02/05/2015 12:50 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I want a demo.

I need to win my Gamestop tournament again.

This. At midnight launch for MK9 I went in their like a mother fucking super star. I was busting out 50% no meter combos with Scorpion while most people were just trying to figure out how to block.

If you guys remember, MK9 only had a demo in PS3, and it came a week early for PS+ subscribers.

Most everyone at my GameStop played in 360 and I smoked them all with ease. The best part was I got the game for free for winning the tournement.

Injustice was the same scenario, only difference being everyone had access to the demo, but I practiced like crazy and learned all of Batmans BNB combos, and destroyed everyone.

About Me
02/05/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)
booN already said there will be no demo.
02/05/2015 01:20 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
booN already said there will be no demo.

02/05/2015 03:46 AM (UTC)
Asesino is full of shit, as usual.
02/05/2015 04:49 AM (UTC)
Alright this double post was not intentional.
02/05/2015 04:51 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
septillion Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
Did MK9 have a demo? I really don't remember.

MK9 had a demo, which was hacked, and literally every spoiler in the game was leaked. Don't know how all that went down with Injustice, but I'll happily forgo a demo if it means that we don't get ridiculous spoilers.

I don't think there will be a demo but it's just stupid to say that you don't want a demo for this reason.

People who post spoilers that get hacked are not at fault and people who hack the game and get all these content out are not at fault either.

Don't want to get spoiled?

Then don't go to threads that have the word "Spoilers" in them.

I wouldn't mind seeing a demo but I agree with what you and the other people said. A demo is most likely not going to be dropping at all.

You do realize half the fun of this is the sense of community that comes with the build up to the games release right?
People like discussing theories with one another about the direction of the story.
Or debating and guessing the roster, and like discovering these things with others who are interested in the same subject.

That's the point of this.

But if say a leak does happen. Well then the fan base is split right down the fucking middle.
Tones of people will be running to the life boats to not have things that they would prefer to discover once they have the game themselves anticlimactically spoiled for them.

All the and fun of anticipating these answers will be gone because the answers are right there and things will die down because the ride is over.

Then all that's left is ranting threads until the actual game comes out and people miiiiight talk about the fighting.

Ranting is going to happen sooner or later, I do understand that the fun of any game or movie at least for me is to go over it yourself and discover the things by yourself rather than someone just telling.

But from the time I spent on MKO I saw that this forum is a lot different than other forums and it's much better.

When there is spoilers people make sure to hide them and warn people before seeing them.

So if MKX Info got leaked I wouldn't be afraid to get on MKO because I know the users on it respect people who don't want to get spoiled and will warn them.

Now if there is a shitty person that will spoil stuff for you without warning you then that person is really not that much of a nice person I have to say.

Even if things get spoiled, people like me and you who don't want to get spoiled will still get the chance to discuss things.

But if your only problem with a demo is that it's going to get hacked then that is not a very good reason to not want a demo to be released.

People like me who are getting the game on PC would appreciate a demo a lot because we want to make sure that it will run good before putting our money into it.

As soon as the leaks hit there was a thread in here with the title

"Cyber WHO!?" and right there we all knew what that was about. And there were many other threads like that which tip toed around being direct spoilers but still said enough that the damage was done.

Were you not there when this happened?

It was a pretty sad time because again the community was split and those anticipating the game left in fear of being spoiled and things became really quiet.

And then when we all knew what was going on. The discussions had already been had and it was treated as old news.
About Me
02/05/2015 05:00 AM (UTC)
red5iver Wrote:
Asesino is full of shit, as usual.

You need to check all the interviews cuz I'm not giving you the link mamacita. Now go to sleep.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

02/05/2015 06:35 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Yeah i'm wondering when we can expect the flood gates to be open so we can have the whole game spoiled for us.

If you're on these forums this close to launch something will get spoiled. I'd leave now if you're really that worried
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

02/05/2015 10:15 AM (UTC)
They'd be smart by not releasing a demo.

Speaking of the mk9 demo, I remember going to the midnight launch and I fucking wrecked the demo and I was hoping to play at gamestop that night BUUUUT I wasn't of age at the time so I couldn't destroy all the people trying it out for the first time. It was so infuriating watching lil shit stains think they are hardshit doing a 15% 3 hit combo or some shit. God. Made me platinum mad.

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02/05/2015 11:41 AM (UTC)
Massive spoilers will come and only a few people will be able to resist the urge to know more about the game they're so hyped about, it happens every time, everywhere, is unavoidable, no point even ranting about it, the only thing you can do is safely withdraw from the forums a few months previous to release.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/05/2015 02:50 PM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I want a demo.

I need to win my Gamestop tournament again.

This. At midnight launch for MK9 I went in their like a mother fucking super star. I was busting out 50% no meter combos with Scorpion while most people were just trying to figure out how to block.

If you guys remember, MK9 only had a demo in PS3, and it came a week early for PS+ subscribers.

Most everyone at my GameStop played in 360 and I smoked them all with ease. The best part was I got the game for free for winning the tournement.

Injustice was the same scenario, only difference being everyone had access to the demo, but I practiced like crazy and learned all of Batmans BNB combos, and destroyed everyone.

Tbh, at first I went for Reptile, just cuz y'know, favorite and first time playing him and all...but I nearly lost. So after that match I stuck with Johnny Cage. Any given combo dished was 6-10 hits, and took at least 24%. Needles to say, folks weren't happy...except me. grin

Hope there's more people there this go around though. So they can up the prizes. I won $25 in 2011 but I've heard others say they won $50 or got the game for free basically. Yeah lemme get up in on that.
02/05/2015 03:23 PM (UTC)
A demo will NOT lead to leaked spoilers. NRS learned from their mistake and Injustice had no problems. They will likely use an old build with only the most basic amount of content.

People really need to stop thinking that everything that happened with MK9 will happen again with MKX.
02/05/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
HiddenCharacter Wrote:
A demo will NOT lead to leaked spoilers. NRS learned from their mistake and Injustice had no problems. They will likely use an old build with only the most basic amount of content.

People really need to stop thinking that everything that happened with MK9 will happen again with MKX.

I agree with this HiddenCharacter :).

Are you reptile?
02/05/2015 03:30 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
HiddenCharacter Wrote:
A demo will NOT lead to leaked spoilers. NRS learned from their mistake and Injustice had no problems. They will likely use an old build with only the most basic amount of content.

People really need to stop thinking that everything that happened with MK9 will happen again with MKX.

I agree with this HiddenCharacter :).

Are you reptile?

Haha No. I talk way too much to be Reptile.
02/05/2015 04:08 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
red5iver Wrote:
Asesino is full of shit, as usual.

You need to check all the interviews cuz I'm not giving you the link mamacita. Now go to sleep.

Nah son, not going to check all of the interviews for something that doesn't exist. Man, did the original Asesino like move out and you're his younger brother who inherited his profile???

Anyway, not sure I NEED a demo at this point. I'd download it for sure, but really not expecting much.
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

02/05/2015 04:31 PM (UTC)
I'd rather they used all their time to crank as much into the finished product as possible, rather than them work on a demo tbh.
02/05/2015 05:53 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Arts Wrote:
I'd rather they used all their time to crank as much into the finished product as possible, rather than them work on a demo tbh.

You do realize that a demo doesn't really require a lot of time to do, right?

And at this stage they are finished probably with the characters,stages,online,challenge tower and the other things.

they are just polishing everything and getting ready to enter the final stages of releasing the game.

Right now all that's left is probably fixing bugs and testing.
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02/05/2015 06:46 PM (UTC)
red5iver Wrote : ah son, not going to check all of the interviews for something that doesn't exist.

It does exist and a lot of people here watched it. If you beg real hard, someone may throw you a link
02/05/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
red5iver Wrote : ah son, not going to check all of the interviews for something that doesn't exist.

It does exist and a lot of people here watched it. If you beg real hard, someone may throw you a link

Don't listen to this guy with the Goro count down in his sig.

He is a liar and a fool but when he visits people are going to get trolled.

I already watched all the interviews before ever since the game was announced.

So either you are dumb as shit or you are a liar :).
02/05/2015 09:04 PM (UTC)
It does exist and a lot of people here watched it. If you beg real hard, someone may throw you a link

Shhhhhhhhhh....the big kids are talking.
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Props to MINION
02/06/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
Games only 2 months away, no demo needed were all gunna buy it anyway XD
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02/06/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
You trolls piss me of, I'm drunk now, but I'm gonna post the interview and you better delete your accounts. You piss me off noobs. Don't speak further, cuz your clowns . OMG. Someone ban the unenlightened fast!
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