Could we try to not spoil everything?
posted04/04/2015 09:18 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/10/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
So a there was a stream eariler that revealed alot. But, you see, not everybody wants to know everything in the game. And, it appears rain is the secert character or something. But could people not put "Reiko is the secert character!" in the title? Or at least put "spoilers". Hopefully most of the community can agree this.
04/04/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
To Quote Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park...

"The Kind Of Control You're Attempting Simply Is... It's Not Possible."

While I totally appreciate what you're asking for, and that you and many others don't want to be spoiled. That's really not how the internet works.

Not everyone will see this thread.
Not everyone who sees this thread will click on it and read it.
Not everyone who clicks on it and reads it will listen to it. Deliberately or indeliberately.

Some people will just come in and post things without spoiler tags because they're excited and enthusiastic, not because they're trying to be mean. Some people will just do it maliciously because they want to be jerks and want to watch the world burn. There will be threads that just say "SO AND SO DIES! HAHA" as a title.

You can have the highest hopes and the best intentions in the world for trying to maintain a spoiler free zone, but It's not possible to control a mass of people on the internet, in this or any other community.

If you completely and utterly want to avoid spoilers, avoiding the internet is really your only option. Don't want to see Mortal Kombat spoilers? Don't go poking around Mortal Kombat websites. It's less than two weeks away. It's not the end of the world.

You're getting some pretty huge warning signs and red flags today that spoilers are coming. Let this be the flare in the sky that warns anyone who doesn't want to see them to run away now.

As said, I appreciate your POV on this... but if you're poking around here after today, when a copy of the game has clearly been leaked, you're doing so at your own foolish risk.
04/04/2015 05:25 PM (UTC)
To be fair, the guy that posted the "Rain is playable" thread is a total idiot and he jumped to conclusions.
04/04/2015 05:28 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
To be fair, the guy that posted the "Rain is playable" thread is a total idiot and he jumped to conclusions.


That and the jokers who open threads on Twitter hints.

Best way not to get spoiled is to simply stay off message boards like this. Man, waiting for MK games back in the '90s was WAY easier.
04/04/2015 05:36 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
redman Wrote:
To be fair, the guy that posted the "Rain is playable" thread is a total idiot and he jumped to conclusions.


That and the jokers who open threads on Twitter hints.

Best way not to get spoiled is to simply stay off message boards like this. Man, waiting for MK games back in the '90s was WAY easier.

In the pre-internet days of the 2D games, I didn't even wait for them... they just magically appeared in the arcade one day, and that was the first I knew of them, lol...

MK1 just appeared one day, and was the hot-shot game that made everyone in my town forget about Street Fighter II.

Then MK2 appeared one day.
Then MK3 appeared one day.

UMK3, I -believe- ... I actually remember learning about shortly before it appeared , in a game magazine. But still, I think the magazine, and its actual debut were pretty close together.

By the time of MK4, the widespread internet was in its infancy, and I knew MK4 was coming through both magazines and crude early websites long before its release, lol. Plus MK4 had one of those early version tours. Lots of pre-release marketing.

I believe MKDA was about the time I found this site, and the rest has kind of been history.
04/04/2015 05:39 PM (UTC)
The first MK game I anticipated was MK3, because I joined the fandom long after MKII was in arcades. I even played the first version of MK4 when it came out and had Noob as a playable and everything. It was grand.
I joined MKO in 2008, in the limbo between Armageddon and MK9, then left for awhile thereafter.
04/04/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)
I'm so sick of the anti spoiler people ranting on here. There's obviously only one solution to your horrible problem:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

I get it, you don't want to be spoiled, I really do...but why the hell would you be on here when you KNOW everything will be posted as soon as it comes out? I just don't understand why you would keep coming back.

I swear it's like people saying they don't want cancer while they're smoking a cigarette.
04/04/2015 05:48 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
To Quote Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park...

"The Kind Of Control You're Attempting Simply Is... It's Not Possible."

While I totally appreciate what you're asking for, and that you and many others don't want to be spoiled. That's really not how the internet works.

Not everyone will see this thread.
Not everyone who sees this thread will click on it and read it.
Not everyone who clicks on it and reads it will listen to it. Deliberately or indeliberately.

Some people will just come in and post things without spoiler tags because they're excited and enthusiastic, not because they're trying to be mean. Some people will just do it maliciously because they want to be jerks and want to watch the world burn. There will be threads that just say "SO AND SO DIES! HAHA" as a title.

You can have the highest hopes and the best intentions in the world for trying to maintain a spoiler free zone, but It's not possible to control a mass of people on the internet, in this or any other community.

If you completely and utterly want to avoid spoilers, avoiding the internet is really your only option. Don't want to see Mortal Kombat spoilers? Don't go poking around Mortal Kombat websites. It's less than two weeks away. It's not the end of the world.

You're getting some pretty huge warning signs and red flags today that spoilers are coming. Let this be the flare in the sky that warns anyone who doesn't want to see them to run away now.

As said, I appreciate your POV on this... but if you're poking around here after today, when a copy of the game has clearly been leaked, you're doing so at your own foolish risk.

This. This is a good answer. I guess i'll take you advince. I'm outta for a couple weeks. See you all later.
About Me

04/04/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Snape kills Dumbledore.
04/04/2015 09:05 PM (UTC)
starzilla83 Wrote:
This. This is a good answer. I guess i'll take you advince. I'm outta for a couple weeks. See you all later.

Likewise. Guess I'll hit the road myself until sometime after the game hits the airwaves.

Adios, muchachos.
About Me


04/04/2015 09:13 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Snape kills Dumbledore.

About Me

<IMG SRC= alt=

04/04/2015 09:18 PM (UTC)
At least it would be nice to warned in the topic. And not just open one "bla bla bla is the super ultra unlock bla"

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