Classic characters for MK8
posted07/24/2007 07:32 PM (UTC)by
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

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03/23/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
Now I know that there is a lot of talk about what should and what shouldn't be in the next MK, but I want to emphasize one thing. If any of the classics come back (I personally would like to see them all) PLEASE GIVE HIM/HER
EVERY SPECIAL MOVE THEY EVER HAD. It pissed me off when I got MKA and Shang Tsung couldn't change into different characters( but he could in MKSM even though he wasn't playable in vs mode now what's the deal with that?) Anyway, it also pissed me off because Cyrax didn't have his green net, I mean isn't that what he's known for and what made him stand out from the other cyber ninjas in the first place? Common he even did it in Mortal Kombat Annihialation. I could probably come up with more, but tell me what you think. Do you agree? Am I wasting your time by clicking here to see what I have to say? We'll if you can come up with any other examples please post them. wink
03/29/2007 08:26 PM (UTC)
Only Sub-Zero, Kenshi, Li Mei, Raiden, Fujin, and Scorpion should have any chance of being in the game, IMO.
03/29/2007 10:27 PM (UTC)
No classic characters. Just Scorpion and Sub-zero, and that's it. Period.
03/29/2007 10:49 PM (UTC)
As far as returning old the end of the long as Sareena makes it, I'm happy.
Fuck Scorpion and Sub-Zero.tongue

But as for the actual question asked in the first post....sure. Whoever returns, I'd like them to have all their special moves as well as some new ones. Why not?
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When you understand why you dismiss all others Gods you will understand why I dismiss yours

03/31/2007 05:41 AM (UTC)
Last I heard Scorp and Sub are in. Personally I could live without any of the 60+ old characters
03/31/2007 06:21 PM (UTC)
reptile should returen or at least make a different version of reptile
03/31/2007 07:13 PM (UTC)
burger Wrote:
reptile should returen or at least make a different version of reptile

Tiamat FTW.
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03/31/2007 08:58 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
burger Wrote:
reptile should returen or at least make a different version of reptile

Tiamat FTW.

could be a distant relative or sumthin.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/01/2007 07:55 PM (UTC)
Skarletchameleonmeat Wrote:
Last I heard Scorp and Sub are in. Personally I could live without any of the 60+ old characters

Ok I know I didn't make myself clear, so let me clear things up a bit. In my opinion all of the characters from MK1 to the MK3 series are classics, while the rest of them from MK4 and on had characters that I accepted and others that I felt didn't fit the MK universe, so if any of THESE(MK1-MK3 series) classics return for the next game, I would like to see every special move that they ever had along with some new ones as well. A very good example for this as I mentioned before is Cyrax's green net or Shang Tsung's ability to change into other fighters. Sorrry if my thread wasn't clear enough.
04/02/2007 03:05 PM (UTC)
Well, Sub-Zero, Kenshi, Jade and Fujin should return but more on Subby and Kenshi.
05/28/2007 06:45 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
No classic characters. Just Scorpion and Sub-zero, and that's it. Period.

actually just Sub- zero, because hes been in all, every single MK game, even the ones without Scorpiangrin
05/29/2007 01:56 AM (UTC)
Skarletchameleonmeat Wrote:
Last I heard Scorp and Sub are in. Personally I could live without any of the 60+ old characters

do you have proof of this?

seriously no one has been confirmed, therefore nobdoy is in right now.

personally, old characters should make a big returrn. no more characters that has to be created from combining two old characters into one, my example Kira.

05/29/2007 03:38 AM (UTC)
I agree with you whatuknowaboutMK.

95% of all the characters who appeared in MK: Trilogy were fantastic and awesome. I wish they'd all make it to next-gen, and I also wish they'd return with all they're original moves.
05/29/2007 03:50 AM (UTC)
I wouldnt mind if they had the classic characters, I wouldnt mind too much if they didnt, because they should have wrapped things up in Armageddon. MK:8 needs to show more "new" for the series.
05/29/2007 07:46 AM (UTC)
Dunno about some character, but some of these have potential. But Boon would be retarded if he made a MK game without Scorpion or Sub-Zero. They are the 2 most popular characters in the game.

So, I think as of right now, Johnny, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Liu would be in MK8.

I am certain that Scorpion and Sub-Zero will be in MK8.
06/02/2007 05:49 PM (UTC)
i hope that for MK8 its all new characters with like 2 or 3 from the other games.
06/02/2007 06:10 PM (UTC)

we will see about 8 kharacters return from previous mks, but this doesn't mean we could see them all in mk8.. maybe mk8 will only have scorpion, idk.... i can see as many as 15 new kharacters for mk8 and that would own.
i would guess that the boss and sub-boss will be totally new as they develop an entirely new story..

i is sooo difficult for me to imagine what kharacters have a chance to return, but i really hope: sindel, quan chi, jade, raiden, frost, and kung lao make a future appearance at some point..

if any of the following EVER returns i am going to punch someone in the face really hard..
bo rai cho
alities except for fatalities

06/02/2007 07:17 PM (UTC)
Ok...since this thread is suppose to be about not who makes it but what moves they have here's my two cents (pesos, rubles, yen, etc)

To me the 'classic' characters are only the ones from MK1 (Raiden, Sonya, Johnny, Liu Kang, Kano, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Shang Tsung and Goro with Reptile and maybe Ermac making honorable mention). I do not-repeat-do not want every single move they ever had. I would like the 'classic' moves. (i.e. For Raiden this was simply his thunderbolt, torpedo (sp?) and teleport.) I want the classic moves IF they fit in a 3D universe with reliable controls. If not then a replacement that is similar to that special move would be nice (ie the torpedo although looks great is no where near as effective in a 3D world as in a 2D one, the slide-grab-electroshock one from later games would be a nice replacement) Too many moves just makes a mess of the game and ithen the fight just comes down to how many special moves you can fire off. Three at the most four special moves per character (exception being Shang since he would have all the special moves of the other character due to shape change, or other shapeshifters depending on their shapeshifting abilities) is more than enough. Characters with 6+ moves are just too much of a headache (unless it is a boss then its just a challenge).
06/03/2007 02:05 AM (UTC)
LadyRaiden takes a good approach. If a "classic character" returns, they should really only have the moves which translate over to 3D well, and you don't need every single move they've ever done. Keep things sweet and simple.
06/03/2007 02:40 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:Now I know that there is a lot of talk about what should and what shouldn't be in the next MK, but I want to emphasize one thing. If any of the classics come back (I personally would like to see them PLEASE GIVE HIM/HEEVERY SPECIAL MOVE THEY EVER HAD. It pissed me off when I got MKA and Shang Tsung couldn't change into different characters( but he could in MKSM even though he wasn't playable in vs mode now what's the deal with that?) Anyway, it also pissed me off because Cyrax didn't have his green net, I mean isn't that what he's known for and what made him stand out from the other cyber ninjas in the first place? Common he even did it in Mortal Kombat Annihialation. I could probably come up with more, but tell me what you think. Do you agree? Am I wasting your time by clicking here to see what I have to say? We'll if you can come up with any other examples please post them. wink
06/03/2007 04:35 PM (UTC)
Just Scorpion and a very old sub-zero would be cool furious
06/03/2007 05:19 PM (UTC)
LadyRaiden Wrote:
Ok...since this thread is suppose to be about not who makes it but what moves they have here's my two cents (pesos, rubles, yen, etc)

To me the 'classic' characters are only the ones from MK1 (Raiden, Sonya, Johnny, Liu Kang, Kano, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Shang Tsung and Goro with Reptile and maybe Ermac making honorable mention). I do not-repeat-do not want every single move they ever had. I would like the 'classic' moves. (i.e. For Raiden this was simply his thunderbolt, torpedo (sp?) and teleport.) I want the classic moves IF they fit in a 3D universe with reliable controls. If not then a replacement that is similar to that special move would be nice (ie the torpedo although looks great is no where near as effective in a 3D world as in a 2D one, the slide-grab-electroshock one from later games would be a nice replacement) Too many moves just makes a mess of the game and ithen the fight just comes down to how many special moves you can fire off. Three at the most four special moves per character (exception being Shang since he would have all the special moves of the other character due to shape change, or other shapeshifters depending on their shapeshifting abilities) is more than enough. Characters with 6+ moves are just too much of a headache (unless it is a boss then its just a challenge).

I'm going to agree with LadyRaiden as well, but they should add in the MKII characters as well (including secrets). The only people I think outside of MKI and II that should return are Ermac and Shujinko. Eveyone else is pretty crappy. And they really shouldn't have every single move either. Honestly, tehy should only have the classic moves. Most of the new moves in my opinion suck. Like Li Mei's cartwheel kick and all those cheap NS moves.
06/03/2007 07:10 PM (UTC)
What they should do, is make MK8 with all new characters except for maybe 3 or 4, and then do a just-for-fun game like MKT, with only classic characters, plus a few from this generation.

That way they don't have to fuck up the next gen story, they can please all the fan-boys, and make a lot of money.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

06/06/2007 05:47 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
What they should do, is make MK8 with all new characters except for maybe 3 or 4, and then do a just-for-fun game like MKT, with only classic characters, plus a few from this generation.

That way they don't have to fuck up the next gen story, they can please all the fan-boys, and make a lot of money.

That was actually a good idea... Hmmm... Maybe that could work.
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OptimusGrime Wrote:Li Mei needs to be series mainstay. She betrayed goddamned planets because she wanted to fuck a dragon. Best character in anything ever.

06/22/2007 07:54 PM (UTC)
It's obvious Sub-Zero's gonna be in it. Personally I'd like to see Reptile, Shang and Kung Lao.
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