DLC(so far) Review. (Predator added)
posted07/27/2015 11:56 PM (UTC)by
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

Member Since
06/25/2004 09:21 AM (UTC)
Thought i'd try to be constructive and give a review of the DLC characters thus far. Im going to start with Jason and Tanya, with Predator and Tremor to follow later. I wont be going overly deep into any one subject, just some descriptions with my opinions thrown in.

I'll be talking about the characters appearance, gameplay, fatalities, and ending. I decided to cut it off at fatalities due to the sheer number of brutalities there are between these four players(Tremor has somewhere around ten and counting).

Long read ahead. Any thoughts about characters or their reviews are welcome.


First character out the gate, and widely believed to be the worst. The very use of the character online puts you in "noob"/"scrub" territory in some circles. Let's dig a little deeper and see how everyone's favorite mama's boy turned out.

APPEARANCE- This subject has been some of the more hardcore fans biggest objection. His look was definitely inspired by the most recent Friday the 13th reboot, and a bit of his comic book appearances as well. In a nice nod to the 5th installment of the movies, his appearance/color pallette for his P2 costume was made to resemble the "Fake Jason"(good ole Roy Burns) from said installment.

From the neck down is indeed passable, everything else is a bit harder to forgive. Little to no work went into disfiguring Jason's head or face. If you couldn't tell by his skull structure, a p.c. mod used to move the game's camera would ultimately provide proof of what hardcore fans already knew...

more grizzled war veteran than decaying counselor slayer. I'm aware that NRS ultimately never meant for this to be seen, but you can't help but to be disappointed by the lack of detail here. No decay, no disfigurement, not even a damn burlap sack for one of his other variations(damn you Torr!).


Slasher- Probably the most widely used of the three, slasher gives Jason's attack pretty good range in addition to combos not present in the other two variations, along with a machete projectile.

Relentless- One of two weaponless variations, this one makes Jason more of a grappling based character and includes a teleport. Also of note, the persuit special, which flips your opponent's button layout for a limited time.

Unstoppable- In this variation, Jason can use specials to buff his attacks. In addition to this, he also has a mechanic that will bring Jason back to life after defeat(with limited life).

Overall, Slasher has proven to be the most useful variation thus far. It's range and damage output makes it the most attractive of the three. I've seen relentless used to little effect. The teleport is a bit too slow to be viable and the persuit special is usually met with a projectile on read. Unstoppable seems to get blown out of the water. Who needs a second chance when you're most likely coming back against a 75% life lead?


Once again, the key word is disappointment. There is no shortage of inspiration for this subject. Nearly 30 years of movies and NRS' keen eye for dismemberment should've been enough to make for a great show. Sadly, it didn't work out that way.

The standout here is "Kill for Mother". A great musical cue and a few simple hacks of a machete are all this one consists of. Simple and to the point. Very lacking.

"Sleeping Bag Killer" is a bit more of a mind fuck. Jason grabs a leg, slings his opponent around, and they burst into pieces. Lazy, uninspired, boring. Not much more to say here.


Easily one of the most enjoyable endings of all the DLC characters. Simply ties Jason to the universe and stays true to the character. If only NRS saw fit to turn the closing scene into a fatality.


Jason is a methodical, undead, killing machine. One of the most prolific Horror characters of all time. He's brought fear to multiple generations, and for some, is the standard for a slasher movie character. All that, and yet somehow it feels like Jason was slapped together. A quick speed draw here, a few grab animations there, "BOOM!, now let's move on to the guest character we really wanted to do"(we'll get more into that soon).



MK4's very own Edenian traitor. Fan favorite, Tanya, returns to the series in her first game since Armageddon. How did she fair? Let's find out.


We start with a bit of a stumble out the gate...

NRS caused a bit of a stir with her initial reveal. A quick revamp, some longer hair, different color scheme, and her classic dead eyes quickly made much of her fan base happy. She falls in line nicely with NRS less sexy approach to females in fighting games. Simple, functional, with a classic Tonya feel. Great job so far.


Pyromancer- Tanya uses fire balls to zone out her opponents with this variation. It also adds in a couple fire based combo strings as well. Good for keeping an opponent at bay.

Dragon Naginata- Gives Tanya access to a bladed staff which extends the range of some normals, gives exclusive combo strings, and helps Tanya play mind games while perched atop her staff.

Kobu Jutsu- Gives Tanya access to smaller bladed weapons and exclusive combo strings. Pressure is the name of the game with this variation. Safe strings make Dragon Naginata the more popular choice among Tournament players.

Overall, pretty much all of her variations have proven viable, but its Kobu Jutsu's pressure that is hardest to deal with. Probably more worrisome though, is Tanya's ridiculous screen control. Her teleports, common across all variations, makes her an absolute pain to try and pin down.

Many pegged Tanya as the character to derail the game's progress as far as tournament viability. She was quickly slapped with the Nerf bat after CEO. Still an incredibly dangerous character in the right hands.


"Bloody Boots" gets the ball rolling. Pretty straight forward stuff. She knocks em down and stomps their face. Nothing ground breaking. How they didn't include a "getting the gum off your boots" type animation with this is mind boggling.

"Edenian Drill" is one of the cooler fatalities amongst the DLC. She lunges feet first through her opponent's back and comes out covered in entrails holding her opponents heart. Brutal, yet they managed to make it stylish. Great fatality.


Sadly, this is where Tanya falters a bit. Standard Tanya looking out for number 1 type shenanigans. We did find out that Rain is...just o.k. in the sack...oh and Rain died! Sadly there was more character progression for Rain than Tanya here. Weak sauce.


Tanya must be a delight for her fans. NRS has a very strong track record as of late with bringing back their old characters and making them better than we ever thought possible. Probably why so many of the MK faithful were upset with the limited number of MK characters this season pass. Her design takes steps forward, while honoring what came before it, she kills with style, and is an absolute beast in the right players hands. Overall, she's a great addition to this games roster, and arguably should've been in the roster to start with.



Easily the most anticipated guest character of the two, did Predator reach apex status, or is he at the bottom of the food chain? Read on...


While speaking with a friend recently, I said "the only thing that bums me out about Predator, is that you can absolutely tell where all the love went between he and Jason". I still believe that statement to be true. Predator, down to the smallest detail, is an absolute love letter to his fans.

His costume is spot on. His maskless costume is very striking and accurate. When in first person view, you see things exactly as Predator does, be it through his infrared sights or his odd red vision. All his classic weapons are there. On and on and on. He is damn near perfect.

More impressive are the little touches everywhere that makes him so complete. The laugh along with his mimic laughter between rounds, his glow stick blood, down to Erron Black's "ugly mofo" xray. Its insane the amount of detail and sheer love that went into this character. Its amazing and very appreciated. If only both guests received the same treatment.


Hish-Qu-Ten- This variation is mainly about his shoulder mounted cannon. Cannon can shoot in the air, right down the middle, or low. It can also be controlled, adding a layer of mind games to his zoning.

Warrior- Predator's offensive variation. He's given a couple specials exclusive to this variation. The yautja strike is a leaping overhead attack, The Dread Slam gives you a hard knock down(pops up if ex'd), and finally, the self detonate, a risk/reward move that gives you a pop up at the expense of some of your own life bar. Self Detonate is difficult to utilize as it usually causes your opponent to rush in and hit you before you can get the move off.

Hunter- This variation has much more of a trap based focus. His snare move captures your opponent and strings them up for a free hit. He also has a med kit move which restores some of his health.

Overall, Predator is a very diverse character and a great example of how the variation system can change the course of a fight. While combo strings remain the same across all variations, his wide array of tools makes him quite difficult to deal with. Add that with some pretty high damage output, and you have a very deadly and versatile character.


Predator, like Jason, stumbles a bit in this area, which is very unfortunate. Ghostin' Us amounts to Predator jamming a disc in his opponents face, and and dropping him to the ground, letting his skull cap(ha!) roll off.

Certain Death is a bit more reminiscent of classic Predator, his shoulder cannon blasts you in the gut, takes off your arm, and then a blast to the head finishes you off. Simple and effective, but again, unremarkable.


Overall, a pretty safe ending. Predator accepts sorcery into his life and becomes a world killer. Really putting Predator over, but doesn't really make much of an effort to tie him into the mythology in any meaningful way. Trivial, I know, but a gripe nonetheless.


I cannot say this enough, the amount of love that went into this character is to be commended. I'm bummed the same commitment isn't as obvious in Jason, but, such is life I suppose. Every minor detail was expertly executed. He's very versatile on the battlefield and I look forward to seeing how tournament viable he can be. He stumbles a bit in both story and finisher, but overall, he's a great addition to the roster.

07/23/2015 12:12 AM (UTC)
I know you pointed it out already but I don't see how anyone can hold it against them for not putting detail into Jason's face when it wasn't even designed to be seen, I mean we aren't talking sh** about Erron Black's poorly designed face lol

Burlap sack mask, I can understand since I am a hardcore FT13th fan (I would much rather have that than the metallic mask in Relentless tbh) but the casual Jason fans who don't even know he wore a sack in Part 2 would have had an early menstrual cycle if there was a Jason without his iconic hockey mask lol
07/23/2015 12:20 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Thought i'd try to be constructive and give a review of the DLC characters thus far. Im going to start with Jason and Tanya, with Predator and Tremor to follow later. I wont be going overly deep into any one subject, just some descriptions with my opinions thrown in.

I'll be talking about the characters appearance, gameplay, fatalities, and ending. I decided to cut it off at fatalities due to the sheer number of brutalities there are between these four players(Tremor has somewhere around ten and counting).

Long read ahead. Any thoughts about characters or their reviews are welcome.


First character out the gate, and widely believed to be the worst. The very use of the character online puts you in "noob"/"scrub" territory in some circles. Let's dig a little deeper and see how everyone's favorite mama's boy turned out.

APPEARANCE- This subject has been some of the more hardcore fans biggest objection. His look was definitely inspired by the most recent Friday the 13th reboot, and a bit of his comic book appearances as well. In a nice nod to the 5th installment of the movies, his appearance/color pallette for his P2 costume was made to resemble the "Fake Jason"(good ole Roy Burns) from said installment.

From the neck down is indeed passable, everything else is a bit harder to forgive. Little to no work went into disfiguring Jason's head or face. If you couldn't tell by his skull structure, a p.c. mod used to move the game's camera would ultimately provide proof of what hardcore fans already knew...

more grizzled war veteran than decaying counselor slayer. I'm aware that NRS ultimately never meant for this to be seen, but you can't help but to be disappointed by the lack of detail here. No decay, no disfigurement, not even a damn burlap sack for one of his other variations(damn you Torr!).


Slasher- Probably the most widely used of the three, slasher gives Jason's attack pretty good range in addition to combos not present in the other two variations, along with a machete projectile.

Relentless- One of two weaponless variations, this one makes Jason more of a grappling based character and includes a teleport. Also of note, the persuit special, which flips your opponent's button layout for a limited time.

Unstoppable- In this variation, Jason can use specials to buff his attacks. In addition to this, he also has a mechanic that will bring Jason back to life after defeat(with limited life).

Overall, Slasher has proven to be the most useful variation thus far. It's range and damage output makes it the most attractive of the three. I've seen relentless used to little effect. The teleport is a bit too slow to be viable and the persuit special is usually met with a projectile on read. Unstoppable seems to get blown out of the water. Who needs a second chance when you're most likely coming back against a 75% life lead?


Once again, the key word is disappointment. There is no shortage of inspiration for this subject. Nearly 30 years of movies and NRS' keen eye for dismemberment should've been enough to make for a great show. Sadly, it didn't work out that way.

The standout here is "Kill for Mother". A great musical cue and a few simple hacks of a machete are all this one consists of. Simple and to the point. Very lacking.

"Sleeping Bag Killer" is a bit more of a mind fuck. Jason grabs a leg, slings his opponent around, and they burst into pieces. Lazy, uninspired, boring. Not much more to say here.


Easily one of the most enjoyable endings of all the DLC characters. Simply ties Jason to the universe and stays true to the character. If only NRS saw fit to turn the closing scene into a fatality.


Jason is a methodical, undead, killing machine. One of the most prolific Horror characters of all time. He's brought fear to multiple generations, and for some, is the standard for a slasher movie character. All that, and yet somehow it feels like Jason was slapped together. A quick speed draw here, a few grab animations there, "BOOM!, now let's move on to the guest character we really wanted to do"(we'll get more into that soon).



MK4's very own Edenian traitor. Fan favorite, Tanya, returns to the series in her first game since Armageddon. How did she fair? Let's find out.


We start with a bit of a stumble out the gate...

NRS caused a bit of a stir with her initial reveal. A quick revamp, some longer hair, different color scheme, and her classic dead eyes quickly made much of her fan base happy. She falls in line nicely with NRS less sexy approach to females in fighting games. Simple, functional, with a classic Tonya feel. Great job so far.


Pyromancer- Tanya uses fire balls to zone out her opponents with this variation. It also adds in a couple fire based combo strings as well. Good for keeping an opponent at bay.

Dragon Naginata - Gives Tanya access to a bladed staff which extends the range of some normals, gives exclusive combo strings, and helps Tanya play mind games while perched atop her staff.

Kobu Jutsu - Gives Tanya access to smaller bladed weapons and exclusive combo strings. Pressure is the name of the game with this variation. Safe strings make Dragon Naginata the more popular choice among Tournament players.

Overall, pretty much all of her variations have proven viable, but its Dragon Naginata's pressure that is hardest to deal with. Probably more worrisome though, is Tanya's ridiculous screen control. Her teleports, common across all variations, makes her an absolute pain to try and pin down.

Many pegged Tanya as the character to derail the game's progress as far as tournament viability. She was quickly slapped with the Nerf bat after CEO. Still an incredibly dangerous character in the right hands.


"Bloody Boots" gets the ball rolling. Pretty straight forward stuff. She knocks em down and stomps their face. Nothing ground breaking. How they didn't include a "getting the gum off your boots" type animation with this is mind boggling.

"Edenian Drill" is one of the cooler fatalities amongst the DLC. She lunges feet first through her opponent's back and comes out covered in entrails holding her opponents heart. Brutal, yet they managed to make it stylish. Great fatality.


Sadly, this is where Tanya falters a bit. Standard Tanya looking out for number 1 type shenanigans. We did find out that Rain is...just o.k. in the sack...oh and Rain died! Sadly there was more character progression for Rain than Tanya here. Weak sauce.


Tanya must be a delight for her fans. NRS has a very strong track record as of late with bringing back their old characters and making them better than we ever thought possible. Probably why so many of the MK faithful were upset with the limited number of MK characters this season pass. Her design takes steps forward, while honoring what came before it, she kills with style, and is an absolute beast in the right players hands. Overall, she's a great addition to this games roster, and arguably should've been in the roster to start with.


That's it for now. Predator and Tremor are soon to follow. Any thoughts or comments about the characters or my opinions are welcome.

You mixed the kobu jutsu & dragon naginata wrong.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/23/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:

You mixed the kobu jutsu & dragon naginata wrong.

Indeed I did. Should be fixed now. Thank you!
07/23/2015 12:52 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:

You mixed the kobu jutsu & dragon naginata wrong.

Indeed I did. Should be fixed now. Thank you!
You're welcome. If only you could rearrange Tanya's variations in order: Pyromancer, Kobu Jutsu & Dragon Naginata.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/23/2015 01:34 AM (UTC)
I definitely appreciate your detailed review. I'll keep mine short and sweet since you nail most of it:

Jason - I passed on Freddy during MK9 because I hate guest characters. However, I wasn't going to NOT download Jason because I already had the Kombat Pack as a result of pre-order. I like him overall, especially his slasher variation, but as I don't really see him "fitting in" I rarely ever use him. Still, design was, playability, excellent references to his classic movie appearances and behaviors - A+

Tanya - I was never a fan. She should have been on the roster to begin with, along with Rain. Goro and one of the Shaolin Revenants should have been left off. The improvements they made to her, making her look more like her classic self rather than the somewhat awkward Story Mode appearance was a nice plus. Her variations are pretty good and she plays well. I like her. - B- (she should've been regular roster)

Predator - I hate guest characters. I fucking LOVE Predator. MK and Predator? It mixes well. They really, REALLY nailed it with Pred. Great design, easy to use. Fatalities were meh, Brutalities were awesome. My absolute favorite out of the KP. A+.

Tremor - I gotta hand it to his loudmothed fan base. No MK fan ever has the rigth to say NRS doesn't listen EVER again. Tremor made it. Contrary to popular belief I do not hate the character. I simply hate the juvenile fan base's inability to care about anything in MK unless it is a ninja. That said - I wasn't impressed. GREAT design, very unique concept, but he does not mesh with my playstyle - I am aggressive, he is too much of a zoner across all variations. Overall, B.

07/23/2015 02:02 AM (UTC)
My god was Jason a bit disappointing, while fun at the same time

How hard would it really be to use an actual fucking sleeping bag?
07/23/2015 02:16 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
My god was Jason a bit disappointing, while fun at the same time

How hard would it really be to use an actual fucking sleeping bag?

I dunno man, wrapping them up in a sleeping bag before bashing them to death on the ground probably would have been TOO goofy, even for NRS.
07/23/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)
Jason: B-
I was disappointed in his fatalities and his model is still off. Gameplay is okay, but the machete in only 1 variation and lack of other weapons in his moves is a negative to me.

Tanya: A
Best version of Tanya ever gameplay wise. Costume is decent.

Predator: B
I thought he was more accurate than Jason... but again disappointing fatalities. Gameplay was decent, but was the least fun of the 3 I've played.

Tremor: TBD
Haven't played yet, I'll update once I play as him.

So far I've been unimpressed with all the DLC costumes in the Kombat Pack except Vampire Mileena and Classic Quan Chi (best classic ever.)
07/23/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
My god was Jason a bit disappointing, while fun at the same time

How hard would it really be to use an actual fucking sleeping bag?

I dunno man, wrapping them up in a sleeping bag before bashing them to death on the ground probably would have been TOO goofy, even for NRS.

They put in Mileena's man eater fatality from MK2, shot for shot.

There's no excuse
07/23/2015 02:34 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't say Jason is a disappointment, just not the home run he should have been. I will agree that his fatalities are a tad lackluster though, with all the source material NRS had at their fingertips you'd think they could think of something a little better. Still my favorite DLC character though.

07/23/2015 04:44 AM (UTC)
Tanya - B+ love her gameplay
Tremor - B+ love his game play
Goro - C I'll always take him, because he is MK
Predator - D he's a guest
Jason - F he's a boring guest.

No one gets an A until DLC characters get alternate costumes. Why do we still not have an answer for this?
07/23/2015 07:02 AM (UTC)
Jason - A
Tanya - C
Predator - C
Tremor - B

I'm quite surprised with Tremor, and let down with Tanya. I expected Jason to be a good fit, and Predator is pretty... average.
07/23/2015 07:58 AM (UTC)

Goro - A (klassic MK always a welcome addition in my book)
Jason - D (should have been a klassic like noob)
Tanya - B (not a fan of female fighters but you gotta have them and she should have been starting roster anyway)
Predator - A (was against guest characters but he is alright)
Tremor - A (they did good with him very good much like Scarlett from last game)
07/23/2015 10:38 AM (UTC)
Tremor A+
Tanya A
Jason B
Predator D

About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/23/2015 10:09 PM (UTC)
Added Predator.
07/23/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
Jason- D
Tanya- B
Predator- A
Tremor- A
07/23/2015 11:23 PM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
Tanya - B+ love her gameplay
Tremor - B+ love his game play
Goro - C I'll always take him, because he is MK
Predator - D he's a guest
Jason - F he's a boring guest.

No one gets an A until DLC characters get alternate costumes. Why do we still not have an answer for this?

It is ridiculous that some characters have 6-8 an these guys we have to pay a premium price and they only come with the one outfit. :(
07/24/2015 12:03 AM (UTC)
I really don't know why everyone sucks Predator dick. Everyone says Jason is boring, Predator is no better. He doesn't talk, if they had gotten someone that would talk that would be way better. And he's the least fun out of the four.

Jason: B-
Tanya: B
Predator: C
Tremor: B+
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/24/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
I really don't know why everyone sucks Predator dick. Everyone says Jason is boring, Predator is no better. He doesn't talk, if they had gotten someone that would talk that would be way better. And he's the least fun out of the four.

Jason: B-
Tanya: B
Predator: C
Tremor: B+

I love Jason, its just hard to ignore the C list treatment he got this game. Neither character really has much of a personality, but the level of detail that went into Predator is hard to ignore.

I also understand that Predator's gameplay isn't for everyone, but the depth is absolutely there, which is what I guess I was alluding to more than anything.
07/24/2015 12:20 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
I really don't know why everyone sucks Predator dick. Everyone says Jason is boring, Predator is no better. He doesn't talk, if they had gotten someone that would talk that would be way better. And he's the least fun out of the four.

Jason: B-
Tanya: B
Predator: C
Tremor: B+

I love Jason, its just hard to ignore the C list treatment he got this game. Neither character really has much of a personality, but the level of detail that went into Predator is hard to ignore.

I also understand that Predator's gameplay isn't for everyone, but the depth is absolutely there, which is what I guess I was alluding to more than anything.

Jason, if you're familiar with the movies, would have a lot more personality than Predator

Fuck, I keep bugging the Terrordrome guys to put in a move where he uses the electric guitar from part 8

When I heard that one of his brutalities was called "Go to Hell" I thought it would be like the ending to part 9 where giant hell monster hands come up and drag them into the ground.

They gave more love to the lesser character.

Also Predator is so unhype compared to what Jason could've been, Preds' lunge move puts me to sleep
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/24/2015 12:29 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:

Jason, if you're familiar with the movies, would have a lot more personality than Predator

Fuck, I keep bugging the Terrordrome guys to put in a move where he uses the electric guitar from part 8

When I heard that one of his brutalities was called "Go to Hell" I thought it would be like the ending to part 9 where giant hell monster hands come up and drag them into the ground.

They gave more love to the lesser character.

Also Predator is so unhype compared to what Jason could've been, Preds' lunge move puts me to sleep

Eh, I love the movies, but once again, I don't believe personality is Jason's(and for that matter Predator's) strong suit . Jason's actors have relied on a variety of different ways to bring the character to life, but can you really say they did anymore than what the Predator's actors did? Hell, despite their motivations and tools at their disposal, I'd say they're pretty much equal in the personality department. The only thing really putting Jason over Predator in these terms is our own bias.

I absolutely agree that Jason could've been so much more. Hence my extreme disappointment. I play and enjoy the character, but he's underwhelming at best.

Also, I wish Terrordrome was a thing for consoles.
07/24/2015 12:38 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:

Jason, if you're familiar with the movies, would have a lot more personality than Predator

Fuck, I keep bugging the Terrordrome guys to put in a move where he uses the electric guitar from part 8

When I heard that one of his brutalities was called "Go to Hell" I thought it would be like the ending to part 9 where giant hell monster hands come up and drag them into the ground.

They gave more love to the lesser character.

Also Predator is so unhype compared to what Jason could've been, Preds' lunge move puts me to sleep

Eh, I love the movies, but once again, I don't believe personality is Jason's(and for that matter Predator's) strong suit . Jason's actors have relied on a variety of different ways to bring the character to life, but can you really say they did anymore than what the Predator's actors did? Hell, despite their motivations and tools at their disposal, I'd say they're pretty much equal in the personality department. The only thing really putting Jason over Predator in these terms is our own bias.

I absolutely agree that Jason could've been so much more. Hence my extreme disappointment. I play and enjoy the character, but he's underwhelming at best.

Also, I wish Terrordrome was a thing for consoles.

I was recently made a beta tester for Terrordrome. More shits-a-comin
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/24/2015 12:46 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:

I was recently made a beta tester for Terrordrome. More shits-a-comin

Nice! I've always admired that game from a far.
07/24/2015 05:31 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:

When I heard that one of his brutalities was called "Go to Hell" I thought it would be like the ending to part 9 where giant hell monster hands come up and drag them into the ground.

They absolutely need to bring this fatality back for Scorpion. Definitely my all time favorite of his... and they have him summoning demons now? It so fits. I love that one.
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