Created 2 new characters
posted11/25/2007 02:57 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/21/2007 01:58 AM (UTC)
HI THERE! I'm new to the forum So here's an example: I created 2 new characters for the future mortal kombat 8... the son of the former champion of mortal kombat now elder god and edenian king, and edenian princess now queen with the power of love, respect, and good and virtue. The other also in the family but corrupted by evil, power, and sin. Think of them as... Ryu and Gouki. Listen to this... this is a Konquest story.

Mortal Kombat Konquest - Virtue vs Sin

Zhao Kang - Status: Avenger and Prince of Edenia Allegience: Good Fighting Styles: Wushu, Nodachi

Part 1: Remembering

I was born in Edenia a few years ago when Edenia was attacked... and I had a twin brother who was corrupted by evil and sin. Before I knew where i belong and who i was.... I was drifted to a portal to Earthrealm where I was adopted by monks of the white lotus, and made best friends with Sasha Cage and Brandon Wylde. I also possess a special power in my soul... the Kudoku-Hadou (also known as the "Virtuous Surge"). I then traveled to a journey where I can find who I was by finding the ancient artifact: the time prism. And I met many warriors and learned the history... of Mortal Kombat. For days I see memories of my brother... Babel, my twin brother that i haven't known yet for years. Finally... I found the time prism and bumped into Scorpion who needed my help... I've learned Edenia was attacked, and I was shocked to see it... when the time prism shined on my eyes... it showed me of who I was and where i came from... I was a prince of the realm Edenia and can't get these visions out of my head. Scorpion and I fought against the army of evil - the lycan race... they were vicious and Scorpion and I fought without mercy... but my eye was then scarred... and I finally saw Raiden for the first time.... I thought he was a good elder god.... but I never knew... that he would change this way to evil.... he then electrocuted half of my face... and I thought I was dead.... Scorpion was killed.... and showed me of the Elder Gods. I was mad... and I was angry of what evil has done to my family... my friends... I was angry, and for that I was turned into a beast.

Part 2: Revenge

I awoke in the Realm of Chaos. There i met Dread... a cleric of Chaos. He have me met Havik also a cleric and he learned of the incident in Edenia and helped me learn the ways of Chaos. I then began my revenge... and I still possess the time prism. I bumped into Fujin - God of Wind and Suijin - Goddess of Water in Seido, but were the same to me like Raiden and I could never forgive them. But they've learned about it and decided to help me and told me that they were never the same like Raiden... the Elder Gods betrayed them and planned to remake the realms to put an end the One Being. They told me all about the One Being... also known as Natasu (the elder demon of evil) who fought the elder gods and i realized that this Natasu (backwards for Satan, but with a u in the end)... was responsible for the death of the warriors I cared and the family i loved... and they told me that Brandon and Sasha are still alive on Earth... so i forgave them and made friends with them and help me on my journey. I returned to Earthrealm... and found Sasha and Brandon again... and finally returned to Edenia again... and met Jade... she was like... my aunt and my grandmother was sindel... and she gave me a chance to learn the ways of an Edenian knight... and i accepted. She also told me more about Babel.... and learned that he was my twin brother. Babel's story was like this: After I was drifted to Earthrealm, Babel was learning a terrible power: the Zaiaku-Hadou (also known as "The Sin-Surge) my father Liu Kang denied that power to be in the family throne... Babel had his own path to follow and Jade tried to help him.... but was too late... Liu Kang and Grandmother Sindel died in that battle by my brother's fatality. And I felt.... it was time to meet him.

Final Part:

Babel and me finally meet each other face to face. and learned that he did killed our father and family.... and had the lycans kill every warrior who protected each realm so that Natasu would be awakened. I couldn't let that happen. So I defeated him and swore to me that we will meet each other and fight again. After that.... I regained memories and never forgotten my friends... I go to my master Kung Lao's grave and told him that my time for revenge will be complete soon... so Brandon, Sasha, and a few Edenian troops at my side decided to create a time portal to travel to the past to end whats going on in Armageddon... my victim list was made:

6 victims:
- Shang Tsung
- Quan Chi
- Onaga
- Goro
- Shao Kahn
- Shujinko

and finally the Thunder God
- Raiden

My journey to protect all realms... has began

Thats my characters stories. I'll made more

What do you think? Zhao Kang's Moves: Virtuous Wave Primal Fist Virtuous Shield Whirlwind kick (different from Kung Lao) Throw: Vengeful Fatality: Primal Rage Non-Existent Kill
11/21/2007 09:19 PM (UTC)
Well, I'm going to be very criticisive on this, so if you don't like it, then maybe you should ask yourself why you bothered to post your ideas. But, if you are able to handle my criticisms and can reply to them in a constructive manner, I'd appreciate it.

Anyway, here goes:

Let's start with the title, Mortal Kombat: Unbalanced. It's not the worst of titles, but it's not that great either. If the content of the ideas is better, then I can give leeway to such things. Unfortunately, after reading the content, I can surely say that I don't like ANY of it. It suffers from multiple problems that are in dire need of fixing. If you disagree with that and continue to post more, I can assure you that they will suffer from the same problems.

Now for the premise of the story itself, you have Liu Kang and Kitana both alive, married, and ruling together as the King and Queen of Edenia. There are already problems in this concept alone. The first problem lies within Liu Kang being alive. In Armageddon, Liu Kang's body and soul were still separate, and one of the bios states that his soul can't be in the living realms forever. It will eventually go to the afterlife. Another problem is that by having Liu Kang return to life, it drags out his already bland story further. Why do this?

The next issue I have here is that Kitana and Liu Kang are married and ruling together happily in Edenia. Why I don't like this is because it's far too sugarcoated and takes away from good quality storytelling. Then we have the premise of having two sons of Liu Kang and Kitana, one good and one evil. This premise is quite cliché, and we already have something like this with Taven and Daegon from MK: Armageddon.

Finally, you don't really give us any real idea of what happened at the end of Armageddon. The beginning of your Konquest story, which I'll get into in a bit, fails to do things like that.

So as you can see, just the first paragraph alone creates such a mess.

Now for the main content, I also don't like it. The overall composition is very sloppy and plays a part in the displeasure of reading it, from the spacing to the bad grammar. I want to note that while I'm not perfect and while I'm not expecting perfection from you or anyone else, I can't ignore issues like the ones I've mentioned and ones that I will be mentioning.

Let's talk about this character Zhao Kang. When listing his status, alignment, etc. why not do it in the following format?:

Zhao Kang

Status: Prince of Edenia
Alignment: Good
Fighting Styles: Wushu, Nodachi

Doesn't that look better? About the choices themselves, they are questionable. Wushu is one of the many broad terms for all Chinese martial arts. Please specify which style of Wushu you're referring to. As for the Nodachi, I don't think it's that good of a choice. It doesn't go with his unarmed style, and it doesn't seem to go with his character. What are the ideas behind these choices?

Now that I finally got all of that out of the way, we can get into the bits of Konquest, which are most certainly terrible in terms of composition. Like the stuff for Zhao's status, alignment, and fighting styles, would it hurt you to break the two chunks into several paragraphs? Wouldn't it make it better for reading?

As I said before, I noticed grammatical errors such as "Babel and me finally meet each other face to face. and learned that he did killed our father and family.... and had the lycans kill every warrior who protected each realm so that Natasu would be awakened."

Not only is it a run-on sentence, you used "Babel and me finally meet each other face to face" when it should be "Babel and I finally met each other face-to-face".

Putting aside such issues for a bit, the actual content is just lousy storytelling and confuses me. If Zhao was born in Edenia a few years ago, wouldn't he be just a mere child? How could a child only a few years old wield a large sword such as the Nodachi? How was Zhao drifted into a portal to Earthrealm and how did he find his way to the monks of the White Lotus? I take it that Sasha is Johnny Cage's daughter. What is she doing there with White Lotus monks?

The Kudoku-Hadou and Zaiaku-Hadou sound awfully Street Fighter-ish, and it's no surprise since you want us to think of the two brothers as the likes of Ryu and Gouki. Why would a very young boy travel to a journey to find an ancient artifact? For what purpose does he need it?

Then we have the issue of Zhao "bumping into" Scorpion, and Scorpion somehow needs his help in taking down the evil and vicious lycan race, who seem to be no different from the Tarkata. Why is Scorpion concerned with defending Edenia? How can the time prism show Zhao's identity?

Next is the issue with Raiden, who electrocutes half of Zhao's face. So basically you turned Raiden into the next-gen post-retcon Scorpion by destroying his character. What is Raiden doing in Edenia? How does Zhao know of Raiden in the first place, let alone think that he's a "good elder god"? Raiden is not evil, per se. He's an anti-villain, wanting to protect Earthrealm from danger but taking extremist methods to do it.

Going back to Scorpion, if you were going to have him die, why not do it before? Why would Scorpion show Zhao of the Elder Gods when Scorpion is mad at them? Why would Zhao turn into a beast? What kind of beast did he turn into?

Part 2 is even more dreadful than Part 1. How did Zhao get from Edenia to Chaosrealm, especially with him being unconscious? Then we have the whole revenge storyline, which makes him sound like Scorpion. Where did Zhao bump into Fujin and Suijin? Why would he assume that they are the same as Raiden, especially if they don't show any hostility towards him?

How does remaking the realms help put an end to the One Being? Why would Natasu, the One Being, be an elder demon? Explain how Natasu was responsible for the death of the warriors Zhao refers to.

The rest is even more garbage. If Natasu were to be awakened, Zhao and Babel would cease to exist.

Then you put his special moves, throw, and fatalities at the end. You didn't use commas when you should've, and I'm wondering why you didn't put this stuff with his name, status, etc.

Overall, what you have so far is extremely unintelligible, illogical, and horribly composed. My advice is to scrap ALL of it, learn the MK storyline and its characters, and actually develop something worthwhile. I was generous enough to waste my time in giving this detailed criticism to you when I could've just said it sucks due to bad composition, unintelligible storytelling, and uninteresting characterization
11/21/2007 11:04 PM (UTC)
Okay I don't know what i'm doing wrong... but i was trying to make this game perfect... it came to my head and i thought the next game should have a new hero and taven can still be in the game.

I need help
11/21/2007 11:56 PM (UTC)
HenshinSlayer000 Wrote:
Okay I don't know what i'm doing wrong... but i was trying to make this game perfect... it came to my head and i thought the next game should have a new hero and taven can still be in the game.

I need help

The thing is, trying to introduce a new hero is problematic like it is in MKD and MKA, namely because it feels forced. Instead, it's much better to introduce a character or two and build him/her up into the role of a main hero. That way, we see development as opposed to forcing it down our throats like MKD and MKA did with Shujinko and Taven. Another thing is why you'd want only one main hero when you can have a select few main protagonists while building up certain characters into those roles. The same can be said for antagonistic characters.

Let's say you have Taven live and become the new Protector God of Edenia, just like in the Mortal Kombat: Resurrection story that Paragon, DNOMYTE, and I have been doing. With Taven's new responsibility, it would make sense for him to be one of the main protagonists. A theme of his story would be to show how he handles the responsibility. There should of course be obstacles in his way, but don't just go for physical obstacles. Mental/psychological obstacles make the story development more interesting, because it helps give development to the character so we can see him/her grow.

Then we have the likes of Fujin, the Protector God of Earthrealm. Like Taven, it would also make sense for him to be a main protagonist, especially since Earthrealm is a realm that has been desired for many times in the past. Since MKA was Fujin's return, we didn't really see much of anything in regards to how he handles his responsibility as Earthrealm's Protector God. If you were to bring him back and keep his role, wouldn't it be good to show what he's like? Exploration is needed. Show similarities and differences between him and how Raiden used to be, especially in regards to interacting with the heroes.

Like I said before, it's important for you to greatly familiarize yourself with MK's characters and stories. One other thing I forgot to mention was that if Liu Kang were to be an Elder God, he must be in the Heavens, because as an Elder God, he can't directly interfere in the affairs of entities in the realms.
11/22/2007 12:20 AM (UTC)
do ya know how i'll fix this... so that i kan get these character's right? i'm trying to make the perfect game... what can i fix?
11/22/2007 12:32 AM (UTC)
HenshinSlayer000 Wrote:
do ya know how i'll fix this... so that i kan get these character's right? i'm trying to make the perfect game... what can i fix?

Don't try looking for perfection. What you should be striving for is a solid, logical story that doesn't contradict established story elements from previous installments.

As for fixing what you have down, like I said, you need to scrap all of that, because none of it is substantial. The premises just don't work for the reasons I stated before.

If you're trying to do an MK8 story, think about which characters you want to bring back, which characters you want to die, which characters you want to retire, and which characters you want to bring back a bit later. Once you sort that out, you have to establish what happened in Armageddon.

This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to reveal the fates of all the characters right away. At least give a main idea as to the main events of Armageddon's ending and aftermath. How long after Armageddon will your story take place? What is the main story? Who is the main antagonist?

Asking yourself questions like these is fundamental in order to develop a solid, coherent story. Once again, familiarize yourself with the characters and stories. Basically, read the bios and things like that.
11/22/2007 02:52 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat Unbalanced Intro

Zhao Kang narrates the story of what's happening in Armageddon. It starts with darken clouds and thunder roaring.

Zhao Kang: The years have passed since the day of Armageddon began... with a blink of an eye.
Camera: It shows the battle with all the warriors battling each other on the edges of the pyramid
Zhao Kang: A dark alliance, the two sons of an Edenian god... and heroes and villians swearing to kill for power, vengence, and eternal life have been stained by the scar on my face.
Camera: The camera shows Zhao on top of a cliff watching the warriors battle on the pyramid, then zooms his face hooded for the moment
Zhao Kang: It would seem... there won't be any heroes to save the realms by now... but i swore myself to those who are good... to protect any realm and people I would trust... and kill those who would destroy it, and finally.... punish those without any trace.
Camera: Zhao looks at the time prism on his neck, and it shows a vision of Liu Kang doing his kata (same as the Deadly Alliance intro)
Zhao Kang: My targets... was Shang Tsung and Quan Chi... the two sorcerers who killed my father: Liu Kang, Shujinko the man who was manipulated and forced to gather the Kamidogu artificats, and Onaga the Dragon King who was killed by Shao Kahn. I made them pay for their existence of conquering Earth and the other realms. Zhao Kang: In my time... the future, the Edenian sorcerers magic and Nightwolf's spirit powers brought him back from the dead and after the Armageddon war... they used a little of Blaze's essence to bring him back.
Camera: Zhao Kang pulls out two daggers from his pocket, and throws them without Shang looking when he was about to finish off Liu, thanks to Quan Chi. Then the dagger was now at Shang's neck and Quan Chi's. Liu's set free to finish Shang. Zhao (while he's hooded) lands on training ground to finish off Shang. The time prism on Zhao's neck glows, and kills Shang Tsung and Quan Chi with his nodachi at the same time with a fatality, and the sorcerers in the past were killed by Zhao's blade.

Zhao Kang: The sorcerers are gone by my blade... their souls are destroyed as well.
Camera: Now goes to the next part where Shujinko was fighting Onaga at the castle. He hids himself in the shadows waiting for the perfect time to strike. Zhao Kang: Shujinko was betrayed... but I never forgiven him and Onaga for what's been done in the past. Camera: The time prism charges Zhao's daggers for the perfect strike to stab them, and jumps and takes down all the Kamidogu with Onaga down with Zhao's nodachi. Shujinko thanked him for what he did by doing a honored bow... but Zhao thinks he might deceive him if he did. So he just cut of Shujinko's head while the time prism charges the nodachi. Zhao Kang: He had a good heart.... but was a sad fate for him. Camera: (It now goes to Zhao while he watches Shujinko's head and the scene goes straight to where he sees Taven fighting Daegon. Daegon uses his drakeswords to fight Taven's sword, then both of them use their fireballs as distractions to charge each other. Victory was at Taven's hands when he uses his Ring of Hatred to smash Daegon, but Daegon was too fast for him when he used his Rolling Hatred. Taven is on the ground, and Daegon smiles at him for victory that the pyramid will be his)
Zhao Kang: Daegon was about to be the victor of this battle today. But all of it.... was about to change
Camera: Zhao jumps down from the cliff with a matrix jump and runs to the pyramid fast to help Taven. Zhao kills Baraka, Darrius, and Jarek to get to the top
Camera: Shows Zhao jump almost to the top of the pyramid and strikes Daegon with a primal fist and impaling him.
Zhao Kang: Go! Get to the top and head for Blaze!
Taven: Who are you?
Zhao Kang: A friend... now go! Are you willing to the realms be destroyed? And let evil win?
Camera: Shows Taven a smile to thank him and heads for Blaze
Taven: Blaze! Camera: Blaze was meditating and waited for Taven quite a while.
Blaze: Ah! The son of Argus... Taven, correct?
Taven: Yes, it is an honor to meet you... I challenge you! To Mortal Kombat!
Zhao Kang: There was someone else that I plan to kill...
Camera: Zhao watches Taven fight Blaze and sees Shao Kahn bashing his enemies with his Wrath Hammer and he laughs maniacally for a victory. Zhao (remained hooded) squeezes his fist for anger of showing what Kahn has done.
Zhao Kang: And he's next!
Camera: (Zhao then heads out to get to Kahn and when he sees Kabal, he stops him with a Kudoku-Hadou blast from finishing Mavado and uses the time prism to regain Kabal's true intention) Zhao Kang: Remember who you really are Camera: (The time prism shines on Kabal as he regains memories and feels that what he's done was wrong and decides to do something right) Kabal: I'm sorry... from now on... I fight for justice Camera: Zhao smiles to him, while Shao Kahn was taking down Sindel, Moloch, Tanya, Rain and Reptile. We see Li Mei, Hsu Hao, Drahmin, and Sheeva on the ground. Reptile was on the ground scared of Shao Kahn's malace.
Shao Kahn: You... are... FINIISSSHHHEEEDDD!!!!!!
Camera: Just when Kahn was about to finish Reptile, a blast attacked Kahn behind the back. Zhao was behind Shao Kahn. Kahn doesn't know who he is, and Zhao finally removes the cloak hood on his head. Shao Kahn was surprised and shocked and thought Zhao looked like Liu Kang's face. And thunder began to struck.
Shao Kahn: Who are you? You've come to challenge me?
Zhao Kang: I will not allow you to conquer another realm any longer you demon
Camera: Shows Zhao hand pulling out his nodachi sword slowly, and poses for battle.
Zhao Kang: Come... fight me!
Shao Kahn: (laughs) How foolish!
Camera: Kahn pulls out his hammer and charges to Zhao. Then Zhao dodges Kahn's Shoulder Charge and hammer attacks. Zhao then punchs Kahn at the face and Kahn's helmet is off.
Shao Kahn: Hahaha! Well... a fair blow, but i'm not so easily bested
Zhao Kang: There were darker generations when you and your minions try to enter and conquer the Earth. You also conquered other realms and have other mortals serve you to do your every cursed bidding long ago. An age of enlightenment was awakened and you have no existence to be here! I was born in a different time from yours and chosen to protect all realms from the chaos that you have spawned.
Shao Kahn: (laughs maniacaly) such words you have... I wield the forces of darkness with the might all realms that i conquer and control... Onaga was my emperor years back and i stole Outworld for myself in my own image! And soon... Earth, will be mine!
Camera: Kahn and Zhao charge for the attack at each other. But Kahn charges again
Shao Kahn: You will... die!
Camera: Zhao's time prism glows and strike's Kahn with his nodachi. And shows Kahn bleeding on the face and his body and armor. And Zhao grabs Kahn by the neck.
Shao Kahn. Who... are... you?
Zhao Kang: I am... The Prince of Edenia.... protector of realms.... AND A KING OF BLADES! Camera: Camera: (Throws Kahn at a rock wall and uses the time prism and his Kudoku-Hadou wave to charge up by saying the seven heavenly virtues (hope, faith, justice, charity, fortitude, temperence, prudence) Zhao Kang: Your existence ends... NOOWWWWW!!!!!
Camera: Kahn is destroyed with his soul and dissappeared. The pyramid where Taven is fighting Blaze is bursts with light. Zhao sees it beautiful and sees Kahn no more)
Zhao Kang: Taven... you've done it. Shao Kahn.... is no more!
Camera: Zhao sees Reptile.
Reptile: Prince.... ZZZhao? I pledge my service to you... for Zaterra
Zhao Kang: Don't worry... Reptile, I'm not like Kahn. Zaterra is back home... all the realms are free.
Camera: Zhao smiles at Reptile and he sees Kahn's helmet and picks it up.
Zhao Kang: How strange..... Kahn's helmet still remains. If there's no emperor in Outworld.... the realm can't exist.
Camera: Sees Reiko
Zhao Kang: Reiko! I'm giving this to you! Its all yours.
Camera: Shows Reiko smiling to him and leaves. Zhao hears his codec on his ear.
Brandon: YO!... Zhao? Are you there?
Zhao Kang: Loud and Clear Brandon.... what's up? Where's Sasha?
Brandon: She's finding her mom and dad.... you done here? Is Kahn no more? Zhao Kang: Yeah.... and the worst will be yet to come. The One Being is going to get stronger anytime soon. I don't know what that thing is.... but we'll get to the bottom of it. Anyway, did you find Liu Kang's body? Brandon: We have dude Zhao Kang: Good. In the meantime... get a couple of troops to find my father's soul, and a little bit of Blaze's essence will give my father the power... he'll need. And my final target.... Raiden. Don't do anything rash pal when I get back to base Brandon: You got it buddy... over and out! And don't get carried away dude Zhao Kang: Kay! Sheesh! (Turns off his codec) Camera: Zhao looks at the sky
Zhao Kang: The time has come to end to evil for good. The scar... still remains my face. For now.... I'm keeping the past time.... Unbalanced.
Camera: goes to Zhao's eye and scar and the scene goes blackout What do you think?
11/22/2007 09:47 PM (UTC)
There will be the first two characters:

Status: Ninja Spectre
Realm: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Sub-Zero, Zhao Kang, Wasp
Enemies: Pirahna, Yamigumo, Shinnok, Raiden
Fighting Styles: Hapkido, Mugai Ryu

Bloody Spear (Throws a spear at his enemies and pulls them closer to him)
Hellfire (Summons a fire pillar)
Hellfire Scorpion (While Hellfire, he creates a scorpion like creature)
Backflip Kick (Flips with a fiery flipkick)
Hellfire Punch (Teleporting behind the opponent for a punch attack)


Scorpion Morph - Transforms to a scorpion and squeezes his opponent apart

Toasty! Spear - Removes his mask and blows fire out of his mouth to his hand and throws his spear and cuts his opponents head with his Mugai Ryu

Primary Bio
In the middle of Armageddon, I was furious of the Elder Gods for bringing back my clan undead. Also... I returned to Earthrealm to find Quan Chi for killing my family and clan. I've learned that he kidnapped my son and I demanded him back. Sub-Zero and I bumped into each other again and wanted me to be an ally to him if he can help me find my son. I accepted and he and I decided on a plan. Scorpion and I pretended to be enemies, we were heading to the edge of the pyramid to find Quan Chi.

Alternate Bio:
Together Sub-Zero and I fought Quan Chi, but the ice ninja needed to find Smoke while I fought the traitorous sorcerer. That was until Quan Chi went to pieces and dissappeared without any traces.... except the amulet that he possesses. I also saw someone that I've seen for many years.... Noob Saibot-the original Sub-Zero has come to kill me, and I knew he would find me. Then I met Zhao Kang after I ran from Noob and told me that my son is safe... what I've learned from him is that he's not in our time. The avenger brought him back alive again... but with spectre powers like I have. He did me a favor if I trained my son to be a ninja like myself and accepted. I became an ally now: to a Lin Kuei Grandmaster, and a prince who swears revenge for the realms.

Sub Zero
Status: Lin Kuei Grandmaster
Realm: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Smoke, Liu Kang, Zhao Kang, Forces of Light, Fujin, Suijin
Enemies: Raiden, Sektor, Shinnok, Noob Zero
Fighting Styles: Dragon, Cryo Blade

Freeze Ball (Throws an ice blast and freezes the enemy)
Ice Clone (Creates an icy clone of himself and his opponent freezes when its touched)
Frosty Shower (Releases ice to the sky and lands on his opponent freezing them)
Cold Shoulder (Rushes the opponent with his shoulder, leaving a trail of ice behind him on the ground)


Ice Grenade - The old fatality in MKD

Brain Freeze - Freezing the opponent's brain and is frozen and Sub-Zero gives a little punch

Primary Bio:
My brother... Noob Saibot was remained a wraith. I had to find a way back to normal and set him free from evil. And I also planned to free Smoke from my brother's control, a few of my Lin Kuei ninjas were turned to cyborg demons. Scorpion and I bumped into each other about our problems with our enemies, so we decided to make a plan... by pretending we were enemies.

Alternate Bio:
It worked though, and Quan Chi fell for it. While in our battle on the Armageddon, I saw Smoke and leave Scorpion to fight Quan Chi on his own. Smoke and I battled and free him from the old Lin Kuei ways' cybernetics. It was done, so I brought him to my old friends: Sonya and Jax to regenerate him back. Smoke was back to human, and I was happy to see my old friend back to my old self. Together... Smoke and I remade the Lin Kuei as we wished. We learned Noob became a new self: Noob Zero. My brother and Sektor teamed up their clans to make cyborg demons once again. My brother still wasn't cleansed and together... Smoke and I battled together to stop my brother and Sektor and put an end to their evil. I hoped that Scorpion is alright.

How's that?furious
11/22/2007 11:04 PM (UTC)
While it's good that you have an intro, it still suffers from a lot of the same problems that I mentioned with your other works. For one thing, you basically have two big chunks again, which takes away from the overall presentation quality.

The actual content of the story is confusing and messy. I take it that it's supposed to take place in the future after Zhao Kang's quest. I still don't like the idea of him wielding a Nodachi. The time prism makes Zhao seem to be ubiquitous and all-powerful, killing even the likes of Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and Shao Kahn. There should be great consequence for using the time prism. I almost feel like Zhao's time travel is akin to Trunks going back in time to find Goku in DBZ. The bits with Kabal and Reptile were a bit unbelievable.

For the first two characters, I see you went with MK's poster boys, and the spacing seems to be of a much better quality now.


I don't like the style choice for him, not that it's necessarily all that bad in itself. It's just that for a character that's supposed to be from an actual Japanese Ninja clan in the story, why is he not using the Taijutsu of his clan, the Shirai Ryu? So shouldn't his style be Shirai Ryu and not a modern Korean martial art like Hapkido? For Mugai Ryu, it's ok, but keep in mind that Mugai Ryu uses the Odachi and not the kind of sword Scorpion has been using in the MK games.

For his special moves, what does the scorpion-like creature do in his Hellfire Scorpion move? I don't understand the logic of his Scorpion Morph fatality. How can you squeeze something apart? Don't you mean tear apart or something like that?

For his other fatality, it sounds kind of better, but it has a couple of problems. It sounds odd that he would breathe fire to his hand, and him throwing the spear to lead to a decapitation doesn't sound logical unless you're talking about him using it to pull the opponent towards him. As for cutting off the opponent's head with his Mugai Ryu, that doesn't make any sense at all, because Mugai Ryu is the name of the martial tradition, NOT the weapon itself.

Going to the bio, it has its share of problems. I don't understand why Scorpion would go to Earthrealm during Armageddon to find Quan Chi when Quan Chi is in the Edenian crater. How could Quan Chi have kidnapped Scorpion's son when Scorpion's son is dead? Putting this in is a really bad move, because by doing this, you've made Scorpion's story even worse.

Scorpion is already in trouble as it is, because his story is too much about revenge and bitching about his family. There's no way that Sub-Zero and Scorpion could've bumped into each other and have the time to talk like that. About "pretending to be enemies" on the battlefield, you have to understand that MKA's intro is the vision that Delia had. Not all of the events taking place in it are going to happen like that.

I don't like that you had Sub-Zero be referred to as an "ice ninja", because the Lin Kuei are not ninja due to being a Chinese clan. Along with the "I was furious of the Elder Gods" part, the "I also saw someone that I've seen for many years" is also a bit erroneous. The first part has a grammatical issue by using the word "of" when it should be using the word "at". The second part should be using the words "I haven't".

How does Scorpion even know that Noob Saibot is the original Sub-Zero? If Scorpion knows that there are were two Sub-Zeros, does this mean that Scorpion was after the younger Sub-Zero due to associating him with his brother and the rest of the Lin Kuei? Again, the stuff with Scorpion's son is terrible, because Scorpion's family and clan should stay in the past. Digging it back up only makes Scorpion worse.


His style choices are much better. Cryo Blade? lol. That's the same name for the weapon that I thought of for Sub-Zero in the MK: Resurrection story. Have you checked it out yet?

For his special moves, I don't see anything new, which is a bit disappointing. The fatalities aren't too bad though.

Like Scorpion, I don't like Sub-Zero's bio. The whole "pretending to be enemies" thing doesn't work for reasons I already stated. Again, I don't like the term "ninja" be associated with the Lin Kuei as it doesn't make sense. The whole Noob Zero thing is another issue I have. I don't like it, because it's cheesy and unnecessary.


Overall, there are still a lot of composition, grammar, and characterization problems. Neither of their bios explain anything in regards to the end of Armageddon and if anything happened to either one. The alliance between Sub-Zero and Scorpion isn't done well and feels weak and forced. Also, you don't have to ask "How's that?" or "What do you think?". Just post the content and let readers give their feedback.

I still don't like Zhao Kang or the time traveling stuff. That needs scrapping. Why do you even want a son of Liu Kang and Kitana anyway? Don't you think that maybe having them together and with a son is overly sugarcoated and drags Liu Kang's story further than it needs to be?
11/23/2007 03:13 AM (UTC)
Okay... i guess i've gone far again... but if you don't want me to have a son with kang on it... and have plans of scorpion and sub zero on the game that's fine.

i'm just tryin' to find a hero to take liu kang's place... i wish there was a protector of realms i can create for the next game. there's a protector of edenia... Taven's in it. Kung Lao should take Liu Kang's title of champion and be protector when his best friend goes to the heavens. instead of kang... what should i have for my character?

someone with a trunks-goku-ryu personality and with a twin brother who is kinda with an akuma/gouki personality
11/23/2007 03:42 AM (UTC)
HenshinSlayer000 Wrote:
Okay... i guess i've gone far again... but if you don't want me to have a son with kang on it... and have plans of scorpion and sub zero on the game that's fine.

i'm just tryin' to find a hero to take liu kang's place... i wish there was a protector of realms i can create for the next game. there's a protector of edenia... Taven's in it. Kung Lao should take Liu Kang's title of champion and be protector when his best friend goes to the heavens. instead of kang... what should i have for my character?

someone with a trunks-goku-ryu personality and with a twin brother who is kinda with an akuma/gouki personality

Like I said before, the problem lies within things like the presentation. Zhao Kang is a character who feels forced, because this new character is already established as the main protagonist and is able to go around killing off various characters. With the way it's done, it feels very forced and without substance to it.

Not every realm needs to have a Protector God of some sort. We don't even know if Taven will become the new Protector God of Edenia. If you choose that path for him, fine. The same was done in the MK: Resurrection story. Kung Lao taking Liu Kang's place as the Champion of Mortal Kombat wouldn't work, because it goes against Kung Lao's character.

Although Kung Lao is a noble warrior, he fights when he needs to. He's the reluctant hero who didn't want to follow in the footsteps of his ancestor, because he wants a life of his own. Once again, it's important to get a grasp of each character.

I know that you want to create a new hero, but to force it on the readers by having a main hero, especially one that's the son of Liu Kang, doesn't equate to good storytelling. Why does he have to be some sort of replacement for Liu Kang or even his son for that matter? Having the evil twin brother thing makes things worse, because like I said before, it's very cliché and doesn't do justice to either character.

Part of the problem with Zhao Kang is that you're building the main story around this one character, one who is already established as the main hero. Instead, it's much better to come up with a concrete main story and fit him into it, know what I mean? If you still don't, well, I'll briefly compare MKDA's and MKD's main stories.

In MKDA, the central villains were Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. Now although we have the heroes join together to stop them, there wasn't a main hero, per se. Sure, Kung Lao stepped up, and some may make him out to be the main hero in MKDA. However, the story of MKDA wasn't centered around any particular hero.

In MKD however, the main story was centered around someone, namely Shujinko. Sure, Konquest was a means of exploring his backstory, but that didn't stop him from being forced on us, especially with him being referred to as the "next-generation Liu Kang". MKA is not that much different.

Also, why focus on just one character? If you're going to have someone be a main hero, actually build him/her up instead of forcing it on us. Personality-wise, I don't know. I guess you could analyze the different heroes in MK and see if you can come up with something different and interesting.

About Scorpion and Sub-Zero, the issue lied within the way their bios were done, especially Scorpion's. Again, analysis of their stories and characterizations is vital.
11/23/2007 11:37 AM (UTC)

Status: New Red Dragon Leader
Realm: Earthrealm
Species: Human
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Kira, Bloodhound
Enemies: Kano, Kabal, Black Dragon

Fighting Style: Wing Chun
Weapon Style: Zweihander

Special Moves:
Crimson Lightning - throws a crimson red lightning bolt at his opponents
Bloody Moon - does a moon kick while there is red trails on his feet Costumes Primary Costume - Wears a black trenchcoat with a sleeveless right side, and has a red vest inside the trenchcoat. Alternate Costume - Crimson Armor with a ninja-like mask on his face, a different costume than Mavado's

Crimson Choke - grabs the enemy's neck and shocks his opponent with a lightning shock and explodes the enemy with a devastating axe kick
Crimson Tear - uses his crimson lightning like rope and rips the enemy limb from limb and smashes them to the ground

Primary Bio:
I was another member of the Red Dragon. Jealous of Mavado leading the clan, I planned to take over that title... using the great powers of the ancient Red Dragon Caro for my own bidding. Before I've learned this force, Daegon created a medallion made with Caro's essence. I would possess it... but I don't intend to use that power for myself... I intend to give that power to someone I had in mind.

Alternate Bio:
Kira... my sister... who was in Afghanistan a year ago before she joined the Black Dragon for what I've heard. I found her lying at my clan's base... almost beaten by Kobra and a few Black Dragon members. I learned she was betrayed when Kano gave Kobra second-in-command of the Black Dragon and Kobra had a chance to order troops to get rid of her, and Kabal no longer protected her and made his own dragon clan for peace. I took some out and protected her and I offered her a chance to join the Red Dragon with me and accepted the chance to kill Kobra... and Kabal for leaving her alone. The power of great Red Dragon belongs to her. And I rule the Red Dragon Clan! I... am... Kaleb!
11/24/2007 04:28 PM (UTC)
Zhao Long

Status: Edenian Knight and Earthrealm Soldier
Realm: Edenia (formely Earthrealm)
Species: Half Edenian, Half Human
Alignment: Good
Allies: Scorpion, Reptile, Kitana, Rain, Taven, Forces of Light
Enemies: Raiden, Shinnok, Reiko

Fighting Style: Jujutsu
Weapon Style: Qiang

Primary Costume: Wears a red chinese-like jacket, and has dynasty warrior pants on and wears a long red headband on his head.
Alternate Costume: Battle scarred blue Edenian Armor

Special Moves:
Kudoku-Hadou - throws a ball of light at his opponent
Primal Fist - his arm turns into a beast like fist and charges with a punch
Whirlwind Kick - a jumping spinkick like a tornado different from Kung Lao's in MKDA

Primary Bio

I was the last of the Edenian Knights to protect Edenia. When I was Earthrealm I never remember who I was, so I traveled to all the realms and learned about many warriors to regain my lost memory by finding the ancient artifact: the time prism. The time prism's power had a consequence I've learned - anyone who possesses it to kill a warrior... a mortal will forget their existence. I had special powers: the Kudoku-Hadou. It has the power to purify every living thing the realms... anyone with a good soul and destroy all that is evil will have the power.

Alternate Bio:

I trusted Fujin and Suijin to be my allies and they would help me save Edenia and the realms, but not Raiden since he was corrupted by his suicide. So now... I traveled to the past before Armageddon began with my friends Brandon, Sasha, and Imitatia to stop the One Being's ressurection. I killed Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shujinko, Shao Kahn, and waited for a chance to kill Raiden for what he's done. I will be protector of realms... for I am the last of the Edenian Race.
About Me

11/24/2007 06:01 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Well, criticisive


Two labiodentals preceeding a labial?
11/24/2007 08:04 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Well, criticisive


Two labiodentals preceeding a labial?

lol, alright. You got me on that one, Mr. I spell syntax with a "z". tongue But like I said, I'm not perfect myself. At least give your feedback here.
11/25/2007 02:57 AM (UTC)
frekin coolsmile
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