05/06/2015 12:14 AM (UTC)
My comment------------0

Your head:---------------0

Missed it by a landslide. You knew what I meant when I talking about you speaking smartass.
skona0 Wrote:
My comment------------0

Your head:---------------0

Missed it by a landslide.
You knew what I meant when I talking about you speaking smartass.

Or maybe you just---------------ASSUME I knew.
See how easy it is to come with assumptions?
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

05/06/2015 01:15 AM (UTC)
Skona dont bother dude, i wrote out a well written complete thought about the trilogy characters, and the new characters, including kung jin and giggles responds with a stupid ass meme.. he or she cannot debate worth a fuck, idc if someone disagrees with me, most probably will, but I'll at least take the effort to explain my thoughts and reasonings articulatly, not just speww biased garbage because its the easy, favorable side of this argument. Long story short, he or she is a dipshit!grinwow
Thanks for the compliment b-rad007. The feeling is mutual.

Well I felt like I can convey everything I needed to say in regards to your "reasonings" into that stupid ass meme.

What else could I have said when MK is obviously so masculine that it's only meant to be played by straight males. I mean robots and ninjas and "bug chicks"...I feel like my testosterone level has gone up just by typing those words. I should stop before I get a beard!!!
Gays are not manly enough for it! And girls...naaaah, that's just ridiculous!

I would post that meme again, not even sorry.
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

05/06/2015 01:55 AM (UTC)
Flawless victory. game over.. please show me where I said mk is only meant to be played by straight males, please. You couldn't have proven my point any better, by trying to put words in my mouth. I clearly said that it is a masculine driven series, and gave you several reasons why I came to that conclusion. I agree with the poster that said that politics or political issues do not belong in video games. they are an escape from reality, and they need to stay that way. I love this country because everyone has the right to express their opinions, too bad some cant convey their thoughts together any better then a Neanderthal (giggles) wink
"you like it or not MK has always been masculine driven, think about the trilogy era characters, you have elemental ninjas, a movie star, robots, special forces operatives, and female assassins with absolutely minimal clothing"

That was my dramatic interpretation of this. (or was it translation?)
And shirtless guys showing their muscles? I mean that's what others were throwing in arguments about sexualizing females. "Guys were sexualized too!"

Oh and by the way, it's really lovely that you love your country...too bad it doesn't show in your grammar (both of you)
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

05/06/2015 02:34 AM (UTC)
Bro i just put out the facts, its up to you if you want to accept it. The fact is just that, its a masculine driven franchise. It's certainly been toned down in mkx from the female attires, which were in desperate need of revamping, and kung jin's " proclivities " as liu kang said in their intro Lol. But your right i suppose by some of the males being "sexualized" but at the same time no. The day a male mk kombatant comes to fight dressed like hes in a body building contest with a mankini then yeah that would be the case. But look at kickboxing, muay thai, boxing or MMA, they fight without shirts. But i guess it's all about perspective,like most things in life.
I'm not saying it was not, heck they didn't even wanted a female character on MK1's roster in the first place. But it came a long way, it expanded...its "target" expanded as well.

I just don't understand why it's bothering you to that much that you had to mention it as a downside to MKX's story, vs the comics.(topic of this thread)
Blink once and you miss it. Heck if you're even slightly slower or unfocused you miss the reference altogether.
Pandering or not.

But whatever....a matter of perspective this also shall remain.
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

05/06/2015 03:11 AM (UTC)
like i said earlier it ccertainly didn't ruin the story for me, i just felt like it was totally unnecessary. one of my buddies i train with is a pretty big mk fan but doesn't have a ps4 or xbone, when i told him they put a gay character in MK he could not believe it, even though i explained there are only two small mentions of it anf like you said, blink and you'll probably miss it. But he clearly thought it was just not needed . Same for my brother,but he was blunt about it, to quote my brother "thats dumb as fuck "
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05/06/2015 05:56 AM (UTC)
I thought the game story was a letdown, but if Kung Jin being gay bothered you that is pretty sad.
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