Do you think MK9 will go back to being a tournament and should it?
posted12/28/2009 01:16 AM (UTC)by
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07/07/2006 11:52 PM (UTC)
Since MK9 will be getting a fresh start, do you think it will go back to being a "tournament"? I guess this is more of a storyline thing, but ever since MK2, it hasn't been actual tournament.

I would like to say yes it will and it should, since there's obviously going to be a slew of new fighters, along with a select few returning characters as well. It would only make sense, right?
12/26/2009 03:58 AM (UTC)
I guess it should be a tournament. I mean as you said, it's been awhile since MK was a tournament.
12/26/2009 04:03 AM (UTC)
Can we get something new instead?

No tournament. And no sorcerer boss either. Novelty please.

And btw, we don't know if MK9 will be a fresh start. It could be a sequel to MKA for all we know.
12/26/2009 05:50 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Can we get something new instead?

No tournament. And no sorcerer boss either. Novelty please.

And btw, we don't know if MK9 will be a fresh start. It could be a sequel to MKA for all we know.

I'd definitely prefer it to be the sequel of MKA because I want to know who survived and what happened to each character.
12/26/2009 06:33 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind the series going back to a tournament.

Just with this, let's not have one character already claimed to be it's victor. That was done already.
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

12/26/2009 02:00 PM (UTC)
I honestly think it would be cool to see an actual tournament again.
12/26/2009 05:14 PM (UTC)
I absolutely would love to see the tournament back.

The MK movie and Conquest are what got me into MK. The movie was all about the tournament, and Conquest had a heavy emphasis on the tournament as well.
And Mortal Kombat IS the name of the tournament. In truth, the games haven't been about Mortal Kombat ever since... well ever since the first game, because even MK II wasn't a Mortal Kombat tournament. It annoys me.
I always felt MK3 went overboard with it's storyline. I just thought they were trying to do too much. I love the simple concept of the MK tournament, I wish we'd just go back to having that.
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
I'd definitely prefer it to be the sequel of MKA because I want to know who survived and what happened to each character.
I disagree. I usually like knowing what happens at the end of a game, but with MKA I think the ending is perfect. Everyone is practically in the same situation, just assume whatever ending you want to happen, because the series is rebooting and the end of the first ''world'' doesn't matter. At least I hope.
12/27/2009 05:18 AM (UTC)
MKII was a false tournament hosted by Kahn. But yeah, I don't know how the tournament would have worked though...

The tournament concept is cool but I can see some problems.

The mk tournament revolves around a realm winning 10 straight tournaments so that they can gain approval from the Elder Realms to invade another realm. This concept doesn't translate well in a game. It worked well in MK1 because Outworld had a 9 win streak, and they only needed one more win to invade Earth.

If the game was still based on a tournament, the storyline would get redundant, because each sequel would be about which realm reaches the 10 winning streak first. I just don't think it works, unless they changed the rules.
12/27/2009 10:28 AM (UTC)
Whether its in the story,as the story or just a mode in the game...tournament in some form should come to MK9. I think there is a strong possibility that it could return...maybe instead of 2 realms in a tournament there could be 3 or 4 realms...chaos and order?
Anyways,that is my 2 cents.
12/28/2009 01:16 AM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
MKII was a false tournament hosted by Kahn. But yeah, I don't know how the tournament would have worked though...

The tournament concept is cool but I can see some problems.

The mk tournament revolves around a realm winning 10 straight tournaments so that they can gain approval from the Elder Realms to invade another realm. This concept doesn't translate well in a game. It worked well in MK1 because Outworld had a 9 win streak, and they only needed one more win to invade Earth.

If the game was still based on a tournament, the storyline would get redundant, because each sequel would be about which realm reaches the 10 winning streak first. I just don't think it works, unless they changed the rules.

A good point, which is why I do think they should adapt the rules this time around.

The Mortal Kombat tournament should absolutely exist in the MK games though. It doesn't really make any sense for the games to even be called Mortal Kombat.

''Mortal Kombat has always been, and always will be''. Bullshit Rayden. Mortal Kombat hasn't been since the first game.
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