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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

06/08/2014 05:01 PM (UTC)
I don't care. As long as their playstyle is tight.
MK9 did no wrong for me for all the characters (except for Stryker, it's like he was over looked for me) in my opinion.
If they can pull that off again, then they can make a shit demon be a fighting character for all I care.
06/08/2014 05:42 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Yeah Ed has talked about NEW characters twice now on Twitter. Its happening, and MK definitely needs it. Just think about all the talent NRS has brought on since Deception. Im psyched to see what those guys can do. MK does need new blood. Lets see what theyve got!

He sure did! However, he said that they are "two new favorites" of his. So we are not sure if they are actually two new debuting characters.

If they are new and just debuting, I'd like to see Argus and Delia.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/08/2014 06:09 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
As far as new characters versus 3D era characters is concerned, I see a few issues.

For one, NRS rebooted their whole story. So in order to bring 3D era characters in now that appear post MK4 and have no ties to Shinnok, they'll have to use some creative storytelling.

This isn't the case for all characters, but certainly some. Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, Mavado and Hsu Hao enter the fray because of a deadly alliance that never occurs since Shang Tsung's dead.

Reptile and Nitara never meet because he never goes to inform on the deadly alliance to Shao Khan because there is no deadly alliance and Shao Khan's dead. Nitara wouldn't show him Kitana's resistance base because Kitana's dead. In short, she has nothing Reptile wants.

He doesn't fight Cyrax and destroy his arm panel. Cyrax doesn't pull the orb from the lava because they're not there. Reptile doesn't chase them there, no beam of light, no Dragon King.

No Dragon King, no Hotaru, no Havik. Going down another path, no Sub Zero reforming the Lin Kuei because he's dead (no idea who the guy in the video is), no Frost. No Kabal, no Kira and Kobra.

Now... I know that stories can be reworked. Events that happened in the new timeline can create other events that can necessitate these characters.

All I'm saying, is that it would likely be easier to create new characters with new stories that work with what they're trying to do with their main through line, than rework existing characters' existing stories to fit the new through line.

The other issue is that with new characters, they'd be starting with a blank slate. They can look any way NRS wants and as previously mentioned, have any story that NRS wants or needs to help with the narrative of the new timeline.

Existing 3D era characters, in contrast, are seen by many fans, especially casuals, and in some cases openly by Boon as well as being flawed in one or several facets.

Maybe it's their appearance or their moves or their story or maybe it's a combination of two or all three of these.

As an example, Mavado has a cool look, but many fans hated his moves, having Kabal's hook swords and some didn't like the whole Black Dragon / Red Dragon story.

But everyone has characters that they feel are deserving of a second chance and characters they'd rather never see again (or would at least need huge changes in order to want to see again).

The issue here is would NRS rather have a blank slate and a chance to build something cool from the ground up, or would they rather take a character that's flawed in some way or many ways that even they might not like and somehow find a way to fix them, appearance, moves etc and THEN reconfigure their background and story to shoehorn them in to this game?

I'm not saying throw the 3D era characters away. Really, I'm not. I used Mavado as an example because he's one of my favorite 3D era characters and I still think that he has massive potential.

All I'm saying is that I find fault in this idea that NRS would be better off using these characters as opposed to new characters or that they deserve a second chance or that NRS should try to fix them before adding more.

Story-wise, maybe NRS reworked the timeline to kinda permanently flush some of these character out of the MK universe and end any obligation to try and improve upon these designs? Maybe going forward with new designs instead of trying to rework what they might see as flawed designs is more appealing to them?

Just thinking out loud here. I know that some will hate these ideas, and I certainly do too. I still want to know what happens to Drahmin. I still think that some have potential.

But if this is the way NRS chooses to go, and they have created cover enough to go that route, then sure. Use the larger team, the time, the assets etc to make new characters. Two, five, ten, whatever. But they'd better be damn good if 3D era characters are to be left in the dust.

Fantastic points. This is actually a great argument for fresh new characters. I do think many of the 3D era characters need another shot, but I can definitely understand why it might be easier to go with brand new characters.

That said I'm still not wanting too many of them in this game.
06/08/2014 06:11 PM (UTC)
To answer this question in the most simplistic way: Yes.
06/08/2014 06:49 PM (UTC)
RT @FarulSweg @noobde Will we see brand new fighters? EB: Yup!

On Twitter.

So there are new Fighter in MKX. Is this bad? No. I'm tired of silly palette swap chars like Jerrod, Kira.... And i don't understand the point that new fighters could be worse. I mean... you always have these risks. Even if they reworked older Fighters like Bo Rai Cho.. I really don't get the point. Maybe because it is no point for me.

I think 2-3 new well balanced innovated fighters would fit perfectly. MK needs definitly a new fresh air.

Also i didn't like most of the "new" fighters past These days. The only fighters i want to come back are Nitara, Fujin, Shinnok, Kenshi. That's it. Maybe Bo Rai Cho. But after Warner gives Netherrealm enough time to do they work. I believe that Netherrealm can create some real good new fighter.
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06/08/2014 10:42 PM (UTC)
Man, I should have made it back to this thread much sooner.

DjangoDrag Wrote:
^ It's not up in the air. New characters will be at E3.

It's still unclear whether "new" means "newly introduced to the series" or just "not from MK9." We'll find out Wednesday.

DjangoDrag Wrote:
PS2 MK had the worst new characters.

Let's assume the above comment is true: just what makes you think the new characters are going to be good? If almost every character from the post-MK4 era was crap to you, what exactly makes you think NRS is going to magically up the standard when they start making new characters now? You think the new characters are going to be amazing even though (according to you) MK's track record for making good characters has been terrible since 2002?

What won you over, then? Skarlet?

DjangoDrag Wrote:
They are not "owed" anything. Make new ones that are great and let past mistakes guide you. Hsu Hao?

Havik, Li Mei, and Kenshi are some of the best MK characters in the series. If you don't like them, then that's your cup of tea. Though your sudden faith in NRS isn't rooted in anything. There is no guarantee the new blood is going to be worth a damn by your standards, and EVEN IF THEY ARE, the odds of them returning are slim at best in the next game. History has shown that again and again and again.
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06/10/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
There are just SOOOOO many that haven't seen a great deal of exposure, have potential to be awesome, haven't been available to fight as before, and have fanbase ready and waiting.

playable Wu Lae, anyone?

the point is there's no real NEED for new characters when so many have been left under-developed to the point of obscurity, and with any 'new' guys we wouldn't want to see them dropped down the line either.
06/10/2014 12:22 AM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
There are just SOOOOO many that haven't seen a great deal of exposure, have potential to be awesome, haven't been available to fight as before, and have fanbase ready and waiting.

playable Wu Lae, anyone?

the point is there's no real NEED for new characters when so many have been left under-developed to the point of obscurity, and with any 'new' guys we wouldn't want to see them dropped down the line either.

Ayyye, I'm all about playable Wu Lae.

Hell, to be quite honest...

I wouldn't even mind Zebron.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2014 12:33 AM (UTC)
I really want a Belokk-esque character. Some tall cool looking demon like fighter.
06/10/2014 12:57 AM (UTC)

MK-MK4 characters, well most of them, I would like to always see in the future.

Post MK4 new characters, not so much.

I only want to see new characters if they have some staying power, some potential for longevity in the series. Kobra, Darrius, Kira, Ashrah, Hotaru, ok actually all the new characters from MKD, they were only in there to have characters from the new realms that were being introduced in konquest mode.
Havik was pretty cool though.

Unless NRS plans on exploring the order realm and chaos realm in future games, which might not be a bad idea at this point, I don't care to see those characters again.

Lei Mei wasn't terrible in MKDA because she kinda showed us what other Outworld people were like other than Shao Kahn and co.

Frost, female Sub Zero? Really? I don't care to see her again.

Kenshi is pretty cool. The blind swordsman. Seeking revenge against Shang Tsung.

Bo Rai Cho is okay too, I guess I could take him or leave him. I like the humor of him, everyone gets trained by the fat drunk guy.

The rest of the MKDA characters I don't really care to see again either.

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