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08/16/2014 04:18 PM (UTC)
Hara-Kiri's I wouldn't mind, actually. I'd prefer them over most of the other finishers (Animalities, Babalities, Friendships). I always liked the idea of taking away the pleasure of allowing my opponent to kill my character by killing him myself
08/16/2014 06:47 PM (UTC)
it could also be creative fatality.
08/16/2014 06:54 PM (UTC)
If hara kiri's were in, the best way to implement them is if the player doesn't do the fatality in the required time then the harakiri should start automatically whem the time is up. Ppl bitch cuz the ppl doing the hara kiris could do the button combination quicker cuz they didnt have to be at a certain distance,doing it this way would resolve that problem fairly.
08/16/2014 07:10 PM (UTC)
I think brutalities should essentially be long X-rays. Instead of the winner pummeling the loser in fast motion, brutalities should be slow-paced, and show the loser's bones being broken after every hit, and sometimes stop to show the victim's reaction (like barfing blood and vomit).

Though I wouldn't mind if instead of X-rays, we simply had the camera zoom in the body parts being hit. I don't know if it was a glitch, but in a vid featuring Kotal Kahn and Cassie, at one point the camera focused on Cassie's face after Kotal hit her. To me, that could be great for brutalities.

If Stryker returns, his brutality should be referred by the announcer as a police brutality.

Another idea I posted once was stage brutalities. They'd last longer than stage fatalities. You could imagine MK9's Subway fatality being taken further, like the winner rubbing the victim's face against the side of one train, then knocking them headfirst on the floor, dragging them across the floor leaving a trail of blood behind, then rubbing their faces against another train's side, before finally finishing them with a punch near the ledge of the platform, leaving the victim to fall on the rails and eventually get run over by another incoming train.
08/17/2014 05:50 PM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
If hara kiri's were in, the best way to implement them is if the player doesn't do the fatality in the required time then the harakiri should start automatically whem the time is up. Ppl bitch cuz the ppl doing the hara kiris could do the button combination quicker cuz they didnt have to be at a certain distance,doing it this way would resolve that problem fairly.

Honestly, one of my favorite parts of Deadly Alliance (and something that's often forgotten about it) was that fatalities could be performed anywhere on the screen. They didn't have the usual distance requirements.

I personally, loved that. Since the finicky distance thing has always annoyed me. I don't see what it adds to the experience, frankly. Other than making them ever-so-slightly more difficult to perform and majorly annoying when you're only off by a hair. (But I guess some people like it that way? I personally don't see the big whoop.)
08/21/2014 12:56 AM (UTC)
Someone is going to have this as a Brutality. Imagine that persons chest just being caved in!!!
08/21/2014 07:58 AM (UTC)
I remember Brutalities as a bunch of punch and kicks til the opponent explodes...

The same.

For every character.

Now WTF would ANYONE want that to return?! To see Brutalities lauded over creative and entertaining friendships which were a staple of my childhood is an actual joke.

Brutalities were lazily included in Trilogy for the sake of having a new 'ality', and required next-to-no additional programming or animation from the developers.

Now obviously tech has moved on and I'm assuming brutalities could now be souped up, really gross and individual x-ray/fatality combos, but if they come back - in *that* form - a lame combo leading to an explosion, I'll be mighty pissed off.

I'm assuming when people say they want brutalities back, it's in an entirely re-imagined form, right?!
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08/21/2014 08:18 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
I remember Brutalities as a bunch of punch and kicks til the opponent explodes...

The same.

For every character.

Now WTF would ANYONE want that to return?! To see Brutalities lauded over creative and entertaining friendships which were a staple of my childhood is an actual joke.

Brutalities were lazily included in Trilogy for the sake of having a new 'ality', and required next-to-no additional programming or animation from the developers.

Now obviously tech has moved on and I'm assuming brutalities could now be souped up, really gross and individual x-ray/fatality combos, but if they come back - in *that* form - a lame combo leading to an explosion, I'll be mighty pissed off.

I'm assuming when people say they want brutalities back, it's in an entirely re-imagined form, right?!

Maybe it can be purely for behemoth characters: like zombie Jax or Onaga. It suits the more cut throat characters as well. For example, Kano is more prone to violent outbursts so Brutalities can return for him to make him more memorable by giving him a secret Brutality. smile
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08/21/2014 09:42 AM (UTC)
The only worthwhile finishers were only fatalities and hara-kiris.

perhaps the MK9 friendship/babality can slide, but no animalities, brutalities, nudalities, hospitalities, civilities etc.
08/21/2014 01:43 PM (UTC)
I am almost certain now that people on this forum do not read other posters they just read headlines, bits of OP's and start writing willy nilly about their predisposition.
08/21/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
I remember Brutalities as a bunch of punch and kicks til the opponent explodes...

The same.

For every character.

Now WTF would ANYONE want that to return?! To see Brutalities lauded over creative and entertaining friendships which were a staple of my childhood is an actual joke.

Brutalities were lazily included in Trilogy for the sake of having a new 'ality', and required next-to-no additional programming or animation from the developers.

Now obviously tech has moved on and I'm assuming brutalities could now be souped up, really gross and individual x-ray/fatality combos, but if they come back - in *that* form - a lame combo leading to an explosion, I'll be mighty pissed off.

I'm assuming when people say they want brutalities back, it's in an entirely re-imagined form, right?!

When I imagine brutalities, i imagine them returning in a, excuse my pun, Brutal fashion. I believe some characters should have a series of punch and kicks but that also depends on the characters. I think bigger guys should have more Heavy Blows while nimble characters have many quick strikes.

-My example- imagine Kano striking the opponent in the stomach and then hitting them with two haymakers and then grabbing their head and repeatedly headbutting them to the ground which he is now in a mounted position on top, still headbutting caving the opponents face in. i guess throw a few xrays in there and BAM you have a pretty damn gorey Brutality. None of that exploding crap just bc they were punches n kicked repeatedly.

08/22/2014 11:09 AM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
I am almost certain now that people on this forum do not read other posters they just read headlines, bits of OP's and start writing willy nilly about their predisposition.

You, sir, deserve an Epic Truth Award...but since those don't actually exist and are merely a figment of my imagination, I'll give you the next best thing...

...QFT. wink
09/04/2014 03:03 PM (UTC)
I had made a simialr suggestion in the post Animalities/Brutalities, i completely agree with you and we should also have a QTE mini game where the button prompts come up on screen like God of War to keep the combo going, and would end with a unique to that character finisher, and yes that would be similar to an ULTMATE COMBO from KI 1 & 2. But a hell of a lot more gory and fun. KI's no mercys were mostly lame tamed down finishing moves. No exploding bodies unless of course at the end of Kano's brutalitiy he pulls out your heart and puts one of his grenades in there instead!!! That would ROCK!
09/08/2014 01:47 AM (UTC)
I only ever liked fatalities and brutalities.

Everything else (especially babaliatilires) I consider to be nothing but filler-spam-flopness.

Brutalities... they just really punch, you know. It's very cool to watch. I would be happy to see brutalities back in 2015.

Tanya could have her own brutality!!!!! Fingers krossed.
09/08/2014 12:27 PM (UTC)
This is how I picture brutalities taking place:

The character would start a string combo full of brutal punches and kicks, kind of like a KI ultra combo, but slower. It would culminate with 5 x-rayed blows that would completely incapacitate the victim, leaving them broken and dead.
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