Dark and gritty? = Dark colors (No vibratant colors)? Has anyone thought of this?
posted01/07/2008 10:35 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/15/2003 03:46 AM (UTC)
Well, playing these next gen games, both on x-box 360 and PS3, it appears that the games don't truely project 720i or 1080i or 1080p. The colors are bad even on my terrible TV. It seems that the colors are getting darker, in games such as Call of Duty 4, or The Darkness.

Will MK8's graphics be subdued because of the "Gritty" concept boon is talking about? What do you all think? Because so far, I am very disappointed with next gen games, in terms of using vibrant colors. Explain youre thoughts here.
01/04/2008 11:01 PM (UTC)
I think that the vibrant colors that they will use for costumes and special attacks will contrast very well with the dark and gritty feel, it'll be easy on the eyes.
01/05/2008 01:19 AM (UTC)
KillerInstinct3 Wrote:
I think that the vibrant colors that they will use for costumes and special attacks will contrast very well with the dark and gritty feel, it'll be easy on the eyes.

I agree

Besides outworld, MK needs a dark and gritty enviorment, it sets the mood, and will (to a certain extent) instantly show people what kind of game this is, compared to SC4, SF4 etc.

I would say let mk stick to a dark visuals, let the vibrant colours be used in the other fighting games, but not MK.

Lol i hope this post makes sense, If it doesnt please excuse my idiocity.
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01/05/2008 01:51 AM (UTC)
I see what you mean.

I think the solution could lie in treating the colors that are supposed to be bright or vibrant in a way that makes them look like "candy"....or like "Candy paint".

There's a contrast in those colors have "darknesses" in them, but they also have "flakes". Which makes them kind of reflective.

These colors should be accents on a characters costumes, or arena props, not the main color of anything I don't think. Besides, I don't know what would fit having a candy sort of effect anyway in Mortal Kombat.

Soul Calibur 4 has this sort of effect in the gameplay vids, and it's making the game look fantastic. Really crispy, bright, lively, but fantastic.

Here's some Low Rider pictures with candy paint on them. Click the pictures.





meh, you see right?
01/05/2008 01:57 AM (UTC)
I see what you mean, I just hope the colors aren't crap like games such as The Darkness.
01/05/2008 02:48 AM (UTC)
Man I'd start investing money for an HDTV, I bet Gears, Darkness, Stranglehold, COD4 all would look bad on a standard tv. I got mine about 4 years ago and believe me there is a huge difference in contrast, brightness, etc.

I personally think the dark feel will look great for MK. It is something that the franchise needs in order to gain it's respect back. Of course the game will have an in game brightness setting (that is standard with almost every current gen game), and hopefully some color adjustments in the options.

In MK4 for pc I remember there was an option to turn off the environment reflection on the characters, and when you turn it off they look brighter, and the colors are more variant. Perhaps they can implement an option that turns off the gritty colors to make the game look more like Armageddon for ex.
01/05/2008 04:38 AM (UTC)
No I don't think so, The Darkness supports 480 and it still looks like the colors are faded. But oh well.
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01/05/2008 08:30 AM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Man I'd start investing money for an HDTV, I bet Gears, Darkness, Stranglehold, COD4 all would look bad on a standard tv. I got mine about 4 years ago and believe me there is a huge difference in contrast, brightness, etc.

Definitely Agree. I got a 35in Sanyo and even though my tv is good, I've seen the difference. Everything is crisper, cleaner ect with a HdTv. I've yet to put in the budget though. But I will//have to.

ShaolinChuan Wrote:
I personally think the dark feel will look great for MK. It is something that the franchise needs in order to gain it's respect back.

I actually disagree here, but only to an extent. I do think that gritty will be a good path for the next MK to take. But, I'm a bit skeptical on the "dark" part.

a.) If they actually make the game darker....darker than MKA, we'll be looking at a black screen.

The past few games haven't been very brightly mooded or brightly colored at all.

b.) I'd like to see them make the game have a darker mood in the sense that "Everything is a Secret" or more like "a guilty pleasure".

ect ect
01/07/2008 10:31 PM (UTC)
well what they mean by dark im sure they dont mean shade or color wise im sure they mean more evil lookin or something along the lines of theme
who knows i may be wrong.
but MK has always been dark but not to dark when it came to visual stuff
01/07/2008 10:35 PM (UTC)
TheGecko Wrote:
well what they mean by dark im sure they dont mean shade or color wise im sure they mean more evil lookin or something along the lines of theme
who knows i may be wrong.
but MK has always been dark but not to dark when it came to visual stuff

Indeed, very true, and I hope you are right.
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