Dark Raiden
posted06/21/2014 06:49 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/07/2011 03:13 AM (UTC)
Whom else wants him to return in MKX?

How would you want him to be presented?


Sided with Good, Evil or should he be Neutral.

What design would like for him to attain- original attire, MKD main (revised), MKD alt (revised) or a totally different appearance (clothing wise).

Specials/Finishing Moves/X-Ray

What would be his 3 variations.

P.s- I looked through the first 5 pages and didn't find a (Dark) Raiden post. So I made one

06/19/2014 05:19 PM (UTC)
I wasn't fond of him personality wise. But I liked his design.
06/19/2014 05:24 PM (UTC)
I kinda liked how Raiden got all pissed because of the humankinds' flaws... but MK9 pretty much made him as human and flawed as anyone else. Should he become Dark Raiden again, it would be for other reasons.
06/19/2014 08:58 PM (UTC)
While I enjoyed the Dark Raiden storyline, I'd rather not see it revisited. I want him to stay good for the rest of the series. I hope his new storyline is that he is recruiting other gods to help his cause (including an adult Kid-Thunder!)

As for his Look. I'd go with his MK5 outfit, minus the sleeves and cape. I know this sounds blasphemous, but I'm quite sick of his hat too. LoL. He could wear it in his match intro, but throw it off screen b4 it begins. It would technically fall off in a fight anyway. His alt should be samurai armor. Blue white and silver.

I hope he steals the lightning strike move from NightWolf and Rain. I never understood that! The LOOK of his teleport should be updated too, now that we're using next-gen Graphix. He should turn into a bolt of lightning, shoot to the sky, then flash down behind the enemy.

Variation 1. Thunder - Fists are electrified. Every punch has a shocking effect.

Variation 2. Lightning - Adds a few different lightning projectiles.

Variation 3. Guardian - Equips Raiden with his famous staff
06/19/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
I hope Raiden is good in MK X.

I liked him better when he was good.

Dark Raiden was fun, but that lies in the past, in the new generation of MK games I hope he stays on the good side.
06/19/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
The Dark Raiden persona is one of the greatest things to ever happen in the MK story, and I hope it makes a permanent return.

Raiden's descent would also make a fine moment for Fujin to succeed him, an event that should've remained after MK4. I'd love to see a divine battle between Fujin and Dark Raiden. That would be SWEEEEEEEEEEEET!

Anyhoo, yes, I think Dark Raiden should return, but only under similar circumstances. I don't want it to be like anything can make Raiden go mad; it has to be something seriously devastating, like Shujinko.
06/19/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
Lol, I kinda hope that Fujin becomes dark in X instead of Raiden.

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06/19/2014 10:21 PM (UTC)
I hope its his Alt costume for sure.

I don't know if I really want it to happen in the Story though, He would also have to be killed I think in order for his energy to reform in Outworld.
06/20/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
I would love to see Dark Raiden make a return and then Dark Raiden and pissed off Liu Kang could fight, two good guys turned neutral, who now hate each other.
Goro Still Lives
06/20/2014 12:34 AM (UTC)
If they're going for a fresh take on MK like they appear to be doing then na Dark Raiden is necessary. It'll be nice to see if any of the rules of MK will change as well.
06/20/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
gorostilllives Wrote:

Are you aware of how insanely large your sig is?

You should really get that fixed.
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06/20/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
I'm really bummed by the fact that MK9 Raiden was not the least bit disturbed by the being he had become in the original timeline. He never questioned it, not even once! Such a missed opportunity(one of many I suppose).

As for Dark Raiden returning, I loved the idea and would've loved to have seen it explored, but that's all gone at this point. I do believe we're going to see...one of two things out of Raiden this time. Either a Raiden thats eaten up by grief, possibly descending into madness, or, a Raiden that's learned from his mistakes, and is determined not to repeat them. Either way, I think they're going to hint at Dark Raiden, but overall, I don't see him going full Vader again.
06/20/2014 02:22 AM (UTC)
warrior Wrote:
While I enjoyed the Dark Raiden storyline, I'd rather not see it revisited. I want him to stay good for the rest of the series. I hope his new storyline is that he is recruiting other gods to help his cause (including an adult Kid-Thunder!)

As for his Look. I'd go with his MK5 outfit, minus the sleeves and cape. I know this sounds blasphemous, but I'm quite sick of his hat too. LoL. He could wear it in his match intro, but throw it off screen b4 it begins. It would technically fall off in a fight anyway. His alt should be samurai armor. Blue white and silver.

I hope he steals the lightning strike move from NightWolf and Rain. I never understood that! The LOOK of his teleport should be updated too, now that we're using next-gen Graphix. He should turn into a bolt of lightning, shoot to the sky, then flash down behind the enemy.

Variation 1. Thunder - Fists are electrified. Every punch has a shocking effect.

Variation 2. Lightning - Adds a few different lightning projectiles.

Variation 3. Guardian - Equips Raiden with his famous staff

Very interesting thoughts. I would like to see him have the variation of the teleport you mentioned.

If we had got 3 designs/outfits of each character to go along with their variations, that would be sweet.

For instance...

Raiden with hat for variation 1
Revamp of MKD alt for variation 2
Samurai for variation 3

If we get "Good" Raiden, would Dark Raidens MKD alt/design be a good choice to use with a major revamp?
06/20/2014 04:24 AM (UTC)
It was interesting to see Dark Raiden back in MKD after what happened with the Dragon King, but ultimately he still chose to do good and send a message to his past self thus spawning MK9.

As fun as that was, I don't want a repeat of that, besides, I'd rather see Dark God Liu Kang anyways :P ...and Good Raiden fighting him grin

Yeah giving him Rain & Nightwolf's lightning strike sounds proper given the 3 variations now.smile
06/20/2014 04:40 AM (UTC)
If Raiden comes back and is a playable character, his staff better damn well be apart of one of his variations.

And if he comes back and the Dark Raiden comes as well, I hope that it's because he's gone stir crazy after the events and is the main villain. I know I keep throwing this idea out again and again, but I just want it to happen.
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06/20/2014 06:03 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
If Raiden comes back and is a playable character, his staff better damn well be apart of one of his variations.

And if he comes back and the Dark Raiden comes as well, I hope that it's because he's gone stir crazy after the events and is the main villain. I know I keep throwing this idea out again and again, but I just want it to happen.

That'll make a lot of Jade fans sad.

oh well...
06/20/2014 03:19 PM (UTC)
I'm hoping that we get MANY alt costumes per character like NRS did for Injustice. If that's the case, I wouldn't mind seeing a Dark Raiden alt, even if he isn't "dark" story-wise. Just a fun nod for the fans of Dark Raiden
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06/20/2014 04:15 PM (UTC)
Speaking of Dark Raiden...

Did every one just forget about his MK1 story?
06/20/2014 04:30 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Speaking of Dark Raiden...

Did every one just forget about his MK1 story?

Tobias put that in as a joke. Y'know, for fun. To make you laugh. Hence the "Have a nice day" at the end.

Aaanyway...Raiden was showing some pretty real signs of dementia by the end of MK9, I hope they don't forget that or act like it went away and he's back to being perfectly normal the moment the "He must win" visions stopped.

I also would be really unsatisfied if there's no karmic retribution at all for all the mistakes he made. So even if he doesn't turn all the way "dark", I'd really like other good guys to TREAT him like a pariah like he deserves, or see him lose his position as punishment for letting things get so bad that the Elder Gods had to do the job FOR him, or SOMETHING.

The dude tried to sell the heroes' souls to Shinnok for fuck's sake. Just because he couldn't doesn't mean we should forget that he tried.
06/20/2014 05:10 PM (UTC)
I Like where you're going with this RazorsEdge. It actually builds on my theory that KotaL Kahn was sent down by the Elder Gods to "set things straight" by force.

Maybe we'll even get 2 factions of "good guys" in MKX. Those loyal to Raiden, and those who won't forgive him, but still fight for EarthRealm. That could make for some good drama.
06/21/2014 05:05 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
If Raiden comes back and is a playable character, his staff better damn well be apart of one of his variations.

And if he comes back and the Dark Raiden comes as well, I hope that it's because he's gone stir crazy after the events and is the main villain. I know I keep throwing this idea out again and again, but I just want it to happen.

Nice thought. Good Raiden main costume, Dark Raiden for his alt and one more.
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06/21/2014 09:13 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
If Raiden comes back and is a playable character, his staff better damn well be apart of one of his variations.

And if he comes back and the Dark Raiden comes as well, I hope that it's because he's gone stir crazy after the events and is the main villain. I know I keep throwing this idea out again and again, but I just want it to happen.

Nice thought. Good Raiden main costume, Dark Raiden for his alt and one more.

Maybe the "one more" become his hatless appearance in MKD/MKA :) ?
06/21/2014 05:12 PM (UTC)
I think Dark Raiden would be awesome.
As long as we don't get to call him "Dark" Raiden and just Raiden instead.

I mean c'mon.. do we really need to? Imagine if all MK characters in MKX would be referred to the way they had changed.

Friend zone Jax.
Milf Sonya.
Heroin addict Johnny Cage.
Schizophrenic dude Ermac.

I don't think that might work.
06/21/2014 05:17 PM (UTC)
It's not like his health bar in Deception said "Dark" in it. It's just to tell two versions of the character apart.

Like Smoke and Cyber-Smoke. Or Liu Kang and Zombie Liu Kang.

I'm pretty sure Classic Sub and Cyber Sub are the only cases who's healthbar actually said it, because there were two Subs in the same game in those cases.
06/21/2014 06:41 PM (UTC)
MarbleD410 Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
If Raiden comes back and is a playable character, his staff better damn well be apart of one of his variations.

And if he comes back and the Dark Raiden comes as well, I hope that it's because he's gone stir crazy after the events and is the main villain. I know I keep throwing this idea out again and again, but I just want it to happen.

Nice thought. Good Raiden main costume, Dark Raiden for his alt and one more.

Maybe the "one more" become his hatless appearance in MKD/MKA :) ?

His "hatless appearance" would be his 2nd design, even if we had got "good" Raiden.
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