Classic Sub-Zero(older brother) in MK7
Mortal Kombat X
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Classic Sub-Zero(older brother) in MK7
posted05/18/2005 05:43 PM (UTC)by
I would love to have him in MK7 with his own fighting styles, weapon, and moves. He should also have a revamped look similar to his MK1 costome except with alot more creativity.
When I say have him in it, I mean play as him. I honestly wouldnt care if he had no storyline or ending. I just feel that having him in it will make the game more fun.
Ideas for his moves:
Ground freeze:
He quickly freezes the ground in a curved like shape, sort of like an incomplete U with out the stims. He will be positioned on the inner side of the ice. It will not melt for 6 or 7 seconds and if the opponent steps on it they will begin to slip, making themself vulnerable to attacks.
Freeze ball:
Sigiture move!
Ninja Slide:
Extremely quick and can only be blocked by ducking and blocking. When he does this a line of ice is made exactly the way his younger brother's shoulder charge looks.
Sliding Round House:
He quickly does a dashing round house. While he slides forward he will be motioning quickly to a roundhouse that looks similar to the last kick in his kicking combo on UMK3/MKT. Again he has a line of ice trailing him.
Ideas for Fatalities:
Spinal Cord Rip:
Its Classic! Basically he grabs the opponent's neck with one hand, chokes them for a sec or 2, and rips out his head and spinal chord.
Brain Freeze:
He puts his hands on each cheek of his opponents head, then concentrates his kori powers on their head until it freezes up deeply, then he lets the opponent's head go and he steps aside as the opponent falls forward face first to the ground. The head shatters completely in a bluddy and icy mess.
Update> This is sort of how the Brain Freeze Fatality should look like. Thx Jim for making this for me
When I say have him in it, I mean play as him. I honestly wouldnt care if he had no storyline or ending. I just feel that having him in it will make the game more fun.
Ideas for his moves:
Ground freeze:
He quickly freezes the ground in a curved like shape, sort of like an incomplete U with out the stims. He will be positioned on the inner side of the ice. It will not melt for 6 or 7 seconds and if the opponent steps on it they will begin to slip, making themself vulnerable to attacks.
Freeze ball:
Sigiture move!
Ninja Slide:
Extremely quick and can only be blocked by ducking and blocking. When he does this a line of ice is made exactly the way his younger brother's shoulder charge looks.
Sliding Round House:
He quickly does a dashing round house. While he slides forward he will be motioning quickly to a roundhouse that looks similar to the last kick in his kicking combo on UMK3/MKT. Again he has a line of ice trailing him.
Ideas for Fatalities:
Spinal Cord Rip:
Its Classic! Basically he grabs the opponent's neck with one hand, chokes them for a sec or 2, and rips out his head and spinal chord.
Brain Freeze:
He puts his hands on each cheek of his opponents head, then concentrates his kori powers on their head until it freezes up deeply, then he lets the opponent's head go and he steps aside as the opponent falls forward face first to the ground. The head shatters completely in a bluddy and icy mess.
Update> This is sort of how the Brain Freeze Fatality should look like. Thx Jim for making this for me

Noob Saibot is the elder Sub-Zero.

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I could see maybe as a bonus costume for Noob, he has classic sub-zero outfit...that would be fine.
But like you also suggested, classic sub-zero thrown in as bonus character only available in versus mode or something like that would be great.
But like you also suggested, classic sub-zero thrown in as bonus character only available in versus mode or something like that would be great.
An alternative costume for Noob Saibot in his classic Sub-Zero outfit would be killer and a real treat to veteran fans of Mortal Kombat.
Although, having Sub-Zero as his own character would be a waste of space IMO, there is room for only one Sub-Zero and that is the younger one. His story is so far developed that I consider him the real Sub-Zero. Noob Saibot is a bad ass and having him as the classic Sub-Zero was such a good plot twist and adds so much to his story. But keep him as the Wraith he is.
Although, having Sub-Zero as his own character would be a waste of space IMO, there is room for only one Sub-Zero and that is the younger one. His story is so far developed that I consider him the real Sub-Zero. Noob Saibot is a bad ass and having him as the classic Sub-Zero was such a good plot twist and adds so much to his story. But keep him as the Wraith he is.
Grizzle Wrote:
An alternative costume for Noob Saibot in his classic Sub-Zero outfit would be killer and a real treat to veteran fans of Mortal Kombat.
Although, having Sub-Zero as his own character would be a waste of space IMO, there is room for only one Sub-Zero and that is the younger one. His story is so far developed that I consider him the real Sub-Zero. Noob Saibot is a bad ass and having him as the classic Sub-Zero was such a good plot twist and adds so much to his story. But keep him as the Wraith he is.
An alternative costume for Noob Saibot in his classic Sub-Zero outfit would be killer and a real treat to veteran fans of Mortal Kombat.
Although, having Sub-Zero as his own character would be a waste of space IMO, there is room for only one Sub-Zero and that is the younger one. His story is so far developed that I consider him the real Sub-Zero. Noob Saibot is a bad ass and having him as the classic Sub-Zero was such a good plot twist and adds so much to his story. But keep him as the Wraith he is.
I definetly agree with you on keeping him as the wraith he is. All I want is to have Both: Sub-Zero(his pre-wraith self) not real in the story but still playable and Noob-Saibot(current-wraith self) real in the story and playable as well. Kinda like Smoke on MKT where only robot Smoke was real and human Smoke wasnt because it was before he was turned into a robot.

nice picture i like it
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