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08/11/2008 12:55 AM (UTC)
I like this topic. This should be stickied because the MK team needs to read this. With an uncertainty hanging over all of our heads still as to who will be killed in Armageddon, I would hate to see them discard a character who could potentially become interesting and integral to the future MK story arc. So with that said:

#1. Sareena: A definite must in my book. I'd highly suggest that Boon and the team would scroll up and read XiahouDun84's excellent post on her future potential.

#2. Kai: Many would ward him off as being boring and uninteresting. Its understanding because that's how I feel about his story. How about giving him an antagonist. Dive into his past to find out what made him decide to become a Shaolin Monk.

#3. Reiko: He's obviously ruthless and has ninja skills. He has a hatred for Quan Chi, and Armageddon pretty much left us hanging as to why. They have abandoned a potential connection between him and Sareena. I say they refurbish and spark this thing back up.

#4. Havik: He has mighty potential. Check this out. Perhaps Armageddons konquest ending played out as Taven beating Blaze, but nothing was done to stop the instability of the realms. Aware of the outcome Shinnok would began to plot his takeover of all realms and revenge on the elder gods. The remaining kombatants would catch wind of this and try to stop him. While everyone including the gods are tied up with the business of destroying Shiinnok, Havik is in the background plotting on bringing chaos to all. I am sure that he would at least have some interest in using the instability of the realms to his advantage. He could possibly become a catalyst to the emergence and exsistence of the ONE BEING which could mean the end of them all. Havik would be destroyed also but I'm sure he'll be happy to be destroyed in the name of chaos.

Yea I know I trailed off a bit about Havik, but I just think that his story could go in so many more interesting directions.
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08/11/2008 08:04 AM (UTC)
#1. Kai - He's not the most famous character, but he can easily be developed into one with the amount of potential he has. I can easily see him becoming the next Kung Lao or Liu Kang even, but much more likable.

As 151 expressed, the best thing for Kai would be to fit him into an oracle of some sorts, it would open his story up to vast possibilities.

For example, Raiden. What if that lightning staff was given to Kai for a reason? What if Raiden foresaw his downfall and dark resurrection, and after witnessing Kai's quickly developing fighting skills, gave him the staff, a part of his self, knowing that Kai would eventually conflict with dark Raiden and using light Raiden's staff, defeat dark Raiden, thus ending the battle between dark and light within Raiden and restoring him to his former self.

That would be a great twist.

#2. Smoke - For Smoke, they really need to release him from that shell he's been in since MK3. I've always had the idea that if Smoke had his consciousness, he'd be able to, in theory, dematerialize into pure smoke and re-materialize into what he was before, 100% human. Thus leaving his cybernetic shell behind for Noob or Sektor to use at their own will.

08/11/2008 08:45 PM (UTC)
Most characters need to expand, but there's only a few whom I care to actually see expand.

Sindel - She is so distinct, yet she has such a standard story. I think they need to give her a more individual, unique conflict to deal with. Being mere queen and mother is so boring.

Also, like Li Mei was evil for a moment and now she carries bits of that evil nature within her. How come Sindel doesn't carry any evil residue from when she was Kahn's wicked bride? Shouldn't there be some similar inner struggle that she has to deal with? I mean, her appearance which is dark and gothic completely contradicts her personality which is spiritual and emotional. It would totally fit in having her carry evil inside since her appearance already looks like she would.

Jade - She needs the same thing. A more unique, personal goal. There's no goal more boring than "stop the bad guys." Yes, that's what all the heroes ultimate want for the most part, but HOW it's done and approached can make a world of difference. Her rivalry thing with Tanya could have really been something special and individualistic for her, but it was done in such a lame linear way. What a waste.

She's cool, but has a boring story. There needs to be lots and lots of evolution for this one cuz she's going nowhere as of now. We already know that she's like the #1 patriot of Edenia. There should be a story that shows what extent she would go to to protect Edenia. You know how Raiden went extreme with protecting Earth in MKD? Well Jade should do something like that, and maybe what she does is something controversial like kill someone special and so she "gets in trouble," leading to another story arc, etc. I just wanna see how patriotic she really is, hoping she is to an insane degree where she'd commit crazy or immoral things or something shocking like that. Lets put her pride to the test.

Sonya - Ugh, her story has always been "stop the bad guys" in a straightforward way which is just boring. Like Jade, the two above, she needs something more individualistic cuz her story is as generic as it can get. How about she leaves the Special Forces for a change? I am so bored with that already. She's obviously the female icon of MK, so why can't they give her something bigger and better to do than hunt down thugs?
08/12/2008 12:57 AM (UTC)
MINeOut is right! Smoke needs to be human again! Besides... he's right about Smoke's cyber armor left behind. Maybe Sektor and Noob will team up and use Smoke's armor to create the cyborg demons where Noob left off.

Kai can use a staff that Raiden give him. Did Raiden have an extra? Maybe in the next game Raiden would wield a lightning hammer

Here's my suggestions:

Kabal: Kabal needs to be changed back to good. It was a big mistake for kabal to be evil again. Havik's chaotic. Kabal should probably reveal his face for an alternate costume and

Mavado... I'm not so sure? Mavado should have a new weapon. Can there be someone that wields red dragon powers like in conquest someone wields ancient powers of the black dragon? I'm not sure if he'll come back.

Kano: I don't think he'll come back. The fans were right... i think there should be a new half cyborg or maybe Kano will wield black dragon hybrid powers.

Reiko: should wield Shao Kahn's helmet and be emperor.

None to come back: Hsu hao, Meat, Chameleon & Khameleon, Ashrah, Moloch, Kintaro, Goro, Sheeva, Jarek, Shao Kahn, Kira

Undecided to come back: Sindel, Stryker, Jade, Mileena, Kobra, Cyrax
08/14/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I'd just like to throw out some ideas for characters that have been mentioned:

I have never been too fond of the Jade character. I've never disliked her, either, but the only reason she has seemingly been brought back is because she is a "cool" character. Her story has never been compelling, and I believe that if you read into things, Reptile was meant to kill her after she sacrificed herself to protect Kitana in Mortal Kombat 3.

That being said, I could be very interested in a storyline where Jade discovers that her bloodline is meant to be the true rulers of Edenia, and that her people were marginalised by King Jerrod's line. It would basically be Mortal Kombat's answer to British imperialism. You could have Jade actually have a legitimate claim to ruling Edenia, or she could just be manipulated by someone like Havik into thinking she has the right.

If Shao Kahn had been killed in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, and he needed to be resurrected by Havik, as suggested in the Cleric of Chaos' ending, then it would have been the perfect trigger to snap Kabal out of his "evil thug" mentality again, and back into a role where he realised what he was doing was wrong.

Man, did this guy get fucked around? He was a fine and dandy character when he debuted, although he did have Kabal's Hookswords, which seemed to limit him. His fighting styles also seemed a bit thrown together. He had a cool look and story, though, so there was plenty to salvage and apply more individualistic quality and motivation to in Mortal Kombat: Deception. Especially with a feud against Sub-Zero and Kenshi brooding. What do they do? They have him bitched out and killed by Kabal? His whole thing was that he made Kabal his bitch. He also fucked Kano up, and was meant to kill him, but instead they make him look like a pussy who doesn't finish what he started.

I really liked Mavado, but I think he will forever be lost potential.
08/16/2008 07:21 PM (UTC)
I agree with Ninjakata, we should sticky this thread. It would be great to continuously have this topic around for others to respond to. Here's who I think needs some expansion:

1.) Sareena - I agree with most of the posters on here about xiahouDun84's excellent post and think there is much potential there. The number of female kombatants has increased since MK's gone 3D, and I think that's a good thing. I've been able to get a lot of my female friends to be interested in MK due to this increase in female influence, so that tells me that they look good and they are interesting to others besides just original MK gamers. We just need some more story to match their looks and abilities.

2.) Havik - I think there is a lot of potential in this character, especially on which side he would actually be on. He could be good or bad! Chaos and Order are not as defined as some may think; just look at Deception's story line. If decided to make him more evil, he could even be an end boss for a future game. I guess a case could be made for Hotaru as well, but to me that character has no real need of expansion and should only really show up again as an end boss in a future MK game, which should result in his death. But Havik has room to grow for a few games to be an eventual boss character. Maybe he should get his hands on an artifact that has his powers slowly grow, or if Taven's ending in Armageddon is correct then have the Blaze essence that enters Havik change his power potential. So many options...

3.) Kai - Again, I agree with many on here about Kai's underutilized appearances. I was never a huge fan of him when I first played MK4, but I've since played it after Armageddon and I have to say that he's actually a fun character to be. I also think they kind of missed the mark with him in the overall scheme of MK. They seemed to set him up as a lone warrior for future games, but he disappeared and probably only showed up for Armageddon because they wanted ALL the characters. If they really need to have the "token racial character", I really would much rather have it be Kai over Jax. Kai is interesting and funner to use. Jax is overrrated and too stereotypical.

4.) Sektor - I actually think this character has been woefully underwritten. His first appearance in MK3 was great, but he was just really seen as the evil that the Lin Kuei had become and didn't really say much about the character. As his story's gone on, he's become more robotic and seems to want to take over everything while also automating everything. That's fine, but WHY? The character seems to have maintained a fan base based almost solely on his design and look. Now he needs a proper story as to his motivations for what he's doing, or what happened in his past to make him want to become a robot.

5.) Fujin - For the second time Fujin has been named Protector of Earthrealm, and again he will not appear in the game following this appointment. (Granted, that would be MK vs. DC, which I don't think he'll be in, but I'm also unsure about his post-crossover appearances as well.) It's been said that original story developments were to have him in Deception instead of Raiden, which has always made me wonder if he would then have been the one to resurrect Liu Kang. If that had been the case, I think it would have damaged the character and made it seem that he was incompetent and not suitable for the position, which in turn would probably have finished his existence in MK, resulting in his death following Armageddon. But since they chose another direction, I think there's room for two god characters in MK, and it could even add to the overall story by having him in adventure type games (kind of like Raiden's second-in-command) being a source of inspiration and knowledge for other MK characters.

Honourable mention goes to Ermac since I think there is room for him to grow, and I would like to see it (whether his past -- as in which souls compose his form -- or his future), but I also like him being around and being enigmatic. It helps to add to his presence.

There are other characters who could use expansion, but I think they either need to be re-worked a little bit, they might not actually survive Armageddon, or they don't interest me as much as my top 5. Some of them are:

Frost, Drahmin, Chameleon, Reiko, and Daegon (his past anyway).
08/20/2008 02:08 AM (UTC)
I think the Taven/Daegon storyline needs to continue, so Armageddon doesn't feel like a complete waste. Update their looks, give them more distinct special moves and drive them apart in the story. Taven should not just be good, and Daegon should not just be a thug. There is a lot of room for both characters to grow.
08/28/2008 03:40 AM (UTC)
Noob Saibot
- As his storyline got more interesting, his look and moves became less.

For Noob Saibot just to be another ninja throwing shrunken seems uninspiring.

Movewise, I think it should be more supernatural and less human. I still like his teleport grab and new black hole move, but he needs the other awesome moves like the Shadow Clone Toss and Dark Fireball Cloud he used to have.

Lookwise, this death like figure coming out of the mirror here and his movements here at (1:20) are what I think Noob Saibot should be more like.
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08/29/2008 08:38 PM (UTC)
Ermac. He's been under the shadow of Sub-Zero and Scorpion, but also the way he entered the series. Many people don't see that he could be a main fighter. He has good moves, but Midway need to work on his story and look. He shouldn't be a ninja, I would like him to have spiked wrist bands and a green aura that trails when he moves. He can work as a bad guy or good guy, he can be expanded on in many ways. Despite this, Midway keep pushing Lei Kang as the hero, however bland he is. When he died, a spot oppened that Ermac should have filled.

As said before, Havic could be a great guy to use. He has something that sets him apart from everybody else, which is great as he isn't bland. A bit of expansion, a bit of boss killing, he could be the main villan. He could use Reptile and Barraka as side-kicks, but not slaves. Havic could simply hire Baraka, and send him out on one big mission. BAM, Baraka is out becoming one of the biggest villans in the game. BAM, Reptile will be eating heads in earthrelm and taking over. It's not like he's lost his reputation by being trampled like Reptile, who now just can't be a main villan. He is ready to be the main bad guy, Midway just need to kill off somebody.

08/30/2008 04:43 PM (UTC)
Here are some characters that they could expand:

Shinnok: Such an interesting fellow. confused I really didn't like seeing him go in the fourth game. Perhaps they can have him escape from the Netherrealm and not threaten the existence of all life? That would at least let him get around, maybe even start a new faction of his own, or become protector of Nether realm or Outworld like Raiden used to be for Earth.

Mokap: I wouldn't work on him too much. He could probably just use a little nudge that would make him neutral or send him on some kind of side quest or something. The man seems to be focused only on the priority of victory, like the rest of the good guys.

Shang Tsung and Quan Chi: They had one alliance together, perhaps in a sequel, they could be the nemeses. It would be interesting to see another confrontation that was planned a little pre-emptively than in Deception. (Eg. Instant betrayal and attack.) I don't want them to expand Shang Tsung, he's been in as many games as Raiden, even more, as a matter of fact. Counting MK3. Quan Chi could use a little more attention. He has a lot of potential as the villain of the next game. And if you read his ending in Armageddon, he was sent back in time as an amulet to the past Quan Chi. It would be cool if someone from the past warned him of his imminent future, causing him to plan better, and maybe even start a prequel of sorts.

Reiko: I wouldn't mind seeing his plans work. He could be a major part of a minor story. Or as I would like to put it, a majinor story.

I would say expand on Raiden since he's one of my favorite characters, but he's been in the spotlight for a little too long. Deadly Alliance practically revolved around him and the two sorcerors. He had his bout with them in Deception, killing them all, but they resurrected him. And then in Armageddon, he's a key part in many character bios. I agree with the Fujin idea. Get rid of Raiden for one day. Summer retreat for bad behavior? And let Fujin take the stage.

Onaga: He really seemed kind of kameo. Even though he was essential in Deception. I wouldn't mind knowing more about him. Why doesn't he threaten Earth Realm even now? He was a devastating fighter. (on any mode higher than easy.) And they snuffed him out, just like that? Reminded me a bit of Shinnok. I mean, with Shang Tsung, he lost in the first game, but was still really important in the rest. Give evil a chance, Midway!

Some characters I would like them to stop making: The Edenian people. There are like four of those women that look the exact same throughout the games. Kitana, Mileena, Jade, Sindel. There's plenty enough. Just expand what you have. No more ninjas, I know they're awesome, but there are more than just four of those. Perhaps some of them can retire and become normal fighters to make room for more ninjas. Maybe Scorpion and Sub Zero can just look normal. And not the Sub Zero from MK3. I liked his ninja suit better than that.

Idea for plot?: Maybe they could just have another tournament. That would cut out the whole problem with too many people thing.

Gameplay?: I really miss Chess Kombat, they could've gone far with that. I didn't care much for Puzzle Kombat, and I have to try the Mario Kart one. There were some cool ways to play in the old games, like endurance modes, team battles, 2 on 2. They should bring those back, too. I have three siblings that all want to play Mortal Kombat at the same time, and it's just madness that they cannot. From what I've heard from Boon, save the racing one.
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08/31/2008 10:15 AM (UTC)
I see what you are saying about Edenians, but I think it's quite a superficial statement. Sindel and Tanya (even though you didn't mention her) are not MK ninja women, not even in a literal sense: they don't wear masks, didn't serve the Outwold emperor as assassins and were not palette swaps at birth. Tanya may have been a replacement, but was given her own face. Sindel is actually very independent look-wise, with her witch like features and powers. On the other hand, Frost (maybe even Tasia) proved that you can be a "ninja" without a leotard and a leotard doesn't make you a ninja, by the way: it seems to be more a matter of Edenian fashion.
The Edenian characters have been introduced to have their own roles, except maybe Jade, who is really just a sidekick, but can become more of her own character, so it's not just about adding "one more ninja", but I agree they should work on what they have, not introduce new characters to keep them superficial. At the moment, Kitana is the princess, Sindel the queen an Tanya a traitor, something I think a paradise kingdom like Edenia needed. Mileena is not really connected to Edenia, more to Outworld actually, her only direct link is Kitana, we don't know what she thinks of the rest of the band.
I agree with XiahouDun84 on the idea of Sareena. This may sound crazy but I would like to see Kabal turn good again. Turn on the black dragon clan. I think they need to expand more on Chameleon and Fujin.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

09/01/2008 02:18 AM (UTC)
kabal was good?wow
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09/02/2008 04:55 PM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
kabal was good?wow

He fought to save the world, you know...
09/04/2008 03:17 PM (UTC)
linkeui_nightmare Wrote:
I agree with XiahouDun84 on the idea of Sareena. This may sound crazy but I would like to see Kabal turn good again. Turn on the black dragon clan. I think they need to expand more on Chameleon and Fujin.

In Havik's Deception ending, he revived Shao Kahn. I wish they had of gone with that, and had Kabal been like "What the fuck, dude? This guy maimed me," and then realise what he has gotten into. Kira could join Kabal in re-grouping and stopping Havik and Shao Kahn, while Kira would have thoughts of betraying Kabal when it is all said and done, because he plans on disbanding the Black Dragon for good.

Kobra would probably have stuck with Havik and Shao Kahn, just out of awe, and to become as powerful as possible. If only each character was really give a new, developed or evolved story for Armageddon, it could have been a brilliant final fight to close the saga.

As far as Chameleon and Fujin go, neither are my favourites. That being said, I will offer my opinions:

Chameleon would be great in a remake of the original game. It has been said that he has been watching since the beginning of Mortal Kombat, so if they decided for whatever reason to do a 3D version of MK1 (I imagine the next saga will be a lot different, so the retro characters would be used as a promotional tool for the old game), Chameleon would make a great unlockable character, where his story can be fleshed out, and his moves and fighting styles can be more distinct.

If Fujin returns, I don't want to see him be an effortless beacon of light. I'd rather he admire Raiden a little, and be intrigued by why he did what he did. When things get tough, I'd like to see Fujin at least consider becoming as ruthless as Raiden did, because it got things done.
09/05/2008 06:56 PM (UTC)
I'd like to see Taven, Daegon and Darrius all return, mainly because of Darrius' MKA ending.

Argus' temple transforming into a ring, being taken by Darrius, and Argus sending both sons after Darrius to retrieve it sparked a curiosity in me. This trio of characters would be able to be further established (Argus, too, for that matter).

The ring itself would have some significance in regard to the fate of the universe, because it came from the temple where the last Mortal Kombat fight (for that generation) was to occur.
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"There is no knowledge that is not power."

09/07/2008 05:52 PM (UTC)
People are really sleeping on Kai's potential. They need to go back to the original reason they made him in the first place which was a sort of an Eddy Gordo-like character. Just don't go and make him a carbon copy Capoeirista. Maybe give him some Capoeira inspiration but lean more towards modern Wu Shu. Give him lots of aerial moves like jumps, flips and spinning kicks. He should definitely keep the staff, because when combined with his above styles he could do some amazing things with it. Just think of Eddy Gordo combined with Kilik but done with a Shaolin spin, using a lot of Wushu kicks and dramatic, wide open spinning moves. He should definitely keep his handstand move and dramatically expand on it. A lot of gymnastic techniques could also be mixed in there. Really, Kai holds it down as the only character who fits the bill as the agile Capoeira/Wushu character. Plus his MK4 look was awesome, original and a breath of fresh air. He shouldn't be wasted.

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Cage always wins, and in MK u will be Caged!

09/10/2008 12:30 AM (UTC)
Kabal- I wish if he was in a future game that they would make him a good guy again seeing the errors of his ways he would give up on being a black dragon and go solo on fighting Kahn and other villians

Smoke- I actually liked smoke some I just wish theyed give him possibly better moves and seeing him as Noob Saibots bitch wont a really good storyline nor was his moves that good neither not as good as in MK3 or UMK3 so hopefully he could be good in future games

Johnny Cage- Yeah I know everybody almost hates hime but his my fav honestly I wouldnt really mind if he got serious in his fighting against evil and all and step down from the hollywood stuff but yeah I think he'll alwaqys keep the shades though glasses

Shinnok- You know being the so called father of Shao Kahn its a shame to see his son is better than him his never had much of a good background story upon his character I think they shouldeve touched him up some and all

Reptile- I totally agree with everyone about him being everybodys slave. Jeez that story got old real quick it would be nice to see him go good and possibly go after and kill all those who treated him like crap.
09/10/2008 12:41 AM (UTC)
themasterab Wrote:
Shinnok- You know being the so called father of Shao Kahn its a shame to see his son is better than him his never had much of a good background story upon his character I think they shouldeve touched him up some and all

Shinnok isn't Shao Kahn's father. That was only the movie.
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Look, now Baraka has grown hair and beard! Shit, the time does fly...

09/19/2008 12:27 PM (UTC)
Rain has only been portrayed as a treacherous little bastard that everyone disdains and wants to see no more; his story reached its peak when he was revealed to be Argus' son and ceased to be Kahn's bitch but he wasn't enrolled into any victorious saga at all, having been quickly spanked by Taven.

You'd seriously wonder why such eminent characters, like Shinnok - the only playable Elder God, Rain - the son of Edenia's god protector, Fujin - the wind god, even queen Sindel to an extent... have so short-lasting roles in the overall story and appear so rarely... While some yellow garbed ninja schmo is hailed as the crucial protagonist of the franchise.
09/20/2008 09:55 AM (UTC)
I agree Shaggysourcerer. I think midway needs to give other characters a chance to shine, or at least have a complete story, and give overrated characters such as Scorpion a temporary break.

Characters that I would like to see expand are:

Rain. I think Rain's new role, could be part of a great story in the MK franchise. I think if they could focus some attention on him, he could easily become much more popular character.

Sheeva. I think they should give her a new story. I know a lot of people don't like her, but I see some potential with her. Sometimes I can't tell if she is good, or evil, and I think MK should give her more defined alignment.

Ermac. Ermac just rocks, and hasn't been in many MK games. I think he is an amazing character in game, and could have an awesome story. I think Ermac should have a rival though (can't remember if he does or doesn't), to make him feel more complete.

Sareena/Jataaka/ and Kia. These three I thought were amazing characters in MK Mythologies. I think all three of them could have a significant role in the series. Of course Jataaka and Kia are dead, but someone could easily resurrect them and have them continue their goal on slaying Sub-Zero (Now Noob Saibot), or have them team up with Noob, due to being part of the Brotherhood of Shadow. They could even try to take the new Sub-Zero. As far as Sareena goes, out of all the characters in the series, I think she could have the most potential in a future game. She looks cool, she works great in game, and her story is freakin awesome.

Personally I think most of the characters from MK1-Trilogy that have not had a spotlight, need to develope more. I think a lot of characters like Jade, Sindel, Kabal, Ermac, Rain, Sheeva, Stryker, Baraka, and many others need to expand. Their characters like Sheeva, Stryker, and Rain, haven't even been in an MK game since Trilogy until Armageddon came out. So why not take some time to expand these characters. I think every MK character can easily become more complete, if given an opportunity.
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When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yes sir, the check is in the mail."

09/23/2008 05:42 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Well all of them need better character build ups. But here are some that are away from the typical "omg Skopeean!"

1. Kai - We NEED to get away from this "token black guy" mentality midway. This character was built for the job. the tiger stripes are cool, the martial arts background and costumes are all good for taking him away from the ridiculous stereotypes, and letting us love the character.

When I think about Kai, and the elements that make the character up, I don't think about what color he is, I just like the character. It's time for that to come forward.

So, the inference to him maybe being an oracle is a good one. Run with his dreams and so on, directing "who he's supposed to be", "what his destiny is", and all that jazz.

He doesn't have much there for build-up, so this is a perfect opportunity.

Make him a "martial artist" with an in-depth past and future. Cool moves and unique fighting abilities....and what ever happened to Raiden giving him the staff?

2. Sareena - See XD84's post.

3. Drahmin - An odd choice, but his backstory is intriguing. Ex-warlord or something right? Well, what happened for him to get where he's at? And what was he like before?

I didn't like his moves or anything though so, I think those would have to get "worse"//more damning, if you see what I'm saying. The bugs and stuff was interesting, but it was something about the way he operates that turned me off about him.

Make him.....make him more "Warlord-like". 13-16th century or something. Go waaay back in time for him. Since he's got the oriental mask and everything, maybe something that is akin to the Samurai is in order. I think that's a Japanese mask anyway...

Havik - Cleric of Chaos needs to get more involved. We need to know more about his "un-organized" past.

He's another one that i didn't like his moves and stuff. I think he should never operate with a defined "style" like they had him. If anybody were the one to do it, he should probably be the "scrapper" on the roster. Really violent scrapper. Sporadic moves, jumpy baits, surprising attacks (not to be confused with "surprise attacks"), violent combos...that's Havik to me.

I also think that if they'd straighten out Scorpion, Havik would offer a nice opposite as a neutral character. Scorpion really sides with "the right thing to do" or, "the most beneficial to his plan thing to do". Havik doesn't doesn't really do that.

He should be crazy as hell. Like getting involved with a side, and then disappear, only to show up ridding in with the enemy to attack. Lol! wtf? right?


Those are the top four that were intriguing, but really haven't gotten much attention at all to me. Other more conginenial ones are:

1. Rain - They made him into a "son of a god"?

2. Ermac - Possible ruler of some realm since he sided with good?

3. Noob Saibot - Needs to get cool-er. The brotherhood of the shadow hasn't really been explained well, and neither is where Noob Saibot stands on anything.

4. Dairou - I liked his story a little bit, and I liked his moves a little bit. Some of his moves felt forced, and restricted though. I liked his "smooth" and "flowing" stuff best. Makes him seem like a professional at what he's doing.

5. Fujin - Hasn't gotten enough attention to solidify him as a plausible replacement for Raiden as protector of Earth. We need to see his power. We need to see why he gets to replace Raiden.

6. Nitara - I'd like more detail on her as a character in her story stuff, a more realistic Vampire Folk Lore look on her, and some more volklore-esk based moves. Somebody on the MKTeam has to like, and know alot about Vampires right?

Get those wings off her, they look ridiculous. Make her look like she could have come out of that "Interview with a Vampire" movie. Or "Underworld" or the "Blade" movies...or anything else that makes her seem like a regular human with pale skin, yet she's more than that. It will totally direct her character if they do this. It will make her a darker character...even as a "good" aligned character. That lead actress in the Underworld movie// that lead female vampire in Blade 3 are two types of base-models for what I'm talking about.


Other than that I'd want more depth from the realms themselves. More "Life" // "Personality" from those parts of the game. Worlds, Animals, and even stagnant objects in the realms are their own character in a good movie, book, or cartoon.

We need more of this way of thinking if this will ever be a game with a great fantasy element in it again.

Considering they're using the UREngine3, I'm surprised to see that there isn't little creatures and shit skamping around during a match.

MK should be borderline terrifying by now.

That's all I got right now....more later maybe.

In many different posts, Jack Burton has found himself in agreement with ThePredator151, and this post isn't any different. I support all of his points; I must say he really has it figured out.

Jack Burton approves.
About Me

When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yes sir, the check is in the mail."

09/23/2008 05:51 AM (UTC)
MiNeOuT Wrote:
#1. Kai - He's not the most famous character, but he can easily be developed into one with the amount of potential he has. I can easily see him becoming the next Kung Lao or Liu Kang even, but much more likable.

As 151 expressed, the best thing for Kai would be to fit him into an oracle of some sorts, it would open his story up to vast possibilities.

For example, Raiden. What if that lightning staff was given to Kai for a reason? What if Raiden foresaw his downfall and dark resurrection, and after witnessing Kai's quickly developing fighting skills, gave him the staff, a part of his self, knowing that Kai would eventually conflict with dark Raiden and using light Raiden's staff, defeat dark Raiden, thus ending the battle between dark and light within Raiden and restoring him to his former self.

That would be a great twist.

#2. Smoke - For Smoke, they really need to release him from that shell he's been in since MK3. I've always had the idea that if Smoke had his consciousness, he'd be able to, in theory, dematerialize into pure smoke and re-materialize into what he was before, 100% human. Thus leaving his cybernetic shell behind for Noob or Sektor to use at their own will.

Being a MAJOR Raiden fan and advocate for his continued existance (look at my long ass post under the "characters to get rid of thread" for more info...), Jack Burton would love to see things happen the way you mentioned. I think that would be genius. This thread needs to be stickied. wow
About Me

When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yes sir, the check is in the mail."

09/23/2008 05:54 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Most characters need to expand, but there's only a few whom I care to actually see expand.

Sindel - She is so distinct, yet she has such a standard story. I think they need to give her a more individual, unique conflict to deal with. Being mere queen and mother is so boring.

Also, like Li Mei was evil for a moment and now she carries bits of that evil nature within her. How come Sindel doesn't carry any evil residue from when she was Kahn's wicked bride? Shouldn't there be some similar inner struggle that she has to deal with? I mean, her appearance which is dark and gothic completely contradicts her personality which is spiritual and emotional. It would totally fit in having her carry evil inside since her appearance already looks like she would.

Jade - She needs the same thing. A more unique, personal goal. There's no goal more boring than "stop the bad guys." Yes, that's what all the heroes ultimate want for the most part, but HOW it's done and approached can make a world of difference. Her rivalry thing with Tanya could have really been something special and individualistic for her, but it was done in such a lame linear way. What a waste.

She's cool, but has a boring story. There needs to be lots and lots of evolution for this one cuz she's going nowhere as of now. We already know that she's like the #1 patriot of Edenia. There should be a story that shows what extent she would go to to protect Edenia. You know how Raiden went extreme with protecting Earth in MKD? Well Jade should do something like that, and maybe what she does is something controversial like kill someone special and so she "gets in trouble," leading to another story arc, etc. I just wanna see how patriotic she really is, hoping she is to an insane degree where she'd commit crazy or immoral things or something shocking like that. Lets put her pride to the test.

Sonya - Ugh, her story has always been "stop the bad guys" in a straightforward way which is just boring. Like Jade, the two above, she needs something more individualistic cuz her story is as generic as it can get. How about she leaves the Special Forces for a change? I am so bored with that already. She's obviously the female icon of MK, so why can't they give her something bigger and better to do than hunt down thugs?

Idea for Sonya (damn this thread is sparking all sorts of ideas in Jack Burton's brain): Take her down the path Sub-Zero took in MK3, the whole renegade concept. Have something happen that would put her out of favor with the Special Forces, or have a situation where she feels they are becoming corrupted in some way...a situation where she'd be on the run from them...I think that would be interesting. NOTE to the powers that be: If this falls under the spamming rule, I apologize. I did my best to make some coherent point with each post. I promise I'll hold off on posting here for awhile... Jack Burton
About Me


09/23/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
JackBurton Wrote:
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Most characters need to expand, but there's only a few whom I care to actually see expand.

Sindel - She is so distinct, yet she has such a standard story. I think they need to give her a more individual, unique conflict to deal with. Being mere queen and mother is so boring.

Also, like Li Mei was evil for a moment and now she carries bits of that evil nature within her. How come Sindel doesn't carry any evil residue from when she was Kahn's wicked bride? Shouldn't there be some similar inner struggle that she has to deal with? I mean, her appearance which is dark and gothic completely contradicts her personality which is spiritual and emotional. It would totally fit in having her carry evil inside since her appearance already looks like she would.

Jade - She needs the same thing. A more unique, personal goal. There's no goal more boring than "stop the bad guys." Yes, that's what all the heroes ultimate want for the most part, but HOW it's done and approached can make a world of difference. Her rivalry thing with Tanya could have really been something special and individualistic for her, but it was done in such a lame linear way. What a waste.

She's cool, but has a boring story. There needs to be lots and lots of evolution for this one cuz she's going nowhere as of now. We already know that she's like the #1 patriot of Edenia. There should be a story that shows what extent she would go to to protect Edenia. You know how Raiden went extreme with protecting Earth in MKD? Well Jade should do something like that, and maybe what she does is something controversial like kill someone special and so she "gets in trouble," leading to another story arc, etc. I just wanna see how patriotic she really is, hoping she is to an insane degree where she'd commit crazy or immoral things or something shocking like that. Lets put her pride to the test.

Sonya - Ugh, her story has always been "stop the bad guys" in a straightforward way which is just boring. Like Jade, the two above, she needs something more individualistic cuz her story is as generic as it can get. How about she leaves the Special Forces for a change? I am so bored with that already. She's obviously the female icon of MK, so why can't they give her something bigger and better to do than hunt down thugs?

Idea for Sonya (damn this thread is sparking all sorts of ideas in Jack Burton's brain): Take her down the path Sub-Zero took in MK3, the whole renegade concept. Have something happen that would put her out of favor with the Special Forces, or have a situation where she feels they are becoming corrupted in some way...a situation where she'd be on the run from them...I think that would be interesting.

NOTE to the powers that be: If this falls under the spamming rule, I apologize. I did my best to make some coherent point with each post. I promise I'll hold off on posting here for awhile...

Jack Burton

Sonya already got a Lin Kuei ally (Cyrax) and a foe (Sektor), now she should copy Sub-Zero's story? Stop mixing chocolate with crap. The bitch must stay as far as possible from him.
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