Do Rain and Scorpion really have to wear masks?
posted10/29/2008 03:41 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/14/2008 03:43 AM (UTC)
Well we all know Rain. That lovable purple, water manipulating Ninja....oh wait, sorry, PRINCE.And we all know Scorpion. That vengeful yellow, hellspawn ninja (ALLEDGEDLY). I just would like to ask, why does royalty like Rain have to wear a mask.Why does a Hellspawn have to wear one, too? Rain is royalty, everybody knows him. What does he have to hide? I doubt facial scars! As for Scorp, He is a Ninja Specter. But doesn't act very ninja-like. Starting random fights and what not. Plus why hide your bare skull with a mask? Everybody knows that he is Undead. What is he hiding? I like both characters and all, but it just doesn't make sense! Please Comment your opinion. No negative ones please.
09/22/2008 03:08 AM (UTC)
Surge Wrote:
Well we all know Rain. That lovable purple, water manipulating Ninja....oh wait, sorry, PRINCE.And we all know Scorpion. That vengeful yellow, hellspawn ninja (ALLEDGEDLY). I just would like to ask, why does royalty like Rain have to wear a mask.Why does a Hellspawn have to wear one, too? Rain is royalty, everybody knows him. What does he have to hide? I doubt facial scars! As for Scorp, He is a Ninja Specter. But doesn't act very ninja-like. Starting random fights and what not. Plus why hide your bare skull with a mask? Everybody knows that he is Undead. What is he hiding? I like both characters and all, but it just doesn't make sense! Please Comment your opinion. No negative ones please.

Hmm... Rain? Anyways, No one really knew that Scorpion was actually undead in MK1 when it first came out until someone performed his fatality for the first time as well as read his bio and ending. It makes perfect sense to hide a burning skull underneath a mask, even if it makes him look human. Seriously, if you were undead and had a burning skull, would you want it to show? Probably yes, knowing you by reading all of this, but still, perspective is key when you're looking in their point of view not yours.

With Rain... I'm not so sure why you would want him to be unmasked. You're specifically saying he's a prince, okay... look at Kitana, she's a princess yet she wears a mask. (Excluding Deadly Alliance). I'm not too sure why you would want Rain to be unmasked, but in this case, he's so far the one of the 2 playable ninjas we've had that hasn't been unmasked just yet, the other is Ermac. It would be somewhat interesting to see what he really looks like underneath his purple mask, but so far, I doubt his identity will soon be revealed to the MK world just yet. In this case, concerning that he's been unmasked in the cartoon series doesn't count. Even in Ermac's case as well.
09/22/2008 09:27 PM (UTC)
Iceybabe is right about scorpion

as for Rain it might be some kind of edenian religan or something. Like in some places girls arnt allowed to walk on the streets unless there face is hidden
09/22/2008 09:49 PM (UTC)
I believe that the reason Rain, Kitana and Jade even wear masks is because of their lives as Shao Kahn's assassins. It is part of their identities to wear masks, it is part of who they are and represents how their lives have been. It is not about hiding their identities, more that it has become part of their identities, part of their uniforms...

It's the same with Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Ermac etc...
09/22/2008 11:37 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Surge Wrote:
Well we all know Rain. That lovable purple, water manipulating Ninja....oh wait, sorry, PRINCE.And we all know Scorpion. That vengeful yellow, hellspawn ninja (ALLEDGEDLY). I just would like to ask, why does royalty like Rain have to wear a mask.Why does a Hellspawn have to wear one, too? Rain is royalty, everybody knows him. What does he have to hide? I doubt facial scars! As for Scorp, He is a Ninja Specter. But doesn't act very ninja-like. Starting random fights and what not. Plus why hide your bare skull with a mask? Everybody knows that he is Undead. What is he hiding? I like both characters and all, but it just doesn't make sense! Please Comment your opinion. No negative ones please.

Hmm... Rain? Anyways, No one really knew that Scorpion was actually undead in MK1 when it first came out until someone performed his fatality for the first time as well as read his bio and ending. It makes perfect sense to hide a burning skull underneath a mask, even if it makes him look human. Seriously, if you were undead and had a burning skull, would you want it to show? Probably yes, knowing you by reading all of this, but still, perspective is key when you're looking in their point of view not yours.

With Rain... I'm not so sure why you would want him to be unmasked. You're specifically saying he's a prince, okay... look at Kitana, she's a princess yet she wears a mask. (Excluding Deadly Alliance). I'm not too sure why you would want Rain to be unmasked, but in this case, he's so far the one of the 2 playable ninjas we've had that hasn't been unmasked just yet, the other is Ermac. It would be somewhat interesting to see what he really looks like underneath his purple mask, but so far, I doubt his identity will soon be revealed to the MK world just yet. In this case, concerning that he's been unmasked in the cartoon series doesn't count. Even in Ermac's case as well.
Well I guess you are right in Scorpions case. I think Scorp is very cool looking in a mask, and you are right about the point of view thing. From a different perspective, it does make sense for him to wear a mask. But on the otherhand, this plays in with scare tactics. Scorpion looks scary with the mask on, and even scarier with it off. So why wouldn's he just keep it off? It would make would-be attackers think "Man, this guy is undead. I might as well not fight him. He'll just come back to destroy me." Before you say " Well Scorpion only died X amount of times." He's undead, I'm guessing they won't just make him die-off, unless he "achieves his destiny". Sorry if I seemed ignorant, but I was just kinda freaking out when I wrote the last message. As for Rain. You kinda didn't prove your point. Don't get me wrong, you gave excellent info, it's just, you didn't say why you think he's wearing a mask, or why he shouldn't. But yea nice comment, thanx for not being mean about
09/22/2008 11:39 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven, you may be right. Thanks for the post. Thanks for not being negative. Elder, you also maybe right. Thanks for the post. Thanks for not being negative,too.grin
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10/17/2008 08:57 PM (UTC)
The only time when you are going to see Scorpion's face is when you do the "toasty" fatality. Of course we all know what it looks like. But for Rain, that is just the way it is made. And for the record I would not say anyone is "sweet", other than that he is a good guy.
10/29/2008 03:41 AM (UTC)
I think the MK team needs to quit it with the masks already. Scorpion and sub Zero are the only two people that need them. Oh and Mileena too. Everyone else doesn't need to have their faces covered, especially when it isn't necessary.
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