Deserving thoughts for characters from MK4-MKD for MK10/MKII
posted10/17/2013 12:21 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
For the characters from MK4-MKD, who do you think is most deserving to be in the next game and for the game save up to new characters as well?

I wish this site had polls

- Shinnok
- Kai
- Reiko
- Jarek
- Fujin
- Tanya
MK Deadly Alliance
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Li Mei
- Mavado
- Nitara
- Drahmin
- Hsu Hao
- Frost
- Sareena
- Blaze
- Mokap
- Moloch
MK Deception
- Shujinko
- Ashrah
- Hotaru
- Dairou
- Darrius
- Havik
- Kira
- Kobra
- Onaga
10/11/2013 02:11 PM (UTC)

bo rai cho
li mei

kenshi (just added him so there's 5 from each game haha)

that sounds good to me. and then add 15 to 20 more from the past games and maybe throw in some new peopl i suppose.
10/11/2013 05:09 PM (UTC)
I'm going to say above all else, Fujin. Raiden has screwed up pretty badly so I think Fujin, now more than ever should replace Raiden as protector of Earthrealm. Let Raiden help out on the side but hand over the job to Fujin.




Bo' Rai Cho
Li Mei
10/11/2013 09:21 PM (UTC)

Characters who HAVE TO BE in the cast of characters:
Scorpion is not seen being killed plus he's one of MK's poster boys.
He didn't really DIE. He got F'ed up by Raiden. He has every reason to come back as an evil Liu Kang similar to KTach's vision.
Never killed. We see him in MK4 serving a new master so why not now?
He's alive and well.
She's alive and well too.
We see him getting tossed into the Soulnado but no actual death. Plus he's in the brotherhood and MK4.
Since Jarek is a joke, Kano should take his place. Plus Sonya needs some one to chase.
How can he not be in the next MK? His arch nemesis just escaped the Netherrealm!
Shinnok's partner in crime. Of course this troll is going to be in the game.
Kung Lao is dead, Liu Kang might be a bad guy... time for this White Lotus to shine.
Of course! He was in MK4 anyway.
Raiden is a major screw up of a protector god... Fujin has to set things right.
The only other Netherrealm Oni besides Moloch. Who else is gonna protect Quan Chi from Scorpion's wrath?
Three's no Sub-Zero alive (see below)... so she has a big chance of filling in that void.
Of course she has to be in the game!

Characters who should be considered joinging the cast:
She was never killed, plus she was in MKG. She can serve Shinnok now and try to "earn" her throne since Kitana is out of the picture.
Never died and he was in MKG anyway.
It's definitely hinted at... and he might have to put a stop to his renegade student, Liu Kang.
Not seen being killed. Probably wants to take over the Lin Kuei and has beef with Cyrax and Cyber Sub-Zero.
I can see Cyrax following in the footsteps of his original MKG storyline.
Only if Havik shows his ugly face.
It was implied in Saibot's ending... but Saibot didn't win the tournament. So MAYBE?
Ed Boon already said no... but fans need a big bad subboss that isn't four-armed. They OBVIOUSLY can't pull of a Centaur.
He was never killed and was already in MK4. Perhaps he will fight against Shinnok this time? Since Boon said no to Moloch, I guess Goro will return.
Perhaps... she's a demon slayer afterall.
She was in MK4 already and is the Edenian traitor who helped Shinnok get into Edenia... however her Edenian counterparts aren't even alive anymore!
Fujin made it to MK4, but not him... maybe this time the fire god will?
Fujin made it to MK4, but not him... maybe this time the water god will?
Only if they size him to about Kahn's height...

Characters who should have little to no chance of returning:
Kahn broke his neck.
Nightwolf killed her.
Killed by her own bitch of a mother.
Got owned by Sindel.
He sacraficed himself to kill Sindel.
Dead in the Netherrealm.
Dead... forever I wish.
He is dead.
In the Netherrealm... and I hope he stays there.

Characters who should not even be considered at all:
No longer exists. Bi Han is now Saibot and Kuai Liang is now Cyber Sub-Zero.
I don't recall him dying, but he's Shao Kahn's creation. Kahn is no longer in the picture so Ermac should sit this one out.
Another one of Kahn's creations... who should only be in a game when Kahn is.
Got the shit sucked out of him by Kahn... and thrown into Sindel. The fuck?
I don't recall her dying, but I don't see the point of her coming back. She's not that special.
Shang Tsung, Kenshi's most hated enemy, is dead. That was Kenshi's whole point of existing.
His backstory is so vague it's not even funny. Unless the Edenian thrown is being fought over I don't see him an essential character.
No. I don't see NRS doing anything with this guy anymore.
No need to have her at all.
There's no point. He's a forgettable character.
Kano is alive and well. Jarek stinks, even in MKA.
Goofy clown of a character. Never took him seriously.
His existence should be erased from all memories.
Pointless. Even if he was in MK4, he's not a real character.
He should only exist so Rain can come kill his ass for the throne of Edenia.
He should only exist so Rain can come kill his ass for the throne of Edenia.
I don't see a reason for him to be in the game yet.
She's a nobody from Outworld. She has no place in Shinnok's conflict.
Her whole point was to get some orb to free her realm from Outworld. What's her excuse now? NOTHING.
Sonya and Kano merged into one big joke.
No need at this point.
I can't see this guy as a real character again. Maybe mentioned for story's sake.
It'd be nice... but I don't see NRS coming up with a creative move set for her. It was hard enough for them to do it for Sareena in MKA.
It'd be nice... but I don't see NRS coming up with a creative move set for her. It was hard enough for them to do it for Sareena in MKA.
He is dead and gone.
Even though he might join Goro in the fight... I don't see that materializing.
Gullable clown. He has no place in the next game.
Worst excuse of a Red Dragon deviation of Kano.
A waste of a character.
10/12/2013 05:06 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
He didn't really DIE.

We saw him not breathing, bro.
Anyway, my vote for MK10 is Everyone from 4 except Jarek, plus Drahmin, Moloch, and Sareena.
Anyone who's from the Netherealm (or works for the Netherealm, like Reiko and Tanya) needs to be in the Shinnok-themed game. Fujin needs to be in 'cause Raiden sucks now. And Kai would probably be in just because there's so many dead Earth guys.
Also, you didn't list Armageddon, but maybe Daegon or a Red Dragon representative should be in since he's an ally of Shinnok too.
10/12/2013 07:27 PM (UTC)
I don not, "i repeat", I do NOT want Sub-Zero to go bye-bye!
10/13/2013 03:58 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero, Frost, Noob, Hotaru... I want to see them more than anyone else.
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10/14/2013 12:09 AM (UTC)
(in a whisper) kobra
10/14/2013 05:08 PM (UTC)
Tanya, Fujin, and Kai are the only characters who must be in MK10.

Though I'm sure the idea will be shot down with a machine gun, I'm really hoping Meat makes a triumphant return.
10/14/2013 09:05 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Tanya, Fujin, and Kai are the only characters who must be in MK10.

Pretty much this. Fujin needs to step in to help Raiden. Kai needs to fill in for Liu Kang. And Tanya needs to fill the treacherous bastard role. Tanya... I don't know what she does but she needs to be there.
10/16/2013 11:10 PM (UTC)
I kind of thought that...

as MK9 was a rehash of the mk1-mk3 storylines,

MK10 could be a rehash of MK4-Deception stories, leading up to Blaze's battle at the pyramid.

Story mode could jump straight from the end of MK9 with shinnock rising, introduce Tanya and Kai and Fujin (and Bo rai cho?) as allies, until Tanya switches sides

then when shinnock falls the deadly alliance is formed, this time perhaps with quan chi and someone else? seeing as shang is dead....

our heros could join with Frost here, we could meet Nitara and see her interactions with Cyrax and Reptile,
Meet Li Mei until she takes the alliance down

then the Onaga story line (we can meet Shujinko) and then meet Taven for the conclusion...

I can see that being a long a fruitful story mode with some interesting potential story twists due to Raiden's interference.

10/17/2013 12:21 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
Tanya, Fujin, and Kai are the only characters who must be in MK10.

Pretty much this. Fujin needs to step in to help Raiden. Kai needs to fill in for Liu Kang. And Tanya needs to fill the treacherous bastard role. Tanya... I don't know what she does but she needs to be there.

You have Tanya listed twice.
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