03/11/2015 02:25 AM (UTC)

I want Tanya and Baraka.

Denizen Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
The people who don't have issues with the roster clearly have an issue with the ones who do, since they can't seem to shut up about them. "Bawww, why don't you like what I like? now my experience is ruined!1!1one"

Yet you bring this up out of seemingly nowhere... You're the only one with a bone to pick, methinks.

Yeah, sure, nowhere.

You came into the thread to leave that one inflammatory comment, dude... Literally NO ONE was displaying the kind of attitude you described in your first post.

Like, seriously.
03/11/2015 05:48 AM (UTC)
I've never been one to complain about the roster in any MK game, It's never really been a point of focus for me at all.

Deception is the only game that has dissapointed me roster wise and that's only because of the lack of Reptile. Nothing else about that game bothered me.

Don't get me wrong I understand why people have complaints about the MKX roster after we were told to "prepare of the next generation of MK" and what we got was pretty much MK1 & MK2 roster minus Baraka.

At the end of the day though I think most of the whiners will have a change of heart once they get MKX in their hands I think the gameplahy will completely make up for any roster mishaps.

In the end we're all MK fanatics and our love for the franchise will outweigh any gripes we may have. Don't let such a minuscule thing like a roster get in the way of your enjoyment of the game.
03/11/2015 09:35 AM (UTC)
I would like Smoke in there, and some post-trilogy characters, but oh well, I'm still buying it.
03/11/2015 11:29 AM (UTC)
Sareena,Dairou,Hotaru,Bo Rai Cho,great characters that got wiped,i have friggin low expectations to at least one of them making the cut.

Reptile_896 Wrote:
I've never been one to complain about the roster in any MK game, It's never really been a point of focus for me at all.

Deception is the only game that has dissapointed me roster wise and that's only because of the lack of Reptile. Nothing else about that game bothered me.

Don't get me wrong I understand why people have complaints about the MKX roster after we were told to "prepare of the next generation of MK" and what we got was pretty much MK1 & MK2 roster minus Baraka.

At the end of the day though I think most of the whiners will have a change of heart once they get MKX in their hands I think the gameplahy will completely make up for any roster mishaps.

In the end we're all MK fanatics and our love for the franchise will outweigh any gripes we may have. Don't let such a minuscule thing like a roster get in the way of your enjoyment of the game.

Yeah,but no,many of them simply dont give a shit about gameplay they prefer chsracters and cosmetics and that's why they like mkd/a,both broken pieces of shit.
03/11/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
ragnarök Wrote:
Sareena,Dairou,Hotaru,Bo Rai Cho,great characters that got wiped,i have friggin low expectations to at least one of them making the cut.

Reptile_896 Wrote:
I've never been one to complain about the roster in any MK game, It's never really been a point of focus for me at all.

Deception is the only game that has dissapointed me roster wise and that's only because of the lack of Reptile. Nothing else about that game bothered me.

Don't get me wrong I understand why people have complaints about the MKX roster after we were told to "prepare of the next generation of MK" and what we got was pretty much MK1 & MK2 roster minus Baraka.

At the end of the day though I think most of the whiners will have a change of heart once they get MKX in their hands I think the gameplahy will completely make up for any roster mishaps.

In the end we're all MK fanatics and our love for the franchise will outweigh any gripes we may have. Don't let such a minuscule thing like a roster get in the way of your enjoyment of the game.

Yeah,but no,many of them simply dont give a shit about gameplay they prefer chsracters and cosmetics and that's why they like mkd/a,both broken pieces of shit.

If you only have one character u like fighting games get boring fast. It's not just about gameplay when it comes to Picking a favorite. It's about there story personality on top of there gameplay. I could be really good with one character but if I don't like them I won't have fun. Instead I would practice with someone I suck with who I do like to get better with them.
03/11/2015 02:38 PM (UTC)
Ekule Wrote:
I've never really commented on the roster yet but here it goes:

I'm fine with the roster. Game is still going to kick Ass.

Before it seems like everyone was saying "Ermac better be in or I won't buy!" ... Well, Ermac is in and now people are really reaching with the demands of Bo Rai Cho and a few others.

Bo Rai Cho was a joke character. IMO, he needs to stay that guy who is a NPC that trains the fighters.

Sure I would like to have Smoke or Kabal, maybe Noob or Havik as long as they had proper ties to the story. I think you may still see one of them as DLC or playable

I'm not sold on the leaked roster as legit. I'm not sure they're going to go the Fire God Liu Kang route, but maybe ill eat my words. I think the new characters have a lot of potential, al though I think Ferra Torr will end up a one off while Erron Black is either revealed to be a previous character (such as Stryker) or a really cool reoccurring character in future games.

It blows my mind people can be so dissatisfied with a roster that doesn't include terrible characters from the 3D era. You think those characters are going to make this games sales? No, the Scorpions, Sub Zeros, Sonyas, Johnnie cages, Kung Laos etc are what attract you whether you no it or not. Not the Frosts, Darious, Kiras etc.

Certain 3d characters stand out and have drawn a following, Kenshi (in if the leak is true) and Quan Chi (confirmed).

The only character I was hoping to see that I haven't yet was/is Fujin. But, I guess there is always DLC. That is if the leak is true and he is not included on the playable roster. For all we know he could be the big bad.

So, that's my honest opinion and two pennies worth.

I agree, and while I'm fine with the roster, and leaked possible roster, they had my money with the initial demo they showed, everything else is just icing. Would I like to see other characters, sure, but i'm not going o cancel my preorder because xyz didn't make the cut. There's always DLC, and there's a chance you see xyz in the story. We don't know how the story will go so 3d era characters might get visited in future installments.

As for the leak and dead characters returning, honestly I find the characters listed make sense. who's left after MK9's slaughter of the good guys. Jc, Sonya, and Raiden...Kenshi if you count DLC, and in the comics *spoilers* Kenshi helped Scorpion out. Scoorpion probably turns on Quan Chi and can nab that amulet to get it to Raiden..or what ever, pure speculation.

So when the netherrealm invades within the next couple years after MK9, there's not many people to "play as" Also in the comics there was a recap that mentioned the Netherrealm war allowed the heroes to reclaim some friends, Jax, Kung Lao, and Kitana fit that bill. They may very well help out in the netherrealm war as well or just come back in the end of it. And 2 of 3 are already confirmed, plus how is Jax having a daughter if he's dead.

The only unknown from the leak is Liu Kang. Well in the story trailer we see Raiden lock Shinnok in the amulet, (nether realm war first 1/3 of story) Kotal and Mileena in a civil war for outworld, with Mileena using the amulet (middle 1/3 of the story) Who's to say Mileena acutally knows how to use that thing, and doens't screw it up, probably lets Shinnok out, who's gonna be pretty upset. (last 1/3 of the story) What's the best way to get back at Raiden for trapping him. Turning his once champion, and now guilt trip for killing him, back from the dead a la Scorpion and make him a god like powerhouse. You can bet LK will want some type of revenge.

Again pure speculation, and while a bit of a tangent, the character roster makes sense story wise and I think this game is going to rock. they had my money way back in June, nothing will change that

About Me

03/11/2015 03:03 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
The people who don't have issues with the roster clearly have an issue with the ones who do, since they can't seem to shut up about them. "Bawww, why don't you like what I like? now my experience is ruined!1!1one"

Yet you bring this up out of seemingly nowhere... You're the only one with a bone to pick, methinks.

Yeah, sure, nowhere.

You came into the thread to leave that one inflammatory comment, dude... Literally NO ONE was displaying the kind of attitude you described in your first post.

Like, seriously.

Sure, whatever, one thread equates the whole board, my point stands either way, not falling into a dumb discussion about a technicism, I'm dropping right here, get banned on your own.
03/11/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
My current roster thoughts.... it's flawless.... the only thing missing is TANYA, our yellow Edenian friend.

*Maria_Linda cries*
Denizen Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
The people who don't have issues with the roster clearly have an issue with the ones who do, since they can't seem to shut up about them. "Bawww, why don't you like what I like? now my experience is ruined!1!1one"

Yet you bring this up out of seemingly nowhere... You're the only one with a bone to pick, methinks.

Yeah, sure, nowhere.

You came into the thread to leave that one inflammatory comment, dude... Literally NO ONE was displaying the kind of attitude you described in your first post.

Like, seriously.

Sure, whatever, one thread equates the whole board, my point stands either way, not falling into a dumb discussion about a technicism, I'm dropping right here, get banned on your own.

You count hyperbolic misrepresentation of other people's arguments as a credible point? Hmph.

At this rate, you're the only one who's gonna get banned here, buddy. ;)
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