Comic story vs. game story
posted05/06/2015 05:56 AM (UTC)by
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

Member Since
05/02/2015 02:03 AM (UTC)
Let's begin a discussion on which story is better. i know the comic takes place in the middle of the games story, but it is drastically different. As far as the actual events that take place the game story is better, but the way its told is shitty. Heres what I mean. The story of Shinnok breaking free annd waging war against all of existance is muuuuch better than reiko and haviks shit. But the comics are better written.i also love how they expanded on johnnys mk9 ending with his OP green energy power, however I hate how they cheese the plot by giving cassie the same thing.& dont get me started on their pandering to a certain demographic that just has to be represented in everything, even when it doesnt belong just because its 2015 (cough Kung Jin cough) i guess people were expecting some borderline retarded plot points to occur like noob or reiko being the boss... that's why some posters butts were so hurt i guess.. Your thoughts? grin
05/03/2015 09:35 PM (UTC)
Comic story wins!
Flawless Victory sleep
About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

05/03/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
The actual presentation of the story absolutely. But as far as the plot points the game story is more eventful.. too bad it wasn't executed as well as the comic storyglasses
05/04/2015 12:26 AM (UTC)
the game should have been the comic.....

the game story sucks, so many things about the actual game suck....

it would have been far more interesting to play the comix story.

you could have had a shirai ryu stage, forrest fox should have been a character....

you could have had a frozen city stage where sub an scorp face off...

ahhh mkx to me was just such a wasted much potential wasted.....just to cater to neck bearded tourney players....
05/04/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
the game should have been the comic.....

the game story sucks, so many things about the actual game suck....

it would have been far more interesting to play the comix story.

you could have had a shirai ryu stage, forrest fox should have been a character....

you could have had a frozen city stage where sub an scorp face off...

ahhh mkx to me was just such a wasted much potential wasted.....just to cater to neck bearded tourney players....

And what so many things about the game that sucks? The only thing you said that sucks is the roster and the story. Just a few weeks ago you said the gameplay is amazing so now the whole game sucks altogether? But you still played it though whether it sucks or not
Ugh, same old same..

So how did a subtle,suggestive, hint at Kung Jin's sexuality damaged the story for you in any way? And how exactly it doesn't "belong"?

05/04/2015 02:32 AM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
the game should have been the comic.....

the game story sucks, so many things about the actual game suck....

it would have been far more interesting to play the comix story.

you could have had a shirai ryu stage, forrest fox should have been a character....

you could have had a frozen city stage where sub an scorp face off...

ahhh mkx to me was just such a wasted much potential wasted.....just to cater to neck bearded tourney players....

I get that it's your opinion, but you are wrong on so many levels.

The comic is a side story. It has the potential to develop into the next game's plot.

You're complaining about a generic ninja that had NO story significance not being a playable character.

Whining about a stage? You're running out of ideas here, aren't you?

Catering to tournament players? They're actually trying their best to please the fan-base, something that is virtually impossible to do, especially considering you are one of them!

If you hate the game so much, go stick your ignorant face in the comics and stay there! And while you're at it, try playing a fighting game you actually like.

About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

05/04/2015 03:30 AM (UTC)
It doesn't ruin the story , but it was an UNNECESSARY plot point.. whether you like it or not MK has always been masculine driven, think about the trilogy era characters, you have elemental ninjas, a movie star, robots, special forces operatives, and female assassins with absolutely minimal clothing.. now our new timeline characters we have an aztec like warrior/god that cuts out peoples hearts, an assassin from earthrealm that lives in outworld doing things, a crazy bug chick, some SF offspring characters, another offspring character who was basically raised and trained by a certified BAMF, and a shaolin who is related to another popular character.. it should have been left at that, not making him a semi-closeted homo.. totally unnecessary, just them pandering to a whiny demographic that has to be a part of everything and anything or it's discrimination.. you cant honestly say it was necessary to the story of MK X it was what it was, pandering.
05/04/2015 04:19 AM (UTC)
Now that I'm done laughing at the suggestion that Forrest Fox should've been playable, I can say the comic wins by default.

It's not very good overall, but the story mode is reprehensible.

b-rad007 Wrote:
a shaolin who is related to another popular character.. it should have been left at that, not making him a semi-closeted homo.. totally unnecessary, just them pandering to a whiny demographic that has to be a part of everything and anything or it's discrimination.. you cant honestly say it was necessary to the story of MK X it was what it was, pandering.

No, it certainly was not. It's called getting with the times. It had no impact on the character's role in the game, nor did NRS ever explicitly say he was gay. The fans weeded that out themselves.
If you think the way Kung Jin was handled in the game amounted to pandering, then you're stuck in the Dark Ages, if your flippant use of "homo" didn't suggest that already.
Neither of them are that great, the comic just has the POTENTIAL to be much better and flesh things out.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

05/04/2015 05:10 AM (UTC)
Ah, nothing better than an inflammatory topic by troll new member with rage issues.

And before everyone gets on me for making a statement like that - I'm one of the longest standing members of (back when it was just crappy forum in 1998) - just forgot my original user name.
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05/04/2015 10:39 AM (UTC)
We all think homos should just seek help and snap out of it, right?
Or are you so filled with American feminist and gay trash that you've lost the meaning of life?
90% less homos in Iran for every million citizens. Hoe do you explain that? American feminism, that's what it is.
05/04/2015 10:51 AM (UTC)
I like the game's story......but I like the comic too. I would have watched the comic fights and interactions in the game. Would've been amazing. It's a shame they haven't included King Gorbak, Reiko, Havik, the game.

I only don't like the game story ending. Raiden corrupted? We have already had a Dark Raiden...what makes sense to have him again? I would have rather expected Havik to appear at the very end of the game, refering to the next game's main boss....whatever. Both parts rock. But I think the comics ends up with killing every comic character like Havik and Reiko and just going ahead to the game's story.
About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

05/04/2015 10:59 AM (UTC)
lol no rage at all mate.. just stating my own opinion, because i disagree with you im stuck in the dark age that's fine, your entitled to your shitty opinion just like everyone else glasses.. My point was it was simply unnecessary. that's all, it should have been left at him being kung laos cousin who wasn't accepted by the white lotus society because he was a theif, not because he was a theif and oh btw he likes dicks on the reg.. '__' really? I dont hate KJ because hes gay, i hate him for his BS bojutsu variant, 50% combos using 1 meter , gtfo with all that noise l o l
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05/04/2015 01:08 PM (UTC)
The games story was so bad Ive actually stopped reading the comic because of it. I was big defender of the game up untill release but now my opinion has changed. The game feels incomplete.
b-rad007 Wrote:
It doesn't ruin the story , but it was an UNNECESSARY plot point.. whether you like it or not MK has always been masculine driven, think about the trilogy era characters, you have elemental ninjas, a movie star, robots, special forces operatives, and female assassins with absolutely minimal clothing.. now our new timeline characters we have an aztec like warrior/god that cuts out peoples hearts, an assassin from earthrealm that lives in outworld doing things, a crazy bug chick, some SF offspring characters, another offspring character who was basically raised and trained by a certified BAMF, and a shaolin who is related to another popular character.. it should have been left at that, not making him a semi-closeted homo.. totally unnecessary, just them pandering to a whiny demographic that has to be a part of everything and anything or it's discrimination.. you cant honestly say it was necessary to the story of MK X it was what it was, pandering.


About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

05/05/2015 01:48 AM (UTC)
Ahhh, i love the sound of liberals crying in the morning, starts a day off right. But a typical response from someone who has nothing to say because you know I'm right, it wasn't necessarily wrong to have him be gay I guess, but it was unnecessary ADMIT IT confusedconfused
b-rad007 Wrote:
Ahhh, i love the sound of liberals crying in the morning, starts a day off right. But a typical response from someone who has nothing to say because you know I'm right, it wasn't necessarily wrong to have him be gay I guess, but it was unnecessary ADMIT IT confusedconfused

Coffee does that for me...but whatever floats your boat I guess.
There was a lot I could've said, but then I remembered that wasting time on BS leads no where (and your post was full of it) It's not like whatever I'd say would make your head come out of your ass seems stuck there.

It's neither necessary or unnecessary, it just is. You're making it a bigger deal than it actually way bigger. ADMIIIIIT IT!!!
About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

05/05/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
It's neither necessary or unnecessary, it just is.. lol really? Your so biased it doesn't matter how many points I make about how a gay character doesn't fit in the theme of the MK universe, but I'm unbiased enough to say it doesn't ruin the game at all, but it was fucking dumb /thread
05/05/2015 10:44 PM (UTC)
I happened to be a transgender even I can see it was pandering. It added nothing to value to the story and the only one seems to be flipping their shit is you. You could of had a civil discussion with him but instead you resorted to mudslinging tactics and insults. Quit while you're at it with your transparent bullshit. Also never use me or an LGBT person to deflect criticism. I'm not your shield nor is anybody else. This site has been going to shit since people have been dragging politics in a video game of all things. I'm love this site to death and it's really sad what it has become. Garlador was an awesome user here and I always look forward to his posts. sad Edit I'm was referring to giggles when making this post. Sorry about the confusion guys. Have a great day everyone =^.^=!
05/05/2015 11:08 PM (UTC)
Also with rise with politics in gaming, developers are self-censoring more then ever before because of crazy radicals. I mean, just this weekend somebody threaten to bomb DC because of a civil gamergate meetup this weekend. I wish more developers had a spine and stand up against this censorship brigade. I feel netherream studios may have became victim of self censoring as well. Before somebody calls me a sexist or whatever stupid tumblr buzzword. Why would I want to be a girl and yet hate them? Last time I checked people didn't spent thosands of dollars to become something they hate, so throw that shit out the window while you're at it. I'm find it amusing how many puritans are so offended at something as beautiful as the human body, whether male or female. People really need to stop with the of I don't like it, nobody should mentality. It's really narcissistic to believe your voice is of value then anybody else's and you don't speak for everyone. Let people speak for themselves for once.
b-rad007 Wrote:
It's neither necessary or unnecessary, it just is.. lol really? Your so biased it doesn't matter how many points I make about how a gay character doesn't fit in the theme of the MK universe, but I'm unbiased enough to say it doesn't ruin the game at all, but it was fucking dumb /thread

You: "I'm unbiased enough to say it doesn't ruin the game at all"
Me: Well I'm unbiased enough to say it it doesn't make the game better either.
Conclusion: It just fucking IS.
I think it doesn't fit your idea of what MK is or should be.

@skona0 When was I using you or any other LGBT person to "deflect" anything? It's the first time I stumble across your username...what are you even talking about?
Well, Reiko may escape a good Jasoning for now...

Nowhere to run Millie...

05/05/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
Again giggles with the assumptions because somebody has an opinion that doesn't align with your's........ He isn't homophobic and he's calling for what it is. Please move on your making an ass out of yourself more then the first time you opened your mouth. You don't speak for me so get off your high horse.

Ok first of all skona0 ...I don't speak for YOU, I speak for myself! My opinions are mine alone, isn't that how it works? Expressing freely? Or it just works for some?
I don't even know where you're coming from wow "Speaking for you"...well, your horse appears to be higher than mine. It's not all about you.

Btw, my mouth was closed all this time...I don't type with it opened. Who does that?!?
Now, please stop trying to be my "shield" as I haven't asked for one. If I make an ass out of myself it's my problem. Thank you.
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