Bring back the classic hidden character methods from MK1 and MK2 !
posted05/20/2010 03:45 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/25/2003 04:29 PM (UTC)
Let's compare hidden character unlocks throughout the Mortal Kombat games.

MK1 Reptile (100/100 cool factor)
-Double flawless on pit stage (w/silhouette flyby)
-No blocking and perform fatality
*Transition to an awesome new background for fight

MK2 Jade (92/100 cool factor)
-Defeat opponent before ? mark box with only LK
*Cool intro + Transition to nostalgic MK1 Goro's Lair

MK2 Smoke (95/100 cool factor)
-Perform an uppercut on your opponent on the Portal stage
-If Toasty pops up in corner hit down + start
*Cool intro + Transition to nostalgic MK1 Goro's Lair

MK2 Noob Saibot (88/100 cool factor)
-Win 50 two player matches in a row
*Cool intro + Transition to nostalgic MK1 Goro's Lair

MK3/UMK3 hidden fighters (32/100 cool factor)
-Enter UKK codes

MK4 Noob Saibot (home version - 28/100 cool factor)
-Enter hidden button combination on fighter select screen

MKDA/MKD/MKA ( 08/100 cool factor zzzz)
-Unlock fighter select silhouettes via crypt points

You can see the decline in how secret characters are handled with each subsequent entry in the series. It's time to back to the old school methods! Will MK9 not disappoint in this regard?
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05/17/2010 01:26 PM (UTC)
I'm ALL for the calssic ways and secrets being brought back. But I feel that this time around, we need to understand our own limitations and mental boundaries more.

In MKD. when boon said "a few super unlockable characters" in a gamespot video at E3, it diddnt even stop or dwell down until MKA. people were rabid while looking for these big secrets and the stress was relentless.

This time, All i want in "Kontent" is a Secrets page. some black boxes that are not interactable in any way to represent the so called "secrets" of the game. Lets just say 10 for arguments sake. 2 rows of 5.

Upon finding a secret corrusponding to one of the secrets on that page, the black box is then revealed with a picture of that secret to A: prove you did it and B:Give us resolve of how many secrets are actually in there.

That way we all arent going to kill ourselves for months on end to find a secret that simply is not there. If there was one black box that nobody could figure out, Everybody would be hunting. But if there was none, we could rest easy and enjoy the game.

And maybe one last secret or box that is unlocked after getting ALL secrets aka a super unlockable character or a final fmv of MKA.

???am i retarded or does that at least seem logical???I dont feel like wandering orderrealm's H-5 glitch and running out for 2 hours looking for a chest with Fujin in it, and then never even find my way back so in turn, have to restart my file....

05/17/2010 01:27 PM (UTC)
UltimateRyu Wrote:Let's compare hidden character unlocks throughout the Mortal Kombat games.
MK1 Reptile (100/100 cool factor)
-Double flawless on pit stage (w/silhouette flyby)
-No blocking and perform fatality
*Transition to an awesome new background for fight

I remember getting to Reptile without the need of a silhouette (SNES).
I loved how we got to fight on the bottom of the pit. Things like that in MK make me love the game.
Almost a "random once in a life time" chances.

UltimateRyu Wrote:
MK2 Jade (92/100 cool factor)
-Defeat opponent before ? mark box with only LK
*Cool intro + Transition to nostalgic MK1 Goro's Lair

MK2 Smoke (95/100 cool factor)
-Perform an uppercut on your opponent on the Portal stage
-If Toasty pops up in corner hit down + start
*Cool intro + Transition to nostalgic MK1 Goro's Lair

MK2 Noob Saibot (88/100 cool factor)
-Win 50 two player matches in a row
*Cool intro + Transition to nostalgic MK1 Goro's Lair

Returning to Goro's lair made it seem like we all missed a huge secret in MK1. That made it fun and mysterious as far s the new fighters' identity.
Although MK3 was my first MK game played, I remember playing MK2 afterwards and wanting to get MK1 to see if I could find them in the game some how.

UltimateRyu Wrote:
MK3/UMK3 hidden fighters (32/100 cool factor)
-Enter UKK codes

MK4 Noob Saibot (home version - 28/100 cool factor)
-Enter hidden button combination on fighter select screen

I was not so thrilled about MK3/MK4's kodes and button combinations. All it did for me was make me buy the strategy guide or look online.
I didn't have to figure anything out on my own or figure things out based on whispers from school friends.
The cool factor was pitiful from here on out.

UltimateRyu Wrote:
MKDA/MKD/MKA ( 08/100 cool factor zzzz)
-Unlock fighter select silhouettes via crypt points

*yawn* nothing a strategy guide couldn't unveil. Too easy for players to get hidden and secrets.

UltimateRyu Wrote:
You can see the decline in how secret characters are handled with each subsequent entry in the series. It's time to back to the old school methods! Will MK10 not disappoint in this regard?

I can't agree with you more.
It's not very secret if everyone knows about it.
It's not very hidden if all you have to do is go buy a book at gamestop.

Mortal Kombat Deception had some great "secrets" when playing through Konquest mode (something Armageddon lacked).
I think Deception was the closest we'll ever get to a Mortal Kombat II. They did a great job hiding things in Deception and having us figure things out to reach secrets.
Deception's riddles, some of which we still don't know (Kochal?) made it fun and interesting. It got me searching for things again, rumors spreading, and all sorts of fun stuff to make us look forward to the next game.
But sadly that next game was MKA... little to no secrets at all.

05/17/2010 04:10 PM (UTC)
Yeah I agree. MK has lost that sense of mystery it used to have.
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05/18/2010 12:36 AM (UTC)
It's about time they listen at least to that idea,cuz it's around here for decade.
05/18/2010 01:08 AM (UTC)
No thanks. Unlocking a character should be fun and a little challenging. The old school way is tedious, time consuming, and out dated for todays fighting games.
05/18/2010 11:31 AM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
No thanks. Unlocking a character should be fun and a little challenging. The old school way is tedious, time consuming, and out dated for todays fighting games.

There's a big difference between unlocking characters, and fighting SECRET UNPLAYABLE CHARACTERS... wink
Only those who are up to the challenge deserve to fight against them.
If you didn't notice, the old school way of unlocking characters WAS easy. A few cheat codes and there you have it. That's not a little challenging at all nor is it fun. The krypt was an okay way to go about it, but not something I want back as far as secrets go. Extra content? SURE!
05/18/2010 12:23 PM (UTC)
I totally agree!!! Having a "?" on the battleplan really enhanced the single player mode big time!

It was also a helluva lot of fun to be "transported" to a different afrena just to fight a hidden warrior from a previous MK, even if it's just a palette swap!

Boon, please bring this back! I certainly don't want a hidden character only in 2-player mode only (winner fights Smoke, Noob, etc).
05/19/2010 09:39 AM (UTC)
I notice a lot of people say "I want all characters unlocked from the beginning".or
"it should be easy to unlock characters".

That is all well and good if your playing something other than MK.That is another trait that set MK apart from the others.You weren't forced to unlock characters,or fight hidden characters for that matter.

But those of us who did,felt as if we accomplished the impossible.I'd like to feel that in this day and age.Games are just too simple now because people are lazy and whiny.No offense to anyone.

There is nothing outdated about having that trait back in MK.It is part of what made MK mysterious.Sadly the mystery has gone from it and i'd like it back.
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05/20/2010 03:28 PM (UTC)
I like to work for my fighters. Part of the fun is the thrill of the hunt - that was something missing since MKII that we only got back in MKD. A whole room full of buyable secrets is boring on ts own - but having to scrounge through Konquest mode to find hidden fighters who offered up the keys for the good stuff? That was great.

The whole "Super-unlockable" MKD ordeal was great - people were reading into every little detail and cryptic hint, scavenging for clues. It felt like the old days.

I like Casselman's idea of a secrets tracker. Imagine if out of a whole row of Question mark blocks, one stayed locked for weeks after release? The frenzy the fans would whip themselves into would be magnificent.

I think what I miss most are secret characters popping up before rounds and offering cryptic hints. Fun times. Imagine that today, but with voiceovers...maybe backwards Netherrealm talk we'd have to decode? I shiver thinking about it.
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05/20/2010 03:45 PM (UTC)
My brain couldnt even cope that language. It would be amazing. Or if they put that Kodex back in AND used a funky language? hahaha wed be losing it.

I just want another MKD in metaphorical terms. Konquest was soemthing where i would just devote hour upon hour of my time searching the villiage and relams for secrets. Trying to find out the meaning for the ninja star, looking for the jade key. The mystery behind "Kochal". The Fujin in earthrealm. that year "89" clue or whatever, punch the woman at exactly 12 o'clock, the main menu word maniplulation, "WQ" krypt, chasing the characters that appear once and then vanish, the dead end quests, the villiage monk temple.

There was literally hundreds of myseries in that game and if it wasnt for people ripping the game for character models, we would still be looking for the super unlockables which were clearly just a mis-phrased representation of Raiden and Liu Kang.

Shaolin Monks wasnt easy on our minds either, how many secrets werent implimented? the noob siabot fight, all the crzy character models that we never seen. I dont even understand how any of us found survival mode. these games were such mindstrains.

I want that in MK9, a seemingly endless amount of teasers and possabilities. BUT i dont want them to be dead end, I want to know once ive unlocked every secret, maybe a trophy/achievement called "Hidden Hunter" for 100% completion. I wanna work like a dog to unlock characters and extras so when I play online, and people see me as A hard character to get or with a costume only recieved from completing a characters Kombo Challange, I will be feared.

its time for our hard work to actually lead to something. Speaking of which i was wondering. Did boon or anybody clear up in a "fight night" if there was really nothing left that we havent discovered??

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