Character Story Connections in MK7: Sub-Zero, Sektor, Cyrax, Noob Saibot, Sareena and Frost
posted09/20/2005 04:46 AM (UTC)by
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10/21/2004 08:23 PM (UTC)
Hello everyone, first and foremost i hope everyone is doing good and in good health. Well now off to the topic

I had an idea im pretty sure i posted in another thread but i wanted indepth opinions on this inter-winding storyline and wanted to elaborate alittle, It is the purpose for Sub-zero, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Sektor, Frost, Cyrax and possibly Sareena for MK7.

Noob Saibot formerly Sub-zero, takes smoke to the netherrealm to use his advanced technology to create his personal arsenal of technologically enhanced wraiths. Noobs first attempt was a failure and he continued to tamper with Smokes body only to haywire him to rebel. Noob's tampering unlocked partial-data stored away in smokes memory and although smoke didnt know the truth behind the re-gained fragmented memories he was now fully aware of noobs intentions of manipulation and saw an end to it. He didnt defeat noob because he was too confused with his clouded mind.

So that is where smoke is...struggling to access his locked data and advancing himself inorder to find a way to do it.

Noob without the aid of smoke sought out to find a new source to use to increase his power and raise his legion. With his failed confrontation him and smoke recently had with his brother Sub-Zero, Noob instantly knew what he had to do. He was dumb founded he didnt realize it earlier. His younger brother had aquired the Dragon Medallion which increased his powers dramaticly. Noob, slickster of the shadows, steals the dragon Medlallion from Sub-zero. Noob had only planned to increase his powers but was shocked when he realized that the Dragon Medallion responded to him. Even though noob had decended to the netherrealm after his death and his soul tainted, he found out that the Dragon Medallion posessed the power to spiritually connect with even the most lost lin quei warriors. The medallion had the ability to reconnect Noob with his kori powers. It seems he had never lost them just forgotten them and as long as he has the medallion he could harnest them. Noob begins the process of building his wraith army using his powers of darkness and shadow merged with his kori powers. To insure his actions would not be disturbed Noob pays a visit to Sektor in Japan. He informs Sektor that he has posession of the Dragon Medallion and The Lin Quei are weak. Sektor is is Noob.

So that is where noob is...he lost smoke but stole the dragon medallion from Sub-zero and regained his kori powers making him stronger and with a source to build his wraith legion on. He informs Sektor of the Lin Quei's weakening in order to insure Sub-zero is kept busy and away from him.

After Noob Saibot surpises sub-zero with an attack their fight was short. Within the fighting Noob stole the medallion from Sub-Zero's armor. Sub quickly dashed to regain it but Noob vanished in shadowy smoke. Sub-zero soon felt after a day or two, a weakening in his powers. He could feel in his spirit Noob had tainted the Dragon Medallion. The Lin Quei have been weakened, and at a no worst time than now. Sub-zero returns to the Lin Quei headquarters after a couple weeks only to get word that Sektor seemed to have gotten word of their weakened state and has ordered the Tekunin he reanimated to invade the Lin Quei. Sub-Zero orders the Lin Quei to prepare for war as he revisits the ancestoral catacombs in search of a plan. Sub-zero goes back to his ancestoral catacomb to plan out his actions when he was greeted by frost. It seems that as Noob has tainted the Dragon Medallion there were side effects to tampering with magic. It seems as though Noobs stealing the Medallion reversed the effects it had on Frost and released her. Sub-zero explained what had happened and frost knowing what she did was dishonorable agreed to assist her Leader in order to regain the Medallion and atone for her doings. Sub-zero warned Frost that getting the medallion back would return it to its normal state and that might mean the icy barrier around her might be replaced. In hopes of atonement Frost still agrees to aid Sub-zero. Her true intentions unknown only to herself...does she want to truely atone for her mistake and assist sub-zero or has she learned from her mishap in how she mis-used the Medallion and plans on gaining the medallion once more to try and harness it again for herself. Frost follows sub-zeros actions and acquires armor from one of the female ancestor lin quei warriors filling her with a slight increase of power.

So that is where sub-zero and frost are...Noobs tainting of the medallion releases frost who joins sub-zero in a mission to regain it. Regaining it and giving it to Sub-zero might return Frost to her icy tomb but maybe she doesnt plan on giving it to sub...?? Meanwhile the Tekunin are ordered to asassinate the Lin Quei.

Sektor manages to re-animate the Tekunin robots and reprograms them all individually himself. No sooner than he is finished he is paid a visit by Noob Saibot. Sektor immediately summoned the Tekunin to attack thinking Noob was invading. To sektors surprise the Tekunin were immobilized by if they were frozen. Sektor was puzzled...only a lin quei could harness that ability...His scanners did not read Noob as a Lin Quei. (he is unaware of noobs origin) Sektor starts to attack but noob insists he hear him out. Sektor aroused by the events his delight noob bares good news. He informs sektor that he had stolen the Dragon Medallion from Sub-zero and so the Lin Quei clan has weakened. Noob further tells him that with the upgrades Sektor seems to have made to the Tekunin they are more than capable of over coming the Lin Quei...Sektor is well aware of that since he hand programmed them all himself. Sektor still intrigued with his frozen army asks Noob...he knows that only a lin quei can harnest those abilities and even if someone posessed the Medallion they couldnt use it unless they were of descent, so he asks how is it that Noob could control these abilities...With that Noob vanishes. Just as he vanishes so does the icy grip on his army. Sektor now programs the Tekunin to travel and attack and kill the Lin Quei. After they leave Sektor trys to compute Noob. He is not in his system but he comes to a conclusion anyways, Only Lin Quei can use those abilities and Noob has performed them...he computes that noob is in some way connected with the Lin Quei and decides he must be killed as well. But after immobilizing his entire army with only blow he knows he must upgrade first...for now he will focus on eliminating the weakened Sub-Zero as his army handles the clan. Then set his sights on Noob.

So that is where sektor is, reprograms the Tekunin to attack and kill the Lin Quei after noob reveals their weakened state. He will plan to kill sub-zero then kill Noob whom is connected to the Lin Quei but by how he doesnt know...nor does he care.

Before Sub-zero goes out to find Noob with Frost he knows there's a chance they could run into Sektor and plus Noob is stronger than before, so he seeks aid from the Earth Forces. The Special Forces agree to aid as the fall of the Lin Quei would result in the deadly Tekunin gaining massive power and spreading across Earthrealm possibly endangering the Special Forces themselves, they assign Cyrax to his side. The 3 of them should be more than enough for Sektor or Noob. With his orders in place Cyrax heads out with Sub-Zero and Frost.

That is were cyrax is...he is ordered to aid Sub-zero and Frost in hopes of stopping the Tekunin Army gaining power and threatening the Special Forces and Earthrealm.

Sareena- im not quite sure....possibly she finds out about Noob and joins him, her lost love the original sub-zero, and aids him in raising his legion.

Well there you have it
*Smoke breaks free but is lost in his partial-memory
*Noob steals Medallion and regains kori powers making him stronger
*Sub and Lin quei are weakened and must get Medallion back
*Mean while noob informs Sektor of Lin quei weakened state.
*Tekunin ordered to attack Lin Quei and Sektor goes after Sub-Zero
*Sub-zero find out Noobs doings releases Frost who joins him
*Frost gets female ancestoral armor to increase power
*Sub-Zero gets aid by Cyrax from SF to help defeat Noob
*Sub-Zero must defeat Noob before the Tekunin/Lin Quei war ends and also has to deal with Sektor hot on their trail.
*Sereena discovers Noobs identity and joins him

That was the basic idea i had to connect these characters for MK7. Please give my your opinions on this and feel free to add to it or take away from it.
Of course there will be other character in MK7 dealing with Khan and what not but this was an idea i had for these characters since they all could be connected.

09/19/2005 11:11 AM (UTC)
Wow. All that and not even a title.....
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09/19/2005 02:00 PM (UTC)
lol sorry the first post didnt have a title and i noticed that and thought i stopped the post with the stop button and resent it with a title...guess i didnt make it lol i titled it now correctly sorry about that.
09/20/2005 04:46 AM (UTC)
I like most of it. It sounds interesting and is well thought out.

I agree Noob should probably find a means to boost his power to make him a greater threat. However, I don't think his Kori powers should return. I say this because we already have Sub-Zero and Frost; why have yet another ice-based character.
If anything, the Medallion should increase Noob's shadow powers. I can't think of anything specific at the moment, but the focus of Noob's power should come from his being a shadow wraith.

I think Sareena should play a larger and different role in this. At first, Sareena should be torn between which side she chooses. While she may have had feelings for the original Sub-Zero, she also hated the Netherealm and the Brotherhood, so I think part of her will hate what he's become.
If anything, I think she would "join" him in the hope she could help him regain his Sub-Zero persona, unless he offers her something she wants.
A large part of Sareena's story should be her trying to decide which side she ultimately goes with.

I liked Frost's role and I'd be interested in seeing what you have in store for her. Smoke, too.

Sektor's role is good, but I'm hoping he has a trick up his sleeve because it sounds like he's just following Noob's orders.
But I agree Sektor and the Tekunin will probably draw in Cyrax and the Special Forces. I could also see the Red Dragon getting involved too.

I'd also think you should incorporate Scorpion and Quan Chi into this, since they both should have stakes in the Netherealm storyline.
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