04/26/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Let's keep this topic about Tanya instead of jabbing each others favorite characters like a bunch of 12 year olds.

Alright alright Waifu Wars over...


Anyway this is one of those things where it's not that big of a big deal but I'm kinda glad lots of people took notice and it's being worked on.

Jade's render from 9 still bugs me when I look at that and then look at Jade from UMK3.

omg really? source/link? i want to see whose the least played.
04/26/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
Nothing beats a good pissing contest lol
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/26/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Let's keep this topic about Tanya instead of jabbing each others favorite characters like a bunch of 12 year olds.

Alright alright Waifu Wars over...


Lol Not surprised. Thanks for that <3
04/26/2015 03:49 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Let's keep this topic about Tanya instead of jabbing each others favorite characters like a bunch of 12 year olds.

Come On Man...

We're talking about the same dude that BLEW THE FUCK UP when his precious purple puppet was mistreated in the comics (according to him). Talking about a MASSIVE hissy fit like a two year old that didn't get that candy bar he wanted when he went to the supermarket with his mom.

Then this same dude wants to claim others are immature? chickity check yoself before you wreck yoself bruh.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/26/2015 04:19 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Let's keep this topic about Tanya instead of jabbing each others favorite characters like a bunch of 12 year olds.

Come On Man...

We're talking about the same dude that BLEW THE FUCK UP when his precious purple puppet was mistreated in the comics (according to him). Talking about a MASSIVE hissy fit like a two year old that didn't get that candy bar he wanted when he went to the supermarket with his mom.

Then this same dude wants to claim others are immature? chickity check yoself before you wreck yoself bruh.

Says the guy who went on a huge rant because he wanted to prove that Jade was "middle eastern despite others telling him she's not from fucking Earth let alone the middle east...

We've all had our moments, see dear?

Back on topic.
04/26/2015 04:50 AM (UTC)
SaltyRice Wrote:
I still hope she has the same skin color like in the game just to piss off the whiners.

Who cares what skin color she has.

Where are the people crying for brown Ermac? Exactly nowhere.

Sound like your from a particular political party in your native Germany. I'm sure you would be cool with a white Jax
04/26/2015 05:03 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
August Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
August Wrote:
I don't think Tanya was supposed to be black in the first place. Her original portrayal was Lia Montelongo who is not black, only tanned... So here you go Tanya just lost her tan in MKX tongue

That's a pretty damn dark tan. If MK4 Tanya is considered "tan" then so am I. That said, Tanya doesn't have any race, she's not from Earth. But there's a difference between being "Tan" and dark skinned. Learn it.

The only girls in MK universe that are CLEARLY dark-skinned are Jataaka and Jacqui, the rest are arguable.

Arguable to you. I don't care about your opinion.

Wow, really?! You're a piece of shit.
Why are you believing me? Stop that.

I'm pulling that assumption out of my ass just like he is with Sonya. However I'm not being a fanboy I'm basing it on my experiences running across more Mileenas than Sonyas in online, I hear more talk about her as far as who plays who (along with Dvorah) and so far a lot of pro players have taken a shine to Dvorah.

While Sonya gets tumbleweeds so get the hell out of here with that Sonya is most played garbage when I'm struggling to remember a Sonya match since release AND no one in the boards that I frequent ever talk about Sonya as much as Dvorah/Mileena.

Jacqui and Cassie come up more often than Sonya.

As far as I'm aware we don't have numbers on who is most/least played and we shouldn't anyway It's barely been out for a fuckin month.

You're all idiots to take waifu wars dead seriously. And that honey sweetums kissy kiss bitchy attitude makes me nauseous.

...As for Tanya? If I'm to be honest....fuck the outfit, fuck the skin color, fuck the face which could use more work...oh and fuck those stupid tonfas.

Where is the purple fucking fire?
04/26/2015 08:12 AM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Lia Montelongo was just a voice actress for Tanya. She is clearly black in MK4, with brown skin and African facial features, and looks nothing like Lia Montelongo.

Lia Montelongo was the model for Tanya. Just as Kerri Hoskins was for Sonya, John Turk for Sub Zero and so on.
Look at the textures from the game, they're photo scans of their faces.

"Although Mortal Kombat 4 did not use digitized graphics, the new character of Tanya was modeled after Lia and she performed the motion capture for the character as well."

And this is from an interview with Lia
Q: For Mortal Kombat 4, did you just do modeling for Tanya or did were you also her voice in the ending movie?
A: I just modeled for Tanya.

I'm sure she did motion capture and whatnot, then, but I'm sorry, this is not Lia Montelongo's face.
Tanya's face model is clearly a black woman with a broad nose and full lips. If they did use Lia as the basis, they must have altered her features significantly to create a more African-American look.
04/26/2015 08:16 AM (UTC)
Wow. Been gone for a bit but this thread is so full of derp. People just cant be cool with a Tanya that isnt black or white. A lot of you dudes are scary weird.
04/26/2015 11:23 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
This is old news and could've gone into the Tanya threat.

Thread* and nobody wants you here so you can leave

Sonya sux

At least she didn't die at the hand of a lame newcomer

No, she got a daughter who was so much better than her that she might as well be dead for the next game. Or she ends up being a backround character.

Step aside General Blade and make way for the new hotness: Cassie Cage.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Waifu Wars!

Seeing how Sonya is the most played female in X over Cassie and the rest + Sonya clearly not being ready to retire yet, that's not gonna happen, sorry.

Cassie > Sonya

Pretty much what the general audience thinks. It's tough to deal with I know, your favorite character turning into wrinkly menopausal old rag and being upstaged by her daughter. Tragic indeed.

Still funny. lol

Nobody cares about your opinion though, Sonya is played more than Cassie, the public has spoken. Have fun with your DLC characters like Tanya and the joke purple gay ninja though!

It's so funny to me that my comment started this flamewar lol. I basically did EXACTLY what you do to everyone who doesn't agree with you; insulted your favorite character for absolutely no reason :''''D And you totally fell for it lol! "At least she wasn't killed by a lame newcomer". Hahaha aw diirect you're killing me here. You really think I am so emotionally attached to an MK character like you are? Nah I just did that for fungrin

PS. Since you keep mentioning it, show us some source that said Rain was the least downloaded DLC, and that Sonya is played more than Cassie/D'Vorah/Mileena.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/26/2015 11:45 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
August Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
August Wrote:
I don't think Tanya was supposed to be black in the first place. Her original portrayal was Lia Montelongo who is not black, only tanned... So here you go Tanya just lost her tan in MKX tongue

That's a pretty damn dark tan. If MK4 Tanya is considered "tan" then so am I. That said, Tanya doesn't have any race, she's not from Earth. But there's a difference between being "Tan" and dark skinned. Learn it.

The only girls in MK universe that are CLEARLY dark-skinned are Jataaka and Jacqui, the rest are arguable.

Arguable to you. I don't care about your opinion.

Wow, really?! You're a piece of shit.

Wow what? It's true- I don't give a fuck about his opinion, yours, or your mamas.

That's not mean. Just honest
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