06/16/2014 11:06 AM (UTC)
ShingoEX Wrote:
If Manhunt 2 can get an initial AO rating due to violence, then MK is not immune to this. They were pushing it big time with the last game (seriously, vomiting in Noob's X-Ray? Kung Lao's buzzsaw fatality starting at the crotch?), and they're going even further here, from what I've seen.

Manhunt 2 also had a lot of sexual content, drugs, and strong language. MK doesn't have to worry about that stuff.
06/16/2014 11:07 AM (UTC)
ShingoEX Wrote:
If Manhunt 2 can get an initial AO rating due to violence, then MK is not immune to this. They were pushing it big time with the last game (seriously, vomiting in Noob's X-Ray? Kung Lao's buzzsaw fatality starting at the crotch?), and they're going even further here, from what I've seen.

I believe (as others mentioned above) that the issue with the Manhunt games' violence was its overt realism.
Suffocating people with plastic bags, shivving someone in the stomach repeatedly, and slitting someone's throat in several different ways probably struck people a little differently than the absolute ridiculous violence in MK, where you can freeze someone's legs, shatter them to pieces, and while the victim is alive and crawling away (begging for their life,) stomp on their chest so hard their head pops off. That's a massive tonal difference.

Manhunt games didn't play up the extremity of the fatalities; they were quite realistic (often resembling snuff film footage,) which led to them blamed for murders, furthering the controversy. There was no humor or overt tongue-in-cheek, self-awareness; Manhunt made people feel dirty, and I'm fairly certain you had to engage in these stealth kills almost constantly to progress.
In MK games, you don't have to use violent finishers; you can use joke finishers, none at all, or even turn the blood off, making fatalities wholly impossible.

Graphic violence in the Manhunt games is inevitable and able to be replicated, while MK's is optional and almost always entirely impossible to reenact.
That would be a pretty substantial difference to the ESRB, I would imagine.
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

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06/16/2014 04:04 PM (UTC)
Nah. This is america. Only sexual shit will net that rating.

Please don't tone down shit, NRS. I wanna see scorpion chopping dat face!
06/16/2014 06:27 PM (UTC)
I don't think so. Receiving AO is a financial sucide for the project. Considering, that MK was always created as moneymaking bestseller, doing that would counterproductive.
I bet NRS knows the fine line, between what could get the game AO rating and M.
06/16/2014 11:42 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
ShingoEX Wrote:
If Manhunt 2 can get an initial AO rating due to violence, then MK is not immune to this. They were pushing it big time with the last game (seriously, vomiting in Noob's X-Ray? Kung Lao's buzzsaw fatality starting at the crotch?), and they're going even further here, from what I've seen.

I believe (as others mentioned above) that the issue with the Manhunt games' violence was its overt realism.
Suffocating people with plastic bags, shivving someone in the stomach repeatedly, and slitting someone's throat in several different ways probably struck people a little differently than the absolute ridiculous violence in MK, where you can freeze someone's legs, shatter them to pieces, and while the victim is alive and crawling away (begging for their life,) stomp on their chest so hard their head pops off. That's a massive tonal difference.

Manhunt games didn't play up the extremity of the fatalities; they were quite realistic (often resembling snuff film footage,) which led to them blamed for murders, furthering the controversy. There was no humor or overt tongue-in-cheek, self-awareness; Manhunt made people feel dirty, and I'm fairly certain you had to engage in these stealth kills almost constantly to progress.

In MK games, you don't have to use violent finishers; you can use joke finishers, none at all, or even turn the blood off, making fatalities wholly impossible.

Graphic violence in the Manhunt games is inevitable and able to be replicated, while MK's is optional and almost always entirely impossible to reenact.
That would be a pretty substantial difference to the ESRB, I would imagine.

It has nothing to do with whether or not it's optional. Remember GTA;SA's "Hot Coffee"? That optional mini-game was enough to get the game re-rated as AO.
06/16/2014 11:52 PM (UTC)
ShingoEX Wrote:
It has nothing to do with whether or not it's optional. Remember GTA;SA's "Hot Coffee"? That optional mini-game was enough to get the game re-rated as AO.

That wasn't really meant as the bottom line of my post.
It has to do with the tone and realism of the violence.

Regardless of it being optional or not, the difference still remains that Manhunt wasn't played for laughs and didn't make the violence appear ridiculous; you killed people in what looked like snuff film footage in a realistic manner, a "murder simulator" as some might call it. MK's violence is almost entirely impossible to recreate and is, quite often, meant to be humorous and over-the-top.
Even with the level of gore people are describing, I would be very surprised if MKX could achieve an AO with the series' history of mild language, no drug use (other than Bo' Rai Cho's drinking,) and relatively tame sexuality.
Manhunt 2 received an AO due to a combination of "Blood and gore, intense violence, strong language, strong sexual content, use of drugs".
And the whole 'Hot Coffee' mod fiasco just shows how little the ESRB seems to care about violence, language, or drug use; more often than not, they tend to set their sights on games with graphic sexual content.
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Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/16/2014 11:52 PM (UTC)
...that was a hack...the real game only showed you walking into the house.

or so I remember...anyway.
06/16/2014 11:54 PM (UTC)
Not a chance. They need to sell, with AO rating the sales are compromised because a lot of places wouldn't carry the game.
About Me

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

06/17/2014 12:09 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't worry too much. The ESRB was basically invented because of MK; no one knows how to manipulate its standards better than Ed Boon.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/17/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)
Not Basically, it WAS invented cause of MK and the Spine Rip.

Moral of the story, Sub-Zero invented the ESRB.

"Once apon a time, Sub-Zero ripped off someone's head, and then the ESRB was created."
06/17/2014 03:38 AM (UTC)
It won't be because rating get more lax as times change. Thrill Kill isn't all that bad by today's standards but it got an AO rating in the 90s. Fast forward ten years later and Dead Space was able to get an AO rating despite being far more graphic.

Fast forward to today and compare Manhunt 2's blocky graphics and no dismemberment aside from decapitations to Left4Dead 2's extremely detailed gore. It's HARD to get an AO rating when even Soldier of Fortune 2 was only rated M and that's still the bloodiest game ever made. I'd even say that it's nearly impossible unless you also involve psuedo-pornographic imagery like Manhunt 2 used.

06/22/2014 10:24 AM (UTC)
Even from the small amount that has been shown I'm already certain that this won't make it past the Australian censors. Specifically I think they'll have a huge problem with Ferra/Torr

"It's a child in a death tournament! Won't somebody please think of the children! etc etc"

I'll just have to import it (as I did with MK9) which isn't so annoying but it will get annoying when they start releasing DLC (having to set up overseas profiles etc etc)

Sigh... I wish Sheeva WAS our Queen
06/25/2014 01:25 AM (UTC)
I think the poster was asking if you think this game will have to be toned down before release, not if they'll release it as an AO game. No one releases AO games (besides Japanese porn games, but that's besides the point).

I could see it happening, but I really hope not. I want to see the rest of Scorpion's fatality and Cassie's X-Ray so bad!

As for Australia, they seem to ban everything so sorry Aussie's, I'm sure you'll be importing this.
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