Chameleon & Khameleon-MKX
posted04/25/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)by
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04/07/2011 03:13 AM (UTC)
Do you think these two could play a role in MKX?

Give both of them a sweet redesign, their own move-sets, own story, etc.
I was thinking that they both could have a new overall twist.

Chameleon can morph into any male character and Khameleon morphs into any female character.

Would you like the idea if they were given the ability to morph?
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2014 01:53 AM (UTC)
I wish people would stop grouping Khameleon with Chameleon.

Khammy actually has a story that could really help flesh reptile out. I'd love to see her back.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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06/10/2014 01:55 AM (UTC)
Always been a huge khameleon supporter, was really disappointed in how they made her in mka tho,

So if she was to return I hope she has more Saurian features like reptile. Also wears gray again, not teal or changing color costume. Morphing or adaptabilies would still make sense tho given her name.

As for chameleon, he could drink bleach and die. But if he must return, then chameleon and khameleon should be a tag team like noob smoke that have powers from the different palette swaps.
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06/10/2014 01:56 AM (UTC)
Chameleon is 100% pointless and shouldn't even be real
06/10/2014 02:00 AM (UTC)
I'm not trying to "group" them in any way. Just wanted to mention them in one thread.

As for your both replies, I thank you for the opinions.

I too would rather have Khameleon over the male version.
06/10/2014 02:29 AM (UTC)
The strong hate for Chameleon only serves my point on how MK fans are completely against the idea of redevelopment.

You guys act as if these underdeveloped characters could never in a million years be improved on; it's insane. The reason they haven't been improved on is because they're never given a chance to.

Characters like Chameleon, Dairou, Darrius, Meat, and even Hsu Hao will never be any better so long as they are condemned for what they were. Offer them the opportunity, and I can assure you they will all become incredible.

Not so sure about Hsu Hao. lol But he still does deserve as much of a chance as anyone else.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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06/10/2014 02:49 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
The strong hate for Chameleon only serves my point on how MK fans are completely against the idea of redevelopment.

You guys act as if these underdeveloped characters could never in a million years be improved on; it's insane. The reason they haven't been improved on is because they're never given a chance to.

Characters like Chameleon, Dairou, Darrius, Meat, and even Hsu Hao will never be any better so long as they are condemned for what they were. Offer them the opportunity, and I can assure you they will all become incredible.

Not so sure about Hsu Hao. lol But he still does deserve as much of a chance as anyone else.

Chameleon tho is last in line tho in terms of characters that should be given a chance at development since he has no story, originality, etc. Khameleon has both.

I'm all for giving opportunities to characters that despite being hated, have potential for improvement and relelvance in the mk universe. There's just no need for two C/Khameleons and if they had to pick one it should be Khameleon.

I hated Meat and was very against his inclusion in MKA but I really liked him in the game. Same with Hsu Hao, I hated his appearance, but actually loved his gameplay once I played with him.

Not saying I dont agree with you tho in terms of them never being given the chance without the fan support, it makes sense.
06/10/2014 02:59 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
The strong hate for Chameleon only serves my point on how MK fans are completely against the idea of redevelopment.

You guys act as if these underdeveloped characters could never in a million years be improved on; it's insane. The reason they haven't been improved on is because they're never given a chance to.

Characters like Chameleon, Dairou, Darrius, Meat, and even Hsu Hao will never be any better so long as they are condemned for what they were. Offer them the opportunity, and I can assure you they will all become incredible.

Not so sure about Hsu Hao. lol But he still does deserve as much of a chance as anyone else.

Seriously? I would like to see many of the underdeveloped characters to come back at some point and be improved on.
Meat and Hsu Hao would be the first two I'd want to be improved.

06/10/2014 03:01 AM (UTC)
As long as they're not console exclusives and are done well I wouldn't mind seeing either of them again.

I HATE console exclusives, specifically for MK content. I understand guest characters from each company only appearing on said company's version, but not MK content.

I was pretty pissed when they said "every playable character that has ever appeared will be in Armageddon," and then Khameleon was absent, only to then appear 7 months later on the Wii version.

The same thing with the bonus challenges (Tremor, etc.) for the Vita.

Apologize for the slightly OT rant, but when I think about Chameleon/Khameleon, I always think about that.
06/10/2014 04:23 AM (UTC)
Everyone has a chance to come back new, especially with a new timeline.

Khameleon has the best chance for coming back. She has an already established and very interesting story.

Chameleon on the other hand, has a rather bland story. BUT it is missing a lot.
Is he really a saurian?
If so, how come Reptile believes he's the last?
Why does he want immortality?
What is his relationship with a woman that has similar clothes, appearance and name?

Another thing would be their powers. In Armageddon they had a move from almost all the ninjas of their respective gender. But how did they get such powers? And is copying powers their actually power?

I would like them to come back and answer these questions.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2014 04:46 AM (UTC)
Bug Lady is what I was hoping Khameleon would look similar too if she ever returned.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/10/2014 04:51 AM (UTC)
Bug lady is also similar to the woman from Jade's MK9 ending too, IMO
07/03/2014 03:39 PM (UTC)
Just something I've been thinking about recently. I know Chameleon isn't one of the best received characters, but is there anyone out there that thinks he can have a second-chance? I liked him in Armageddon and his moves weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be. His design was pretty cool, and I think NRS can push him more towards Suarian than ninja in the future and could make him a popular character.

The same pretty much goes for Khameleon. She and Chameleon have just as much a chance and right as anyone to get a design reboot. I'm up for it, but I would personally have a brand new Suarian character if I had the choice. So, any thoughts, ideas, criticisms?

In b4, "No, cuz there're ninjas"
In b4 "No cuz they're shit"

07/03/2014 03:48 PM (UTC)
As I mentioned in the Ninja thread, I'd love for Khameleon to get a chance to shine, even at the expense of Reptile. She could be made into a very interesting character for sure. smile
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07/03/2014 03:57 PM (UTC)
*Shad's obligatory post about how I believe Khameleon and Reptile will have finally hooked up goes here*

I have a pathological hatred for Chameleon, but if they can fix Rain, they can fix him. I'd rather he not be a Saurian, however. They basically gave Meat the plot I wanted for him - a creation of Shang Tsung's.
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07/03/2014 04:05 PM (UTC)
Chameleon rocks. He was my fav in MKT and real kool to fight vs :D Bring him back. I don't like Khameleon that much, but I dig her.
07/03/2014 04:34 PM (UTC)
what if... and bare with me here cuz this may shock a few of you.... but what if they did put Khameleon in the game and just gave her kitana, mileena and jade as her variations. 3 characters in one?... im not saying thats what i want by any means cuz i want mileena and kitana front and center but if we dont get to have any of the three what if thats what they do with Khameleon? i wouldn't be mad in any way, though i would be disappointed but, khameleon is my third favorite character after mileena and kitana so i guess i wouldn't mind too much...

even i'd much prefer they make her her own character than a copycat of the three.... i doubt that netherealm studios would do that lol just a wild speculation. anything is possible i suppose.
07/03/2014 04:45 PM (UTC)
Despite that I really don't like either of these characters, at least Khameleon had a story that was really cool to read in Armageddon. If they actually serve a purpose in the game, like actually be important rather than just thrown in here for the sake of pleasing fans, then I'll tolerate them. But if they're just thrown in here for the sake of pleasing fans, then no because it would be a waste of a character spot.
07/03/2014 04:48 PM (UTC)
riomarz Wrote:
what if... and bare with me here cuz this may shock a few of you.... but what if they did put Khameleon in the game and just gave her kitana, mileena and jade as her variations. 3 characters in one?... im not saying thats what i want by any means cuz i want mileena and kitana front and center but if we dont get to have any of the three what if thats what they do with Khameleon? i wouldn't be mad in any way, though i would be disappointed but, khameleon is my third favorite character after mileena and kitana so i guess i wouldn't mind too much...

even i'd much prefer they make her her own character than a copycat of the three.... i doubt that netherealm studios would do that lol just a wild speculation. anything is possible i suppose.

Possible, but ultimately unlikely I think. Sure, it'd work variation-wise and fit Khameleon's old theme of using other character's powers, but it would leave a bad taste in a lot of fan's mouths and odds are Khameleon isn't even in the game.
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I will rock you.

07/03/2014 08:43 PM (UTC)
If they have there own moveset and there own fatalities I will say yes for them too return because I hated the copying of fatalities it was pointless.
07/03/2014 08:54 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
riomarz Wrote:
what if... and bare with me here cuz this may shock a few of you.... but what if they did put Khameleon in the game and just gave her kitana, mileena and jade as her variations. 3 characters in one?... im not saying thats what i want by any means cuz i want mileena and kitana front and center but if we dont get to have any of the three what if thats what they do with Khameleon? i wouldn't be mad in any way, though i would be disappointed but, khameleon is my third favorite character after mileena and kitana so i guess i wouldn't mind too much...

even i'd much prefer they make her her own character than a copycat of the three.... i doubt that netherealm studios would do that lol just a wild speculation. anything is possible i suppose.

Possible, but ultimately unlikely I think. Sure, it'd work variation-wise and fit Khameleon's old theme of using other character's powers, but it would leave a bad taste in a lot of fan's mouths and odds are Khameleon isn't even in the game.

Yea i honestly dont think she's in either... but i think NRS Are kinda at the point where they dont care if they leave a bad taste or not. If we're going by rumors almost half the cast are going to be new characters and lots of people seem to be against it because it means less chance of the other 30+ characters that havent seen justice, to return. and They killed off a lot of fan favorites in MK9. So whats stopping them from doing the Kitana, Mileena, Jade variations for Khameleon? fan backlash? lol doubt they'd care too much about that. the only thing that goes against the variation theory is mileena being alive.
07/03/2014 10:44 PM (UTC)
They ain't coming back
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07/04/2014 01:39 AM (UTC)
What a nice idea for Khameleon :) But give her all of the female ninjas signature moves in every srtyle :D 3 in 1 and more spots for others!

Make Chameleon with the moves of all the ninjas who don't make it in MKX !!
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

07/04/2014 03:08 PM (UTC)
What if.. Chameleon.. WAS Khameleon, this whole time? #MindBlown

LoL. Her RetKon MK story could be that she is a shape-shifting sorceress and master of all weapons.
07/04/2014 04:50 PM (UTC)
The only way I could actually see either of these 2 being in MKX is if they're hidden fights. (Like Reptile, Smoke, Jade, and Noob) That way it would make sense for them to rip off other character's moves. After all, that's their entire gimmick.
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