Can Noob Saibot be redeemed?
People are saying they want to see Noob Saibot be redeemed, but I don't think that would work too well, I think it'd be much better if it turned out he was an irredeemable character.
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09/24/2005 10:01 PM (UTC)
MK fails in one big point: -the heroes always come up as victors -thank you God for MKD's intro- , and the villains are never exploited beyond their objectives and goals of conquest.

A shame really. MK is no epic tale, and evil should win as much as good, IF NOT more frequently.
09/24/2005 10:36 PM (UTC)
yes, I would pay good money to see evil take a win this time. Hey, I would even love it if Noob could take over the contest with Smoke, be like another DA of sorts....but yeah who knows what MK7 will be like (wow we are already at 7!?!?)
Guys you know why good defeats evil...?

Because if the bad guys win, then the story is over!
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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director
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"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
09/24/2005 11:40 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
MK fails in one big point: -the heroes always come up as victors -thank you God for MKD's intro- , and the villains are never exploited beyond their objectives and goals of conquest.

Exactly. How wonderful was it to see that the heroes stood no chance against both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. And even Raiden, as great a fight as that was, was defeated by them. What made the MKD intro so appealing to was the irony of Shang's and Quan Chi's own personal desires tearing apart their realistic potential to be an almost unstopable force. The "what if" scenarios of them both being totally committed to their alliance has been played out in the minds of most if not all of us. And that's what brought some life back into the series.

Concerning Noob's desire to rise to power; diminishing his goal and making it nothing more than a peripheral endeavor would make MK stagnant again, since Noob and Smoke could have Sindel, Kitana and Sub Zero as major enimies. That could make a strong storyline where Noob, Smoke, and possibly another recuit to their clan, intriguing and fresh.

09/25/2005 01:40 AM (UTC)
I know that Sub-Zero would believe so, but personally he was tainted from the Netherealm in such a way that he probably won't care about who he once was. Noob Saibot I believe now just hungers power and he wants his brother's medallion and probably his life.
09/25/2005 03:23 AM (UTC)
I think Sub-Zero will make a brief attempt at reforming Noob Saibot. And I say brief because I personally don't see Sub-Zero as the type of character who'd hope against hope his brother will turn good. I see him making a few attempts, then quickly accepting his brother's gone.
Afterward he'd probably just see Noob Saibot as an insult to his brother's memory.

I think Sareena may also make a similar attempt to get Noob Saibot to turn back into his former self. How far she goes to accomplish this, I can't say. I guess it depends on just how much she may have loved him. He may even use that against her.
We'll see how that part of this drama goes.

Now, should we see Noob Saibot reform and/or regain some semblance of his former self?
If....and I stress comes to that, I think it should only occur at the end of Noob Saibot's story, whenever that may be. I for one have very little interest in seeing a good Noob Saibot as a recurring character.
If he reforms, it should be to bring closure to his story and be the end of it.
09/25/2005 04:09 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I think Sub-Zero will make a brief attempt at reforming Noob Saibot. And I say brief because I personally don't see Sub-Zero as the type of character who'd hope against hope his brother will turn good. I see him making a few attempts, then quickly accepting his brother's gone.
Afterward he'd probably just see Noob Saibot as an insult to his brother's memory.

I think Sareena may also make a similar attempt to get Noob Saibot to turn back into his former self. How far she goes to accomplish this, I can't say. I guess it depends on just how much she may have loved him. He may even use that against her.
We'll see how that part of this drama goes.

Now, should we see Noob Saibot reform and/or regain some semblance of his former self?
If....and I stress comes to that, I think it should only occur at the end of Noob Saibot's story, whenever that may be. I for one have very little interest in seeing a good Noob Saibot as a recurring character.
If he reforms, it should be to bring closure to his story and be the end of it.

Noob Saibot's so immersed in his evil that it would take a massive occurance in order for him to redeem himself.

But as a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow, he has done many atrocities. Although characters like Ermac are able to inevitably atone for most of things they've done, I've always looked at him as more of an irredeemable character. Ermac [hurts to say] did bad acts out of ignorance of reality (to reword his own words) and involuntary choices, where as Saibot actually became a wraith and embraced what it was he did, all the while knowing that it was wrong. It's that very thing that makes him so unjustifiable.
09/26/2005 02:58 PM (UTC)
Ashrah was once a horrible demon, and she is being redeemed, so it may be possible, but highly unlikely. It is said that Noob had to earn his place in the netherrealm, and to do that, one can scarcely imagine the kinds of attrocities he committed. His goal is to have that realm for himself, and a goal that incredibly huge, takes not only dedication, but a warped, evil mind that, to me, is beyond redemption. Sub could try to turn him, it would make for some interesting sub plots (SUB plots..get it? ha...yeah) but I really think (and kinda hope even) that Noob is beyond redemption.
I still want to know what Sub meant when he mentioned Noob was being possessed/used by the Elder Gods What the crap is THAT all about? Number one he is NOT posessed..he went deeper into the Netherrealm and evil on his OWN accord..also if he were posessed, then he would NOT have recognized Sub Zero as his brother.
09/27/2005 10:00 PM (UTC)
maybe he could take kriss after ashra dropped it, after meeting his brother and talking to him.

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