Characters as alts
posted08/18/2014 02:22 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
A reply I read in my thread about Cassie and her parents made me want to post this thread. It (the reply) suggested making Sonya and Johnny "alts" for Cassie in MKX, instead of making them full-blown characters of their own. I've read it was done in Injustice, apparently.

Should characters who can't or won't be individualized gameplay-wise ever be included as someone else's "alts" with in/outros and taunts of their own, perhaps small gameplay differences, and even unique fatalities?

Imo, it depends on the characters. As it's been said many times, Cassie barely shares any moves with her parents, so as her alts, they'd be underwhelming, as they'd lack too many of their own moves. You might as well make Stryker an alt for Cassie too then, for obvious reasons (though it's worth noting that they could "Strykerize" Cassie's fatality by removing the bloodle gum bit).

But it could work for all the cryomancers. Frost, Cyber-SubZero, unmasked (both young and old), perhaps even Noob, as SubZero's alts. The cybernetic version should shoot his projectiles from his chest, as a small attention to detail (as should Cyber-Smoke, if the human version returned as his own character).

Other examples that could work are Ermac and Kenshi, Goro and Kintaro (Sheeva as either male's alts and vice versa would be awkward, Smoke (all versions, including cyborg) as Scorpion's alts, or Cyber-Smoke as another cyborg's, Khameleon as Reptile's, Tremor as Jax's, Kira and Jarek as Kano's, Jataaka and Kia as Sareena's, Li Mei as Mileena's, and some more.

I'd definitely prefer fully individualized characters, but if done right, this approach could work.
08/08/2014 11:59 PM (UTC)
You are spewing out threads like there's no tomorrow. I'm pretty sure you have crossed the limit several times...

Also, no. No characters for alts, no.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/09/2014 12:05 AM (UTC)
To me this sort of concept would leave most people unhappy. Fans of the primary character would feel annoyed that their character would be diluted and fans of the alternate character would be confused as to why said character does not have fully individual character set.

If I was a Johnny Cage or Sonya fan and I had to pick Cassie to play as Johnny Cage or Sonya that would piss me off. It would not be intuitive.
08/09/2014 12:18 AM (UTC)
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08/09/2014 01:32 AM (UTC)
This is obviously a big NO. Either add these characters and use the Variations system to change their appearances and gameplay in terms of age or leave them out of the game. A few characters as alts is the worst idea cause then you get to play Cassie Cage (who will be deprived of her alt) with a Sonya skin. Whats the use? Give them their own fatalities, taunts, character designs, and some gameplay changes? Why not make them seperate characters while you're at it?
08/09/2014 01:37 AM (UTC)
Absolutely NOT!
08/09/2014 01:37 AM (UTC)

Just like what happened with Eddy Gordo and people hated that.
08/09/2014 02:35 AM (UTC)
I think it could work. Mostly for Johnny Cage, Sonya, and Cassie Cage. I know that Cassie has a "Hollywood" variation and a "Military" variation, which I've heard play more like Johnny and Sonya respectively. I'm not sure how similar they are, but if they're pretty close I could see it working.

Of course, they would still need to give each character their own voice, intro/outro, custom animations and probably their own fatalities. I'm thinking like Cyrax and Sektor's alts in Mortal Kombat 2011, only a step further, so the only thing linking the two together is their move set. They'd have to do a lot more than say what they did with Sub-Zero's alt representing Bi-Han before he died in MK9. That ONLY worked because they both used somewhat similar moves and Bi-Han as Sub-zero didn't play a major role through most of ths story.

The only reason I would want to see this done with any character is if they're not gonna be in the game otherwise. For instance, if NRS isn't going to come up with new moves for Sonya and Johnny Cage and make them their own character slots, I'd rather see them in as an alt for Cassie than not playable at all. I know some people would be happy and say "at least they didn't steal a roster slot from another character" but I don't really care about that idea; if NRS wanted a character to be in they'd add another slot, not kick one of them out.

In other words, if a character makes it in as an alt, it's better than not having that character in at all.
08/09/2014 02:36 AM (UTC)
Dude, you must get paid by the hour to crank out these nonsensical threads.
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-sig by MINION

08/09/2014 03:28 AM (UTC)
I'm down for characters as alts but that might just be the Tekken fan in me. It's small but I think it can make all the difference. I don't care much for Green Lantern in Injustice but when I'm playing with the John Stewart skin. OOH WEE.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

08/09/2014 08:32 AM (UTC)
I would not mind alts.
08/09/2014 09:02 AM (UTC)
Sonya + Cassie = yes please, there are always limited female characters in the roster, don't want the two blondes taking the spots over mileena and tanya.

And no to all others.
08/09/2014 01:04 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
You are spewing out threads like there's no tomorrow. I'm pretty sure you have crossed the limit several times...

Also, no. No characters for alts, no.

They are good threads for the most part so just let it happen.

To answer the OP, I wouldnt mind this, They could even switch up the special moves so Johnny would have his nut punch, super kick, green ball launch, etc. But the normal button combos would be the same.

idk. I wouldnt mind seeing something like this Tho.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

08/09/2014 01:05 PM (UTC)
I'm game for this. I think Sonya WILL be one of Cassie's alts. Esp after I saw the short-haired Cassie render. But Johnny Cage is a no no. The characters have to be SUPER Similar... like the 2 different Green Lanterns, Pre-Noob BiHan and Pre-Cyborg Kuai worked, Henshaw and Superman.

I only c this working for Cassie/Sonya, and the Shokans. Chameleon could be a non-Canon skin for Shujinko, if his stolen moves only came from ninjas. Rain/Hydro is another possibility (Malibu Hydro, not Mugen Hydro)

The characters would also need their own alts, so that this Alt-Character Skin (ACS?) doesn't take away from that. Injustice had several alts for everyone, I'm sure MKX will follow this.
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08/09/2014 02:17 PM (UTC)
As long as a thread has good potential for debate, opinion or speculation, In don't see why anybody cares. He's got over 2000 posts so you know he hasn't only been here for a week or two and this is a pretty decent thread.

At this point, it takes more effort to complain. There is a point where it becomes overboard but that is not here AND this is a good topic. Relax.


At first, I thought this would be a great idea or at the very least, a great way to hide secrets. If, hypothetically, Cage and Sonya didn't make the cut and weren't planned as DLC characters, wouldn't you at least take a skin/altered moves?

Do I desire it this way? Absolutely not. That being said, when the roster is all said and done, I would accept something over nothing,

Then I think of Eddie Gordo. Hated it but it wasn't the end of the world. I'm kind of neutral on it. Bottom line, if Cyrax made the game and Sektor didn't, I'd take a variation over waiting for a different game to perhaps miss out again.
08/09/2014 02:17 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
This is obviously a big NO. Either add these characters and use the Variations system to change their appearances and gameplay in terms of age or leave them out of the game. A few characters as alts is the worst idea cause then you get to play Cassie Cage (who will be deprived of her alt) with a Sonya skin. Whats the use? Give them their own fatalities, taunts, character designs, and some gameplay changes? Why not make them seperate characters while you're at it?

Why in the hell would making Cassie's parents her alts deprive her of an alt of her own? Like what, no characters could have multiple alts like they did in Injustice? Heh.

Anyway, why don't more people agree that it could work best for the cryomancers (Noob excluded, as he's no longer one)? They barely have any remarkable gameplay differences. Frost had her ground freeze, which was given to Sub-Zero in MK9, and there's no logical reason he couldn't be able to do it too. After that, Frost had the daggers, that were said in MK:DA's konquest mode to be Frost compensating for not having enough experience with her own powers to create a big ass blade like Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero could use daggers in one of his combos that involves stabbing the opponent repeatedly, so Frost as an alt could keep what little individuality she has, gameplay-wise.
08/09/2014 02:54 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Demon_0 Wrote:
This is obviously a big NO. Either add these characters and use the Variations system to change their appearances and gameplay in terms of age or leave them out of the game. A few characters as alts is the worst idea cause then you get to play Cassie Cage (who will be deprived of her alt) with a Sonya skin. Whats the use? Give them their own fatalities, taunts, character designs, and some gameplay changes? Why not make them seperate characters while you're at it?

Why in the hell would making Cassie's parents her alts deprive her of an alt of her own? Like what, no characters could have multiple alts like they did in Injustice? Heh.

Anyway, why don't more people agree that it could work best for the cryomancers (Noob excluded, as he's no longer one)? They barely have any remarkable gameplay differences. Frost had her ground freeze, which was given to Sub-Zero in MK9, and there's no logical reason he couldn't be able to do it too. After that, Frost had the daggers, that were said in MK:DA's konquest mode to be Frost compensating for not having enough experience with her own powers to create a big ass blade like Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero could use daggers in one of his combos that involves stabbing the opponent repeatedly, so Frost as an alt could keep what little individuality she has, gameplay-wise.

See DG10A; I would accept Frost with open arms if she was an alt skin for Subby. That would be awesome, as it wouldnt take up another roster spot for a similar character with similar move sets. I know I was being heavily against frost in the frost thread.. but I could be into her being an alt skin.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

08/09/2014 03:23 PM (UTC)

I honestly feel this works in Injustice, as there have been multiple flashes, I wouldnt see anything wrong with having a Jay Garrick skin, or even the Reverse flash.

Same goes for Green Lantern (though there personalities are present in there constructs), Batman (multiple universes, and people other than Bruce to wear the cowel etc.

But MK is a much smaller universe and everyones fighting style is usually pretty distinct so, its a no form me bob.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/09/2014 03:29 PM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
As long as a thread has good potential for debate, opinion or speculation, In don't see why anybody cares.

Thank you.

I honestly wouldn't mind this for certain characters. But I can understand how seeing one of the more unique/popular characters as an alt (let's just say Reptile), would kind of be a slap in the face. Just kind of a constant reminder like damn, and why couldn't of he been his own character? In that instance, I'd just rather them save the character until the next installment.

I think it might work for the bottom-dwelling characters like Frost, and the Shokans. (Or others who's odds in this game/future aren't looking good.) And when I say bottom-dwelling I naturally mean those who don't have as significant a fan-base as say the Ermac/Kenshi alt or a Reptile/C/Khameleon. At least the fans could enjoy some kind of playable Frost/Sheeva.
08/09/2014 03:58 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:

I honestly feel this works in Injustice, as there have been multiple flashes, I wouldnt see anything wrong with having a Jay Garrick skin, or even the Reverse flash.

Same goes for Green Lantern (though there personalities are present in there constructs), Batman (multiple universes, and people other than Bruce to wear the cowel etc.

But MK is a much smaller universe and everyones fighting style is usually pretty distinct so, its a no form me bob.

Sub-Zero is probably the closest MK has to a Batman or Green Lantern-like legacy. All male cryomancers have been called Sub-Zero. All of the "human" ones have had similar, if not identical gameplay, and again, no logical reason for them to differ from one another. Frost is the only cryomancer not to be a Sub-Zero, but her abilities aren't distinct enough to give her a separate spot on the roster. She's not like Killer Frost, or Kula from the King Of Fighters series, ice-based gals whose gameplay largely differed from Sub-Zero's.

Khameleon still has no moves of her own, and her design went from a transparent palette swap to an hybrid of all three female ninjas'. Would it be such a big deal if she inherited Reptile's moves? I could be satisfied if she finally got a more individual design, at least.

This characters-as-alts could work in introducing new Tarkatans, Centaurs or Vampires. I'd rather new characters from these races be individualized of course, but I could tolerate new Tarkatans fighting (almost) exactly like Baraka, if they looked and acted different enough from him.

Minion-types (like nameless Tarkatans), that I suggested in another thread of mine a while back, could work as certain characters' alts.

Personally, I'd love all of Goro's seven wives, and his mother, Queen Mai, to be alts for Sheeva, each with different personalities.

So how would fans feel about introducing new Tarkatans (as well as Shokan, Centaurs, Vampires, etc) this way? I'd really like if we met new individuals from Baraka's race, and I feel the reason we haven't is because NRS would probably struggle to individualize their gameplay from Baraka's. But this is one case where they might not need to, and could just make new Tarkatans alts for him.
08/11/2014 11:45 PM (UTC)
Sorry for bumping my own thread, but the reveal of Kano's wrestler variant and his chest implant, to me, is all the more reason to make certain characters alts for somebody else. Kano seems to have nearly everything Hsu Hao would need if he (Hsu Hao) actually came back. I feel wrestling and the chest implant were essential parts of Hsu Hao's character, so they should just make Hsu Hao an alt for Kano.

In Kira's case, I felt that knives were as much her thing as they are Kano's, so she should be another alt for him. EDIT: On second thought, having watched the Kano reveal trailer, I'm not sure about Hsu Hao as an alt. Perhaps Jarek would work though.
08/11/2014 11:50 PM (UTC)
Again, no.
08/12/2014 12:16 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:

I honestly feel this works in Injustice, as there have been multiple flashes, I wouldnt see anything wrong with having a Jay Garrick skin, or even the Reverse flash.

Same goes for Green Lantern (though there personalities are present in there constructs), Batman (multiple universes, and people other than Bruce to wear the cowel etc.

But MK is a much smaller universe and everyones fighting style is usually pretty distinct so, its a no form me bob.

Sub-Zero is probably the closest MK has to a Batman or Green Lantern-like legacy. All male cryomancers have been called Sub-Zero. All of the "human" ones have had similar, if not identical gameplay, and again, no logical reason for them to differ from one another. Frost is the only cryomancer not to be a Sub-Zero, but her abilities aren't distinct enough to give her a separate spot on the roster. She's not like Killer Frost, or Kula from the King Of Fighters series, ice-based gals whose gameplay largely differed from Sub-Zero's.

Khameleon still has no moves of her own, and her design went from a transparent palette swap to an hybrid of all three female ninjas'. Would it be such a big deal if she inherited Reptile's moves? I could be satisfied if she finally got a more individual design, at least.

This characters-as-alts could work in introducing new Tarkatans, Centaurs or Vampires. I'd rather new characters from these races be individualized of course, but I could tolerate new Tarkatans fighting (almost) exactly like Baraka, if they looked and acted different enough from him.

Minion-types (like nameless Tarkatans), that I suggested in another thread of mine a while back, could work as certain characters' alts.

Personally, I'd love all of Goro's seven wives, and his mother, Queen Mai, to be alts for Sheeva, each with different personalities.

So how would fans feel about introducing new Tarkatans (as well as Shokan, Centaurs, Vampires, etc) this way? I'd really like if we met new individuals from Baraka's race, and I feel the reason we haven't is because NRS would probably struggle to individualize their gameplay from Baraka's. But this is one case where they might not need to, and could just make new Tarkatans alts for him.

This is an awesome idea!
DG1OA Wrote:
Sorry for bumping my own thread, but the reveal of Kano's wrestler variant and his chest implant, to me, is all the more reason to make certain characters alts for somebody else. Kano seems to have nearly everything Hsu Hao would need if he (Hsu Hao) actually came back. I feel wrestling and the chest implant were essential parts of Hsu Hao's character, so they should just make Hsu Hao an alt for Kano.

In Kira's case, I felt that knives were as much her thing as they are Kano's, so she should be another alt for him. EDIT: On second thought, having watched the Kano reveal trailer, I'm not sure about Hsu Hao as an alt. Perhaps Jarek would work though.

Haha I'd play Jarek for kicks find that MK4 voice actor and hire him back for voice lines. Search the earth for that man.

I'd be fine with character alts if these two things happened. If both can't be met then forget about the entire thing:

1. Only if there are as much alternate costumes as Injustice had. I don't want characters like Cassie to miss out on an alternate just because people wanted Sonya.

2. Only and ONLY if they are similar enough like Jarek and Kano but visually changed to fit that character and its variations...

Subbie Wubbie(Kuai,Bi,Cy)/Frost.
Reptile/Chammy and Khammy
Maaaybe a stretch like say a Nitara skin for D'vorah (trade bug projectiles for blood and her bug parts for Kamas and Bat Wings)

I mean say Sareena is revealed how about Kia and Jataaka skins or an Ashrah skin? Some say "Hell no" I say "Alright!"

Still it's just Jarek, It's just Chameleon like only a few like me would like that niche thing but I can imagine a majority saying "who cares?" or "why bother?"

Then again in the Tekken scene I have always LOVED Tiger Jackson, HATED Christie Monteiro and Eddy's fine I guess. So roping them all in together is alright for me since I never have to suffer Christie being there only in place of the other two.

And if I played Injustice, I can guarantee you I would NOT play Hal Jordan but John Stewart? Now you would have my interest.

Wait what was I saying? Oh! It's a niche thing to do but some of those people loooove that niche. Myself included. I'd be alright with something like that and hopefully come MK11 they end up being their own characters again. But as I have stated those first two things HAVE to happen and that would take way too much work to do so it wouldn't anyway.

Controversial opinion I know, because everyone is attached to characters and we want to see them get the golden treatment and not be stuck in someone elses shadow.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

08/12/2014 01:01 AM (UTC)
Eh, it kinda works for a game like injustice. There are a few characters that are kind of interchangeable powers wise. MK however, I just don't see it working as well. I could be wrong,
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