01/21/2015 07:32 PM (UTC)
I honestly don't want Smoke to be a cyborg if he appears in MKX.

I feel like the Enenra ending reveal was for a reason.
01/21/2015 07:55 PM (UTC)
I think going off all that Boon has posted about Cyrax, Sektor & Smoke; that it's possible we could see Sektor & a non-human (Enenra) or cyber form of Smoke in the main roster and Cyrax as DLC considering his bus was running late.
01/21/2015 08:10 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Ya, I myself can't see them doing that either, so let's all agree for them to include Cyber Smoke?!

awe but I thought yall wanted to have your human ninja Smoke back. What you're not happy with that now? Great, no do I have a decade worth of complaining about turning him back into a cyborg to put up with?

I was never a fan of Human Smoke, especially his fruity design in MK9 (main). Always a fan of his cyborg version (MK3/MKD Alt). Remember, what they did in MK9 with Sub-Zero and Smoke, isn't canon. They just switched positions (stories not included), because there were twists. Since Smoke died in MK9, they can sure give him back his cyber form.

What wasn't canon? Him dying and Sub-Zero taking his place as the third cyborg? Sure as hell seemed canon to me. Or do you mean the exposition dump for an ending that was Smokes ending where it revealed a cult turned him into a bloody smoke demon.

Yes that was canon as well. The only thing not canon about that ending is the fact that he lives through the events of MK 2011 and that he realizes his true nature.

Though one would think him being this smoke demon would allow him to easily escape death and he could simply reform a new physical body for himself... but it's not really NRS's style to think these things through is it? heh...fucking damn it Vogel...
OP how the fuck could you miss the *hint* was for Reptile? Seriously?
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01/21/2015 08:19 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:

What wasn't canon? Him dying and Sub-Zero taking his place as the third cyborg? Sure as hell seemed canon to me. Or do you mean the exposition dump for an ending that was Smokes ending where it revealed a cult turned him into a bloody smoke demon.

Yes that was canon as well. The only thing not canon about that ending is the fact that he lives through the events of MK 2011 and that he realizes his true nature.

This exactly. Story mode happened in its entirety and that's not debatable.

If Kuai Liang is restored to humanity, it'll be because of the massive backlash against making him into a cyborg instead of Smoke for shock value, and if he's reverted, that doesn't mean Smoke should or will be either, especially considering Cyrax has his "stuck in a robot body' plot as his main focus now, and especially since we've learned Smoke always was partially supernatural in nature.

The difference between Cyber-Sub and Smoke is that Smoke's human form in MK9 wasn't reviled the way CSZ was. He was given his own moveset from the ground up and made into a fresh character, which is what fans like myself had been clamoring for, for the better part of a decade. Also helped that he was one of the most used characters online.

And while we're here, people need to knock it off with this "Smoke's hair is fruity and gay" garbage. Makes you look ridiculously immature.
01/21/2015 08:22 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:

What wasn't canon? Him dying and Sub-Zero taking his place as the third cyborg? Sure as hell seemed canon to me. Or do you mean the exposition dump for an ending that was Smokes ending where it revealed a cult turned him into a bloody smoke demon.

Yes that was canon as well. The only thing not canon about that ending is the fact that he lives through the events of MK 2011 and that he realizes his true nature.

This exactly. Story mode happened in its entirety and that's not debatable.

If Kuai Liang is restored to humanity, it'll be because of the massive backlash against making him into a cyborg instead of Smoke for shock value, and if he's reverted, that doesn't mean Smoke should or will be either, especially considering Cyrax has his "stuck in a robot body' plot as his main focus now, and especially since we've learned Smoke always was partially supernatural in nature.

The difference between Cyber-Sub and Smoke is that Smoke's human form in MK9 wasn't reviled the way CSZ was. He was given his own moveset from the ground up and made into a fresh character, which is what fans like myself had been clamoring for, for the better part of a decade. Also helped that he was one of the most used characters online.

And while we're here, people need to knock it off with this "Smoke's hair is fruity and gay" garbage. Makes you look ridiculously immature.

The only thing bad about Smokes hair is how strange and cringe worthy his hair line was.

I agree though, Tazer you do realise how immature you sound when you call Smoke fruity for having glorious long flowing silver hair right?
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01/21/2015 08:32 PM (UTC)
Hopefully Reptile gets the Kitana treatment and get a totally amazing new look that washes the bad taste of his MK9 look out of my memory forever.
01/21/2015 08:37 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Hopefully Reptile gets the Kitana treatment and get a totally amazing new look that washes the bad taste of his MK9 look out of my memory forever.

And maybe he gets better treatment in general when it comes to this game instead of being the punching bag for every single chapter intro.

Oh and maybe he'll get a tail again. That's right I'm all for raptor Reptile!
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01/21/2015 09:07 PM (UTC)
Okay.. Everyone who thinks Smoke has a chance to be Cyber Smoke again.. NRS would not completly change what they had set up in the previous game.. They would not listen to fans complain for OVER a decade wanting Human Smoke back, then finally make him human again, only to turn around and change him to Cyber again. They invested time in him to give him an interesting look.. They gave him good new moves.. And they gave him an interesting story set up for the next game. Their effort paid off and he was one of the most popular characters of MK9... They aren't going to change him back. As a huge Smoke fan I am happy with that! Bring on Human/Enenra Smoke!
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/21/2015 09:21 PM (UTC)
Cyborg reptile confirmed.

This would only be okay if Reptile holds on to that dreary storyline. No improvement in MKX? We're golden.

Onaga Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Hopefully Reptile gets the Kitana treatment and get a totally amazing new look that washes the bad taste of his MK9 look out of my memory forever.

And maybe he gets better treatment in general when it comes to this game instead of being the punching bag for every single chapter intro.

Oh and maybe he'll get a tail again. That's right I'm all for raptor Reptile!

Ugh. QFT on both accounts. Except the tail. tongue

I still say most of the opinions on his MKX look will be 50/50 regardless. He's always been that kind of character. Just kind of hard to find that median for everyone because he has such a huge fan base. All with different opinions on his wide variety of looks.

But in all honesty? I wouldn't care if he went full out T-rex...Just flesh him the fuck out, NRS. He deserves it, at least for ONCE.
01/21/2015 09:24 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Ya, I myself can't see them doing that either, so let's all agree for them to include Cyber Smoke?!

awe but I thought yall wanted to have your human ninja Smoke back. What you're not happy with that now? Great, no do I have a decade worth of complaining about turning him back into a cyborg to put up with?

I was never a fan of Human Smoke, especially his fruity design in MK9 (main). Always a fan of his cyborg version (MK3/MKD Alt). Remember, what they did in MK9 with Sub-Zero and Smoke, isn't canon. They just switched positions (stories not included), because there were twists. Since Smoke died in MK9, they can sure give him back his cyber form.

What wasn't canon? Him dying and Sub-Zero taking his place as the third cyborg? Sure as hell seemed canon to me. Or do you mean the exposition dump for an ending that was Smokes ending where it revealed a cult turned him into a bloody smoke demon.

Yes that was canon as well. The only thing not canon about that ending is the fact that he lives through the events of MK 2011 and that he realizes his true nature.

Though one would think him being this smoke demon would allow him to easily escape death and he could simply reform a new physical body for himself... but it's not really NRS's style to think these things through is it? heh...fucking damn it Vogel...

In the old timeline, we had Human and Cyber Smoke. Now in MK9 we got Human Smoke and Human/Cyber Sub-Zero. In story-mode Human/Cyber-Sub and Smoke were killed. So Kuai Liang can be reverted back to humanity and Smoke can be reverted back to a cyborg. Simple as that.

Smoke as the Demon shown in his ending would make good for MKX!

Shadaloo Wrote: while we're here, people need to knock it off with this "Smoke's hair is fruity and gay" garbage. Makes you look ridiculously immature.

It made Smoke look ridiculously stupid and feminine.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
01/21/2015 09:43 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:

It made Smoke look ridiculously stupid and feminine.

The fact that you lump those two terms together is extremely troubling.

And gay does not equal feminine, holy shit. No offense, but get out there and learn more about people. Not all of them are walking stereotypes. Plenty of guys have long hair, straight or otherwise.
01/21/2015 09:51 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:

It made Smoke look ridiculously stupid and feminine.

The fact that you lump those two terms together is extremely troubling.

And gay does not equal feminine, holy shit. No offense, but get out there and learn more about people. Not all of them are walking stereotypes. Plenty of guys have long hair, straight or otherwise.

Obviously gay doesn't equal feminine. Just two different words to describe him, is all. I don't need to know more about people, as you are literally comparing humans to a video game character? That's just pathetic.

Oh btw, his hair floats which makes him look worse lol.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
01/21/2015 10:01 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:

Obviously gay doesn't equal feminine. Just two different words to describe him, is all. I don't need to know more about people, as you are literally comparing humans to a video game character? That's just pathetic.

Oh btw, his hair floats which makes him look worse lol.

Different words which you happened to use one after the next. Riiiight.

When you use the terms 'fruity', 'gay' and 'feminine' in short sequence to describe a single character, what else do you expect one to conjecture?

And don't expect me to believe you wouldn't think the same about someone you saw passing by you in the street and that your standards of measurement only apply to game characters. Nothing but a case of immature homophobia manifesting itself here, quite tellingly. You're just backpedaling.

I don't recall Fujin ever catching this kind of shit, and he's got long grey hair too, with the only real difference being that it's braided.

It's one thing to say you dislike it, which is fine, but the number of times I've seen people say he looks "stupid and gay" or some variation along those lines is disheartening.

Reminds me of when Bo Rai Cho first appeared and there were cries of "EW STUPID FAT FUCK" left and right. Sad.
01/21/2015 10:12 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Ya, I myself can't see them doing that either, so let's all agree for them to include Cyber Smoke?!

awe but I thought yall wanted to have your human ninja Smoke back. What you're not happy with that now? Great, no do I have a decade worth of complaining about turning him back into a cyborg to put up with?

I was never a fan of Human Smoke, especially his fruity design in MK9 (main). Always a fan of his cyborg version (MK3/MKD Alt). Remember, what they did in MK9 with Sub-Zero and Smoke, isn't canon. They just switched positions (stories not included), because there were twists. Since Smoke died in MK9, they can sure give him back his cyber form.

What wasn't canon? Him dying and Sub-Zero taking his place as the third cyborg? Sure as hell seemed canon to me. Or do you mean the exposition dump for an ending that was Smokes ending where it revealed a cult turned him into a bloody smoke demon.

Yes that was canon as well. The only thing not canon about that ending is the fact that he lives through the events of MK 2011 and that he realizes his true nature.

Though one would think him being this smoke demon would allow him to easily escape death and he could simply reform a new physical body for himself... but it's not really NRS's style to think these things through is it? heh...fucking damn it Vogel...

In the old timeline, we had Human and Cyber Smoke. Now in MK9 we got Human Smoke and Human/Cyber Sub-Zero. In story-mode Human/Cyber-Sub and Smoke were killed. So Kuai Liang can be reverted back to humanity and Smoke can be reverted back to a cyborg. Simple as that.

Smoke as the Demon shown in his ending would make good for MKX!

Shadaloo Wrote: while we're here, people need to knock it off with this "Smoke's hair is fruity and gay" garbage. Makes you look ridiculously immature.

It made Smoke look ridiculously stupid and feminine.

Wuuuh...Okay here's the thing

One: Human Smoke in trilogy wasn't canon and was pretty much the same situation as Reptile in Armageddon with him having both his "human" form and his canon primitive form.

Two: Sub-Zero and his cyborg incarnation were not two separate entities so you saying they both died makes no sense as does your logic that since Sub-Zero is now back to being fully human Smoke can just flip a switch and go back to being a cyborg?

Sorry I am really just having a very hard time following your logic here.

Also what's wrong with him looking feminine? So what if he's a pretty boy?
01/21/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:

Obviously gay doesn't equal feminine. Just two different words to describe him, is all. I don't need to know more about people, as you are literally comparing humans to a video game character? That's just pathetic.

Oh btw, his hair floats which makes him look worse lol.

Different words which you happened to use one after the next. Riiiight.

When you use the terms 'fruity', 'gay' and 'feminine' in short sequence to describe a single character, what else do you expect one to conjecture?

And don't expect me to believe you wouldn't think the same about someone you saw passing by you in the street and that your standards of measurement only apply to game characters. Nothing but a case of immature homophobia manifesting itself here, quite tellingly. You're just backpedaling.

I don't recall Fujin ever catching this kind of shit, and he's got long grey hair too, with the only real difference being that it's braided.

It's one thing to say you dislike it, which is fine, but the number of times I've seen people say he looks "stupid and gay" or some variation along those lines is disheartening.

Reminds me of when Bo Rai Cho first appeared and there were cries of "EW STUPID FAT FUCK" left and right. Sad.

If you're being that irate, I apologize. Disheartening over a video game character? Please. It may be hard for you, but you don't need to take anyone's opinions to heart. You like him the way he is, that is fine. So just ignore.

As for the Bo Rai Cho thing, I wasn't on the forums when DA was being made, nor did I have internet.
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01/21/2015 10:42 PM (UTC)
I still think it is a hybrid of Cyrax, Sektor, and Smoke. I hope it has a cool name.smile
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01/21/2015 10:45 PM (UTC)
The fact that he's a game character is irrelevant to me; what matters is the reaction he provokes among people I'm conversing with; it makes me look at opinions such as yours in a different, and negative light. I find it difficult to believe that the way someone looks at and comments on a humanoid game character's appearance, in particular as tied in with gender identity, wouldn't at all reflect their views on real people.

Apology accepted; let us discuss this no further.
01/21/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Apology accepted; let us discuss this no further.

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Embrace the bullshit

01/22/2015 12:00 AM (UTC)
Not at all its probably hinting at a green cyborg or reptile
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01/22/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
Smoke's hair looked nice in the official artworks and concept, but it somehow got butchered in its translation to 3D, hair 3D modelling and movement weren't Mk9's strong point anyway.
01/22/2015 12:12 AM (UTC)
No friendships in the mkx forums. Finish him you weak pathetic fool!
01/22/2015 12:18 AM (UTC)
Where are yall getting Smoke from????
01/22/2015 12:40 AM (UTC)
Nightlyt Wrote:
Where are yall getting Smoke from????

When Boon mentioned the "relish" thing and someone asked if Smoke was the one referred to relish before.
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01/22/2015 12:45 AM (UTC)
This is an obvious Reptile hint. AND he's in the comic.

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