bring back the tournament ...or have it for the first time?
posted01/27/2008 04:17 PM (UTC)by
About Me

Creator of John the MK Janitor.

Member Since
04/13/2002 03:44 AM (UTC)
You know, they always say how Mortal kombat is a tournament . yet no mk game has been fought like one. Its always just been a ladder of people. Why not have the next mortal kombat game actually be set up as....a tournament? you can either choose to watch the Computer fight eachother or skip it of course, but, have it set up in a tournament style with the winner facing the end boss to become the ulitmate mk champion. this could work for multiplayer mode aswell.

Maybe even have it save so that when you beat the boss, you stay the current mk champion and you fight for the right to stay the mk champion... kinda like a wrestling game... but for mortal kombat. just an idea. anyone wanna add or remove any of the idea or just comment feel free.
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