posted09/08/2014 12:27 PM (UTC)by
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06/13/2014 12:41 PM (UTC)
With Ed Boon hinting at the *return* of a an ality for MKX, most folks seem to be predicting Animalities or Brutalities. And since someone else mentioned that Brutalities appeared to have been dropped from MK9, I'm leaning toward that being the reinstated ality.

That being said, I think it would be a nice change if Brutalities resulted in you beating the life out of your opponent rather than causing them to explode.

And (here's the kicker), what if this was enacted as a mini-game?

For example, you input the code to start the Brutality. Then a button prompt pops up near the bottom of your screen and if you press it in time, your character proceeds to punish the loser in a way that's unique to them.

Say, Raiden is the victor and he performs a Brutailty. X button pops up and you hit it. Raiden chops the opponent's neck, causing them to recoil. □ pops up, you press it in time, and Raiden throws his hands up to electracute the loser with arcs of lightning, burning the loser and sending him to his hands and knees. ○ pops up, you hit it, and Raiden gut-kicks the loser into the air. □ pops up again, this time faster, and Raiden strikes the loser with more lightning while they're airborne. Triangle comes up, again faster, and you teleport up with the opponent and snap his back with a powerful downward stomp kick.

The end result is a charred and broken corpse.

And that's how all Brutalities would function. Essentially as interactive mini-games where each input pops up incrementally faster and each input enables to player to perform the next move in the sequence (with a maximum of 4-6 inputs before the Brutality ends). Ermac could be as simple as different telekinetic slams and twists with each input, until the final input slams the losers body to the ground in a mangled mess.

Subby? Freeze a foe's arm and then shatter it. Next input, create an ice hammer and break the foe's jaw. Ect ect.

And when each input comes up, the game slows down a bit. So after subby breaks their jaw with an ice hammer, and the victim is spinning away from the force of the impact, they're flying back in slow motion as the next input comes up. If you don't hit the button before time elapses, time speeds up again and the Brutality simply ends at that point.

Just a fun way to beat the shit out of your foe without it having to be just some super long combo of punches and kicks. It's interactive, unique to each character, and has the same end result of a broken warrior at the end. smile

Your thoughts?
08/15/2014 02:55 PM (UTC)
This is my post from another -ality thread:

"BRUTALITY is awesome! I really hope it happens. With the added gore tech it really could be something gruesome. You'd basically just be beating the hell out of the player and their bodies would react to the attacks in a realistic way; (in-game the characters brush off broken jaw's, sword slashes, fire, etc) every injury would stay until the combo ended. It would be so RUDE!

It may have trouble passing the ESRB because it would be WAYYY more violent than any fatality, because a fatality is a structured, repetitive input. Imagine the kind of thing's you could do?

Reptile's acid spit would actually burn skin. Scorpion's swords would actually dismember limbs, X-rays would break bones, etc. Gruesome"

I dont like the idea of limiting brutalities to 4 buttons, or 6, or 7, or 10 for that matter.

When brutalitly is initiated. If your character is Raiden, you just do a combo like you normally would only instead of having the opponent shake off 10000 volts of electricity that actually damages them appropriately.

Or if you're scorpion, your swords would ACTUALLY dismember people. etc.
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08/15/2014 03:06 PM (UTC)
I actually think it is going to be brutalities, simply cause they fit this game way more and animalities are fucking nonsensical BS. I have enough faith in NRS to keep those dumb animalities out of this game and not ruin its dark tone
08/15/2014 03:07 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
I actually think it is going to be brutalities, simply cause they fit this game way more and animalities are fucking nonsensical BS. I have enough faith in NRS to keep those dumb animalities out of this game and not ruin its dark tone

you said it best brother
08/15/2014 05:41 PM (UTC)
He said its a brand new ality so its NOT brutalities.
08/15/2014 05:57 PM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
He said its a brand new ality so its NOT brutalities.

He said, recently, it's a *reinstated* ality. Reinstatment is the reinstitution or reimplementation of something, not something brand new. smile
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08/15/2014 06:16 PM (UTC)
As I've said before, Brutalities need to be what fatalities should have been a long time ago: a gameplay mechanic. I'd make them similar to Ultras where they can be done PRIOR to the "Finish Him!" segment to end the match.

Here's the difference, though: they need to cost something. 3 bars sounds fair. Meter management was the greatest part of MK9, and because of that, X-Rays never really saw high level play much. Now if the opponent is at danger and made a conscious effort to save 3 bars, you get rewarded. X-Rays were never a reward or even a decent tool; they were pretty much just taunts with damage. I have a solution for that too, but I'll save it for another thread.

As for how they look or what they do after that, I leave that to you guys. I'm not much for the finishers anymore (unless friendships come back; that'd be sick).
08/15/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
I've always found Brualities point-less et stupid. My opinion.
If they revisit them, they should be given to a few caracters only, that fit there personna.
As the user before me said, the should actually be integrated in the game play instead of the end of a match.

08/15/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
If any ality is to return I would like it to be brutality but not the exact same as it was back in the day (Sped up attack sequences then the opponent explodes) I like the idea of it being a quick time mini game where once it is initiated a combination of buttons appear on the bottom of the screen and you must press them correctly and in time for the brutality to be performed successfully. Also id like themt o be unique to each character, like Scorpion would utilize his fire at one point, Sub-Zero and his ice powers, Raiden's electricity, and so on and so forth (Cassie could use some of her weapons) Ferra and torr could rip, tear, beat, and shred the opponent apart together in like a tag team fashion or it could be completely barbaric where they both are just simultaneously tearing the opponent apart lol there are so many possibilities, obviously the outcome would be similar (Mutilating your opponent) but the way this is done can be different since each character has some sort of unique abilities, powers or weapons for the most part.
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08/15/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
I like the mini game idea of the OP. It's very God of War-ish.

What if it was something as simple as performing an Xray as ur last hit? Kinda like the "Super Combo Finish!" From CapCom games. The Finish Him prompt wouldn't come up, ur opponent would just fall down in whatever broken state ur Xray left him in. For example, impaled by his own frozen entrails. LoL. Most Xrays look like mid-match fatalities anyway. X-Ality
08/15/2014 10:17 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
creed200569 Wrote:
He said its a brand new ality so its NOT brutalities.

He said, recently, it's a *reinstated* ality. Reinstatment is the reinstitution or reimplementation of something, not something brand new. smile

Where did he say that? He's always said it was a new ality
08/15/2014 10:20 PM (UTC)
As long as it's not just exploding multiple body parts, bones, ribcages ala MK3/UMK3/MKT I am fine with it.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/15/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
As long as it's not just exploding multiple body parts, bones, ribcages ala MK3/UMK3/MKT I am fine with it.

But that was the best part! Seeing 3 skulls, 2 rib cages and 6 arms/legs? Instant "lol". That was a lot funnier than most of the Friendships tbh. However I do think it would be really strange looking in MKX with the new engine and all.
08/15/2014 11:01 PM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
creed200569 Wrote:
He said its a brand new ality so its NOT brutalities.

He said, recently, it's a *reinstated* ality. Reinstatment is the reinstitution or reimplementation of something, not something brand new. smile

Where did he say that? He's always said it was a new ality

He said it in his interview at Gamescom two days ago. It's at the end of the interview.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/15/2014 11:36 PM (UTC)
With Killer Instinct releasing and all. I think it too will be Brutalities. Especially since this game's guest characters are console exclusive.
Xbox version certainly will have a Killer Instinct character. It's a given.

ReptzMK Wrote:
That being said, I think it would be a nice change if Brutalities resulted in you beating the life out of your opponent rather than causing them to explode.

And (here's the kicker), what if this was enacted as a mini-game?

For example, you input the code to start the Brutality. Then a button prompt pops up near the bottom of your screen and if you press it in time, your character proceeds to punish the loser in a way that's unique to them

What is "Distraction from the main focus attention" for $500 Alex?
No Quick Time Events. I want to see what's going on and not worrying and focusing on buttons appearing.
08/16/2014 01:58 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
What is "Distraction from the main focus attention" for $500 Alex?
No Quick Time Events. I want to see what's going on and not worrying and focusing on buttons appearing.


Whatever tickles your pickle sweetheart. smile
08/16/2014 02:05 AM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
I actually think it is going to be brutalities, simply cause they fit this game way more and animalities are fucking nonsensical BS. I have enough faith in NRS to keep those dumb animalities out of this game and not ruin its dark tone

With the talk of how amazing the character damage is supposed to be, I wouldn't doubt it.
08/16/2014 04:59 AM (UTC)
I dont understand you guys. why want something that its already been done. why not just something new.

new ideas for 'alities

This 3 variation thing is talked about like if its something new when its been done already in many games before. differently but its been done.

08/16/2014 05:30 AM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
I dont understand you guys. why want something that its already been done. why not just something new.

new ideas for 'alities

This 3 variation thing is talked about like if its something new when its been done already in many games before. differently but its been done.

Because if something already happened and was received poorly, why can't it get a second chance to get better and become liked?
08/16/2014 05:30 AM (UTC)
If it is Brutalities all i would really like is some hard hitting attacks/combo's with a fatal blow that finishes them off. NOT i repeat NOT an exploding character, this came is taking a realistic approach. So please i beg the NRS team NO EXPLODING CHARACTERS!!!
But here is an example of what i mean!

- Approaches the woozy opponent and strikes them hard in the gut causing them to lean forward in pain. he then takes out one of his knives flips it around and strikes it on top of the opponents head causing them to fall to their knees. Kano then drops his knife, grabs their head and repeatedly headbutts the opponent to the ground (on their back; Kano mounted on top) leaving the opponent a bloody mess and their face caved in.
08/16/2014 06:20 AM (UTC)
Honest to god...

I always hated Brutalities.

Once you'd seen one, you'd seen them all. They were boring as hell.

Granted, in today's MK, they'd obviously make them look much cooler, but honestly, if they're still just a flurry of generic punches and kicks that end in death, they'd be just as boring as they always were after you saw a couple... And if they're NOT just a flurry of generic punches and kicks, and are instead something more stylized to the individual characters... well at that point don't they achieve the same friggin' effect that X-Ray moves do? I mean they'd basically just be an X-Ray move with a fatality on the end.

Seems... lackluster if you ask me.

I'd much rather see Animalities or Friendships return. They have a more unique and stylized flare, that differs from character to character. I used to LOVE seeing a new Animality or Friendship as a kid, just to see what each characters Animal/Gag would be. And I hope, hope, HOPE one of them comes back, so I can experience that again.

To the folks calling them too outlandish/ridiculous... all I can do is roll my eyes and say "Oh please" ... Mortal Kombat has always injected a healthy dose of humor and outlandishness into its gratuitous violence. Take the stick out of your butt.
08/16/2014 01:18 PM (UTC)
I don't understand you people? Do none of you have vision? What the hell!

Technology has come quite a long way! Have any of you besides @Jdnice and the OP noticed that? NRS has an insane gore tech the possibilities are endless. And 90% of you probably read the headline and immediately started typing "ah brutality sucks people exploding is stoopid" ya no shit, that's not the OP's point.

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08/16/2014 01:43 PM (UTC)
As long as it's not the Hara Kiri returning, I don't care after that what returns. I'll be glad with Anything beyond Hara Kiri.
08/16/2014 03:28 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
I don't understand you people? Do none of you have vision? What the hell!

Technology has come quite a long way! Have any of you besides @Jdnice and the OP noticed that? NRS has an insane gore tech the possibilities are endless. And 90% of you probably read the headline and immediately started typing "ah brutality sucks people exploding is stoopid" ya no shit, that's not the OP's point.


I acknowledged the better tech in my post.

I also pointed out that X-Ray moves and Fatalities already make full use of said technology in the same ways brutalities theoretically would. What exactly does a Brutality have to offer that they don't? A creative and violent beatdown (X-Ray) capped off by a creative and brutal death (Fatality)

It's redundant.

You want to talk vision? You want to talk imagination? You want to talk possibilities? Animalities and Friendships bring something DIFFERENT to the table beyond more run of the mill hand to hand violence (not that I have a problem with it, but honestly, we get loads of it in EVERY OTHER corner of these games). Vision and Imagination are EXACTLY WHY I'd rather see one of those return than I would Brutalities.

Brutalities are, in essence, just fatalities with more limitations placed on them.

If all you what you want to see is characters die in creative, gory and imaginative ways: WE ALREADY HAVE FATALITIES FOR THAT!

I want to see some cool animal attacks and/or memorable character gags. THAT'S where I see NEW possibilities.
08/16/2014 03:48 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:

Brutalities are, in essence, just fatalities with more limitations placed on them.

I wasnt aiming my post directly at you it was at mostly everyone in this thread. But I digress.

You must not have read my original post.

Fatalitis are based solely in limitations. You enter a few buttons and you watch a rehearsed skit. Then hey you can do it over again! That's cool the first 10 times.

What Brutalities could be is an unscripted, no limitations beat down that incorporates the players characters abilities. Reptile's acid burns skin, swords dismember limbs, etc.
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