mode as the "main game" (instead of story mode) forces character's like shujinko and taven and daegon into the mix. Which is NOT what MK needs this time around.

Mortal kombat needs less character's that 90% of the story revolves around and more characters with equal percentages of the story. That is why we have character's with non-existent roles.

Konquest modes create shit stories by twisting the arms of the narrative (so to speak) into certain directions.

That being said: if there was a Konquest-ish mode that only applied to multiplayer (non-canon) then that would be fine. Only problem is the time and money needed to devote to such a task. It just doesn't exist.. not with the level of detail and emphasis on gameplay we have seen out of MKX so far.
09/15/2014 06:26 PM (UTC)
Here's the thing about Konquest Mode, it's an entirely different style of game mechanics. We're not just talking a mini-game either, people want a fully realized, huge, expansive universe with tons to explore. That's fine and all but you can't expect that to work inside an MK game.

To build that world, you'd be taking away time and money from the actual fighting part of the game. Which is the why majority of people play the game. Many people are completely open to another MK adventure game, I sure the fuck am. But you simply cannot have both in the same game. It would have to be a standalone title.

Also, how in the hell would Konquest mode always be online? Are people seriously thinking NRS would just somehow pull an MK MMO out of their ass or something?

The only thing I can think of would be a super ultra comprehensive stat tracking system. Which is constantly updating and has challenges posted monthly where you can see and compare to other players who did what challenges and so on.
09/15/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Here's the thing about Konquest Mode, it's an entirely different style of game mechanics. We're not just talking a mini-game either, people want a fully realized, huge, expansive universe with tons to explore. That's fine and all but you can't expect that to work inside an MK game.

To build that world, you'd be taking away time and money from the actual fighting part of the game. Which is the why majority of people play the game. Many people are completely open to another MK adventure game, I sure the fuck am. But you simply cannot have both in the same game. It would have to be a standalone title.

Also, how in the hell would Konquest mode always be online? Are people seriously thinking NRS would just somehow pull an MK MMO out of their ass or something?

The only thing I can think of would be a super ultra comprehensive stat tracking system. Which is constantly updating and has challenges posted monthly where you can see and compare to other players who did what challenges and so on.

100% Completely this.

If I might add..

If NRS decides to do some kind of expansive Konquest mode it would be a separate title that would basically copy/paste the core fighting mechanics of MKX and work solely on the Konquest portion.

Since MKX is building the mechanics on the next generation (for the most part) from the ground up ; it would be foolish to think we would get a konquest mode in MKX
09/15/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
it is going to be a mini-mmo-rpg. You will be able to walk around the realms and complete quests. If anyone else is online, they can walk up to you and punch you and that puts you in a one-round match of MK.
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