Characters that you FRICKIN love and want to never go away! Post your favorite character!!! I Like Opinions!
posted09/25/2005 11:25 PM (UTC)by
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Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

Member Since
09/03/2005 05:22 PM (UTC)
My favorite character is Scorpion. He is just, uhhh, mexicool!glasses
09/19/2005 07:08 PM (UTC)
I love Noob-Smoke because their combos are awesome.
Sub-Zero (I like his weapon and his fatalities)
Scorpion (bad a**)
Liu Kang (nunchucks RULZ)
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

09/19/2005 07:14 PM (UTC)
Li Mei, Kira, and Frost. Mostly because I'm a complete fanboy of all three.
About Me

09/19/2005 08:37 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung: the only villain dressed, acting, fighting and scheming uniquely in the MK universe. Though Quan Chi is far more less-humane, Tsungs decadence and sophistication lured me to it.

Hotaru: fighting for friends, belief, power, bleh. Only once did they bring someone with the proper looks and powers to match someone who is truly dedicated to his couse. And I mean a lethally dedicated zealot.

09/19/2005 09:23 PM (UTC)
I think it's kinda obvious whose my favorite character is (RAIDEN!). Although I'm not really liking the recent twist to his story, but everyone has his off days.
09/19/2005 09:30 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Shang Tsung: the only villain dressed, acting, fighting and scheming uniquely in the MK universe. Though Quan Chi is far more less-humane, Tsungs decadence and sophistication lured me to it.

Hotaru: fighting for friends, belief, power, bleh. Only once did they bring someone with the proper looks and powers to match someone who is truly dedicated to his couse. And I mean a lethally dedicated zealot.

Shang Tsung's MK DA revamp is one of the best ever done. So bad-ass, really brings out his true flamboyance

Hotaru doesn't play as well as I wish he did (lack of variety of moves, if any), but he has a sense of nobility about him, which so many characters lack, which is why he's a favorite of mine.

Top five characters throughout the series (MK1-MK6, in order of preference):

1) Ermac
2) tie between Shang Tsung and Kung Lao (I'll update)
3) Fujin
4) Jax
5) Sektor
09/20/2005 12:00 AM (UTC)
Well let's see....First of all there should be no Mortal Kombat game without Scorpion and Sub-Zero. They're too likeable and I enjoy playing as both of them, especially Sub-Zero. They both have decent storylines and hopefully they'll get better. Without those 2 people would lose interest in the game. In my opinion those 2 are Mortal Kombat. Also, I really like Shao Kahn, he's too bad ass, cool personality, and is fearsome. I don't think he should be left out of anymore MK games. I enjoy playing as him and love his taunts and voice. I say bring back Kintaro. I think Kintaro and Shao Kahn are the 2 characters that made MK2 the best MK game even though it was a 2D fighting game and could do combos. Now that Kabal is the new leader of the black dragon they should keep him as the leader so he can continue being in the MK storyline. And last but not least, I think Raiden should always be in the MK games since he's the Earth realms protector and is awesome having the power of lighting/electricity.
09/20/2005 12:24 AM (UTC)
Love the name of this topic, very funny.

1. Kabal (cause he's a total killing machine. He rules.)
2. Hotaru (errr......believe me he's a chick magnet)
3. Cyrax (cause he's cool and I love his MK outtakes: "It's Peanut Butter Jelly time!"
4. Ermac (cause of his MK: D makeover)
5. Either Sektor or Kung Lao I can't decide, they are both cool.
09/20/2005 01:50 AM (UTC)
1.) Shang Tsung
2.) Kira
3.) Frost
4.) Dairou
5.) Khameleon
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
09/20/2005 06:24 AM (UTC)
Raiden must never go. He's my fave MK character of all.

A few others that shouldn't go are:

Kung Lao
Shang Tsung
09/20/2005 11:29 AM (UTC)
Characters I don't want to see leave MK.

Johnny Cage- You love him or hate him, but imo it's not MK without him. As well as being one of the most well rounded fighters in the game, Johnny Cage adds an important lighter touch to the series. He's not your typical hero either, a big part of him is looking out for number one, and I like that about him. All he needs is a fresh storyline to suit his status as an MK veteran.

Mavado- With Mavado, they finally gave us an evil human who wasn't simply a goon. Whereas Kano and co are just simple thugs, this guy's more like the Godfather, pure evil, yet always honourable with it. He was far better with the hookswords than Kabal, and he has deep storyline connections to many other characters.

Kung Lao- In my view, he should be the next MK hero, and it looked like he'd get his chance in MKDA. He had so much build up, and then was robbed in MKD, simply killed off to make way for shitty old Shujinko. Kung Lao has the added killer instinct that his buddy Liu Kang always lacked, and I think this is necessary for the hero in a violent series like MK.

Li Mei- MK always needed an Oriental style kung fu girl, and Li Mei made a nice change from the usual leotard/ninja style women we mostly had before. Plus she has that naive/inexperienced persona we hadn't really seen in MK, and I like her struggle between this and the evil now inside her. Done right, she could be a big player in the heroes group.

I do have other favourites, and I might list more. But these four are my main choices for fighters I'd rather not see leave MK anytime soon. Others I can bear to miss a game, or like Stryker, we haven't seen them in a while, so this isn't the right category for him really.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
09/20/2005 04:20 PM (UTC)
red_dragon Wrote:
Characters I don't want to see leave MK.

Mavado- With Mavado, they finally gave us an evil human who wasn't simply a goon. Whereas Kano and co are just simple thugs, this guy's more like the Godfather, pure evil, yet always honourable with it. He was far better with the hookswords than Kabal, and he has deep storyline connections to many other characters.

Kung Lao- In my view, he should be the next MK hero, and it looked like he'd get his chance in MKDA. He had so much build up, and then was robbed in MKD, simply killed off to make way for shitty old Shujinko. Kung Lao has the added killer instinct that his buddy Liu Kang always lacked, and I think this is necessary for the hero in a violent series like MK.

I agree greatly with these. I'm still mad that they killed Mavado. It should never have happened and was complete rubbish imo. He has one of the best stories from MKDA and deserved to be back in MKD, not killed off after just one game. He had more purpose than a good few that did make it over.

And yes, Lao was robbed. He's far cooler than Kang and has basoically been overshadowed since MK2 by Kang. His death and Kangs return basically shows how screwed over he always gets.
09/20/2005 05:06 PM (UTC)
Much as I like Lao, he's really not hero material. He just plain does better as either as Liu Kang's "sidekick" or just doing his own thing. It seemed like they were grooming Sub for that role and Lao would be more a "transition hero" but, well, apparently that's now down the shitter, first by introducing (the extremely uninteresting) Shujinko and now with Kang seemingly back.
09/20/2005 10:41 PM (UTC)
well you cant have a mortal kombat without liu kang i agree he dosent always have to be the champion in every game and i didnt even like MK:DA because they killed him off even tho i understand him bein killed off for deceptions story it just feels weird without him in the game even tho i love scorpion and subzero too its hard for me to pick one over the other with those too because there so equally excellent in there characters and story u cant have a mk without those two either...i like kung lao but kang's style is more appealing to me..i think they need to give lu kang a new look maybe some different clothes let his hair down maybe cut it alil and im positive his popularity will go up much more alil customization to your character couldnt hurt, they should go more to a bruce lee style fighting with kang i loved the nunchucks my fav weapon in the whole game... a mortal kombat without lu kang involved is like tekken without Jin least have him and katana get down to business already have a kid or suttin jeeez
09/20/2005 10:48 PM (UTC)
well you cant have a mortal kombat without liu kang i agree he dosent always have to be the champion in every game and i didnt even like MK:DA because they killed him off even tho i understand him bein killed off for deceptions story it just feels weird without him in the game even tho i love scorpion and subzero too its hard for me to pick one over the other with those too because there so equally excellent in there characters and story u cant have a mk without those two either...i like kung lao but kang's style is more appealing to me..i think they need to give lu kang a new look maybe some different clothes let his hair down maybe cut it alil and im positive his popularity will go up much more alil customization to your character couldnt hurt, they should go more to a bruce lee style fighting with kang i loved the nunchucks my fav weapon in the whole game... a mortal kombat without lu kang involved is like tekken without Kazuya Mishima least have him and katana get down to business already have a kid or suttin jeeez
09/20/2005 11:44 PM (UTC)
Of course you ALL know that I LUUUUUUUVV Sindel!! so definetly her just cuz shes so exciting. good combos, good moves, shes the queen. very original; the hair, the scream, the fly, the queeness, etc.

Kitana- Shes just so cool. her fans are so fun.

Jade- so sexy.awesome moves

baraka- cool blades

mileena- kitanas enemy good idea.

ermac- i like the turbin and telkenetiks

09/22/2005 02:29 AM (UTC)
Johnny Cage
Shang Tsung

and many more.
09/22/2005 06:41 AM (UTC)
Johnny Cage

And many more.
09/22/2005 02:26 PM (UTC)
These are my favourites and the people I never want to leave:

Sub Zero
Shang Tsung
Kung Lao

I also think these people shouldnt leave (even tho I dont them):

Shao Kahn
09/23/2005 05:34 AM (UTC)
Scorpion: Is was the first Ninja, And he's the best. He's a classic without question.

Sub-Zero: Even the greatest of the great have great rivals, And Sub-Zero is Scorpion's.

Ermac: He was created by the fans, For the fans. And we know what we like.

Goro: He was the first of his kind and grabbed the attention of millions.

Kintaro: He stood to take the place of Goro in MK2, And he did a damn good job.

Kabal: He's the only new character in MK3 that demanded my respect, And he still has it.

Mileena: She's not on my list because of her alternate costume in MK:D! She's a great fighter and a classic.

Jade: I honestly have no idea why, But I've always thought she was the best female in MK.

Noob-Smoke: The perfect pairing. What one can't do, The other can. And they are spooky next to each other.

Rain: His moves and the mystery around his character has always captured my interest.

Shinnok: Having the ability to use any character's abilities really made him feel like a "God" to me, And I like his look.

Sheeva: She was the first playable Shokan, And I've been fantisizing about her since I was 9 years old... Don't look at me like that...
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------------> DO
09/23/2005 10:30 PM (UTC)
Scorpion,SubZero,Sektor,Raiden and Quan Chi.
09/24/2005 04:55 AM (UTC)
Johnny Cage - He is the comic relief, and his attitude and persona makes him so unique compared to the other Mortal Kombat warriors. Though he is stubborn and cocky, he is very reliable.

Kung Lao - He is rugged and compared to Liu Kang the more realistic. Kung Lao focuses more on himself than following the orders of superiors. I like that Kung Lao has a bit of an attitude on him and his hat is so damn cool.

Liu Kang - Liu Kang is the champion of Mortal Kombat and is the main hero. Although recently he has been taken out of the spot light, a Mortal Kombat game would not feel right without the champion. Liu Kang saved his allies and I would like to see what happens next. Liu Kang's purity and selfless attitude is a very rare thing compared to the other characters of Mortal Kombat.

Sub-Zero - Do I need to explain myself?

Scorpion - It's freakin' Scorpion.

09/24/2005 08:24 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang Kitana Kung Lao Reptile Baraka Jade Mileena and Johnny Cage
About Me

Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

09/25/2005 10:57 PM (UTC)
probably my favorite boss character would be Kintaro. Ahh, A subject change. Now post your favorite boss character!
09/25/2005 11:25 PM (UTC)
LI-MEI should stay fo eva
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