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04/17/2015 05:14 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
canikeyc Wrote:
I'd like to remind to some of you that liu kang is not the hero of this timeline. He is just another fallen soldier.

He's still the guy who won Mortal Kombat in this new timeline and defeated both Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn. He got taken out by an immortal god of lightning...

And in MKX he's just... a thug. As important as (perhaps less so than) NPCs like Baraka and Rain.

Turning him into the Netherrealm's ruler is an interesting turn, even if I don't fully understand what motivates a revenant once its masters are gone to remain evil and bitter alongside everyone else.

But for THIS game? He was a jobber. From MK champion to generic NPC fight fodder.

It was terrible, Shinnok having the MK champion under his control should be a HUGE thing. Liu, Kung Lao, and Kitana should be fucking everyone up but they are just people to beat up in story. I said earlier in here that you could replace them with Mokap and nothing in the story would change.
04/17/2015 05:53 PM (UTC)
i like how Jax owned liu kang in story
04/19/2015 07:05 AM (UTC)
Just finished story mode, the worst story mode I played, I preferred the monk walking around in DA
And I know why, there is too much estrogen in the air. A direct result of having two female producers on this game. Before you go off saying I'm mysognostic, think about what we have seen since the last MK game, the bodies of the females had to protrayed as more realistic. Did we see any men without six packs? The final hero was a woman, no problem with that, but in MK would someone like Cassie be able to beat Shinnok? Demon Shinnok?
And news flash if MK was like this from the start it wouldn't be what it is today.
People keep going on about how I can now relate as there is a gay character, so what I am saying is no different. The idea of this game is not for the kids who grew in the 90s and begged their parents to buy it or go to their local arcades. It is to cater to Justin Bieber fans.
It's just really sad, because I like all MK games to this point (never play MKSF).
Now I hope for SF5 won't be this bad.
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Blind Morgshi, Ancestral warrior of ICEntertainment

04/19/2015 01:44 PM (UTC)
Yeah, you guys are right. In "the world of MK", only Liu Kang, Raiden and Shujinko can ever beat a boss. We should never have any innovation or change ever. How dare they try to establish a new character?!
Liu Kang should have continued being the unbeatable champion of MK, preferably being more boring than ever! That would make the best story mode, for sure.
Also, given that the majority of discussion on MK boards is all about "More females! Who's the hottest? ___ is my Queen / Waifu, I can't believe ___ isn't in!", Cassie sure seems to be getting a lot of hate for featuring prominently... What's the matter, her tits aren't hanging out enough for you to take her seriously?
04/19/2015 03:56 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
I think the Comic Story was muuuuuuch more interesting than the actual games.

No blood god...

The Kamidogu weren't even mentioned

No Havik

No Reiko

I feel like the Comic story line was leading up to a much more interesting story than the actual game delivered.

Absolutely stupid how Goro isn't even mentioned in story mode. Dies in the comics and not a peep is said about his return. "Goro Lives" is BS.


Agree with everything you said. I was really disappointed that Shinn was the boss and Goro was the sub-boss. The comics hype me up just to let me down in story mode. Story mode was good, but it could of been so much better.
04/19/2015 04:47 PM (UTC)
ICEman Wrote:
Yeah, you guys are right. In "the world of MK", only Liu Kang, Raiden and Shujinko can ever beat a boss. We should never have any innovation or change ever. How dare they try to establish a new character?!

Liu Kang should have continued being the unbeatable champion of MK, preferably being more boring than ever! That would make the best story mode, for sure.

Also, given that the majority of discussion on MK boards is all about "More females! Who's the hottest? ___ is my Queen / Waifu, I can't believe ___ isn't in!", Cassie sure seems to be getting a lot of hate for featuring prominently... What's the matter, her tits aren't hanging out enough for you to take her seriously?
04/19/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
There`s something hilarious about Quan Chi being arrested. I don`t hate it, but it`s funny.

I thought I was the only one who LOL'd at this. Isn't Quan Chi essentially supposed to be Satan? Master and ruler of all that is evil in existence and beyond and he's done in by............handcuffs?

I think everything wrong with the story mode has already been mentioned here. At the end of the day it felt like your average Memorial weekend action blockbuster and that it's so wrong and over the top on many, many aspects but once it's over you find yourself satisfyingly entertained and isn't that the whole point?

If you're going to nitpick about each and every character's fate/role then you're obviously going to be pissed. MK has always had too many characters and they don't know how to manage them properly. Nothing new here.
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04/19/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
ICEman Wrote:
Yeah, you guys are right. In "the world of MK", only Liu Kang, Raiden and Shujinko can ever beat a boss. We should never have any innovation or change ever. How dare they try to establish a new character?!

Liu Kang should have continued being the unbeatable champion of MK, preferably being more boring than ever! That would make the best story mode, for sure.

Also, given that the majority of discussion on MK boards is all about "More females! Who's the hottest? ___ is my Queen / Waifu, I can't believe ___ isn't in!", Cassie sure seems to be getting a lot of hate for featuring prominently... What's the matter, her tits aren't hanging out enough for you to take her seriously?

I really don't feel like you read our post correctly. Most of the people complaining about this including myself admit to being Cassie fans. It has nothing to do with her being a female.

The thing about Liu Kang and Raiden is that they already been established as high powered characters. Last I remember people complained about Shujinko being too powerful as well, but at least he had some explainations and had been doing nothing but gaining power throughout the whole campaign. And when he defeated Onaga he had the Kamidogu.

There is nothing wrong with innovation, I welcome it if they were actually trying to innovative when it came to the story. They were in mk9, but in this story? Way too many plothooes and inconsistencies even for a MK game. It's not even nit picks, they bombed this story. This could have easily been one of the best mk stories ever.

As someone already said, they can establish new powerful characters without turning everyone else into chumps. Cassie and Johhnny being strong from green energy is cool, but THAT strong?! What is the point in making god characters if anyone that is mad enough can have some bs powerboost and beat them? Shinnok absorbed the power of an entire realm, that kinda power should have had the kamidogu or elder gods involved. @Tigrar, I love it when people say they're not being misogynistic while proceeding to say something obviously misogynisc. They are TWO female producers? What a overwealming whooping number. I'm pretty sure they just dominated the rest of the team and made them all bend to their will. -_- please go to gamefaqs with that.
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04/19/2015 06:05 PM (UTC)
Here are some of the issues I had with Story Mode:

- Rayden can save Johnny Cage from being turned into a revenant but yet somehow couldn't try to do the same for Kung Lao, Sindel, etc... Couldn't they have saved Quan Chi's head and tried to figure it out?

- Where was Jade? I saw her in Kitana's ending but how did she escape from Quan Chi's grasp?

- With the part with Sub-Zero and Scorpion making peace between their clans, I wished Scorpion would've just flat out told Kuai his brother was not a good person as he killed him without mercy. It would make Sub-Zero realize to be his own person and not look up to his brother.

- Kung Lao, Liu Kang and Kitana are only "what if they survived MK 9" in the arcade mode, that sucked.

- Kotal Kahn seemed to just be the same old like Shao Khan in regards to conquering, you would've thought he would have tried to free the realms Shao Khan took over including his own. The comic seemed to have made him more pragmatic and not war mongering.

Those were pretty much my issues with Story Mode, it seemed shorter than Injustice.
04/20/2015 06:48 AM (UTC)
ICEman Wrote:
Yeah, you guys are right. In "the world of MK", only Liu Kang, Raiden and Shujinko can ever beat a boss. We should never have any innovation or change ever. How dare they try to establish a new character?!

Liu Kang should have continued being the unbeatable champion of MK, preferably being more boring than ever! That would make the best story mode, for sure.

Also, given that the majority of discussion on MK boards is all about "More females! Who's the hottest? ___ is my Queen / Waifu, I can't believe ___ isn't in!", Cassie sure seems to be getting a lot of hate for featuring prominently... What's the matter, her tits aren't hanging out enough for you to take her seriously?

Innovation and change lead to the abomination that was the Michael Bay transformers movies
They are trying to appeal to a wider audience because they know the hardcore fans will buy the game regardless. What pisses me off, is that it is the hardcore fans that got them to this point, now that it is commercialised, whose cares about the nerds.
If Sonya had beat Shinnok, no problems. A hard veteran who had so much experience with sorcerers.
Getting a teenie bopper to do it is an I insult to Shinnok and MK lore. It kinda means anyone could beat him, it just depends on who was there at that time. Cause if you guys are saying Scorpion and Sub-zero is less powerful than Cassie, we are wasting our lives!
04/20/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
TigrarShokan Wrote:
ICEman Wrote:
Yeah, you guys are right. In "the world of MK", only Liu Kang, Raiden and Shujinko can ever beat a boss. We should never have any innovation or change ever. How dare they try to establish a new character?!

Liu Kang should have continued being the unbeatable champion of MK, preferably being more boring than ever! That would make the best story mode, for sure.

Also, given that the majority of discussion on MK boards is all about "More females! Who's the hottest? ___ is my Queen / Waifu, I can't believe ___ isn't in!", Cassie sure seems to be getting a lot of hate for featuring prominently... What's the matter, her tits aren't hanging out enough for you to take her seriously?

Innovation and change lead to the abomination that was the Michael Bay transformers movies
They are trying to appeal to a wider audience because they know the hardcore fans will buy the game regardless. What pisses me off, is that it is the hardcore fans that got them to this point, now that it is commercialised, whose cares about the nerds.
If Sonya had beat Shinnok, no problems. A hard veteran who had so much experience with sorcerers.
Getting a teenie bopper to do it is an I insult to Shinnok and MK lore. It kinda means anyone could beat him, it just depends on who was there at that time. Cause if you guys are saying Scorpion and Sub-zero is less powerful than Cassie, we are wasting our lives!

People keep are saying Cassie is teenager just how old is she? I thought Cassie was at least 25 years old.
04/20/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
I think she and Takeda are 23, cause Chapter 1 is 2 years after MK9, and that's when Johnny and Sonya fall in love.
04/20/2015 05:20 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
I think she and Takeda are 23, cause Chapter 1 is 2 years after MK9, and that's when Johnny and Sonya fall in love.

Oh ok, I'm still trying to do the math lol
04/21/2015 12:37 AM (UTC)
04/21/2015 12:48 AM (UTC)
"Cause if you guys are saying Scorpion and Sub-zero is less powerful than Cassie, we are wasting our lives!"

Well it seems that they are. New guys are way more powerful than all the veterans, Jacquie can beat the Emperor of the Outworld and all of hes bodyguards (including Ermac) in order without breaking a sweat. I wonder how you didn't get used to this kind of BS, we got that with Stryker in MK9 and it's here to stay (unfortunately).

Now, when I said what I like about story mode in my thread (practically just the fact that Shinnok is a main bad guy), let me just express what I didn't like:

- Extremely rushed feeling all over, increasing rapidly to the end

- Skipping over the scenes that would be a bit more expensive to make : like the carnage that demon army is doing to human population, panic all over the world, governments and army being helpless... That is precisely why are we shown only the end of the first Netherrealm attack, so the could just seal Shinnok, and move over to low level stuff with Outworld and kids training... At the end they even wrote their way in to not releasing army at all. Lame...

- Liu Kang doing nothing and posing no treat AT ALL. When I saw him in Shinnok's service i thought : Damn, this guy will make a lot of fuss. He should be Shinnok's ultimate weapon and wreck the good guys badly, before defeated after a long fight by Raiden or even better Cassie (yes, Cassie, because that would help a lot toward building image of great next champion, and what's the better way to do that than defeating the old corrupted one...). He should be the penultimate fight in story mode instead D'vorah.

- Wounded Takeda and Jacquie holding back Liu, Kung lao and Kitana at the SAME time. I can't even.... What was going thought their heads when they made that one...

- Kotal did disappoint me but I actually understand their reasoning there. They need to keep at least a bit of the tension between two realms if the story is going where were hoping that it goes. If it all finished with friendships and flowers it would feel more contrived for Raiden to find allies for eventual attack on Outworld. Also Kotal always striked me like someone who cares only for protection of his own people/realm, not much for the others.

- Not making that green energy boost more believable. As I wrote in other thread I'm looking at that as energy of uncorrupted part of Jinsei uniting with that one who is selflessly sacrificing in it's proximity and increasing Cassie's powers to godlike levels. I'm really reaching now, and it's cheesy, but some kind of explanation like that would greatly help making that situation actually plausible.

But I also have to defend some decisions:
Choosing Cassie as hero is OK with me, and we did see her build up, but ,yes,not nearly enough of it. She is presented like someone who trained hard and has humongous potential and strength but suffers a bit from complexes and is essentially inexperienced. Therefore Tanya was able to surprise her and take her down, although Cassie would wipe the floor with her without much effort in the straight fight.

You do notice that she's not cocky at all during the story mode, unlike what her battle intros show, but is actually very insecure. But she learns from every defeat and in the last chapter she finally unlocks her real self and at he end becomes brash, confident champion of the Mortal Kombat, that she seams to be during her intros.
I get that this is the message that they were trying to emit, but they didn't do a very good job about it. Story was lacking a bit more chapters to actually accomplish that.

About comic and Havik, Reiko and Blood God, because many are disappointed that they didn't show up. I wasn't, here's why :

As many have already mentioned, Shawn Kittelsen himself confirmed that script for the game was over before he even begin writing the comic and that he was holding it "as a Bible" when writing story for the comic. And he did a great job writing a separate but still engaging story. I don't think that it's much better than the one in game itself (aside from characterizations), it started to drag a bit, but I'm still curious what will happen. And this way we can keep getting our MK fix and stay interested for a long time.

While I like Reiko, the way hes presented in comic, I would be very let down if he were the last boss (Blood God or not) . As i said liked him, even in MK4. He was mysterious and cool looking. But the instead of thinking something cool for him developers turned him into pathetic Shao Kahn impersonator, a running joke without anything of his own, and that is the incarnation that I loathe with a burning passion and that they seem to refuse to let go.
If NRS can think something original for him and revamp him in some way that doesn't include Shao Kahn AT ALL (there is only one guy who's allowed to wear that suit . ), and with personality from comics, than I'm all for his inclusion in future games (as regular fighter, not a boss). Otherwise, put him to the axe.

Havik is one of the rare 3D characters that i think that is completely successful, although the game he debuted it wasn't that good (It wasn't bad ether, just gameplay in 3D ones didn't feel like MK to me). I'm glad that he's getting more fans now, and I hope that he survives the comic to return in MK11 ( I wouldn't mind if he becomes DLC for this one, but chances for something like that are pretty low.). He would be awesome addition to roster and I would like him to hang around longer, not to turn in to some Blood God boss and be destroyed in one game.

As i said, I'm glad that there weren't too big surprises in this game, but instead, some things that I waited a long time to see. Now we have closed that chapter, it's time for story to move us in to unpredictable places as it promises. Hyped for the next one.
04/21/2015 12:50 AM (UTC)
TigrarShokan Wrote:
think about what we have seen since the last MK game, the bodies of the females had to protrayed as more realistic.

That's just putting good character design before sex appeal. The character design in MKX is far improved over MK9, and having military characters dress like military instead of cosplaying porn stars is just a result of that.

TigrarShokan Wrote:
Did we see any men without six packs?

Shinnok, Bo' Rai Cho, Ermac, Reptile. Equating six pack abs (aka being fit, as fighters would be) to "LOOK AT MY CLEAVAGE" costume design has never really been a good argument anyway.
04/21/2015 01:11 AM (UTC)
The story does a piss poor job of showing us whom is stronger then whom, as a person on this board once said, i guess anyone can beat anyone, depending on the interlining situation.

Whose ever chapter you play is the star attraction.
04/21/2015 01:24 AM (UTC)
Random observation my friend made, that I find myself agreeing with.

Kitana probably has the worst luck of any MK fighter, largely because it seems like every game has her stripped entirely of free will or agency.

She was duped by Shao Kahn into being evil in MK2, killed then enslaved by Onaga in Deadly Alliance and Deception, killed in Armageddon, mind controlled in Shaolin Monks, mind controlled and possessed in MK vs. DCU, killed and enslaved in MK9, then enslaved for the majority of MKX while remaining tainted and evil by the end.

Of all her appearances, only MK3 and MK4 have her going the entire game without her free will sapped from her at some point or forced into subservience.

It's a tad awkward when the Mortal Kombat cartoon version of her was a stronger, more self-determining character than her video game counterpart, rather than being the victim of fate practically every single game.

Well, at least she's not alone in it this time. Misery enjoys company, I guess.
04/21/2015 01:28 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Random observation my friend made, that I find myself agreeing with.

Kitana probably has the worst luck of any MK fighter, largely because it seems like every game has her stripped entirely of free will or agency.

She was duped by Shao Kahn into being evil in MK2, killed then enslaved by Onaga in Deadly Alliance and Deception, killed in Armageddon, mind controlled in Shaolin Monks, mind controlled and possessed in MK vs. DCU, killed and enslaved in MK9, then enslaved for the majority of MKX while remaining tainted and evil by the end.

Of all her appearances, only MK3 and MK4 have her going the entire game without her free will sapped from her at some point or forced into subservience.

It's a tad awkward when the Mortal Kombat cartoon version of her was a stronger, more self-determining character than her video game counterpart, rather than being the victim of fate practically every single game.

Well, at least she's not alone in it this time. Misery enjoys company, I guess.

Well that was depressing to read.. Poor Kitty
04/21/2015 03:50 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Random observation my friend made, that I find myself agreeing with.

Kitana probably has the worst luck of any MK fighter, largely because it seems like every game has her stripped entirely of free will or agency.

She was duped by Shao Kahn into being evil in MK2, killed then enslaved by Onaga in Deadly Alliance and Deception, killed in Armageddon, mind controlled in Shaolin Monks, mind controlled and possessed in MK vs. DCU, killed and enslaved in MK9, then enslaved for the majority of MKX while remaining tainted and evil by the end.

Of all her appearances, only MK3 and MK4 have her going the entire game without her free will sapped from her at some point or forced into subservience.

It's a tad awkward when the Mortal Kombat cartoon version of her was a stronger, more self-determining character than her video game counterpart, rather than being the victim of fate practically every single game.

Well, at least she's not alone in it this time. Misery enjoys company, I guess.

sad sad
04/21/2015 04:14 AM (UTC)
I felt that the great story setup that took place at the end of MK9 was wasted here.

They should have left the dead characters as dead or at least give them a break from the storyline. The group of brat kids that took the place of other established characters was a complete waste, especially with Cassie and Jacqui who are so close to their parents powers that they are wasted slots.

One of the more interesting plot points with Kotal Kahn was not really explored and since it was rushed with a pretty bad setup, the character came off as weak.

Also the storyline took place within the stages of the game for the most part, which made the scope seem rather limited.

I would put MKX in the same class as Deadly Alliance and Armageddon for storylines I disliked.
04/21/2015 05:04 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Random observation my friend made, that I find myself agreeing with.

Kitana probably has the worst luck of any MK fighter, largely because it seems like every game has her stripped entirely of free will or agency.

She was duped by Shao Kahn into being evil in MK2, killed then enslaved by Onaga in Deadly Alliance and Deception, killed in Armageddon, mind controlled in Shaolin Monks, mind controlled and possessed in MK vs. DCU, killed and enslaved in MK9, then enslaved for the majority of MKX while remaining tainted and evil by the end.

Of all her appearances, only MK3 and MK4 have her going the entire game without her free will sapped from her at some point or forced into subservience.

It's a tad awkward when the Mortal Kombat cartoon version of her was a stronger, more self-determining character than her video game counterpart, rather than being the victim of fate practically every single game.

Well, at least she's not alone in it this time. Misery enjoys company, I guess.

Wow poor Kitana.
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04/21/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
Shinnok has been shit on just as much.

Given a fake amulet in mkmsz
Pallet swap moves in mk4
Getting his ass kicked by Li Mei in mka.
Getting beat by Cassie in demon form.

Yea I'd say shinnok has been pretty much a "bitch" in every game he's appeared. Truth be told, if I had created shinnok he'd of been just as popular as Quan Chi has recently become in games. Yes it frustrates me. I hope one day NRS will take him serious.

On the plus side his specials, moves and updated look has gotten better every game so I am thankful for that. Nrs did incredible with him this game character design wise. Very happy how he looks. Hoping he gets his classic outfits for dlc!
04/21/2015 04:23 PM (UTC)

Getting his ass kicked by Li Mei in mka.

That's actually not true, that Li Mei was just illusion created by Shinnok himself to fool Taven, same as all the opponents in his spire.

And if I were making MKX I wold finish it by Sub Zero and Scorpion, holding powers of two destroyed Elder Gods, tag teaming and defeating Shinnok once for all.

Those 2 seriously need to do accomplish something really big in at least one game.
04/21/2015 05:08 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
TigrarShokan Wrote:
think about what we have seen since the last MK game, the bodies of the females had to protrayed as more realistic.

That's just putting good character design before sex appeal. The character design in MKX is far improved over MK9, and having military characters dress like military instead of cosplaying porn stars is just a result of that.

TigrarShokan Wrote:
Did we see any men without six packs?

Shinnok, Bo' Rai Cho, Ermac, Reptile. Equating six pack abs (aka being fit, as fighters would be) to "LOOK AT MY CLEAVAGE" costume design has never really been a good argument anyway.

Bo'Rai Cho is the only who is not fit, and yes women crave abs just as men crave boobs. Most MMA fighters are not ripped like MK males, so we should have a true portrayal of them to. They all seem to be 6 ft too, why aren't there any dudes shorter than the girls?

Also, just saw Cassies arcade ending,hopefully it is not canon in any way. Can't have killing a character that is more original than her
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